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11235854 No.11235854 [Reply] [Original]

Good Content Edition

>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?
>What are you thinking about reading next?



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:
>https://imgoat.com/uploads/6d767d2f8e/21333.jpg (embed)

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

>> No.11235876

Why would I read trite not written from a manga cum lawdie?

>> No.11235891

Severian cummed mega loads in Thecla, Dorcas, Jolenta, AND Pia.

>> No.11235978

shut it, whore, those books are straight from the pen of THE magna cum pringles

>> No.11235983

Thecla is wholesome. Stop.

>> No.11235987

wheel of time isn't as bad as /sffg/ makes it out to be

>> No.11235998

>Author is an english second language writer who doesn't believe in proof reading or editors


>> No.11236061

you're right, it's worse
although the spanking shit is hot

>> No.11236070

>Read Worm because of /co/
>Really rough but not bad
>Decide to check out other online serial stuff
>Light novel tier garbage

On the brightside the market for self-insert fantasy porn webserial is still ripe. Get your patreonbux while you can boys.

>> No.11236071

Can somebody recommend me some comfy fantasy book? Like some kind of slice of life fantasy one would be nice

>> No.11236085

>really rough

you mean the prose was bad or the plot was dark or it needed an editor? If its the last one I agree with you.

>> No.11236089

Brandon Sanderson is a fraudulent poofter

>> No.11236098

In desperate need of an editor.

>> No.11236122

>The Road
Does this count? I only got into reading again recently so i had to think back for this one. Great book and the film is fantastic too. Post apocalyptic kino in my uneducated opinion

>Mistborn (The Final Empire)
It was alright. I like the Victorian setting but didn't enjoy the inclusion of the magic or fantasy "races". It wasn't handled badly, i just prefer less fantasy in my fantasy, and this shit was a damn anime. The cast seemed artificially large with how little most of them contribute, but i imagine they will get more development in the two sequels. I put the book down a lot in the beginning. Every thing Sanderson did that i liked was followed by something i thought was silly like the Inquisitors. I found myself groaning whenever an action or training related scene was occurring, but i stuck around for the noble parties, and because i actually like Vin.

>Prince of Thorns (Broken Empire book 1)
I wouldn't say i liked it more, but boy did i Breeze through it faster than Mist. Easy in retrospect, the thing is half the size, and it shows. This book is fairly rushed at times and seemingly without purpose at others, but i found myself genuinely loving some of the witty lines of Jorg's narration, as well as the cyclical nature to things. Its probably not plot cyclical (though i can't say until i read the sequels), but there are numerous times that something is phrased a certain way and then repeated/referenced at a relevant time for some attempt at depth, and often its done well.
I don't loathe this book like many, there are actually a number of things i like about it, but again, i wish there was less fantasy and more politics. The nuke reveal was disappointing. I've read some reviews since and it seems most people didn't care for the setting up until this point, but for me it was a bit of a let down. I was looking forward to a gritty political struggle where the fantasy took a back seat and instead we have ghosts + ghouls i guess. I have no problem with the concept but there is little foreshadowing aside from Jorg's philosophers so it didn't come across right. I will give Lawrence props for making me feel like i had switched novels when the "spirit" talked to him under the Red Keep, but it was campy as fuck. The characters are a write off. This book is about Jorg and if you can't stand him you won't enjoy it. His backstory reminded me of Lelouch from Code Geass a bit so i just imagined that and suddenly the edge made perfect sense. The women are abysmal by the way. I only mention that because I've been thinking my own female characters were one dimensional, but if Lawrence can get away with these sorry excuses for props, i see no reason why any of us aspiring autists should worry.

>> No.11236126
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>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?
Last read Emperor's Blades. Was an alright book, will probably continue the series. Before that I read Before They Are Hanged, and like some anons here promised shit started to go wrong for the protags. Overall the plot seems pretty mediocre and the world not very well thought out but I'm invested in the character arcs at this point. And the third book I last read was Well of Ascension. Great book with a cliffhanger ending.

Currently a little over halfway done with Hero of Ages and it seems like Sanderson got impatient and just dumped all the exposition he had about his magic systems cause he couldn't work it in any other way and just had to tell somebody. Kinda ruins the mystique he had built up in the last two books. Don't really like ELend being an Allomancer either, doesn't really add anything to the story and makes him less interesting.

>What are you thinking about reading next?
Last Argument of Kings is arriving in the mail later this week, should be done with Hero of Ages by then.

I also picked up this new book called Blood of the Four. The synopsis seemed reasonably interesting and I've enjoyed some of Tim Lebbon's work in the past. Anyone here read it?

>> No.11236130

What I'm reading now?
>The Way of Shadows (Night Angel Trilogy: 1) by Brent Weeks
I'm about 270 pages in. I started this one long before Mistborn and shelved it to read that. Picked up from page 120 or so yesterday, but I'm still not really hooked. It seems an obstacle is being set up in Roth, the closest thing to a villain since Azthot drowned his rat, but other than that its just training so far. I'm not a fan of the writing, I'm not certain why. Its everything from the Chinese sounding names to the creeping pace. Its not as bad as i make it sound but there's only so much world building i can care about this early into a trilogy. Weeks will use half the page describing a sword going through the kid's chest as if there is any doubt that he'll be fine in the next scene. I don't like the Talents, but i expect to not like the magic at this point. There are other perspectives besides Azthot's but they are largely forgettable thus far.

>> No.11236176 [DELETED] 

What's your opinion on prologues in fantasy the fantasy genre?

>> No.11236188

What's your opinion on prologues in the fantasy genre?

>> No.11236191

To add valuable insight its great. To plug plot holes shit.

>> No.11236207

>nuke reveal
You people keep using this word. It was very obvious it was always going to be a nuke and at that point in the story it was abundantly clear it was set in the far future. How was this a “reveal” in any sense of the word?

>> No.11236220

Good when it's a single, self-contained scene that shows something cool and/or mysterious happening and makes you curious. I especially like prologues that don't feel immediately related to the story that follows them, but then gradually you start to learn about stuff from the prologue and it begins to make sense. Sanderson actually does a really awesome prologue in Way of Kings.

Feels really lame when it's basically just chapter 0 and segues immediately into chapter 1.

>> No.11236233

i like prologues. mostly the ones where antagonists plot something but nothing is explained on who they are or the ones that give you a tiny bit of lore/history on the world.

>> No.11236238

i think their best use is as a setup for a ticking clock
however, making the reader aware of a ticking clock before your characters is a dangerous game
you run the risk of them having impatience towards your protagonist for not getting to dealing with that ticking clock before they're even aware of it - and that is the time when you want the reader to be bonding with the protagonist

>> No.11236242

I like prologues that don't require identification. It should be a natural part of the story. Ideally you want something that will hook and flesh out the world in a meaningful way. Tossing an action scene in the beginning is cheap, but adding character weight makes for a great opening, especially if you have a longer build up before the action begins later in the book. It doesn't have to feature the main characters but it should further your understanding of the plot to come.

