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File: 122 KB, 1300x866, 36268610-young-sad-man-sitting-with-gun-trying-to-make-suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11243452 No.11243452[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>life is meaningless
>nothing is objectively true
>nothing is right or wrong
>everybody and everything i love will one day be non existent
>i only love them because they give me pleasure
>i only get pleasure because of chemicals in my head
>i dont even know if they really exist at all
>dont even know if i really exist
>only feel depressed about this because of chemicals in my head that im not sure even exist

If you feel like killing yourself because you read to deep into philosophy this is the place for you, here you can vent your sadness and hopefully be cured of it.

>> No.11243476

What a faggot

>> No.11243481
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>> No.11243487

feels good man, I can do whatever I want and fail at life and it will not matter

>> No.11243492

>i trust the chemicals in my head to tell me that it is only chemicals in my head

>> No.11243500

>how do i know anything is real then

>> No.11243505
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i read too much philosophy and became a moose. i kind of miss my old life sometimes but hey you know you have to move on too

>> No.11243512

>dude emotional feelings have physiological mechanisms behind their generation

>oh my god I better kill myself wahhh life is pointless

>> No.11243523

I hate the “chemicals in your head” meme. First, there’s also an electric or electromagnetic aspect to it. Second, we still don’t know how consciousness really works, how it can be reduced to chemistry and electricity. Certainly chemistry in the form of the workings of neurotransmitters plays a large part in it, as well as the electromagnetic aspect of neurons firing, but we don’t know how it creates consciousness itself. For all we know, consciousness could be on some “higher level” of matter or energy and only be EXPRESSING ITSELF THROUGH the chemicals and electrical discharges in the brain.

>> No.11243526

big if true

>> No.11243531
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It isn't so bad. I'm in the same boat but I'm in my best state of mind in years. So what if it doesn't matter objectively? Things can still matter to me, and whether or not it's just chemicals doesn't have much bearing on how I experience that.
People say oh if nothing matters why don't you just off yourself, but why should I? There are things id still like to see and do, if only for myself, I keep going out of curiosity. In a way we're all just tourists here, but there's plenty to see.
We're all gonna make it anons

>> No.11243536
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I keked

>> No.11243545

>remove chemicals
>consciousness gone
seems legit

>> No.11243567

Dumb sadposter

>> No.11243574

>life is meaningless
>nothing is objectively true
>nothing is right or wrong
Makes the rest irrelevant and thinking about it meaningless and kinda silly. If you'd really bought into it.

>only feel depressed about this because of chemicals in my head that im not sure even exist
And you have the power the affect it, probably. Give it a try, faggot. At worst nothing happens. At best you'll feel better and can make others feel better, which is meaningless but more enjoyable than feeling like a suicidal kid.

Occam's razor, motherfucker. There is nothing to suggest some magic dimension as fun as the idea is and no point to consider it.

Also even if we roll with it, nothing fucking changes. We went from a meaningless materialistic world to a potentially meaningful magic world that is so far beyond our capabilities, it might as well be meaningless.

>> No.11243577

What gives something meaning?

What does it mean for life to mean something?

>> No.11243579

>Babby's first existential crisis
You have to be at least 18 to post here

>> No.11243605
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You are the non-conditioned No-thing at the source of all creation. This is and always will be the truth-above-truths; the reality-beyond-reality.

The only reason you don't realise this is because of the karma accrued over countless aeons, keeping you bonded to dualistic thinking.

You are both infinitely meaningless and infinitely meaningful at the same time. Everything in your heart you know to be true is more true than you realise. Kindness is the cosmic equaliser. Honesty leads to liberation. Courage will always be rewarded in full.

Never give up OP, because you can never fail. You have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. You are exactly where you need to be.

