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11243733 No.11243733 [Reply] [Original]

Assuming each of these premises are true, only religion/spirituality could properly combat nihilism, everything else is just putting off their inevitable fate.

>> No.11243850

I don't really get these annotations. Surely it's up to the individual to decide whether or not something gives them satisfaction

>> No.11243861

Reread what I said, assuming that each of these premises are true, the only one that presents a fate that truly eradicates nihilism is religion/spirituality. All other others acknowledge it's reality yet give only numbing effects and distractions to avoid it.

>> No.11243870

Just don't be a nihilist then

>> No.11243899
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>doood like.. like just *hits blunt* stop bein somthin *rips bong* wifout actually doin anything to stop bein it *rolls joint*

I bet you think you have life all figured out ey big fella.

>> No.11243909

then you don't understand Buddhism

>> No.11243921

Buddhism is entirely a numbing effect, it rejects our emotions and nature and even rationality all for "peace". A complete tranquillity in death or life, with no concern for which exists, thus a numbing effect.

>> No.11243933

Christianity does the same thing too. The Bible constantly tells you not care about this world and rely on the assumption that there is an afterlife that is Christian

>> No.11243942

Not really, and I don't claim to know much about Buddhism. Realizing how Dukkha controls our lives and how the self and dualism are illusionary has a lot of emancipatory potential. I guess Buddhist wisdom wouldn't be worthwhile if it didn't go over 99% of people's heads, like your own.

>> No.11244198

Improper use of the term nihilism. Nihilism is not the fact that everything is reduced to nothing, but coming to the conclusion that because of this, nothing matters. You can draw several other conclusions without the use of religion. For example, you may wager that human well-being matters. Regardless of the argument to get there, this is non-nihilistic as you are rejecting their conclusion.

>> No.11244247

What religion would suit me if I want to believe in God but can't stand the pansy "turn the other cheek" attitude of Christianity? I kinda like the OT God, but I don't think the jews would be very welcoming. Zoroastrianism maybe?

>> No.11244264

Try Islam.

>> No.11244309

"Do not suppose that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."

>> No.11244330

Actually this.

Christianity was not made for pussies, it's just scriptures like the "turn the other cheek" are what people focus on now. If you want to believe in God, start with the Bible but be willing to come away with your own understand.

>> No.11244347

Don't act like there aren't at least five quotes about turning cheeks for every quote about bringing swords in the New Testament.
>come away with your own understand
What's the point of having a religion if I can believe what I want? I might as well become a solipsist.

>> No.11244361

There an issue with that charts categorization of absurdism. The only way to understand that life is absurd is by giving it meaning in spite of its lack of meaning. Absurdists crave meaning but understand that there is no inherent meaning to existence and so they give their life a subjective purpose. Sisyphus pushes the bolder up the hill and his happy in spite of the fact that it should be a punishment. The grind of monotony that is his life has no inherent purpose but he rebelled against the nature of his existence. In this way the chart is wrong. Also, what's stopping an individual who becomes religious to continue to suffer from existential angst? Kierkegaard was a Christian and was the first to come up with absurdism because even if there is a god it doesn't mean that life has an inherent meaning or purpose. God's grand plan doesn't matter if because it too is fundamentally meaningless.

>> No.11244543

Islam and Judaism are probably perfect for you because you seem to have a hard on for the temporal and legal frameworks masquerading themselves as religion. 10x more attention is giving to interpretation of law in both religions than spirituality. This is why the Talmud and Hadith are much more important than the Torah and Koran respectively if you wish to understand Judaism and Islam. Not everybody's strong enough for mysticism.

>> No.11244553

>Not everybody's strong enough for mysticism

You mean stupid enough.

>> No.11244579

Wow you really showed me

>> No.11244582
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You wish