Its a meme phrase. I wasn't trying to imply that the explosion itself was the reveal. I knew exactly what they meant by poison, and suspected nuclear aftermath once we learned about the thousand suns. Spending that much time trying to get a door open underground completely nullified the tension leading up to the explosion, and I would have preferred the mystery to be dragged out more or begin with more subtlety. I may change my opinion, i do plan to read the sequels so i obviously don't hate the book for said nuke reveal. I appreciate stories that evolve their settings and mix genres, this was all about subjective taste and execution which i think was handled less than optimal.

>> No.11236284

Is this from something?

>> No.11236307

I'm reading the series now. Up to book 7. Other than the women in it I don't mind the story and how magic/powers are depicted.

>> No.11236312 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.11236329
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good dung'n brothor

>> No.11236347

>Other than the women in it
Depends on which women you mean. Nynaeve is precious.

>> No.11236356

It's popular so people here feel obligated to shit on it to take it and its fans down a peg.

>> No.11236412

you lot know of any medieval/ Victorian mecha novels? I'll settle for straight sci-fi

>> No.11236429

It's also shit

>> No.11236444

High Crusade
Mortal Engines

>> No.11236556

I finished that trilogy last year. Its not bad, but kind of forgettable characters.
Its best when its handling interesting magical rules and artifacts, rather than painstakingly describing an action scene that still somehow looks like a confusing clusterfuck in my mind. Or going off on a tangent following the perspective of another character doing mostly uninteresting things...just so to foreshadow something that would have been more interesting as a surprise sprung on the reader.
sadly it ends in a monster of the week type battle to prevent the end of the world
I think it would have been better if there were more books to the series but each book was shorter and focused more on Azoth.

High points that I remember liking was the idea of a nation creating a magical tithe system with its people so that their trained warrior mages could literally tap into infinite power by using specific government-made tools and magics at the cost of it being highly addictive and slowly tweaks a person's mind just like any other drug would. A few other interesting uses of magic and prophecy occur but that was the one that stuck out to me as neat

>> No.11236577

No dummy, I mean is this from some fanart or something

>> No.11236626

The magic is my least favourite part so maybe I should just read something else. I bought the book for $1 at a thrifty so the only substantial loss would be time. I was hoping it would get more political. Forgettable characters also sounds like shit, I was expecting to warm up to them eventually.

>> No.11236685

Hey, does anyone know if the Jerry Cornelius cast are still in the public domain or can be used by anyone outside of Moorcock? I have a fun story and would like to use that cast to till it.

>> No.11236713

I have an idea, guys. Hear me out.

We set up a website like wikipedia, where anyone can edit it and all. We can all add pages as we see fit, each one relating to a science fiction world we are creating together with each entry. Hyperlinks and all connect everything. Everything on this website is done anonymously, and all rights open to the public. At this point, anyone can run with the idea and everyone can write books about this one universe we all share.

Let me know opinions.

>> No.11236722

Yeah maybe dump it then. There was at least a couple times that I thought the POV character was being intentionally obtuse just to drag the plot along and artificially raise the tension or the stakes.
what kind of fucking assassin doesnt inform his sworn king and long time friend that the king's ally tried to hire the assassin to kill the king?? [spoiler/]

>> No.11236729

Sounds like a great way for some hack to steal a bunch of good ideas into a shitty book so he/she could sue for plagiarism since they rushed their shit to print first

>> No.11236730

I'm some what intrigued. Send me a discord and I'll connect.

>> No.11236737

All ideas posted would already be essentially published with a proof of date, so nobody could sue.

I guess they would technically have rights over their books, so you could not build directly off of somebodies novel, but anything on the wiki (and not published beforehand) is free game.

I'll try to remember to make one in the morning. It's getting a little late here, but I will post an invite when I can if people are interested.

>> No.11236790

Alright mate

>> No.11236855
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If you read in English, make sure your version is the 2011 translation.
Download: https://share.soupwhale.com/bibliotik/files/Solaris%20-%20Stanislaw%20Lem/

>> No.11236856

He's editing it in between writing Ward (which is better than worm desu). Publishers want him to turn it into YA light novel trash so he's editing it himself. The timeskip will be completely redone, the beginning fixed up and pacing unfucked I think, but the overall plot will remain the same

>> No.11237008

What should I read next, /sffg/?
>The Road
>Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrel
>All Quiet on the Western Front
>The Library at Mount Char
>Codex Alera
>Howl's Moving Castle
>The Dispossessed
>American Gods
>The Haunting of Hill House
>The Dying Earth

>> No.11237029

>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?
Sandkings, an average sci-fi short story collection by our fat guy GRRM. The Bloody Crown of Conan, a great collection of three Conan stories. Currently reading Mists of Avalon, I'm not yet sure if I'll rate it 4/5 or 5/5 but it is really good.
>What are you thinking about reading next?

Howl's Moving Castle.

>> No.11237031

Throw a die.

>> No.11237034

Hi, everyone!

(I will ask right up front that if y'all could avoid spoilers for "The Wise Man's Fear," I would appreciate it, because I haven't read it yet.)

I have always been a voracious reader, but when I went to college, I stopped reading for fun, entirely. I stopped reading fiction, entirely, unless it was assigned. I had way too much else to read. I was a history major, and I will argue that history majors read more than anyone else, including English majors.

After that, I read a few books for fun. Some fiction, some non. Most were good, but didn't really grab me. I didn't read often.

Then I started "The Name of the Wind." I hadn't read a book that quickly since "A Storm of Swords." I would lie in bed and read 100 pages at a time (probably not a lot for some of you, but it is for me).

I think reading is a skill. You have to, in a way, train yourself to be able to sit still and just get absorbed in a story. I had lost that skill, and "TNotW" enabled me to get it back. It's amazing.

Also, y'all on this subreddit are awesome!

>> No.11237047

>Last read Emperor's Blades.
The 2nd and 3rd books are actually better, though I will admit that Adare's chapters are flat out infuriating at times. But Valyn's story is top notch.

>> No.11237063
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>> No.11237076

As a gay man, representation in media is an important issue for me. I love fantasy, but I've never read a fantasy novel that features the narrative of an LGBT character. Any recommendations?

Edit: WOW, I really was not expecting such a great outpouring of responses to this post! Thank you guys! This has really changed my opinion of inclusivity in the genre :)

>> No.11237090

Reminder that Wolfe writes bad female characters™ intentionally because women are shallow in real life.

>> No.11237103

Requesting you shit up their forum and not ours.

>> No.11237141

Baldanders from New Sun fucks genetically enlarged young boys.

>> No.11237163

Dying earth is the best out of that lot

>> No.11237164
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The pelagic argosy sights land

>> No.11237194
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What am I in for?

>> No.11237256

a middle of the road fantasy story that is neither excellent nor bad. its alright but nothing really special.

>> No.11237269

I'm reading the third book of Throne of Glass.

It's less retarded than book 1 but something feels missing. It's ok but I don't think there will be any real tragedy.

>> No.11237286

>something feels missing
yeah, such as actual literary talent

>> No.11237302

That's a pretty huge range of books. Assuming you have absolutely no preference what kind of book your next is, then out of that list I'd say The Haunting of Hill House is the best followed by All Quiet on the Western Front.

>> No.11237308

Not Codex Alera

>> No.11237467

Not even that, China Mieville isn't that talented either yet since he writes very different stories it still brings something new and or interesting.
ToG is more generic.

