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File: 26 KB, 261x400, forbiddencolours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11237206 No.11237206 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone else read pic related? I'm roughly halfway through it and really enjoying it so far, what are your thoughts on this book?

>> No.11237273


>> No.11238189

Yep. It's great.

>> No.11238699

I've read several of Mishima's works. I haven't found a single bad one yet.

>> No.11238963

It's good, more drastic than confessions of a mask. Not Mishima's greatest work though, I liked Runaway Horses and the sailor who fell from grave with the sea more.

>> No.11239313

Kyoko's house is by far his greatest

>> No.11239323

give me a link to the ebook, thank you

>> No.11239989

>Kyoko's house
as far as I know still not translated to eng

>> No.11240005

>Shunsuke's long winded speeches that don't really mean anythning

What did Mishima mean by this? Was he making fun of a rival novelist?

>> No.11240053
File: 179 KB, 1366x768, shunsukemon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shunsuke has spent his life creating art he hates, now he has Yuichi to manipulate he considers it his greatest piece of art. So he has a confidence boost and starts thinking he's an artistic genius, this is why he does the speeches

His rants are meant to be boring, I don't think you're meant to like Shunsuke, but they also display how Shunsuke is preoccupied with suffering and if left to his own devices he would create more suffering in the world.

This contrasts with Yuichi, who isn't a destructive person and is just impressionable and easily manipulated.

>> No.11240109

I think I need to read this book because the description of that dynamic really hit me for some reason.

>> No.11240468
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the relationship between Yuichi and Shunsuke is super interesting, only a writer like Mishima could have thought it up.

Basically Shunsuke is an old writer who hates women because of bad marriages, he runs into Yuichi who is in his early 20s and engaged to a girl. Yuichi confesses to Shunsuke that he is gay and instead of saying he should call of the marriage, Shunsuke convinces him to go through with it specifically because it will cause suffering for his wife.

It gets a lot deeper than that but that's how it starts.

>> No.11240644

Haven't read it, but if you're interested I uploaded his short play "Primary Colours" a few years ago on bookzz which is considered a companion piece

>> No.11240678


post plz

>> No.11240950

Good thread, will read this.

>> No.11241368

is it gay or is it okay to read?

>> No.11241374

Gay and great to read

>> No.11241379

sorry, i dont read homoerotic stuff.

>> No.11241404

Well, you're too immature to read one of the best writers of the 20th century. Your loss.

>> No.11241425

it's matter of taste, not about maturity. it's nobody's loss

>> No.11241437

this is like the only novel of mishimas where there is no epub :(

>> No.11241455

I'm a heterosexual man and I love Mishima. It's not erotic literature, if that's what you're thinking. It's just that a gay author is going to deal with themes of homosexuality in his books.
You should really give Mishima a shot.

>> No.11241508

ok, pal, will go into it open-minded.

>> No.11242719


to be fair there are a lot of sexy times in the book

>> No.11242723

Mishima visited a lot of gay bars whilst writing this claiming it was for ''research''

>> No.11242826


>> No.11242845

You what, I found it on b-ok in five seconds

>> No.11243827

>gay author
Not true. This has been debunked again and again in previous Mishima threads. Do you really want to lose this debate again, Shlomo? I will liberalize this board from your homosexual postmodernist propaganda!

>> No.11244006

idk turning fucking men into a social construct that doesn't apply to honorabru japanman sounds pretty postmodern

>> No.11244015

>one of the best writers of the 20th century
weebs OUT

>> No.11245351
File: 263 KB, 600x602, watasmug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Mishima wasn't gay

Do you actually believe this?

>> No.11245821

He experienced homosexual desire that far outstripped any heterosexual desire he may have had. He was not a "gay man" by 20th century western standards but he was homosexually aligned regardless of context

>> No.11246010

This. "Colours" isn't the same thing as the western concept of homosexuality. Labels label me not.

>> No.11246170


he uses the term ''homosexual'' repeatedly in Forbidden Colours