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/lit/ - Literature

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1124064 No.1124064 [Reply] [Original]

>Saw this on /r9k/, /lit/. You might find it interesting:
Arcanine, I'm a sociologist that for some silly reason decided to study the decaying husk of 4chan. Conclusion:

4chan is a Carnival. Not the lame festivals that exist in modern society, but a proper ugly Carnival with masks and vulgarity and sex and indulgence and ridiculousness. All the carnivals in western society were taken over by the powers that be and turned into pretty and safe festivals cause the carnival is pretty dangerous to dominant folk. See the table to the left if you know how to brain.

>however, I want to point out that the key difference is that 4chan is permanent, whereas a carnival is not. In the end you could almost compare it more as a cross between a "failed state" with boredom/social and a carnival

>> No.1124068
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>shitty sociology 101 metaphors all over the place

>> No.1124073

I do find this interesting. Although the thing that needs to be pointed out is the distinction between public and private. Bakhtin's carnival is a social event, and therefore public. 4chan is public only insofar as the internet is public. The anonymity of your persona isn't like wearing a mask in the center of town for a carnival: you're still sitting in a basement somewhere, typing in the dark.

But in terms of understanding WHY the community (if you even dare call it that) on 4chan behaves the way it behaves, Bakhtin is a fairly interesting way to approach it.

>> No.1124074
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Exact same response they generally gave that tard:

But I like this interpretation. So back to the dungeon with you, knave

>> No.1125209
File: 21 KB, 360x330, artist_lookingcontent.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post in the morning
>come back
Seriously? this was interesting enough to deserve a bump

>> No.1125213


It really fucking wasn't you fucking /r9k/-browsing tripfaggot.

>> No.1125215

Welcome to my life my topics are for the most part ignored a lot of the time even though I'm probably the most important poster on this board

>> No.1125236

/lit/ hates original ideas. Stop having them.

>> No.1125246

>original idea
>it's copypasta from /r9k/


>> No.1125308
File: 21 KB, 349x331, artist_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed. /lit/ is /shit/ 50% of the time- popularity seems directly related to how much a trip spams off-topic crap. But you're one of the better trips, so I wouldn't recommend you worry about it.

>> No.1125322
File: 35 KB, 500x738, putin winking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