>> No.11237553

The Perrin chapters are like hitting a brick wall.

>> No.11237582

>Does this count?
yes of course

Dying Earth

>> No.11237585

The ocean in Solaris is the same thing as the end of Neon Genesis Evangelion. I'm writing a blog post about this.

>> No.11237604

>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?
hard to think as i've mostly been reading mostly non-fiction books
>unholy consult
based but the ending felt too abrupt and the consult itself was a severe letdown
>jerusalem by alan moore

>What are you thinking about reading next?
the iliad

>> No.11237612

Coming up with novel/interesting ideas is a talent, even if it isn't accompanied by particularly good execution. And mediocre execution is harder than it looks.

>> No.11237620

you're in for one of the worst female love interests ever

>> No.11237630

>>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?

>The War of 19-- by Giulio Douhet
This one is borderline, but if H.G. Wells counts this does. An excitable Italian believes that strategic bombing c. 1935 will allow Germany to defeat France in literally less than 24 hours. Very interesting if you're a student of military history/theory but probably not to a garden-variety SFF reader.

>Black Easter by James Blish
We occasionally get requests for fantasy about real-world magic, demonology, or "theological fiction" that isn't C.S. Lewis or A Canticle for Leibowitz. Big rec for that stuff here.

>Reading next
The Day of Judgment, sequel/second half to Black Easter

>>What are you thinking about reading next?

>> No.11237638

Maas graduated Magna Cum Laude you know?

>> No.11237757

Reading any female perspective in those books is a struggle.

>> No.11237769

I think I disagree about this, since the whole point of Solaris is that humankind can never know the true nature of the ocean.
But i'm curious about your opinion, so post link when it's done.

>> No.11237807
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It's not 100% serious, and I'm not linking but if you search you might find it in a week or two. But consider:

>The LCL ocean at the end of NGE is composed, like Solaris, of some sort of plasma/blood-like "primal fluid".
>Both oceans can absorb and reproduce living creatures and large objects
>There even a giant baby head in Solaris. Pic fucking related.
>Both influence nearby astronomical phenomena

>> No.11237850
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Anyone read Season of Storms yet? Is it good?

>> No.11237858

Series went to shit after the Mage Coup

>> No.11237897

Anyone have any low fantasy recommendations?

(low fantasy as in fantasy in a secondary world that's not about epic battles between good and evil)

>> No.11238317


>> No.11238331
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rec me something devilish

>> No.11238364

cool twist but there was too much foreshadowing.

I started The Thousand Names last night. What a shitty prologue.

>> No.11238374
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>> No.11238451

Can someone recommend me something where the hero starts as a completely useless faggot with possibly a bad personality but slowly and surely becomes a kick-ass bro? Preferably solo or with temporary and changing party members. Something like him meeting the same villains a few times, completely failing the first time but then considerably stronger each time to the villain's great surprise is a plus. Basically the emotional pleasure I'll get from this hypothetical read will come from him acquiring strength and then teaching people lessons with it, people who don't see a lesson coming. Sword and magic are both fine.

>> No.11238482


Seriously though, if you can get past the irritating harem shit and the often stupid female characters, it basically tracks three farmboys as they develop into three different legendary hero archetypes. Very long though, Jesus Christ.

>> No.11238539

I rather play World of Tanks than read Wheel of Time, both will murder my free time for years to come equally effectively. I was looking for some easy reading to relax with. Something in-between a bildungsroman and pulp.

>> No.11238549

Read Unsong.

>> No.11238654

Red Queen's War.

>> No.11238665

>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?

Diplomatic Immunity by Lois McMaster Bujold. Good story overall, one of the more Space Opera themed ones in the series. Miles is married now and ending his honeymoon, but the emperor sends him and his wife off to get a trade fleet out of impound and solve a murder mystery.

Into the Fire, Elizabeth Moon. Second book in the new Vatta's War sequel series and overall I didn't like it that much. Like a good 2/3rds of the book are spent with the main characters hiding from immigration agents in their house because The Conspiracy has infiltrated the government. Overall the book spent a lot of time going nowhere. Best part was when it turned out that the "tough aunt" character was actually a convicted war criminal, and like, "death squad leader" war criminal and not the usual "I killed some civilians once" wishy-washy "oh but they're not actually that much of a war criminal" tack that some authors take.

The Twenty Days of Turin by Giorgio De Maria. Somebody recommended it on here as Lovecraft style story in Italy, and it's good and creepy. Saying more would spoil it.

>What are you thinking about reading next?

I just went to the library yesterday so my pile has:
Captain Vorpatril's Alliance.
Twelve Kings in Sharakhai by Bradley P. Beaulieu, got it from the library because it had blubs by Glen Cook and C.S. Friedman on the back, and it sounded interesting.
The Tower of Fear by Glen Cook. Was recommended to me as being one of his best standalone books.
Jirel of Joiry by C.L. Moore, apparently this is a good collection of sword and sorcery stories.
Tales of the Dying Earth by Jack Vance. Yeah! You people who're always raving about how good Vance is finally got your hooks in me.

I also got a couple Arturo Perez-Revetre books since somebody recommended him to me elsewhere, apparently he's a more accessible Umberto Eco. (though admittedly the only time I tried reading Eco was when I was a teenager and I bounced off it hard)

Right now I'm reading The Outstreched Shadow by Mercedies Lackey and some guy, somebody on here recommended it because the MC's romantic interest is a demon girl but this is like the most stereotypical fantasy adventure opening ever: Rebellious teen rebels against his mage father, finds out studying magic in school is actually bad and runs away with the help of a unicorn, he meets his long-lost sister and discovers that druidic magic is actually better. It's hilarious in how generic it is, though there was a kinda creepy part where it jumped to the demon court and the demon queen had turned another demon into a sack of jelly ala AM's final punishment in I Have No Mouth.

>> No.11238666


>> No.11238675
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>african american
What did Riordan mean by this?

>> No.11238688

Don't trust those Dying Earth fucks, Vance is garbage. The Road.

>> No.11238708

get wit da times, sweetie.
we wuz pyramid peoples
that's right.

>> No.11238742

kangz my nigga

>> No.11238755

where are the previous threads you fucker. I have to look though the archives for the old one. cunt

>> No.11238774

I happened to have it saved still

>> No.11238776

oh nooooooo

>> No.11238778

>ward is better than worm
>dude therapy lmao is better than dude escalation lmao

very wrong.

>> No.11238801

anyone else read court of broken knives? One of the only books by a female author ive ever read that I liked.

>> No.11238841

Yeah, 6 or 7/10 for me. Ending was fucking weird.

>> No.11238845
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Can't wait for the next one.

>> No.11238942

Yes, I too love fights dragged out over 5 arcs rather than having time to get to know characters.

>> No.11238951

>Dual swords

>> No.11238959

>get to know character
>realize i hate most of them


>> No.11238981
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>what are you thinking about reading next
I just ordered pic related for two dollars from a charity, all I know is that while it's a childrens book, it's meant to be a pretty good analysis of why some things are to good to be true in life, plus I just like this sorta stuff.

>> No.11239023

its pretty good. its similar to american mcgees alice. if that makes any sense to you.