>> No.11243609
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>> No.11243610
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hell ya dude

>> No.11243619
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Not the anon you were replying to but I find it hard to use Occam's when talking about the nature of consciousness because when we look at our brains and start wondering about where what we call "consciousness" comes from we come to two contradicting logical conclusions :
Either :
1.Consciousness is "not real", and we're just led to think we are conscious beings while we are, in fact, just random sparks of sentience that quickly follow each other.
2. Consciousness is real and stems from something that we cannot yet observe in the human brain.

I am still in the midst of my research on the nature of consciousness so what I just wrote might just be mindless drivel but I felt like giving my two cents on the matter.

>> No.11243625

>until i hit 30 and realize im not going to live for ever and neither is mommy

>> No.11243634
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The metaphysical concept of the Ouroboros helped me deal with my existential crisis. The thought that I am right now forging an existence with the objective of making it enjoyable enough for me to want to re-live it for all eternity suits me. But I don't think it's for everyone.

>> No.11243637

you care too much man

>> No.11243642

honestly what difference does it make if it's out of our control while we live
this is what I think on a good day

>> No.11243649

Coelho tier shit.

>> No.11243656

well what happens when you can't obtain what you want? That's dukkha my friend

>> No.11243686

Well I learned to not expect much from life but you're right if I fail at everything I try during my time here I'll be devastated by my own belief in the great serpent

>> No.11243737

n-nothing matters man!! I'll just stop eating and showering and I'll be just as happy as before.

>Diogenes was right after all

>> No.11243754

Ye but it's tru senpai

>> No.11243759

If those facts are bothering you, you’re still clinging on to arbitrary and unattainable values
Let go, brother
The water’s warm down here

>> No.11243763

Well, I feel inclined to believe #1 based on our current knowledge and lack of anything grippy to move to #2. I'd hope for a hybrid though, some kind of "evolving of the "fake consciousness" to something new we aren't able to observe".

#1 just seems like a solid survival strategy and extension of intelligence, if "you" can perceive yourself as an "individual" in time and space, you can come up with better strategies for the long term future, say being in a cave and plan to attack some mammoth from the tree that stands outside, and since the stuff is just so interlinked and complex, it's not hard to imagine how our brains went into the overdrive due the ability to consider such abstract ideas in the first place. Kinda like a ghetto version of the singularity of the mind.

Can't say I did too much research on it either but the "it's next level of intelligence" idea seems the most simple one that answers most questions without causing more. Don't recall any convincing argument to seriously consider #2, as much as I'd liked to.

>> No.11243788

Prove it. Oh wait, you can’t.

Occam’s Razor is the stupidest fucking meme and has no scientific validity whatsoever. Thousands of years ago, it could have been used to laugh at people who suggested the Earth rotates around the sun. “Haha, that’s so bizarre and unnecessary! The simplest model consistent with observation is that the sun moves around the Earth!” What is true is not always intuitive and simple, Occam’s Razor can be a good rule of thumb but really has no objective merit or actual existence as a law of nature.

>> No.11243806

preach it

>> No.11243808

become a slave for a cute gentle domme gf
that's your purpose right there cute boy

>> No.11243815


>retarded reductionism and teenage nihilism
>to deep into philosophy

7/10, if you hadn't mispelled too it would be a solid 8.5/10. Makes it too obvious.

>> No.11243830
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These thoughts come to you because you are a weakling. Never forget that. They may be true but it's not their verity that planted them in your head.

>> No.11243834
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pretty sure this box of cat shit belongs to you captain sunshine

>> No.11243859

Nice cope

>> No.11243862

You do have somewhat of a point but damn, the example was shitty. Most somewhat advanced societies with interest in astronomy and math realized that things were simpler and made more sense if the earth rotated around the sun, ironically it were the magic proponents that opposed the heliocentric model, since it crushed their ideas.

>What is true is not always intuitive and simple
Actually it is, things like cause and effect are as simple as it gets. Even weird seeming ideas like different sized infinities are perfectly intuitive and simple. Observations and the likes are the tricky bits, mate.

