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/lit/ - Literature

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11231127 No.11231127 [Reply] [Original]

My fellow bibliophiles, ITT we shall enumerate the following:
>your age
>last book you read
>book you're currently reading
>what you're going to read next
Feel free to make some recommendations and partake in some friendly discussion.

>> No.11231136

the handmaid's tale
lonesome dove
don quixote

>> No.11231149


>> No.11231150

>Das Schloss by Franz Kafka
>The House of the Dead by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
>In the First Circle by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

>> No.11231160
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> the sun also rises ( boring as fuck don’t recommend it)
> warhammer 40K eisenhorn ( taking a break from serious literature to hit the sci-fi/fantasy stack
> suttree or stoner because summer

>> No.11231165

Tristram Shandy
Don Quixote

>> No.11231170

>Invisible Cities
>Chekhov short stories, Blindness, The Unique and Its Property
>Things: A Story of the Sixties/Un Homme Qui Dort, Salinger Nine Stories, Spinoza Ethics

>> No.11231171

Blood Meridian
Fanged Noumena

>> No.11231173

she got no ass, i'm finna pass

>> No.11231273
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>Selected and Last Poems, Milosz
>The Magic Mountain
>That Awful Mess on the Via Merulana
Also gonna make a reread list for the summer.

>> No.11231282

Every Heard a Doorway by Seanan McGuire
Quicksilver by RJ Anderson
State, Anarchy and Utopia

About to write a paper on agenderism and asexuality as acts of anarchy.

>> No.11231290
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>> No.11231301
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>The Psychedelic Experience
>Crime and Punishment
>Mao II

>> No.11231311

La invención de Morel
The Magic Mountain or The Red and The Black

Stoner is the first book I read in english and it is surprisingly easier than what I expected

>> No.11231313

>Gulag Volume One
>Gulag Volume Two
>Mythology by Hamilton

>> No.11231316

>>Crime and Punishment
Is JP really making brainlets around the world pick up Dostoevsky? I'd say he's good for something but he's shilling a terrible misinterpretation of the book. At least Dost is able to delineate lack of deistic beliefs with a lack of values, and JP is arguing that the book says the opposite.

>> No.11231319

>American Psycho
>Blood Meridian
>My Grandfather's unfinished Vietnam memoir that he wants me to help him compile

>> No.11231323

Last one I finished? The Manual of Political Economy by Vilfredo Pareto. Had to put it down because of the amount of mathematical errors in the appendix.
I'm reading Book VII of the Collection by Pappus, The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money by Keynes, The Almagest by Ptolemy, The Federalist Papers (about to finish up the ones by Madison), and Commentary on the First book of Euclid by Proclus.

One might not think that there would be much to say about the first book of Euclid's Elements, but I have legitimately learned about metaphysics through this commentary. This is amazing.

>> No.11231325

Anyone know books that could help me with nofap? I'm addicted as fuck to porn.

>> No.11231328

why do so many anons think people is reading Dostoyevsky because of some youtuber when it has always been one of the most popular authors here on /lit/ especially for newcomers

>> No.11231333

>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Against the Day
>You Bright and Risen Angels

>> No.11231337


I might get the sequel, there’s no way that this is going to have a conclusion.

>> No.11231338

>people is reading
Anyway, he has been getting increased mention here since peterson started memeing him.

>> No.11231346

Dostoevsky is one of the most famous writers of all time, what makes you think I first got interested in him from a self-help youtube e-celeb? I've been planning to get into his work for a long time and recently read NFU and then picked up C&P. I'm not a Peterson viewer and though a friend sent me some of his stuff about the book I refrained from watching it to avoid spoilers or have his ideas interfere with my reading experience.

>> No.11231353

Ficciones by Borges
Dubliners by Joyce
The Stranger by Camus what should i expect from this?

>> No.11231358

>The Stranger
A comfy read

>> No.11231360
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>people is reading

>> No.11231382

Stop talking about Peterson on this board, pseud.