>> No.11239071

I'm having a really hard time with Oathbringer right now. Everything feels so fucking convenient. Everything bad that happens feels like a setup for something ``epic'' to happen later on in the book.

>> No.11239167

but i like most of them

>> No.11239197

Call me a charlatan but I liked it with the caveat that Shallan chapter suck loads of ass. I know that stuff happens as a setup for cool and le epic set piece but I don't really care. It’s a perfectly fine book to turn your brain off to. In my opinion Sanderson should be viewed as the literacy equivalent of Michael Bay or anime. All his books I’ve read have been fun little adventures with cool fights.
>Death's End
Wowziers I loved this one the most out of the 3-body trilogy. Although I felt as if the tone of the book changed from the previous two. Where in Dark Forest the predictions Liu Cixin made about the future felt very believable because of The lock on fundamental theory. In Death's End those predictions become more bonkers with the traveling at C, and antimatter bullets. I think that shift in tone elevated the book above the other two.
> Wicked
I’m currently about 1/3 the way through Wicked and really like it. I don’t know if anyone else can relate but I saw the musical a few years back so I’ve kind of been spoiled on the main plot points. But, so far the book is a great read.

>> No.11239220

>What are you thinking about reading next?
I’m torn between reading Neuromancer and Elric of Melniboné. I’ve heard good things about both books and I’m leaning towards Elric due to it being somewhat shorter than Neuromancer.

>> No.11239255
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Are there any hard sci-fi short-story/novella collections involving traveling vast distances through space?

>> No.11239297

Neuromancer have aged like milk desu.

>> No.11239309
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Pic related is my favorite book I've read this year.

No one else has heard of it. No one to talk about it with.

Feels ungood man.

>> No.11239317
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>No one else has heard of it. No one to talk about it with.

>> No.11239333

Wow, that four-panel is amazing. Where did you find it? BotNS art is notoriously rare.

>> No.11239359

Muslim Arabs overran the Egyptians and the Muslims are well known for having black slaves (even to this day). It's not too farfetched for an Arab-Egyptian master carrying a Pharaoh's bloodline to use some black slave and the result to somehow get sold to America.

>> No.11239392

have I gotten memed into 3-body? Im 1/3 through and I hate every moment of it

>> No.11239399

>set in the Lord of Edges universe

>Gene Wolfe
>He is noted for his dense, allusive prose as well as the strong influence of his Catholic faith
>dense prose
>strong influence of faith
Uhh... WTF, Satan?

>> No.11239407

what do you dislike about it? I'm thinking about picking that up

>> No.11239428

The swords trilogy by Michael Moorcock. The protagonist doesn't necessarily have a bad character, but he starts as a soft dreamy kid and then toughens up as he goes.

>> No.11239441

>set in the Lord of Edges universe
Haven't read that, this one isn't that edgy at all.

>> No.11239451

Read his Elric stuff, while good, not what I'm looking for. That's more of a serious read.

>> No.11239465

Come to think about it, this and the corum chronicles is exactly what you're looking for. The protagonist fails his first encounter with the villain then defeats him eventually with the help of dimensions-traveling sidekick and several other allies, then is later called upon to save the world after becoming an experienced old man. But if you don't like Moorcock's style then that your thing i guess.

>> No.11239485

Oh shit I read that series ages ago and could never remember what it was called.

>> No.11239488

>cunt was in such a hurry to add his own list that he fucked up the old threads

>> No.11239493

no, keep going

>> No.11239499
File: 470 KB, 1588x2500, starchart_threnody_color.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the OP could use a renovation. A few of those charts need to be improved/edited and some can be removed or replaced.

>> No.11239557

>this isn't what I'm looking for
>this is exactly what you're looking for
No, Professor X Kenobi, what I'm looking for is a lot more simpler. That's why I came specifically here. I'm assuming that people ITT have read a lot of fringe books over the years. But I keep getting mainstream recommendations. Did no one here just read whatever had the most naked ladies on the cover at the local library as a kid?

>> No.11239560

>The LCL ocean at the end of NGE is composed, like Solaris, of some sort of plasma/blood-like "primal fluid
False. The lcl is composed of the remains of every human being that was living on earth. That is literally people goop

>> No.11239569

Post your list.

>> No.11239615

Agreed. The selected fantasy chart is the only chart that is really good. The sci-fi charts all overlap and there's imply to many books. Ideally there'd be
>selected fantasy
>general fantasy
>selected sci-fi
>general sci-fi
and a big flowchart. Either the NPR one or a new one.

>> No.11239638

Good God I need to read more but its a cylic thing with me I either read 20 books in a month or I wait 8 months to read.

>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?

>The New Gate: The Five Supreme Blades

9th volume of a light novel series Im quite fond of. Keeps the mystery of the world nice while highlighting how its changed though because of its set up theres not really any tension or danger to the MC mainly just tryong to figure out why everything that happened has happened

>Infinite Dendrogram Volume 5
I like light novels ok? Though I try to read other fare. This one was nice and simple thankfully finishing an arc started two volumes ago which was pretty damn annoying

Yeah Yeah its Sanderson and I get it my taste is pretty shit but I read for enjoyment since I spend most of the rest of my hours learning and this one scratched that itch. I devoured it quickly and enjoyed several of its high points like Dalinar becoming honor? kind of? and they were hard to put down which is all I ask of a book.

>What are you thinking about reading next?
Book of the New Sun

I did say I like to interspace my light novels with higher quality books and so far this book hasn't disappointed in having some nice prose without strangling me with it though Im only 26% of the way through Shadow and Claw

>> No.11239644
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>> No.11239650

just finished the first book in the Wakening series
what a frustrating experience

>> No.11239685

I wonder if the author is proficient with cum

>> No.11239721

I've not really read any "grimdark" stuff, so that labeling alone doesn't sell me on it. The summary I've read says very little. What makes it worth reading?

>> No.11239741

Jesus Christ what pretentious horseshit

>> No.11239769

Nevermind; I read an excerpt. It looks like a novel where everyone's going to be a dickhead all the time and you're just supposed to enjoy that.
>so this is the power of grimdark

>> No.11239773

those are the chinese version covers

>> No.11239798

>umberto eco: 2 stars
>douglas adams: 3 stars

burn genre fiction readers to the ground.

>> No.11239841

You shut your whore mouth

>> No.11239854

I like Sarah Hawke

Don't judge me

>> No.11239977

I'm reading BotNS too, about 60% through Sword and Citadel. I'm enjoying it but I'm already wanting to read it through again because I know there's shit I missed.

>> No.11240000

Is the Elric saga good?

>> No.11240064
File: 110 KB, 657x539, 1508626340897.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends. I'd like to read the Black Company series, but I'm too retarded to figure out how to use the Geocities link in the Sticky, while the .lit files from the other site fail to open despite having the right programs. Wat do? I've gotten a .txt file from the Bookzz website, though it'll likely end up being rather cumbersome on my phone to use.

t. don't want to make an entire new thread for my retarded question anon

>> No.11240135

Umberto is 2 star commie filth. Deal with it

>> No.11240142

Pay real money and purchase the book. You poor people disgust me

>> No.11240181

I thought it was terrible, but I only read the first book.

