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11231968 No.11231968 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW haven't been able to read ONE book this semester.

Law school really is an endless mountain of reading. Who else /jurist/? Is law the most patrician profession?

What are you lads reading over the holidays? For me:
>Volume 2 of In Search of Lost Time
>To the Lighthouse
>Tractatus Logico Philosophicus
>Man and His Symbols

>> No.11231976

No, it's soulless, mindless drudgery and I hate myself for not having studied German and Philosophy in order to become a teacher when I had the chance.

Anyway, I will travel to Serbia for 10 days this summer, living on a houseboat and finally reading War and Peace. Looking forward to it.

>> No.11231979

Same with me, but I'm studying Reaganomics, which is in fact the most patrician profession

I'll be happy this holidays if I finish Ulysses and then read some smaller books. I also need to finish watching all essential films (I'm almost there)

>> No.11231986

Thank god I dropped out of law. You'll meet some of the most disgusting and morally corrupt people there. The idea to spend 40 years in an office with them made me sick.

>> No.11232009

>study law
>either suck cock for nepotism or be well learned and get an aneurysm as you realize you’re nothing but a puppet or shill of the government
Lmaoing at your life son

>> No.11232023

Graduating this year, law school isn't really worth it, sorry to disappoint. Have been reading nonstop this semester, since I couldn't be bothered to put any more effort into it after five years of tedious study.

Anyway have fun if you enjoy law anon, I'll be transferring to regional planning, the actual most patrician profession.

>> No.11232338

Just got done with the second semester of my masters degree in supply chain management.

Finally glad to be done with those textbooks for a few months. Had to read over 1200 pages of OOS systems theory for my last exam. Currently reading Cancer Ward by Solzhenitsyn and I think I'll finally get around to reading War & Peace after that.

>> No.11233824

what are you doing now?

>> No.11233843


I ruined reading for myself but going back to university. I can now only listen to audiobooks. Judge me however you must.

>> No.11233849

more than u pseud
>for nepotism
we need to kill a bunch of you fucking brainlets

>> No.11234831

Law is boring. I study CS, and trying to learn myself C++ is real bitch. I burned on few 1200 pages textbooks cause i was too much of a brainlet to understand their way of code (in C++ there are always few ways to make even simplest tasks). Currently reading Hamlet, i must confess, i nearly cried at Ophelia death, Hamlet is such a stupid asshole

>> No.11236048

>Law is boring.
>I study CS

>> No.11236598 [DELETED] 

you should start going on 8ch dot net slash litpat

this place distracts from self-improvement but litpat is just for literary discussion and the occasional meme-posting

no baiting. no /pol/ shit. no genre-fiction.

>> No.11236627

>I study CS

>> No.11236740

Fuck off Tao.

>> No.11237017

He's right though. I can understand if someone finds code boring, but there's a lot of people that have a real passion for it, whereas literally no one actually finds the endless paperwork of law school 'fun'.

>> No.11237074

Cases can be a joy to read.
And Constitutional Law is pedestrian entertaining pseudo-philosophy.

>> No.11238432

make a thread anon

>> No.11238859

Constitutional Law is fascinating.

>> No.11238873

At least most of the endless reading needed for cases will eventually be automated within the next 15 years.

>> No.11238907

i dont know, this is fuckin beautiful mate
you have a simple function f(x,y) {x*y;} and then you want to calculate how to "tweak" it so every time output will be higher. It exhibit that simple derivative is answer to that

>> No.11238916


>> No.11240580

Looks fucking autistic to me.

>> No.11240801

> babby maths
> beautiful
Neural nets aren’t that beautiful.

>> No.11240958
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>Anyway, I will travel to Serbia for 10 days this summer, living on a houseboat and finally reading War and Peace. Looking forward to it.
>this is the poor substitute he gets for his longed-for but no-longer-possible contemplative life

>> No.11241434

econ grad here. yup, very little time for /lit/ reading. at least i get to school the brainlets on the econ threads

>> No.11241815

The need to read such a great volume of stuff is difficult and sometimes overwhelming, but actually reading the books is interesting. A lot of law (almost ever area) involves philosophical ideas, metaphysics (esp in criminal law) and linguistic philosophy in interpretation and contract law.

Being forced to read stuff by X date is what makes it hard, just like being asked to read a fiction book by X due date would make it a little less enjoyable.

>> No.11241964

Is STEM truly the best field of study for maximizing balance of leisure reading, sanity, and job security?