>Inferno - August Strindberg
>Book of the new Sun (more like Book of the new Cum, am I right guys? That Severian fella sure gets around)
>I'm hoping to get around to some wacked out non fiction. Poststructuralist feminism or traditionalism... or the Occult
Any good recs?

>> No.11231386
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>people is reading

>> No.11231390

You gotta start with the long boy himself Guenon if you're gonna fall for the traditionalism meme

>> No.11231396

goid fkin daemmn i wanna succ that TIDDIE

>> No.11231404

>The Metamorphosis
>The Beautiful and the Damned
>War and Peace

>> No.11231443

well shit I thought of ‘people’ as a single thing like ‘mass,’ you wouldn’t say ’mass are reading’. Whatever. At least I’m not american.

>> No.11231451
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Clearly you aren't, or you'd have a grasp of the English language

>> No.11231455

Shut the fuck up with these dumb threads

>> No.11231456

Lord Jim
How To Read A Book
Something from the recommended reading list of the book I'm reading now.

>> No.11231471

your average american probably speaks a shittier english

>> No.11231514

At least they aren't reading Dostoevsky

>> No.11231543
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>25 (soon to be 26)
>A Mind for Numbers. Oakley.
>Flow. Csikszentmihalyi.
>Grendel. Gardner. (again)

>> No.11231767

Madness and Civilization
Don't know yet, I went through most of my backlog already. Might read Tropic of Capricorn next. Open to recommendations.

>> No.11231777

>Dundo Maroje
>Protocols of the Elders of Zion or Anarcho-Fascism: Nature Reborn

>> No.11231789

Speak, Memory
Book of Disquiet
Idk, could use some recommendations. Possible opitons atm are, Blood Meredian, Augustus, What We Talk About When We Talk About Love or The Stranger. After 1 or 2 of those I'll either start on The iliad, The Idiot or Infinite Jest

>> No.11231795

to clearify, currently reading nothing, and might as well read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.
i really don't know what to read of those three lol

>> No.11231802
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>'mother night' by vonnegut
>'journey to the end of the night' by céline & 'mortal engines' by lem
>'freedom' by franzen or satoshi kon's opus

>> No.11231805

Drop of water in a pool
Dosto has always been one of the most talked about authors on here

>> No.11231820

>Any good recs?

if you're reading 'book of the new sun' you will enjoy the short stories of jorge luis borges, if you're not familiar with him already. i recommend 'labyrinths'.

>> No.11231823

i meant to say, if you're reading and like botns. if you're not a fan of gene wolfe then ignore my comment.

>> No.11231835

>The Blank Slate
>A Farewell to Arms

Only properly started a few years ago, thoroughly enjoying this new part of my life opening up.

>> No.11231850

Bordewijk - Karakter
Marquez - Love in the time of cholera
Idk, can anyone rec me something?

>> No.11231880

>war and peace/the eternal husband
>none atm
>either brothers karamazov or crime and punishment can't tell

>> No.11231882


Last read:
Daniel Chidiac-Who Says You Can't? You Do!

Currently Reading:
Josh Reynolds-Fabius Bile: Primogenitor

Bhagavad Gita As It Is

Plan to read next:

Jen Sincero- You Are A Badass

>> No.11231887 [DELETED] 



The history of western phylosophy

The brothers Karamazoff

Guns, Germs, and Steel: The Fates of Human Societies

>> No.11231905

Killing Floor
Cryptonomicon and the Illiad

>> No.11231913
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Trump: how to get rich
Probably On The Road

BTW, I haven't read Ulysses in over a month, not because it's too big or confusing (it's hilarious) but because I have to study for my exams

>> No.11231915

>Book of Disquiet
Be a fucking man and read Mensagem afterwards

>> No.11231927

>Bhahavad Gita
>Rene Guenon - Man and his Becoming according to the Vedanta
> Eliade or some Strugatski fiction

>> No.11231928

The poetic Edda
Peter Schlemihl
Le Colonel Chabert

How is The Handmaid's Tale from a Christian(-sympathetic) position?