>> No.11240208

why didn't you acknowledge my quads newfag

>> No.11240219

There are some Glen Cook torrents on thepiratebay.

Why did you berate him for not acting like a child, child?

>> No.11240246


>> No.11240261

I liked the Elric series a lot. The related series werent as good but I still enjoyed them.

>> No.11240264

I find this behavior disrespectful. In 4chan we have our own culture and norms, buddy. If you think you can just come here posting like you're having a casual conversation with your coworkers you are gravely mistaken, and I can't help but warn you that if you continue like that, you're going to get into trouble. Beware, newfag.

>> No.11240265
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>You loaded this page on Wednesday, 30 May 2018, at 22:26 GMT
>it was last modified on Thursday, 1 January 1970, at 00:00 GMT

Hmmmmmmm..... do you lads think Eric Walker posts in /sffg/?

>> No.11240281
File: 68 KB, 819x827, 1526732449929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we have our own culture and norms
>the Group Norm aka Old Wise One from Fifth Head
>anons posting together constitute the Group Norm
>Gene Wolfe has done it again

>> No.11240283

I think so. Noice digits.

>> No.11240304
File: 45 KB, 600x578, Cheat me again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it was last modified on Thursday, 1 January 1970, at 00:00 GMT

>> No.11240323

anyone read silverlock?

>> No.11240331

oh fuggg I already bought it

>> No.11240332

>Guys I have repeating digits please give me attention.
Unless you call it out it feels like it doesn't even mean anything. Random ones on boards where people use programs to get them is impressive though I suppose.

>> No.11240337

Don't worry, he's wrong.

>> No.11240342

what an emotional roller coaster

>> No.11240343
File: 14 KB, 625x582, 1428453236862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is actually fascinating. i found the "changelog":


he stopped updating the site in 2012, i.e. 6 years ago. but then right at the bottom of the site underneath all the misc. bullshit, i found a link to forums, almost COMPLETELY dead but STILL IN USE


when will the last post be made on those forums? will the site ever be updated again? will it persist forever on some server in its current form? in what future year will be the last view, of the last post, in that dead forum? what will the post say? will it be "goodbye"?

>> No.11240347

Just read it, then.

>> No.11240364

> 6 January 2001 : Added entry for Franz Werfel.

the oldest log in the changelog is dated 6th january 2001, so we can safely assume the site was made no later than the year 2000, 18 years ago.

so for eric walker this was a 12+ year project

>> No.11240384

That's the unix epoch

>> No.11240387



There you go, having unfounded assumptions about my time on this site and assuming that this anonymous masquerade matters. There's nothing in the 4chan rules about it.

I've got nothing against it when your aesthetically pleasing post sequence number makes you happy, knock yourself out. But there is absolutely no reason to be impolite to people who don't notice, or simply do not care to indulge in this farce.

Wasting energy getting mad about these things is almost as bad as being one of those sad fucks that get triggered when someone uses empty lines between paragraphs.

>> No.11240389
File: 82 KB, 450x268, fullof.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the link at the very bottom of greatsfandf takes me here:


and wait for it...

>This page was last modified on Wednesday, 31 December 1969, at 4:00 pm Pacific Time.

>> No.11240394

did unix time exist before the unix epoch? because >>11240389

>> No.11240401

unix epoch is GMT my lad
>Pacific Time

>> No.11240408

ah yes
how embarrassing, i feel foolish now

>> No.11240411

going through that feels like im in the botanic gardens
posts preserved forever just looking back at you

>> No.11240422

i'm on the 'induction site' now, the first website mentioned in the owlcroft webpage, i.e. by the same guy


>> No.11240787

Valyn is probably my favorite of the 3. Given that he has all the ingredients of an eye-rolling over the top edgy character it's rather impressive how likable he was written. I think him getting his ass kicked constantly probably evens it out.

>> No.11240794

A really paint by numbers heroic fantasy story that develops at a snail's pace. Tad Williams improved over time, and now stuff like MSaT feels dated.

>> No.11240847

is Shadowmarch any good?

>> No.11240956

Not him but I didn't care for it. It was one of those fantasy things where the first volume is a prologue to an intro to a prequel to the author's notes. Just tell a story already you fag.

But I did like Otherland.

>> No.11240993
File: 401 KB, 1024x634, warbreakermapsmall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours late
Please kill yourself for being an enormous newfag abortion reject who thinks repeating numbers in your post number mean anything at all whatsoever.

>> No.11241129

took me half an hour to parse this post
back to /vg/ with ye

>> No.11241150

thanks for the heads up. i don't mind world building, but it should never detract from the story.

>> No.11241176
File: 405 KB, 1280x914, azathoth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been stuck only reading Lovecraft for a while now. Can I get any similar recommendations?

>> No.11241197

I was actually just trying to bait a *snap* response, but you guys are literally no fun. the nerdiest, most square board.

>> No.11241215

Sanderson did nothing wrong

>> No.11241225

Just curious -- have you read roadside picnic? It's got that similar theme of incomprehensibility and insanity, without Lovecraft's sense of personal malice. Then read Metro 2033, which is the same with the malice added back in.

>> No.11241240

Thanks, but does Metro 2033 follow the same plot as the one in the games, or are they only in the same world?

>> No.11241251

How does the game end?

>> No.11241258

I haven't played it yet, only tried the demo and really enjoyed it. With the russian voice acting I found it suprisingly immersive

>> No.11241259

The Twenty Days of Turin by Giorgio De Maria. Italian story from the 70s that was only recently translated into English, starts off in a sort of "magical realism, only slightly strange" framing but gets far spookier as things go on.

>> No.11241264

I never played the games. The book, though, is thick with brooding slavic mysticism, fatalism and superstition and is a joy to read.

>> No.11241287

I'm usually pretty hesitant about reading translated works, but is this more psychological horror? The way you described it was quite vague

>> No.11241294

I can't remember the end of the game, but from memory there was noticeable difference. The book was fairly good but I did read it long ago.

>> No.11241397

new petralist book up on mobilism
be sure to support lesser known authors by pirating their books

>> No.11241525

Outrageous nonsense.

>> No.11241534
File: 114 KB, 1034x532, official_sffg_flowchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I made a flowchart I have carefully calculated to appeal to the tastes of /sffg/.

>> No.11241569

No it's more like a pre-computer take on social media, if that makes sense. There's this mysterious library in Turin that holds not literature but diaries. Anybody can submit works, and for a extra fee members can get the contact information of the writer. And this is against a backdrop of the city suffering from mass insomnia and mysterious deaths (apparently caused by giants smashing people against objects) and a strange vinegar smell and so on. The narrator is a journalist investigating things a while after the events, and nobody wants to talk to him. So all in all it's very Lovecraft in feel.

