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11242288 No.11242288 [Reply] [Original]

About to start this. What am I in for?

>> No.11242291

Just read the book.

>> No.11242294
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Superior comfy fantasy coming through

>> No.11242299

gave up after reading trolloc about 60 times

>> No.11242348

it's boring

>> No.11242366


>> No.11242521

You first, ya thin skinned pansy cunt

>> No.11242604

characters that will irritate you so much you'll want to skin them alive

>> No.11242620

Shitty genre fiction plagiarizing Tolkien and Arthurian legend. Literally do >>11242366, this thread is shitty and you should feel bad.

>> No.11242623

enjoyable series, Ba'alzamon is best villain the rest are chumps. good world building and magic system

>> No.11242628


When I was at university a bunch of housemates were reading this and I kept shouting TROLLOCS! all the time.
Happy days.

>> No.11242689

You are in for insufferable women pulling their hair and screaming for 10 books, it's like a feminist introspection, and an edgy manchild who thinks pain makes a man and rejects monogamous relationships. It's literally men vs. women mentality for a long ass time until finally it becomes a sad attempt at critique of determinism and sleight of hand kantian morality

>> No.11242713

Fun series if you're a teenager or younger though it gets unbearable even for them further in. You'll learn a lot about the weather patterns and popular hairstyles of a fictional setting.

>> No.11243124

>Baal Hammon

What did Jordan meaan by this?

>> No.11243290

I enjoyed it a lot because I was using it to learn English and because I have similar fetishes to Robert Jordan.

>> No.11243643

Starts out pretty strong in the first two books but as it goes on you start to realise how shit all the characters are, how dull the plot is and the fact that characters will spend entire books sitting in one place doing litterally nothing.

>> No.11243869
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I hear its a magical place where men and women think very differently.

>I'm pretty sure this guy hasn't known the company of too many women.

>> No.11243877
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>he doesn't know that WoT was heavily edited by Jordan's wife
>he doesn't know that he and his wife were in an elaborate BDSM relationship that infected each and every corner of WoT with its degeneracy

>> No.11243894


>> No.11243896

Don't know never read it. Was given it one year, b/c grandma knew I was into fantasy. Really just liked Dragonlance at the time and wanted to finish it. Christ I should get rid of that book.

>> No.11243972

>*calls u a woolheaded sheepherder*

>> No.11243980

>it's a Rand has a misunderstanding with a woman that isn't resolved until three books later arc
>it's a three women agree to enter into a polygamous relationship with him but still act jealous and protective love story

>> No.11243992
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>it's a Nynaeve is a bitch arc
>it's an "elayne does politics" arc
>it's an "egewene feels out of her depth" arc

>> No.11243997

Main girls all shit. Siuan was the only one I ended up liking.

>> No.11244017
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TFW no harem of mixed race qts

>> No.11244018
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>tfw you will never fug berelain for purely political reasons