>> No.11231936
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based britain
based portugal
based norway

based /int/

>> No.11231945

Reminder that Portugal & Norway are also eternal friends united in the Holy Cod Alliance

>> No.11231957

>The Plague (re-read)
>Grapes of Wrath (re-read)
>Probably something by Dylan Thomas
Basically I realized recently that a lot of my early readings of things made a big impact on me, but forgotten, and I am turning away from complexity towards basic, humanist morality. Generally just buying books for my son to read when he is older.

>> No.11231966
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it is not necessary to post reminders of that which can never be forgotten

>> No.11231981
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>Rene Guenon - Man and his Becoming according to the Vedanta

How are you finding that? I've heard it's one of his more difficult works. What did you read before hand? I'm 2/3 of the way through the Bhagavad Gita atm and I plan on reading Studies in Hinduism by Guenon next.

>> No.11231997
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>people is reading

>> No.11232005
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A Monk's Guide to a Clean House and Mind
Do Androids Dream of Electric sheep?
Spring Snow by Yukio Mishima

>> No.11232012

>Jude the Obscure by Thomas Hardy.
>The Principal Upanishads- Dr.Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan.
> Anti-Oedipe
I'm tired of everything.

>> No.11232022


>> No.11232027

>The Iliad
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Paradise Lost
Although Lolita is kinda tempting to also dive into

>> No.11232029

I request you not to read the Prabhupada Commentary of Bhagwad Gita. He misleads.

>> No.11232073

>Moby Dick
>Short stories of Franz Kafka and the Bible.
>Crime & Punishment, Notes from the Underground or Anna Karenina

>> No.11232081

the new testament

>> No.11232091

how did you find The Castle? is it your first Kafka?
how do you like House of the Dead? it was my first Dosto and it was kind of a slog, pages upon pages of description.

>The Doll by Prus - really really awesome read. I wish more people would have read it. I heard about it in a thread here on /lit/ some time ago that was about polish lit. Really glad I followed up the rec.

> The Adolescent by Dostoievski - I feel like it's one of his lesser novels, but there is a part so gut wrenching and painful it almost got to me.

>Uncle Tom's cabin - don't know anything about it, had in the library for some time so I guess I'll read it.

>> No.11232111

I've heard this said before and it's convinced me not to read any of his stuff, but can you tell me specifically what he is misleading about?

>> No.11232136

I thoroughly enjoyed the Castle and yes it was my first Kafka. I was hooked almost straight away. The way he stitched together these rather illogical events, which then developed into this strange narrative was really intriguing. I have to say I was rather perplexed at the end of it but I guess that is what one usually feels at the end of his novels? I know he died before he could finish it and that probably added to the feeling of confusion I had at the end.

I'm tossing up whether to go with The Trial or The Metamorphosis as my next one of his.

>it was kind of a slog, pages upon pages of description
Yes, I understand your feeling in regards to H.o.t.D it can drag on at times. I read Crime and Punishment as my first Dosto. Will probably go onto The Idiot next.

>> No.11232435

You can go with either one really. But be sure to check out his short stories too, Kafka is an amazing writer.

>> No.11232579

V-Thomas Pynchon

Gravity’s Rainbow-Thomas Pynchon and the Age Of Fracture- Daniel Rodgers

Protestant Work Ethic-Weber, Underworld-Don Dellilo, and I might throw something fun in there, perhaps Inherent Vice.

>> No.11232585

>The tartar steppes
>Ulysses and catch-22

>> No.11232965

>Look Back in Anger by John Osbourne
>Sociology and Philosophy by Emile Durkheim
>Bleeding Edge by Thomas Pynchon

>> No.11233019

>The Stranger by Camus what should i expect from this?
One of my favs, Meursault is a unique character - as in I actually haven't seen any other literary character like him

>> No.11233057

>Faust I
>Brothers Karamazov
>The Power and the Glory

>> No.11233070

>The Stranger

A decent little novel, but not what it's made out to be
Ultimately it's somewhat cowardly and doesn't quite work, and it's certainly not an "existentialist masterpiece". It's mostly understated (to great effect especially towards the beginning) but the ending sequence didn't make a particular impression on me - I just didn't care. Mersault could make me vaguely interested in what was happening to him in an aimlessly amusing sort of way, but there just wasn't enough investment for me to put up with the grandeur at the end. You'll see.