As to the translation, I thought it was plenty readable, excerpt from the first chapter
>“How he must have suffered, signorina, in those final days!” I urged, taking her hand. She turned away yet again, her head started to lurch back and forth and more tears sprang from hereyes.
>“Giovanni hadn’t slept for a week and he couldn’t take any more. He had a weaker character than mine,” she said, her tone of voice suddenly normal. “He said he felt very tired but could never quite fall asleep . . . He spoke of a very deep lake . . . Instead of stones at the bottom of this lake, there were bas-reliefs.”
>“Was the lake dried out?”
>“Yes, it was a dry lake. That image was fixed in his mind: a lake with a very deep bottom. He said that even if the water came back, he wouldn’t be able to fully immerse himself . . . There wasn’t enough water . . . He felt that the bottom of his lake had suddenly been raised, as if someone, from below, had pushed it up . . . And that there was no real difference between the depth of the lake and anything else, not the city, not the asphalt, not this house . . .” Her accent turned dramatic mentioning the house. She wiped her eyes again and continued. “He couldn’t fall asleep because he couldn’t sink into the lake, and this even made him furious. He kicked the furniture! The chairs! And he used to be such a gentle person . . . Then eventually he calmed down, at least he seemed to calm down . . . ”
>I watched her spring up and pace across the room to and fro, clasping her hands in torment.
>“But you still slept, signorina?” I insinuated.
>“Yes, I slept, but I woke up often in the night and heard him in the next room fidgeting. His whole situation felt so . . . regrettable . . . Yes, it really did tear my heart! Sleeping pills couldn’t help him; they couldn’t lower the bottom of his lake. There was nothing that could lower it . . . I remember him talking about space, about room . . . He wanted room! He said that within him there was no room left, no more space to move, to turn around. He said something horrible as well: ‘Even if I wanted to kill myself, I wouldn’t find the space to die!’ ”
>“And then he went out that night.”

>> No.11241572

I wish more books better than BotNS would be written so I could recommend them. Everything else is just a disappointment since I read it. Even Hyperion, while similarly imaginative and ambitious, is uninspiring as fuck in the prose department.

>> No.11241576

The clown puppet danced and then meat and then the clown danced then it danced on a mannequin and i was bored

fuck the human race

>> No.11241579

Don't worry. My magnum opus is only five years* away.

>> No.11241834
File: 547 KB, 1852x655, 8787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finishing Death's End today and the trilogy of "Three Body Problem".
Easily it's one of the best series / sci-fi stories I've ever read. It's a bit sad to finish it because I enjoyed every moment of reading those books.

Anything else that is not on my list I should read? Looking for the next book. I really like space sci-fi.

>> No.11241857

ninefox gambit

>> No.11241902

What do you recommend for a horny medieval fantasy?

I like milfs.

>> No.11241921


>> No.11241936


>> No.11241977

Drip on?

>> No.11241996

Yeah no kidding, I just finished Death's End a few days ago and I'm feeling the void it left
Hell of a ride

>> No.11242010

Why are the Brotherhood of the Griffon series paperbacks so damn expensive? I just wanna finish off my complete Forgotten Realms collection...

>> No.11242016

>ninefox gambit
Would look.

>Yeah no kidding, I just finished Death's End a few days ago and I'm feeling the void it left
>Hell of a ride

If you haven't read Vernor's Vinge "A fire upon the deep" and "Deepness in the sky" I'd recommend you to read it. I find those books somewhat similar to TBP trilogy. Vinge has his own cosmology, huge plot twists, interesting narrative and a journey.

>> No.11242037

Any reading of Vernor Vinge should first start with his short story True Names

>> No.11242045

I recall Dealing With Dragons being something like that, but it's YA if you care about that. YA or children's lit would actually be your best bet for comfy stuff.

>> No.11242063

Sarah Hawke, and the Daniel Black books.

Kushiel's Dart if you want to be more highbrow.

>> No.11242080

The Elfin Ship by James Blaylock
Fool on the Hill by Matt Ruff
The Belgariad series

>> No.11242108
File: 38 KB, 250x248, 065144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comparing fantasy/sci-fi with anime

The majority of anime is better than 99% of this retarded genre of literature, and i am talking about genreshit anime just to be fair btw.

>> No.11242110

you lot know of any "cinematic" novels? I'm wanting something fast paced that doesn't feel the need to reminisce on a character's past. I don't want to be told things that have not been confirmed through dialogue or similar means. I want to actively participate in discerning intentions and subtext. Ideally, i don't even want to be in the head of the character. I want the narrator to be like a fly on the wall camera.
Doesn't have to check every box, I'd likely be happy with anything similar

>> No.11242114

There isn't even close to enough biomass on Earth to literally fill an ocean. However, granting some artistic license, we're not saying mutually exclusive things. What is "people goop"? A saline solution containing a bunch of complex organic molecules, i.e. blood plasma.

>> No.11242120

The House on the Borderlands
Also, Solaris. Lem really nails the existential horror in that one.

>> No.11242126

Count to a Trillion

>> No.11242136

Fucking Solaris, I can't remember the last time I felt that legitimately unsettled
The depiction of the symmetriads is almost sickening with the images it conjures up

>> No.11242166

I am interested in 40k, but know nothing about it. Can someone recommend an entry level accessible book where i can just dive in

>> No.11242190

You should be fine with Eisenhorn/Ravenor or Ciaphis Cain. Just go to one of the 40k wikis if you run into a term or topic that needs further explanation.

You could also grab a PDF of the core rulebook (or the RPG games like Dark Heresy) and read all the lore/introduction stuff in it.

>> No.11242324

fiction is often compared to anime because of how ridiculous it cant get. people often have nonsensical reasons to do things, get godlike powers and battle entire armies by themselves. its fairly apt to compare them to anime. just read sandersons books. theyre so anime its not even funny.

>> No.11242364

See also: the epic of Gilgamesh.

>> No.11242416

I did find it amusing that for a special forces esque warrior that he is almost always getting constantly btfo.

>> No.11242477

>CORDWAINER SMITH (Real name: Dr. Paul Myron Anthony Linebarger )
>Dr. Linebarger's life was certainly several cuts above the ordinary.
>At the age of seventeen, he negotiated a silver loan for China on behalf of his father—Sun's legal advisor and one of the financiers of the Revolution of 1911. He later became a colonel in U.S. Army Intelligence, despite partial blindness and general ill health—he once shocked guests at a dinner party by downing a "cocktail" of hydrochloric acid to aid his digestion.
>Although born in Milwaukee—his father wanted to be sure that as a natural-born citizen his son would be eligible for the presidency—Linebarger spent his formative years in Japan, China, France and Germany. By the time he grew up, he knew six languages and had become intimate with several cultures, both Oriental and Occidental. He was only twenty-three when he earned his Ph.D. in political science at Johns Hopkins University, where he was later Professor of Asiatic politics for many years. Shortly thereafter, he graduated from editing his father's books to publishing his own highly regarded works on Far Eastern affairs.
>When World War II broke out, he used his position on the Operations Planning and Intelligence Board to draft a set of qualifications for an intelligence operative in China that only he could meet-so off he went to Chungking as an Army lieutenant. By war's end, he was a major.
>Dr. Linebarger turned his wartime experiences into Psychological Warfare, still regarded as the most authoritative text in the field. As a colonel, he was advisor to the British forces in Malaya and to the U. S. Eighth Army in Korea. But this self-styled "visitor to small wars" passed up Vietnam, feeling American involvement there was a mistake. Travels around the world took him to Australia, Greece, Egypt and many other countries; and his expertise was sufficiently valued that he became a leading member of the Foreign Policy Association and an advisor to President Kennedy.

