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File: 68 KB, 400x261, pascalwager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11240783 No.11240783[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This kills the atheist.

>> No.11240795

heaven and hell are the dumbest reasons to believe in God, and if hellfire is what it takes for you to have faith than you aren't even truly religious. What kills the athiest is realizing that you can't treat your life narrative like you treat physics or math because who would've thought that maybe subjective reality != objective reality?

>> No.11240800

what if god wants people to be atheists and rewards them with heaven

>> No.11240808

Because a short life spent following a set of arbitrary rules, time wasted in service to a God that doesn't exist is nothing?

>> No.11240813

The real Pascal's wager
>If you're right, you go to heaven
>If you're wrong, your disgust is so powerful nothing can begin to hurt you

>> No.11240815

Here’s another pascal’s wager.

I claim to be a god, and the only way you get into heaven is by sucking my dick, otherwise you go to hell. By your logic, you would suck my dick because “better be safe.”

>> No.11240823

we're just going to get reincarnated in an infinite loop that passes through every time period, lifeform, and maybe even inanimate objects anyway, probably based on a karma system so this is meaningless anyway.

>> No.11240842
File: 441 KB, 602x680, main-qimg-9f942b76f73f5033beb73cea7ceb9bbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We could both be wrong, you know? Just because Pascal was a Christian, it doesn't mean you must be a Christian too.
What if I suck your dick, not because I believe you to be a god, but rather because I like sucking cocks?

>> No.11240852

There is nothing even logical about this. This wager has nothing to do with truth value. You could make this for any number of religions and it would be just as valid.

>> No.11240856

Mormons believe all people eventually end up in heaven, save for a handful of truly evil people.

>> No.11240861

Pascal's wager is pretty stupid

t. Catholic

>> No.11240862

but no one who isn't Mormon cares

>> No.11240897

false equivalence fallacy

>> No.11240925

Is it really believing if it's just a way out of Hell?

>> No.11240942

replace all field with ES, please i need it

>> No.11240947

You really think God wouldn't be able to tell if you were just bullshitting and didn't really believe in him?
This is like murderers who think they'll go to heaven just because they 'repented', when they obviously haven't been truly remorseful in hindsight and arent seeking forgiveness.

>> No.11240949


The Christian God is by definition the best possible God that could possibly exist. Thus to go to the Heaven of the Christian God would be the greatest possible thing out of all possibilities and to be without the Christian God (in Hell) would be the worst possible thing out of all possible things
Thus even though ridiculous situations can be supposed like a God that demands you to be an atheist, these Gods are despicable or inferior to the perfect God that is the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and thus believing in the Christian God is the only logical choice.

There, religion solved

>> No.11240955
File: 260 KB, 1685x1930, pascal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11240973

>What if I suck your dick, not because I believe you to be a god, but rather because I like sucking cocks?
You have attained wisdom

>> No.11240985

They'll care when they wake up one day and find themselves in spiritual prison.

>> No.11240989

Why would belief be the deciding factor? If you’re a good person but also an atheist or whatever, you would go to heaven regardless of what you believed. Are you saying that god is so petty that if you don’t pray to him exactly how he wants then you go to hell?

>> No.11240990

literally made it worse

>> No.11240995

Not an argument

>> No.11241002

yea sure, but what if there will be heat deat of universetm, and there will be nothing moving nowhere

>> No.11241004

Willpower really does override sense

>> No.11241012

*Heat death of the observable universe

Stop having a small mind

>> No.11241014

But R2 C2 is a Nash Equilibria, so assuming I already believe atheism, I have no reason to change my beliefs.
. . . of course I'm just kidding and the argument that I presented is just as retarded as your's. I myself am an 'atheist', but if even we as humans are able to love our brethern despite their evil character and imperfect nature, then surely a perfect and loving god must love them even more. Since nearly all humans can be, and are, in fact, loved by another, then I'm sure God loves these people as well. Thus, either God is real and hell does not exist, or God is not real and hell does not exist - either way we're left with nothing speak off in regards to an actually existent "hell".

>> No.11241016

wasn't an attempt an argument

>> No.11241019

>I myself am an 'atheist'

*tips fedora*

>> No.11241026

So you agree, you had no argument

>> No.11241032

I get to live my current life as I please without a higher power watching my every move. Nothing.. no more like total freedom

>> No.11241036


plus your post was shit

>> No.11241039

What about the Christian god makes him the best possible god?

>> No.11241043

Claiming to believe in God in a hollow, self-preserving sense guarantees you entrance to Heaven in only the most retarded sects of Christianity. Meanwhile, Pascal fails to provide a motivating argument for adapting one's true beliefs and actions to a morality system one already fails to believe in.

>> No.11241065

Pascal's Wager is stupid because it reduces faith to a logical calculation. It creates a paradox because faith becomes just logical self-interest, which no longer makes it faith. The teleological suspension of the ethical is the true atheist BTFO.

>> No.11241083

Pascal writes like a sad fuck, kind of like Kierkegaard, he also ends up with deep self-hatred, and his solution to his self-hate is loving God. In other words christfaggotry. How can you not laugh at these people?

>> No.11241105

Not an argument

>> No.11241110

You have to read Hegel to understand

>> No.11241111

>waste your life obsessing over some arbitrary, inconsistent mythology (which also happens to have largely existed as a domineering institution of destruction)
>assume there's an afterlife (there isn't)
>only get 'eternal joy', whatever that is
Joy doesn't come from just being or existing in a place, it comes as a natural and equal part to suffering, through your life and actions. It's not something to attain or find, as a location. It's a natural balance and item of existence. There is no distinction between them if they're eternal, singular, and shallow (which all uncontextual, undeveloped joy/suffering is). Still, Pascal's Wager holds no weight because Christianity has as much validity as any theistic trite I could make up right now. Indeed, as much validity as anything anyone could make up at anytime. It's like saying someone is out to kill you (with no basis aside from imagination/paranoia/something someone else wrote in an old book) and never leaving your house again as a result. Ceasing living, existing as fear. The starting point isn't that god is there, and is to be refuted. There is no reason to give credence to it to the extent of being an 'atheist' either. It's not smart in a chauvinistically theist society, as such people are petty creatures liable to harm you. And in other societies it's irrelevant, so no distinction required.

>> No.11241117

Its sadder to hate yourself and not even have the dignity to admit it my little virgin friend

>> No.11241128

Heaven and Hell, as imagined by the common folk, do not exist. I’m not sure exactly what the cost of not being aware of God is, but it’s not eternal fire.

>> No.11241131

Maybe I'll read him one day...maybe

>> No.11241138

The trick here is, they are excellent rules to live by.

>> No.11241139

all christfags are self-hating, you cannot have a strong implicit or tacit Self and take the christian god seriously. the most awful thing is identifying one’s sense of overflowing vitality with something outside the organism (other than nature, which we are a part of) and trying to relate all exceptional states to otherworldly or divine causes, or to entities outside of us (if one considers the Self a source of divinity, which i do)