>> No.11242093

STEMfags please leave

>> No.11242100

Do not be upset, you too can reap the rewards of high income and the enjoyment of hobbies.

>> No.11242125
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>> No.11242154

>tfw academic probation first year of college

I'm fucked aren't I? I don't even like my school that much, but oh fuck if I apply to another school I'm gonna spend this next year applying, then have to repeat last year all over again, and I'm already several years older than all my classmates. I don't want to be graduating university at 26. Fuck fuck fuck.

On the other hand, I blame my college somewhat for my screwing up, and oh god their administration is a bunch of evil fucking bureaucrats. I already applied for a leave of absence because of how miserable I was in that place, but now I'm having second thoughts. Either I go back and I have to face those miserable fucks again but at least I'm free in three years, or I spend the next five years jumping through hoops. It's damned if I do damned if I don't.

Anyone here have any advice for me? I think I already missed the financial aid deadline so I guess it doesn't really matter. Fuck me, I'm a fucking failure.

>> No.11242160

I'd like a number 4 combo with medium black coffee please!

>> No.11242351

>A lot of law (almost ever area) involves philosophical ideas, metaphysics (esp in criminal law) and linguistic philosophy
That's completely untrue

>> No.11242367

>Who else /jurist/? Is law the most patrician profession?
No, that would be a profession in the field of medicine.

>> No.11242375

lawyers are parasites to the core

engineering is most patrician

>> No.11242380

what rank is your LS

>> No.11242395

Engineers are tumerous

>> No.11242400

he said, while using a machine designed by.. an engineer...

you won't recover from this hilarious hypocrisy, don't bother replying

>> No.11242405

Law really isn't boring if you read some of the supreme court decisions it's actually fascinating. Considering you study CS you'd think you'd enjoy logic.

>> No.11242484


Legal philosophy here, it's books all the way down. It's nice though.

>> No.11242487

Nice. I remember being part of a good legal philosophy thread on here a while back. Would be nice to get some conversation about the subject going again.

>> No.11242519

>TFW spent the last 3 months analyzing recursive algorithms instead of reading literally anything because I feel for the STEM meme.
Things could always be worse OP

>> No.11243360


What do you think about legal positivism in the broadest sense?

>> No.11243517
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/lawschool/ here
Exams soon so no time to read right now.
>Law school really is an endless mountain of reading
Yes, yes it is. At least case law is interesting. Statutes are mostly hot garbage though. Boring and poorly drafted.

>> No.11243569
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The patrician choice is double majoring in Philosophy and CS, becoming a systems analyst, bickering with business people over project requirements with an overuse of rhetoric so everyone thinks you're cringey as fuck and then you retire as a burnout at 35. Or at least I hope so

>> No.11243665

I chuckled.

>> No.11243804

I'd like a nice stereotypical strawman of non-STEMfags please!

>> No.11243979

Hey anon, hopefully the thread will still be live when I get back from classes but until then, what do you think of legal positivism?

>> No.11244158


>> No.11244315

Graduating in law this year. I hate myself for not giving up while I could.
I avoid my duties the most I can.
I can’t understand how someone dedicates their entire life to study and serve something written by bureaucrats and take it as the word of God.

>> No.11244342

You can do it another!

>> No.11244359

All lawfags on /lit/ seem to despise it.

What made you guys pursue law in the first place?

>> No.11244383

> Is law the most patrician profession?
Perhaps in another age, but not today.


I’d like to develop a code of inertia for superior souls in modern societies.

Society would govern itself spontaneously if it didn’t contain sensitive and intelligent people. You can be sure that they’re the only thing that hinders it. Primitive societies were happy because they didn’t have such people.

Unfortunately, superior souls would die if expelled from society, because they don’t know how to work. And without any stupid blanks between them, perhaps they would die of boredom. But my concern here is with overall human happiness.

Each superior soul who appeared in society would be exiled to the Island of the superiors. The superiors would be fed, like animals in cages, by normal society.

Believe me: if there were no intelligent people to point out humanity’s various woes, humanity wouldn’t even notice them. And sensitive people who suffer cause the rest to suffer by association.

For the time being, since we live in society, our one duty as superiors is to reduce to a minimum our participation in the life of the tribe. We shouldn’t read newspapers, for example, or should read them only to find out what anecdotal and unimportant things are happening. You can’t imagine the delight I get from the provincial news round-up. The very names make doors to the indefinite open up in me.

