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/lit/ - Literature

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11230402 No.11230402[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>meet girl
>I love reading too, my favorite books 'The Alchemist'
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11230409

>meet girl
>shes an old lady
>not really an appropriate mate
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11230413

>meet girl
>"your scar reminds me of harry potter"
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11230417

>meet lgf
>not really an appropriate mate
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11230424

>meet girl
>I love sex too, my favorite position is reverse cowgirl
>repeat never because this didn't happen

>> No.11230436

>meet girl
>I love reading too, my favorite books 'Harry FUCKING Potter'
>repeat ad infinitum

I'm not sure why they always say the 'fucking' so loudly and in my face, but whatever.

>> No.11230443

>meet girl
>bitch took my money

>> No.11230445

>never leave my house
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11230688

Unironically this was my college roommate’s favorite book. He was a journalism major. He also loved Twin Peaks but hated FWWM which should have been my first clue that he was a brainlet.

>> No.11230691

>meet girl
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11230723

>meet girl
>"i love you f>>11230417
or who you are"
>wake up
>meet girl
>"i love you for who you are"
>wake up
>meet girl
>"i love you for who you are"
repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11230775
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>Meet girl
>She likes reading too
>Introduce her to a bunch of good shit which she likes
>Starts reading philosophy with me
>We got along really well, have great conversations
>Think she's the one
>She still has her old friends from high school
>They're all retarded and do nothing but drink and be "instagram art pros"
>Bad influence on her
>She also probably has a borderline personality disorder
>She stops talking to me out of nowhere one day, no warning, everything was fine then she just stopped
>Sent me a text saying "The rate at which I get tired of people is unhealthy" I responded asking which people and got no response
>She hasn't updated her goodreads in weeks
And that's that. I thought she was who she claimed herself to be. She was probably very hypocritical and almost definitely has a personality disorder.
But those months together were great. Have never known a girl, or anyone for that matter, that interested in the same things I am, it was so fun to talk with her. Now I'm all alone again, and I wonder if what we had was even real

>> No.11230797

>I should be at Gryffindor, but for tonight do you mind if I Slytherin?

You've been wasting this opportunity, anon.

>> No.11230808

>meet girl
>tell her I'm reading the illiad
>she says she loves reading too, but nothing as "intimidating" as the illiad, reads genre fiction instead
>repeat ad infinitum
>still haven't finished the illiad

>> No.11230813

that was me

>> No.11230835

Was your roommate Mark Frost?

>> No.11230838

The absolute state of /lit/

>> No.11230943

>meet girl
>date for years, her alcoholism becomes agressive
>dont want to marry but dont want to break up
>I waste her childbearing years
>she kills herself

>> No.11230948
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>be born
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11230961

>meet a girl, married but son looks like a greek god
>im a jew embarassed about my bucktoothed kids
>we kick it off, turns out her tits are uneven and she has huge large pussy lips
>go back to my wife after nearly abandoning my family
>realize i got herpes from that one time at that one place where we did that one thing
>dont say anything, wife feels guilty and blames herself. I go along with it
>20 years later and we’re doing OK

>> No.11231232

Her friends didn't like that she became less shallow with you, so they convinced her that you were a loser and that she deserved better.

>> No.11231265

>meet a girl
>I love reading
>reads James Paterson books

>> No.11231281

>meet guy
>I love reading too, my favorite books 'The Turner Diaries'
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11231284
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>meet girl
>I love books!
>has only read the harry potter series and has read it over 10 times.
>has a massive bookshelf full of unread books
>they're arranged by spine colour

>> No.11231287

>meet girl
>no I didn't
>I never leave the house
>balding rapidly
>becoming more and more of an embarrassment to my mother and father
>realize the condemnation I am owed for my lack of accomplishments increases exponentially with age
>realize I'm in my mid twenties and have no skills or experiences
>holy shit how did this happen
>a pure, unadulterated drain of my family's fiscal and emotional resources
>read books to try and convince myself I'm not truly wasting my life
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11231344

But fire walk with me is shit.

>> No.11231621


>> No.11231643

>meet qt girl
>Says she likes reading
>She only reads fiction

>> No.11231647

Pls stop

>> No.11231648


>> No.11231771

Are you me?

>> No.11231854

this desu

>> No.11231958

>meet girl
>have sex with her
>repeat ad infinitum

>> No.11231980

Send her an email explaining in great detail how you could snap her spine like a twig, how you're so much more powerful than she is it's not even funny. If you wanted to, you could suplex her so hardd they'd have to pick strips of her flesh off the asphalt. You're strong, she's weak, and you could prove it in a thousand different ways, 684 of which would end in her being a cripple or dead. But you're not going to do any of that because you're not gonna let that maniac beast loose (not yet anyway hehe). Every time she will see you from then on she will visualize you physically destroying her, but you won't... until that one day when you crack and brutalize her so bad she'll be a pile of blood tears and broken bones. Tread lightly bitch

>> No.11231985

I want your life.

>> No.11231988


>> No.11231989

>meet litizen
>ask what is his favourite literary work
>be given some entry-level reply followed by that same question now directed towards myself
>answer: The Alchemist
>observe him outsperge
>ask, feigning shock, why on earth he feels such contempt for Ben Jonson

>> No.11232014

>has borderline personality disorder


>> No.11232077

>meet girl
>pretend to be deaf
why don't you guys do this. they can't just reject you, that's mean.

>> No.11232178

I like how everyone in anon's stories are on 4chan. It's a strange coincidence that never ends

>> No.11232515


They do that shit all the time. Don't take it personally

>> No.11232533

I literally did this to my best friend.
>I'm tired of you i don't want to talk anymore
and then cut contact. Is this sign of mental illness?

>> No.11232540

The amount of confusion 'huge fans' have watching the return but never having seen fwwm is glorious

>> No.11232546

Top kek m8

Seriously anons how do you people not recognize these dumpster fires? I get autists are bad with social cues but jesus

>> No.11232548

I don't understand the problem

>> No.11232550


>> No.11232709
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>> No.11232717

this is the only option

>> No.11232719

>tfw all the first comments get a reply except mine
Just like gym class tbqh

>> No.11232727

pretty much

>> No.11232743

That should make you question why you are searching for replies on /lit/ instead of being productive or doing something meaningful with their time.

>t. someone who is both highly productive and happy and who only goes on /lit/ for a half-hour once a week or so

>> No.11232747


Western women, everyone.

>> No.11232748

This is the chad of /lit/ omg

>> No.11232749

> meet girl
> She reads vonneuget
> No ad infinitum cause I'm still with her 5 years later
> Better than being alone I guess