>> No.11233082

>The Arabian Nights
>The Iliad and Montaigne's essays
>I don't know yet, perhaps some Beckett

>> No.11233086

a canticle for leibowitz
orpheus and the roots of platonism
enneads again

>> No.11233102
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What impression do you have of portrait so far? What part are you at? Were you raised Catholic?

>King Queen Knave
>Madame Bovary
>The Volga Rises in Europe

>> No.11233110

The Origins and Role of Same Sex Relations in Human society

>> No.11233115

>Toyo Shibata "Kujikenaide"
>François Villon, a poetry compilation I have; Voltaire, la pucelle d'orléans .

>> No.11233120

Im reading it as well and i dont understand shit without reading all the notes.
T. Not Irish or catholic

>> No.11233139

I read it recently without notes and didn't find it challenging. What are you having difficulty with? The prose style? As Stephen ages it becomes much more clearly written. Have you gotten to the broken glasses part?

>> No.11233153

>Twenty poems to be read on a train/ Stickers by Oliverio Girondo and some short stories by Mishima (Death in midsummer was fantastic and I'd love to read more stuff like that)
>Finishing Stoner and starting The Crucible by Arthur Miller
>Some short stories by Nabokov and Kierkegaard's The Concept of Anxiety (it'll be my first Kierkegaard so I'm not sure if it's the right starting point)

>> No.11233165

>Chuck Palahniuk - "Adjustment Day"
>Haruki Murakami - "1Q84"

>> No.11233193

>Butcher's Crossing
>Crime & Punishment
>Want to start with the My Struggle books by Knausgaard

Knausgaard was discussed a lot on /lit/ quite some time ago. Anybody read him recently? Thought?

>> No.11233202


>> No.11233219

Portnoy's Complaint
A Game of Thrones
A Clash of Kings

>> No.11233281

ya lets not have any conversation good idea everyone

>> No.11233318

>Hoshizora no Memoria, I'm unapologetic weeb gutter trash
>How the Mind Works/ F:S/N (Fate Stay Night another VN for the neurotypical plebs who are apathetic to otaku fads, not that I fault them for being sane, I'm just too far gone these days to do a 180)
>revisit 1Q84, Infinite Jest potentially. I have yet to decide what nonfiction I'm picking, since I'm trying to keep a balance between real life and fantasy.

>> No.11233356

Death of Ivan Ilyich
Kafka on the Shore
Anna Karénine

I recommend not bothering with Kafka (the author, not Murakami's book) but if you insist on giving him a try, do it with The Metamorphosis.

>> No.11233391

Top-pleb m8

>> No.11233526

>The Bell Jar
>The Trial/To The Lighthouse/On The Road

>> No.11233555

Setting Sun by Osamu Dazai
12 Rules of Life
I don't know maybe Watership Down

>> No.11233573

>The Magic Mountain
>The Egghead Republic by Arno Schmidt, Stoner, Death in Venice
>Berlin Alexanderplatz

>> No.11233589

>The Crying of Lot 49
>I Am a Cat
Help me decide if I should read Lolita or The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle next

>> No.11233631

What do you guys think of Zweig? Middlebrow?

>> No.11233806

The stranger
Currently reading east of eden. It’s ok.

Going to read the amazing adventures of kavalier and clay next.

>> No.11233841

sloppy style, consecutive metaphors everywhere.

>> No.11233855

Ibsen - Hedda Gabler, some Borges short stories
Plato's Parmenides for the last 3 weeks
More Plato

>> No.11233884

>Cupid's poisoned arrow
>LOTR The Fellowship of the Ring
>White Nights

>> No.11233967

overall Lolita is the much better book on all counts,
On the other hand, I kinda despise Murakami, but I've somewhat enjoyed parts of Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. Not a lot mind you.