The highest honour for a superior man is to not know the name of his country’s chief of state, or whether he lives under a monarchy or a republic.

He should be careful to position his soul in such a way that passing things and events can’t disturb him. Otherwise he’ll have to take an interest in others, in order to look out for himself.

>> No.11244399

>I can’t understand how someone dedicates their entire life to study and serve something written by bureaucrats and take it as the word of God.

This is why I said in the above post that he may have been the most patrician profession in past societies - because in past societies, the law was understood as having a divine origin, and the judge therefore acting in God's place.

>> No.11244418

AIs can do it better than lawyers
It’s a dead profession

>> No.11244763
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>AI can do it better than lawyers

>> No.11245242

I've seen quite a few law threads in which there were some anons who actually found the study of law as intellectually stimulating. I think it is just those who despise and regret it that are the most vocal with their posts.

>> No.11245963

I am with you, absolutely.

>> No.11247037

Thanks. What interests you in particular?

>> No.11247343

He's not wrong. We are like what, 10 years away from serious AI technology? Soon literally everything will be irrelevant. Just enjoy the ride.

>> No.11247883

Go to bed Nick Land

>> No.11247978


>> No.11247998
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> not becoming a psychiatrist and using your patients’ life stories, emotions, and problems as material for your writing
It’s like you don’t want to make it

>> No.11248059

Nice list OP, all worthy of reading.

For me:
>The Recognitions
>Dante | Poet of the Secular World
>Breakfast of Champions
>Metamorphoses (Ovid)
>Gulag Archipelago
>Death in Venice
>Love in the Time of Cholera
>White Noise

>> No.11248103

Does anyone think these are data collecting threads by some person or entity to understand the demographics here?

>Inb4 fuck off back to /pol

>> No.11248124

fuck off back to /pol

>> No.11248406


>> No.11248428

fucking cowards don't even into NEET
enjoy sucking dick in an office for the rest of your life

>> No.11249052

If you hate your school that much then transfer, dude. Apps aren't that strenuous and if you can't sit down and complete one per day for a week then college isnt for you. I was put on academic probation my first semester and then failed second semester, due to a horrible opiate addiction, leading to a one-semester suspension. When I came back I was on the Dean's list (3.75+ GPA) every semester through graduation. However, I really enjoyed my school itself and the professors I had were fantastic. You just have to re-prioritize and study what you are passionate about. Don't worry about job security right now, I was a humanities student and have a great job now in international education. Plus, 26 isn't that old to be graduating. I was 23 and knew people much older than me in undergrad. You'll be fine

>> No.11249067

what am I supposed to do to not die? leech of the government? or my parents? please teach me your wise NEET ways.

>> No.11249133

All low level lawyer work like wills will be done by AIs. Obviously mergers and acquisitions and complex matters won't be replaced by bots. The result is less jobs for new lawyer grads.

>> No.11249870

Based. Tell me more of your ways?

>> No.11250208

I'm not sure what else you want to know

>> No.11250234


>> No.11250497

What >>11249067 said. Not all of us can suckle at momma's teat forever, some of us have to make do with taking part in the corporate capitalist scheme. At least for a few years, until we get sick of it and an hero

>> No.11251253

How to get my life back together basically.

>> No.11251327

oh wow way to prove his point

>> No.11251398

You need to learn to organize your time. I was just like you and let the mass of deadlines wash over me until it was too late, but a really simple routine to jot down every important date in your calendar and scheduling reminders on a regular basis is very easy to do and pays off dividends if you actually use it to stay ahead of the curve

>> No.11251547

Your argument is flawed.
Society would only govern itself by setting up a tribe like condition and being dog eat dog. It would be a hunter gatherer society. For agriculture to develop someone must lead or be in a position higher than the others.

>> No.11252382

Thanks bro, that post helps a lot.

>> No.11253006

Law and physic are for petty wits

>> No.11253319

Intellectually stimulating, interesting (and high paying) job opportunities, surrounding by really intelligent people, and respected profession. Another benefit is the great collegiate atmosphere law school has. It is a totally different experience to undergrad.

>> No.11254051

Can you tell me more? Hopefully the different atmosphere will improve my experiences.

>> No.11254874

t. petty wit

>> No.11254916

If you live in a half decent country you're not going to die by not having a job.

>> No.11255635


>> No.11256116
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>one chance at life to follow your aristocratic, amoral Will to Power
>waste it sheepishly wagecucking, telling yourself you can read and write on your free time, cuz' muh job security is everything, then post on lit to get validation from other plebs

>> No.11256476

i pretty much had nothing else to do, so i random pick

>> No.11257145

So you just live life by random choices? Kinda cool. Trust fund kid I'm guessing?