>> No.11242490

>While in Korea, Linebarger masterminded the surrender of thousands of Chinese troops who considered it shameful to give up their arms. He drafted leaflets explaining how the soldiers could come forward waving their guns and shouting Chinese words like "love," "virtue" and "humanity"—words that just happened, when pronounced in the right order, to sound like "I surrender" in English. He considered this seemingly cynical act to be the single most worthwhile thing he had done in his life.
And a pdf of his work while I'm at it.

>> No.11242543
File: 137 KB, 312x475, 049094093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys said this book sucked and yet I don't think it did, what gives?

>> No.11242544

Shit bait but I'm gonna give (you).

>> No.11242559

Gilgamesh is great though.

>> No.11242560

Always do the opposite of what /sffg/ says.

>> No.11242568

Flip a coin and if heads ignore /sffg/
About half the time they/wr are right imo

>> No.11242577

It was atrocious. I don't know where to begin.
>teenagers with glowing red eyes
>autisticly detailed descriptions of armor parts
>it was advertised as a monster hunter novel, it's actually about a siege
>a bunch of irrelevant POVs
>et cetera


>> No.11242585

>teenagers with glowing red eyes
I thought he was like mid 20s
>a bunch of irrelevant POVs
agreed, this is probably what really annoyed me for most of the book
>it was advertised as a monster hunter novel, it's actually about a siege
I picked it up without really knowing what it was
just names?
>autisticly detailed descriptions of armor parts
didn't mind it

>> No.11242590

Lazy and unimaginative writing.

>> No.11242602

This one of my gripes about Wheel of Time. "Trollocs" sounds like baby talk.

>> No.11242611

Well the demon bird things were called Quethnahogs, would you prefer similar names for all of the monster type creatures. I just interpreted the 'irk' and 'boglin' as the more human colloquial name for them seeing most of the people you meet in the narrative are more or less peasants.

>> No.11242700

>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?
Does 'The Private Memoirs and Confessions of a Justified Sinner: Written by Himself: With a detail of curious traditionary facts and other evidence by the editor' count?
Other than that, just got through Dune: House Harkonnen and Atriedes.
>What are you thinking about reading next?
I need to take a break from dune. Going to read Starman Jones again soon, and Have Space Suit, Will Travel. Maybe even Double Star.

>> No.11242702

Memoirs of a Sinner

>> No.11242789
File: 442 KB, 1065x270, png;base644d56ba405b98bc2a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?
Green Mars (current)
So far, so good. It gets a little blurry when he goes off on another tangent about Martian geology, but after reading Red Mars I've come to expect it, and they are fairly interesting.
Metal Boxes
Gave up halfway through. It's YA trash and the characters were annoying me immensely. I might finish it later but I don't have any high hopes of the quality improving.
Pretty good. Would recommend as a solid one-off.

>What are you thinking about reading next?
Probably Blue Mars. I'm invested in the series and I'd like to see it through to the end.

>> No.11242913

I liked this one, the series as a whole sucked.

>> No.11242924

The love story is retarded too.

>> No.11242933

I just finished it. I really enjoyed it. books 6-10 were a bit of a slog but honestly it was a good time overall.

I like most of the women, I really struggled to get through Min's earlier chapters and some of Elayne's. Egwene and Nynaeve are both cool.

>> No.11242994


>> No.11243029


The web version also has like 4 pictures, though.

>> No.11243036

I've stopped reading at book 4, trying to work myself up for it again.

>> No.11243262

>be me, just finished Blindsight
>decide to read some reviews to see what others thought
>first review says it's 'Lovecraftian'
>comments praising reviewer for finding it 'Lovecraftian'

I feel like the world has gone full reddit

>> No.11243288

Oathbringer single handily destroyed the Stormlight Archive for me.

>> No.11243472

Welcome to epic fantasy(tm)

>> No.11243631

>reading normies reviews
for what purpose?

>> No.11243652

Where can one read non-normie reviews?

>> No.11243657

Oathbringer drags like crazy and could have easily been half as big. It's just that I've read the entire RotElderlings series between book 2 and 3 and I can't tell if I've since then experience a completely different league of fantasy and SA in general is shallow shit or if Oathbringer is just disappointing by itself.

>> No.11243660


>> No.11243667

I don't see a Blindsight review

>> No.11243671

Check previous threads

>> No.11243681


>> No.11243765

I made a mistake and wandered onto that fantasy subreddt after reading that Robin Hobb interview about how she thinks forced diversity is retarded. Holy fuck that entire place.

>> No.11243786
File: 47 KB, 849x96, opinion police.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I giggled

>> No.11243800

Expect the comments with the most upboats were the ones saying she was right.

>> No.11243819

>What are the last three SFF books you read, and what did you think of them?
The Powder Mage trilogy. I thought they were good on a mechanical level and the magic systems were interesting, like as a series it fits together well and there's no massive problems that I could see. It's just missing something, but I don't know how to describe it. It's not something that's going to leave a lasting impact or change my perceptions of the fantasy genre, but I enjoyed the ride while it lasted.

>What are you thinking about reading next?
something by Guy Gavriel Kay, probably Sailing to Sarantium

>> No.11243849

wtf i love robin hobb now? i seriously didnt like the assassin trilogy at all

>> No.11243875

>Farseer trilogy
>Every book has assassin in the title
>Only assassination is at the end of the first book
>Except the MC nearly assassinates himself
What a shit series desu

>> No.11243923

yeah thats why I didn't like it. How do you make a series about an assassin not only boring but not have any fucking assassinations?

>> No.11244000

I already know what people here think and respect the consensus. I figured there must be some good writers out there tackling sci fi book reviews. I was wrong. They are all dumbasses or trying to spin things into fitting some libshit political agenda (it's really a book about gender/race/etc). I won't make the same mistake again, I'll stick to discussing books here or with my Russian coworker.

>> No.11244071

Any fantasy adventure novels? I just finished Majipoor

>> No.11244111

Fitz try to assassinate Regal in the third book. You could also argue that the kills in the end of book two are assassinations, only very messy ones.

>> No.11244131

Women can't write.

>> No.11244155

Don't complain about no assassination attempts if you're actually disappointed because there's only failed assassination attempts.

>> No.11244170

... what? An assassin who fails at assassinating isn't an assassin. As such using the word assassin in the titles of the books is misleading.

>> No.11244192

Gimme a link I want to read their rage

>> No.11244207

Sounds like a skyrim character who's shit at stealth doing the DB quests.

>> No.11244215

>An assassin who fails at assassinating isn't an assassin
Haha, are you serious?

>> No.11244221

That would be an accurate description of the killings in book two.

>> No.11244225


>> No.11244229

Feel free to make an actual argument

>> No.11244250

Do I really need to spell it out for you?

>An assassin who fails at assassinating isn't an assassin
Assassin is his occupation, him being bad at it does not mean that he's not an assassin.

>> No.11244292

>Assassin is his occupation
Then why didn't he conduct an assassination?

>> No.11244308

Man I really hate libs

You just know that NONE of them actually practice what they preach too, all fucking born hypocrites..

I really don't understand what produces this rampant hatred of themselves or their own people either...

>> No.11244334

Is it very descriptive? Asking for reasons.

>> No.11244346

He did. Him being bad at it does not mean that he's not an assassin.