>> No.11233972

gonna post this here instead of shitting up the board
I haven't read a book in 10 years up until now, but am now reading Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
it's very good, I'm enjoying it a lot and finding it very helpful etc
was just wondering though, since I'm reading the penguin classics edition, what is the board concensus on these? is an earlier translation preferred? what about the penguin classics editions of works by plato, or the odyssey + Iliad?

>> No.11233976

Cousin Betty

>> No.11235050

Only practicing Catholicism fixed that problem for me.

>> No.11235088

>Winesburg, Ohio
>A Farewell to Arms
>I think Madame Bovary, I just checked out a comfy old copy from my university library that’s from 1904. I’ve never read Flaubert before but I read Maupassant (his protege) and really liked him, and Flaubert is supposedly even better.

>> No.11235120
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It appears that female failed to properly attire herself and now her nethers are a flapping in the wind. I'll alert the mods

>> No.11235195

>Gravity’s Rainbow
>Malone Dies

I’m really enjoying my first foray into Beckett’s prose. The monologues he writes are hypnotic and cathartic.

>> No.11235225

Twenty Four Hours in the Life of a Woman by Stefan Zweig
Steppenwolf by Hermann Hesse
No idea

Hope you like it, anon. Probably my favorite book. Are you French?

>> No.11235276
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>Napoleon by Andrew Roberts
>The Sagas of Icelanders
>The King James Bible

It's completely unsympathetic. Every Christian character is portrayed as a psychopath that only uses the religion to further their own agenda. There's no old religious mammy character that represents "true" religion

>> No.11235285

Ryde the Tyga

try the redpill 14/88 SIEGE hail

>> No.11235370

Spinoza's Ethics

>> No.11235414

>The Shining by Stephen King
>A Cidade e as Serras (trasnl.: The City and the Mountains) by Eça de Queiroz
>Musicophilia: Tales of Music and the Brain by Oliver Sacks

>> No.11235426

the desert and its seed
the absolute gravedigger (i think)

>> No.11235432


>The Sun Also Rises ( I agree with >>11231160 it's boring do not recommend)
>Darkness At Noon
>Either Absalom, Absalom! or 2666

>> No.11235443

>Revolt against the Modern World
>The Aeneid
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.11235461

The Doors Of Perception
The Plague
Nothing at the moment, open to recommendations

>> No.11235498
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Read Watership Down so comfy
Magic Mountain nice
East of Eden started great but gets boring. Steinbeck works best in smol doses
Winesburg Ohio does not get the recognition it deserves here
Both good choices for next..depends if you've read either author previously
Read Magic Mountain

>Sex and Character -Weininger
>Jakob Von Gunten - Walser
>The Waning of the Middle Ages - Huizinga

>> No.11235523
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>posts a picture of his biceps on /lit/

>> No.11235532
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The World Interior of Capital - Slaughter Dick
The Grand Chessboard - Zbigniew Brzezinski
Tampa - Nutting

>> No.11235548

why did you post a pic of you on 4chan?

>> No.11235594

>Autobiography of Malcolm X
>Runaway Horses
>Cien Años de Soledad

>> No.11235683


The Crying of Lot 49

Blood Meridian, Collected Fictions, Game of Thrones

Foucault's Pedulum

Anyone else read several books at once? How do you handle it? I switch books whenever I feel bored or I read whatever is closest to me at the time.

>> No.11235686

>The Broom of the System
>The Mobius Strip Club of Grief

>> No.11235778

I read usually two to three, rarely more, books at once. Generally it's one to two works of fiction (classics mainly, something that's novel length and some short stories or novellas here and there whenever I feel like it.), and one work of non-fiction (history or philosophy), that I do extensive study and notes on.

>> No.11236401

Human, all too Human
The Fourth Political Theory
Being and Time

>> No.11236493

Crime and punishment so we can read it together <3

>> No.11236506

Don't Call Us Dead, Danez Smith
Three Masquerades, Rachel Ingalls
The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down, Anne Fadiman

>> No.11236535

>first book of Sam Sykes' Bring Down Heaven trilogy
>second book of same
>not sure - maybe third book of same
>also gradually picking away at Reclaiming History and considering looking for a digital copy of Man, the State, and War since Google Books only has the first 20-odd pages and I'd like to finish it

I'm also considering reinstituting a policy I had some years ago of committing to finish (or give up on) at least one book before I start another. I used to be more of a stickler about seeing books through to the end unless they were extremely bad or boring, but my life has gotten shorter and the list of books I want to read hasn't, so I'm more ruthless about it.