>> No.11257194

Agh, well I had law as a back up plan in case my undergrad major ended up something less than useful, but this is really discouraging.

Are there any actually good majors out there? I'm starting at an amazing university this fall but super undecided. Never been a STEM guy so preferably an interesting liberal arts degree with real world value? Or is that a unicorn? Should I just bite the bullet and pick a science?

So far I was considering law (polysci or int'l relations undergrad), psych (which seems worthless without grad-school), business (which seems soul-sucking), or econ (which seems borderline math-y and similar to biz).

How do I not waste the opportunity but still enjoy myself? Sorry if this is a little too /adv/

>> No.11257254

Attended Baylor Law until my scholarship ran out then dropped out bc I decided it wasn’t worth going into debt for. Been working part-time at a copywriting firm while living in a fairly minimal way, writing and reading more than I ever have in my life and starting to see some of my stuff in print. That said, I wring my hands all the time about whether dropping out was the right decision. An ugly part of myself really craves the cachet of being a lawyer. Anyway, best of luck to the lawfags still in the struggle.

>> No.11257657

Fuck money. Live to publish.

>> No.11258678


>> No.11258713

yeah well mommy and daddy aren't going to be able to pay for my chicken nuggets forever anon, someday you gotta get them yourself.

>> No.11258815

Ouch. This hurts.

>> No.11258893
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Ay I'm doing my BA thesis in history right now. I get to read a lot of history stuff which is interesting, but I miss reading for leisure.

>> No.11259960

why? Reading's gay

>> No.11260468

Tell us about your thesis anon.

>> No.11260959

Mfw my brother is a law student
Mfw he thinks he read a lot
Mfw it's judt vade mecum and law books
Tfw no face memes to post

>> No.11261964

law is based. only /lit/ degree that'll earn you an actual paycheck.

>> No.11262313

Hey newbie, stay a little while, we'll get you some good face memes to post! ;)

>> No.11262423

>Attended Baylor Law until my scholarship ran out then dropped out bc I decided it wasn’t worth going into debt for

dude, you made the right choice. more than half of law grads aren't practicing law and a fraction of that actually has a reliable job. law school is not worth getting into debt for unless your daddy is paying for it or your uncle has a job waiting for you

>> No.11262525

Law school was a lot of fun, at least for the first two years. I got to throw myself into the study of law and I spent most of my days just reading. In retrospect, I should have spent more time writing and networking. Networking is how you get ahead in this field.

After law school I spent two years in a mid-sized firm practicing employment law (plaintiff side). It was interesting, but not terribly well paying (50 - 60k), and the hours sucked, along with having to keep track of your billable hours - having to justify every 10 minutes of work is just the worst. Your clients will constantly be angry at the ambiguities of law and will take it out on you, and you're blamed for the result, regardless of how good or bad the case is. You'll never encounter the slam dunk case either - there's always going to be shitty facts you'll have to hide or downplay.

After I left the firm I went to a large corporation to do in-house employment law, and now I pivoted to handle their visa/immigration process. Some of this work is intellectually stimulating but there's an awful large amount of tedium. Hours are better but I still have to answer emails on holidays and while on PTO, and the pay still isn't what I expected going into law school (and I still have a ton of debt).

If I had to do it all over again I would probably go into computer science. Then again, my first task at my current job was to oversee a large layoff of software engineers. Almost everyone laid off was over 40, and the main justification was that they were too expensive to keep employed. Unless you're in management or the only one who knows about a key legacy system, life is hell for software engineers over 40.

>> No.11263840

Be glad you didn't fall for the STEM meme.
This always gets old seeing this in these threads.

>> No.11263853

become a communist and start suing employers on behalf of unions and other proletarians

>> No.11264476

Can't tell if bait or brain damage.

>> No.11265347

I'm interested in constitutional law and international law -- but I don't know what the job prospects of those areas are like. Any insights?

Also, was your aforementioned starting salary (50-60k) typical for grads from your law school? Seems low considering what most pay in money and time to get through it all.

>> No.11266771

How do you guys know what you want to do and which jobs to avoid? I've switched majors 4 times now and still have no clue whats good.

>> No.11267021
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>I'm interested in constitutional law and international law -- but I don't know what the job prospects of those areas are like. Any insights?

dude, buy this $7 book. the professor answers these exact questions and tells you what you should know before you go hundreds of thousands in debt.