>> No.11243880
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It gets better. Not in the "dude just be happy!" way but in a way where you accept the meaninglessness of your own crisis and so reach some kind of resolution. You'll be stronger in the end.

Regardless if this OP is bait or not, there is truth to the "read too deep" meme. I was pretty content just sitting in my room programming minecraft clones before I started reading philosophy to impress a qt. Perhaps this would have happened to me eventually anyway, but reading definitely accelerated it.

>> No.11243887

Memento Mori fags
You could leave life right now so let that determine what you do and say and think

>> No.11243893

There is no box of catshit, there are only some 1s and 0s on some server somewhere. We are quite literally in Plato's cave. Battles are being fought out there and the victors are enjoying their spoils, while we sit in this darkness and deny all of it. Thinking we are somehow superior and closer to the truth for refusing to do what our ancestors succeeded at.

>> No.11243900

camusfags are just terrible

>> No.11243913

Just my experience man, I don't know shit about absurdism.

>> No.11243916

At 15, you think of your 20
at 20 you think of your 25
at 25, you think of your 30
at 30, well this one is big, you think of your 35 and 40
at 35, you think of your 40 and 45
at 40, you think of your 50
at 45 you think of you 55 and 60

until 25 you think about your pleasures ahead

at 25, you wonder whether hedonism or suicide is all there is to life, but you fail to find an escape, especially to find a solution on your own. So why not do what everybody else does, after it cannot be so bad if so many people do it?
But of course, you know that you are too scared to pull off suicide and even worse, you hear that ''suicide is for pussies'', plus you tell yourself that it would make your mom cry. So you stick to hedonism and try to make your life full of ''good moments''

you clearly despise to be alone
(this applies to men only, since women cannot be alone naturally)

at 30 you still have not seen anything outside hedonism, so you stick to it and strive for it.
You know that junk food and beer take their toll and you hit the gym but you notice that 25 yo men have been already the gym for a few years already while claiming that ''they do not do it for girls, they swear''

at 35 you fully know that trying to keep being a normie is draining and requires means that you do not have, even worse, means that other people have, more or less for free or without much effort, but not you [typically for housing, where the babyboomers have the power on the estate market and girls]

at 40 you begin to think that being a normie is worth it, especially if you think that 30-yo gf is not cucking you or is bearing ''your'' child
at 45, you wonder, jsut like your gf approaching 40 (but you do not know it), whether breaking up is not an option and you want to ''offer the best to your kids'', you go fantasizing about being a fullon libertarian with a light touch of leftism, so that you can justify sticking to hedonism and helping your kids, but clearly, and you are even pride of this, you stick to playing by the rules of the game of the baby boomers so that perhaps, one day, you would have all their riches

>> No.11243920

>prove it
Why don't you put a bullet in your brain and then tell us what happened to your consciousness? :^)

>> No.11243922


at 50, you just want to retire and see your daughter avoid marrying (whatever you put behind) ''the pleb'' but you are happy that some guy chooses to provide for her (just like you did at his age) or rather you build a sweet certitude that your daughter will do well without too much work on your side... You want your children to find a job instead of costing you money, especially the boy since boys end up too many times back to their room (for a few years)

at 65, After some of your acquaintances have died or been ill, You fear cancer more and more and you think that, all those years, your wife was right to be a ball breaker about pesticides on apples and salads and that she sticks to organic products.

your 60 yo wife drags you to some ''meditation learning course'' where you are taught that ''the capitalist society is wrong in making people consume more and more and happiness is just being nice to people and letting go'' and you must learn to ''follow your breath'' while crossing your legs 15 minutes a day. It hurts your knees too much to do it, so you do not do it.

You are also at peace with cucking. You even think that it is expected and that ''everybody is a cuck anyway''.

you tell your children that it is worth it to be a normie.

>> No.11243939


Obviously you think too much and too negatively. If you can't find a world view that benefits your life by rational thought, you should therefore just stop thinking about such stuff.