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/lit/ - Literature

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11229576 No.11229576[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is lifting fake news for intellectuals? Everyone I know who attempts to straddle strength training/bodybuilding with academics ends up a perpetually tired asshole hated by their entire team who achieves only middling results. Meanwhile the truly successful academics I know are all skinny & tall, and they prize moderate cardio or some activity like sports/hiking while engaging in minimal strength training.

Please only reply mockingly if you have actual academic achievements that are impressive given your IQ and hours invested, like a strong research record or impressive professorship/postdocs, and not nonsense like "lol git gud i lift and have a 3.7 gpa in my classics undergrad" or "i lift and i got into rutgers medical school"

>> No.11229627

I've published 3 papers in a fairly niche engineering journal, and 2 poems in a local literary magazine. I was a provincially competitive Olympic weight lifter at the time (recently "retired" because im getting too old).
It's easy to burn yourself out, but it's not impossible. Lots of people forget the very important de-load week (for both your body and mind) every month or two.

>> No.11229635

Yes, it's like with RPGs, you're supposed to pick which stats you care about most, not spread them out and make yourself mediocre at everything.

>> No.11229640
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>Is lifting fake news for intellectuals?
ugh i can't stand how the media industry is lobotomizing the plebs.

lifting weights using proper form, eating healthy food, getting plenty of water, doing stretches, and getting enough rest is GREAT for you. you don't have to link it to academic achievement to want to do it, dummy. and cardio actually has been shown to improve memory, so take that how you will. neither of them are going to make you smarter, though, that takes thought and work and buddy i'm not convinced you could do either.

>> No.11229642

i agree but i'm not going to take life advice from someone who speaks in computer game analogies

>> No.11229646

good goy

>> No.11229648
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not him but fuck you and your trash bait thread

>> No.11229664

do you actually have a good professorship or top pubs somewhere or are you just mad that i want to know about real life and not 4chan fantasies where the only thing stopping you from being a jacked billionaire genius is being a normie or some jewish plot

>> No.11229669

>OP doesn't want to take life advice from a video game analogy
>OP lives his life as if he was a video game character who wants to maximize his limited skill points
dump all your points into reading, dummy. cardio is for mental deficients who watch zombie movies.

>> No.11229678

everyone i know with actual achievements loves going for walks and things like hiking. fat fucks are usually weaklings in their departments

>> No.11229681
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>> No.11229704

>fat fucks are usually weaklings in their departments
they're usually weaklings in other departments as well, OP. if you know what i mean. wink wink.

go for a walk fatty

>> No.11229711

While intelligent people tend to be skinnier because of high brain metabolism, neoclassical physique is the way to go.
The bulky muscle man type shit might appeal to sluts and homosexuals but normal people are subconsciously repulsed by BMIs that lie outside the golden ratio. 6' or smaller should weigh 180 or less.

>> No.11229716
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Yeah, bodybuilding did wonders for Matt Kroc.
You're screwing with your hormones, man wasn't meant to leave humanity that far behind. Real men are hungry skellies who read and sleep in their free time and own firearms to handle physical conflicts and arabs walking towards you in the same direction as sun glare properly.

>> No.11229745

I'm 5'9 and physically cannot go above 165 no matter how much I force myself to eat. Looks like I'm a genius, no need to take an IQ test

>> No.11229837

If you get burnt out by 4 hours of weight lifting per week, you deserve to be culled

>> No.11229857

>skinny & tall, and they prize moderate cardio or some activity like sports/hiking while engaging in minimal strength training.
That's me. I'm not a successful academic though.

>> No.11229860
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t. twink

>> No.11229880

would you?

>> No.11229881

The secret about body builders is that they are all former nerds. Like ultra nerds. Body building is the male equivalent of women who get plastic surgery

>> No.11229887

This. Powerlifting or especially bodybuilding takes extreme discipline and spreadsheets in your spare time.It's really quite desperate tbhwy desu and probably even cringeworthy.

>> No.11229888


>> No.11229965
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don't listen to the twinks op getting strong and huge is probably one of the best and funnest things you can do for yourself
all you really need to do is go in 3 times a week and do full body for two hours. make sure you are doing lifts you enjoy and tap into your rage.
make sure to drink your milkies and eat your raw garlic too.

>> No.11229991

god bless the bugez

>> No.11230004

raw garlic, why not cooked?

>> No.11230014

Best weight for someone 6'5"?

>> No.11230016

>Unfortunately, cooking garlic destroys the garlic's ability to make allicin and makes cooked garlic generally not as beneficial as raw garlic.

>> No.11230028

>full body for two hour
too much time, I'll just go jogging

>> No.11230045
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>> No.11230058

>if you are not an insect who publishes in journals other unthinking insects publish in you shouldn’t reply
>mentions iq and academia in the same breath
>has incomprehensibly bad grammar in the first sentence to the point where i want to flay OP for his arrogance
>posts pedophile christfag to be obnoxious
>doesn’t know anything about lifting and doesn’t lift
>almost certainly is in a personal conflict with some insect colleague who “lifts bro”
>has never played football or basketball or soccer so didn’t need to lift in hs
>has no attractive friends outside academia who lift
>isn’t even a physicist or mathematician and is talking about being published
ok bye /lit/ im going to go write more things you people wouldn’t even conceive on a DMT trip

>> No.11230065

>successful academics

>> No.11230071

as I stated earlier, it's a trash bait thread. OP isn't meaningfully engaging with actual posts, he just keeps throwing more bait. I hope he gets banned.

>> No.11230073

>While intelligent people tend to be skinnier because of high brain metabolism
That's the type of shit you'd read in an anime, anon

>> No.11230092
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>high brain metabolism

>> No.11230099

get swole nerd

>> No.11230215

It actually is a serious post. As for the grammar etc. I cannot comment.

>> No.11230358

At least he/she looks happy, most trannies look down-right miserable.