I'd also like this to be the year I return all the books I've borrowed from other people.

>> No.11236550

Also nice NSFW pic OP. I like a titty as much as the next person, but for a board that pretends to be one of the more intelligent ones, acting like you don't know what's blue board material and what's not is just lazy.

>> No.11236595
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>Bartleby the Scrivener (pretty meh)
>Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?
>what you're going to read next ?
dont know. Ada nabokov maybe

anyone from estonia here ? im not a creep

>> No.11236754


>The Jungle Book(s)

I’m also listening to LOTR on tape while i drive to/from work. And as a graduate student, I’m reading a lot of philosophy. For those interested in the philosophy this is my research related reading list:

>Intention (Anscombe)
>Life and Action (Thompson)
>Critique of Pure Judgement (Kant)

(I’m researching expertise and what it is to be an expert)

>> No.11236995 [DELETED] 

honestly can’t remember
Mobey Dick

>> No.11237001

honestly can’t remember
Moby Dick

>> No.11237358

24. Starting with the Greeks.

Zen and the art of motorcycle maintainence

Currently: ancient greece - Thomas Martin, as I lay dying - Faulkner.

Next up : Mythology by Hamilton, on the road, Siddhartha.

>> No.11237394

>A Portrait of The Artist as a Young Man
>Notes from Underground
>Kafka - The Castle

>> No.11237397

Pretty good, definitely ramps up towards the end though, kinda flat in the middle. How's Dubliners?

>> No.11237419

The Histories
Some works from Complete Works of Kurt Vonnegut which I recieved from Amazon like a year ago but hadn't cracked open until now
Not sure what I'll read next though, I've got a couple books I have no interest in sitting around but I'll probably buy something else.

>> No.11237430

Our Mathematical Universe
King Lear
Either some book about alchemy or a 19th century biography. Pre civil war.

>> No.11237437

>unfinished Nam memoir

>> No.11237456

>A Clockwork Orange
>The First Philosophers, A Room of One's Own, Understanding Modern Warfare
>Plato: Complete Works

>> No.11237508

Power of habit - Charles duhigg

>> No.11237510

Great book, but the final sentence made me vomit

>> No.11237512

Because they are unable to

>> No.11237914

bumping for attention

>> No.11237950
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>warren buffett's biography
> reading Antifragile by Taleb. "reading" war and peace, stuck at page 700. "reading" ulysses but really just flipping through and considering it. also reading a book by the late Hubert Dreyfus about AI.
> idk i want to read some Woolf, or Coetzee, or Shakespeare (because its about time)

>> No.11238398

When I first came to lit I instantly began to read all main titles by Dostojewski and I can truely say they changed how I perceive the world. No wonder why Peterson is so hyped atm when all he does is redpilling teens on dostojewski.

I would recommend Crime and Punishment as a starter for everyone interested in starting to get into literature.

>> No.11239410

I hope you enjoy Das Schloss by Kafka as much as I did

>> No.11239434

> 22
> In Patagonia by Bruce Chatwin
> Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima
> The Sun Also Rises by Hemingway

Rate lads

>> No.11239472
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>Industrial Society and Its Future
>For My Legionaries and Legacy of Totalitarianism in a Tundra (I binge read on weekends so I'm not really starting anything yet until Friday)
>I don't really know. I was thinking Growth of Soil if I can find it

>> No.11239579

I finished it earlier and I liked it a lot actually. I was moved by the first chapter, by everything related to Katherine Driscoll and by many small little moments. I almost teared up when he saw the dedication in Katherine’s book. I want to reread it now but I’ll probably let it settle for some time before reading it again.
I’m chilean.