>> No.11244348


>> No.11244355

>He did
He killed, but he didn't assassinate.

>> No.11244376

Any good isekai recs?

>> No.11244391

Daniel Black series

>> No.11244397

He tried to. Him being bad at it does not mean that he's not an assassin.

And since you're being dense, the books also expand on how there's more to being an assassin than just straight up killing, which makes the books more nuanced and interesting than if they were only about cutting throats.

>> No.11244403

Fostering Faust

>> No.11244412

God, you're a fucking brainlet.

>> No.11244417

>He tried to
If I try baking bread and I fail, does that make me a baker?
>there's more to being an assassin than just straight up killing

>> No.11244423

>spends 3 books learning to be an assassin
Wow, it's like a deep message, right? No matter how much you try, in the end failure is all that awaits you.
Really makes you think.

>> No.11244428

baker is an occupation. if you bake a bread and succeed you're not a baker. if a baker bakes a bread and fucks it up he's still a baker.

>> No.11244439

>if a baker bakes a bread and fucks it up he's still a baker.
I disagree.

>> No.11244442

Theres like a million of them on royalroadl

>> No.11244455

Is this any good? All I know is that it's by the guy who did Wild Wastes, and I unironically enjoy that series.

>> No.11244462

You being a bad baker does not mean that you're not a baker.

>> No.11244463

But he asked for a good one, not just any one. I guess 99% of that site is out.

>> No.11244471

There is a difference between being bad and failing. If you can't bake you are not a baker in my opinion.

>> No.11244477

Then you already know exactly what to expect though this time the mind rapey shit it more full on. The entire plot basically boils down to forcing women to fuck him.

>> No.11244484
File: 5 KB, 794x46, Screenshot_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11244490
File: 5 KB, 818x47, Screenshot_7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong pic

>> No.11244501

There are a lot of things wrong with Oathbringer. But the lesson to take from it is that Bigger does not equal Better.

I have yet to see a Epic Fantasy author with enough imagination and writing skills to create a 10 book series.

There's a reason why trilogies are popular.

>> No.11244510

>Skolian Darkblade the assassin had killed over 200 people in his quest for vengeance, yet as he was about to deliver the killing blow to Elf King A'pos'trophy, the king's eyes snapped open and a force shield of magi energy enveloped the assassin!
>"Ha ha ha!" the sorcererors cackled "You're not a assassin at all! In fact we've retroactively destroyed your reputation by catching you! You never were an assassin!"
>"NOOOOOOOOOOOO!" screamed Skolian as he realized he'd forgotten to put on his pants and the entire orcish cheer squad was giggling at him

>> No.11244520

>in my opinion
Hot stuff.

>> No.11244527

>failing once invalidates all prior achievements
Epic argument

>not an argument

>> No.11244534

You know what else is not an argument? Your opinion.

>> No.11244546

Yours neither, though.

>> No.11244557

The Wizard Knight

>> No.11244577

Which is why I present actual arguments. Like
>Him being bad at it does not mean that he's not an assassin
instead of
>not an argument

>> No.11244605

>Him being bad at it
But he wasn't just bad, he completely failed.

>> No.11244618

You're unironically retarded enough to invalidate your opinion. How's that for an argument?

>> No.11244622

>hurr you are stoopid
ok. not an argument btw

>> No.11244625

is there like a 'dumb argument' filter? like can I filter by IP or unique posters something?
so sick of walking into a thread and having to dig through two or three people sperging out about something stupid to get to the good stuff. it's really annoying.

>> No.11244626

>what is an assassination attempt
Who perform those in your world?

>> No.11244636

They aren't assassins if they don't complete the killing by definition
>a person who murders an important person for political or religious reasons.

>> No.11244637

>>what is an assassination attempt
He didn't do any assassination attempts.

>> No.11244644
File: 355 KB, 1208x1600, the-stars-my-destination-book-cover[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100 pgs in pic related right now, straightforward adventure novel but a damned entertaining one. I've heard mixed things about the demolished man, what do you think of that one?

>> No.11244653

So what do you call someone that perform an assassination attempt?

What do you call sneaking into someones living quarters, poisoning their clothes, firewood, water, etc and then waiting behind their door with a knife?

>> No.11244664
File: 130 KB, 743x288, throne-of-glass-series-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 3 books in, the series is only getting better.

>> No.11244665

Trying to assassinate oneself is called suicide.

>> No.11244669

Interesting. However, what do you call someone that perform an assassination attempt?

>> No.11244677

Does she do any assassinations?

How is this relevant?

>> No.11244680

>Does she do any assassinations?


>> No.11244684

suppose u have multiple personalities

>> No.11244686

>How is this relevant?
Answer the question and you'll see.

>> No.11244700


>> No.11244705

New Thread

>> No.11244716

Would be assassin.
For example:
>What do you call a failed suicide bomber?
>Would be terrorist.

>> No.11244718

Don't worry the slave who made the threads for years made the next one.

>> No.11244726
File: 30 KB, 176x148, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the next time can you include the name so it's easily found in the archives? Thanks.

Stanislav Lem - Solaris (mega.nz mediafire.com zippyshare.com)

>> No.11244736

Does she cum loudly afterwards?

>> No.11244738

Thank you for providing me with an even better argument. Would be terrorists are (if they survive) sentenced for terrorism, making them terrorists. In the same way an would be assassin is still an assassin and the series is thus about assassins.

>> No.11244779

uncle ted was write go read the first 3 pages of Industrial Society and its Future

>> No.11244879

>September 15, 1943) was a Bavarian-born saloonkeeper ofNew York, best known for his attempt to assassinate former U.S. PresidentTheodore Roosevelton October 14, 1912, inMilwaukee, Wisconsin.
Not an assassin

>> No.11244892

>John Wilkes Booth(May 10, 1838 – April 26, 1865) was the American actor whoassassinatedPresidentAbraham LincolnatFord's TheatreinWashington, D.C.on April 14, 1865.

>> No.11245144

>fucking Fitz
>spends his life risking it for a dynasty that sees him as nothing but a bastard
>gets imprisoned, beaten within an inch of his life, tortured as result on multiple different occasions
>that genderfluid faggot the Fool basically just manipulates him while pretending to be his friend
>first trilogy ends with him being a hermit
>the "happy end" of the second is him getting a house from the country he singlehandedly saved on multiple occasions where he lives raising another guy's kids and a daughter who doesn't even see him as a father
I don't think there was ever a bigger cuck outside of fetish cuckold literature.

>> No.11245444
File: 67 KB, 324x499, 58374ADA-020A-4294-84E3-649198CCCCE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What can you say?

>> No.11245532

Unless you're in your teens, you won't really enjoy anything by the guy. All his stuff is basically young adult, but before the genre got flooded with the same tired shit after the Hunger Games became successful. This book in particular is a magic police drama but nowhere as fun as that concept can be. And don't watch the movie, it's shit.

Talking from experience, liked his stuff as a kid, but immediately saw it for the weak predictable fodder it was when I tried to re-read some of it in my early 20's.

>> No.11245918

>last read
The three body problem, the dark forest, and death's end

I'd like to read more scifi from non western/us cultures.

>> No.11246467

The Bible