>> No.11267309

Not that anon, but is it just some cynical old prof parroting the mainly avoid law school meme like a lot of people do on /lit/? A lot of books on the subject of law school tend to skew towards that perspective and it really has gotten old to me at this point.

>> No.11267950


>> No.11268484

Just finished my law degree. I did my LPC at the same time and it was a drog. Still found time to read though, but maybe my grades will be shit when results are issued.

>> No.11269872

Would love to hear about your grades once they come in anon. Curious to hear how your reading habits may have influenced them.

>> No.11269879

This was meant as a reply to >>11268484

>> No.11269986

>nothing but a puppet or shill of the government
Sounds comfy as hell, tbqh.

>> No.11270108

Always wanted to be a Jew.

>> No.11270371


>> No.11270656

I'm a PhD student who haven't read anything in 3 years.
By anything I mean stuff I read for fun, i.e. other than my field-scholarship. I read a lot and reading is heavily associated with work for me. The last thing I want to do in my free time is to read more.

>> No.11270674

I never wanted to be anything but a writer and thought that by tthe time I'd graduate I would already be published. I was a foolish teenager.

>> No.11271731

What is your dissertation over anon?

>> No.11272509

And what are you doing now?

>> No.11272568



t. software developer

>> No.11272882

Imagine being this deluded.

>> No.11273260

aye but at what cost?

>> No.11273609

Smart contracts are already up and running. Write a contract for low claims court and just deploy it and check it once a year. 100% trust and independent of human bias.

>> No.11274283
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>100% Trust in AI
>Independent of Human Bias
Go back Zuckerberg

>> No.11274403


You likely not much work solely focusing in either constitutional or international law, unless you're aiming to be a law professor, in which case competition is fierce and you'll have to endure being an associate professor (sub 30k pay) for a number of years.

Knowledge of constitutional and/or international law is something you have in your "toolbox," so to speak. I guess if you want to practice constitutional law you should be focusing on government practice, because people working for agencies and legislatures need to be aware of constitutional issues. Defense attorneys also need constitutional law, though if you would only really rely on it if you have no other defense left.

International law is even rarer - usually only discussed by law professors and diplomats. International tax is in high demand though. Also, family attorneys need to know international law at least as it relates to the Hague Convention on child abduction, which comes up a lot when you're dealing with child custody cases for people with foreign nationals.

And yeah, the 50 - 60 range is realistic pay if you can get with a mid sized firm. People who graduate in top 10% from good schools can join the big firms and make more in the 90 - 110 to start, but once you fall out of the top 30, your starting pay drastically drops. There's competition for 40k paying government agency jobs. And smaller firms might even offer just 35k a year to start. Not worth the 100k + debt.

>> No.11274727

Ignore any posters who seem jaded and bitter and go for it anon.

>> No.11274751

I like to weed out the insatiable from them. Earnestly, I find those who have no future but ambition endearing. They reject being satisfied with how this world is and will go full neurotic for freedom or destruction.

>> No.11274793

I worked very closely to lawyers for many years. They truly are often disgusting and morally corrupt people.

>> No.11274800

Why supress what you really are? You will die someday, all you have is a chance to scream.

>> No.11274806

they are, also there are automated threads, the Land threads, Ted K threads, cuck/incel threads, peterson threads are autoposted. there are also actual feds on this board and every single other high traffic board
yeah im not going through with it, im gonna just sponge off of the system. i can’t endure more faggotry

>> No.11276022

It looks like someone is projecting again!

>> No.11276905

It's not a /lit/ degree, though.

>> No.11277818

It's still a pretty intellectual degree though.

>> No.11277840

I like law, and since i don't live in burgerland i'm not in 100k debts to graduate. Right now i am holding back reading because of exams but usually i do have time for hobbies. Don't get into law if you don't want to compete though. It's a competitive degree and just a masters won't lead you anywhere. Do stuff beside studying. internships,volunteer work.

>> No.11277867
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It gives me a semi every time I tell someone i'm a law student desu.

It truly is the most patrician field. You are surrounded by super intelligent people and literally everyone is interesting.

>> No.11279411

>responds to legitimate criticism with 'you idiot, I should kill you'
the law student is not only intellectually superior, but also a master of rhetoric able to easily defeat any opponent

>> No.11280863

I mean he pretty much BTFO'd that other poster so I would say the law student is pretty powerful.