>> No.11240730

Ah that seems accurate then

>> No.11240736

>The Spirit of Thomism
>"The Quantum Enigma" and "Liberty or Equality"

>> No.11240752

Sometimes I like to open pussy up like I'm about to read Wallace

>> No.11240756

>Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead
>Fear and Trembling
>Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.11240758

>Industrial Society and its Future

my nigger. I read this recently and it's fucking nuts

>> No.11240764

Last argument of Kings
Assassin's Quest
No clue what to read next

>> No.11240766

Crime and Punishment if you haven't yet, it's best when youre a teenager. Not memeing I really enjoyed it when I was 16.

>> No.11240831
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Honestly man I don't know if I completely agree with it, but I have a high amount respect for the guy. I'm starting to get a lot more cynical of technology, and I think reading the manifesto has really exacerbated that.

I just want to be in the woods.

>> No.11240867

Alright kid, I don't who you are or where you live, but that is going to change. Soon. That's right, I'm going to find out where you live and I'm going to fucking KILL you. Why, you ask? Take a look at the picture you attatched to the originel post of the thread. Yeah, notice anything? It seems that you have used JEZEBELS to further aggregate attention to your thread. Big mistake, buck-o. I am going to kill you for many reasons, but the principle one will be this propensity of yours to propagate licentious behavior which is the utter buttress of our society's (and our individual souls') downfall. No no, don't bother trying to delete it, the deed is done. You were dead the moment you attached these scantily whores to your post and filled out the captcha.

You think it's easy being me? You don't know the half of it, kid. You don't know the sort of rejection I've faced. And this is my territory you;re in. I bet you thought you could just come into this board and post whatever you wanted, like /b/ or /r9k/, rite? Wrong. I and many others come here for the specific point of discussing LITERATURE. Read that word carefully, look it up if you have too. And while we were amiably pursing this noble subject of erudition, you came along and decided it was a propitious idea to put a libidinally charge representation of what I, and many others on this board, cannot attain on the front fucking page. You cretin. You sad, dead, little phallus-minded moron.

So in conclusion: prepare yourself. Post whatever jezebels you have left, with the time you have (it isn't very much time). I'm coming for you, bitch.

>> No.11240937

>The Gay Science
>Naked Lunch
>Filthy Frank book


>> No.11240964

Sorrows of Young Werther
Crime & Punishment
Manufacturing Consent

>> No.11240986
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31, boomer
Infinite's Jest
A Stranger's New Land
Crime and Prejudice

>> No.11241940

> An Artist of the Floating World
If everything's temporary, should we give a fuck? I liked it a lot, very slow-paced and quite nostalgic.

> Volyn '43
Reportage written by Polish author. It's about massacres of Poles by Ukrainian nationalists that happened in Volhynia and Eastern Galicia in 1943-1944. Just google it.

> Fahrenheit 451
Most probably

>> No.11242068

The Collected Poems of Emily Dickinson
House of Leaves
Not sure yet, maybe Fear and Loathing in Los Vegas?

>> No.11242082

>Fahrenheit 451
I literally just finished this. It was extremely moving at parts, which surprised me.. I think it’s quite pertinent to the situation that surrounds us today.

>> No.11242175

Good to know Anon, I'll get it then.

>> No.11242229
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adventure of huckleberry nigger
the last third of chtulhu mythos, Medusa's Coil is the next one on my list

i'm unironically going through /lit/'s meme lists

>> No.11242246

>Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut
>Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
>1.) gonna reread Slaughterhouse-Five because I need to analyze it for university 2.) after that probably finishing some Kafka shorts and then rummage through my stack

>> No.11242271

>They invention of Morel - Bioy Cazares
>Man and his symbols - Carl Jung
>They system of objects - Jean Baudrillard

>> No.11242301

>charlotte bronte - jane eyre
>don delillo - underworld

>> No.11242313

>Revolt Agajnst the modrn Wurld
>Eros and the mysteries of Love: The Metaphysics of Sex

>> No.11242492

Journey to the end of the night
Death on Credit
Probably butcher's crossing