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11228140 No.11228140 [Reply] [Original]

Forgive me, I know this is probably not the most appropriate place for this question, but I haved noticed a large amount of Christians on this forum.

What are some tips on how to make my prayer more meditative and spiritually awakening/meaningful? It seems most of the time I just sit there repeating things with my eyes closed waiting for something to come.

>> No.11228188

I too have spent many hours sat in the dark waiting for something to cum.

>> No.11228232

fuck off

>> No.11228248

Wait for everything to disappear, not for something to come or happen. If you are waiting for something you are missing the point of meditation and prayer.

>> No.11228261

There is nothing to wait for at all. It has always already arrived, so that you have to do is thank and never ask for anything. The act of thanking for things is miraculous enough, you'll see.

>> No.11228268

Then why has God, in the past, granted my wishes?

>> No.11228287

I should have clarified. I never ask for anything when I pray and then wait for it to come. I suppose by "waiting" I meant for some sort of spiritual revelation to come. It seems, and this is the aftermath of years of atheism, it's hard to really feel a spiritual connection with God when praying, and I wish to strengthen this.

>> No.11228295
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kek and fpbp

Consider your frustrations a sign from God. I won't presume to speak for Him, but I think it means you need to crack a book and study. Learn about the Platonic origins of Christianity, what 'one' and 'many' mean, and when and how these terms are used in the NT. Read Kempis, and remember that imitatio dei is the official position of the Catholic Church. Contemplate the mystery of the Trinity, what the soul is, who Christ is, and keep reading your Bible. When you're loaded up with that information, you will recognize and understand how powerful and meaningful each line of the Our Father can be (for example). Or at least that's my experience.

>> No.11228309
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Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to become like Christ. This briefcase will explode in 5 seconds.

>> No.11228328

Seclusion can help with that. I watched a documentary about the Jessus prayer, and a monk was of you want to find God do the desert and pray.
Apart from that having a divine revelation is not an common thing. Just don't lose you faith. Go to communion and you will be fine.

>> No.11228329

Seek and you shall find. Seek in the greek meant to continously seek and seek and seek.
Also go to a church. A good one that uses the Bible as it's foundation instead of traditions. By yourself it's almost impossible to strive after Christ... He has made it so that we are supposed to follow him as one body. "wherever two of you gather, I shall be there also" or something like that.

>> No.11228375

>Platonic origins
divine origins*

>> No.11228383
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not an argument :^)

>> No.11228426

Why do you think it happened because you wished it?

And likely you are thankful for what happened, but would you be thankful for it if it wasn't what you asked for?

That's still waiting for something. In this case, you are waiting for some revelation so that your spiritual connection to God is strengthen. However, think about it this way, if you are waiting for a sign before calling it a thing, then that's the most logical and rational it has very little to do with faith. It's like wishing for bigger muscles to carry bigger weights, not knowing that it is because you can't properly lift them now, you'll stress the muscle enough so that it becomes possible. In faith, likewise, the less you try to see God in the face, the more he will appear in everyday life.

I'm an atheist by the way, by whatever other means. I talk to christians as a christians, to muslims as a muslim, to buddhists as a buddhist, to atheists as an atheist. It works and not only that, it has got me into a beautiful mental place. Words are just raw material, we must learn to have a good relationship with God and with our faith. When I'm not with theists, the word God vanishes completely, just like prayer, meditation or faith. There is only this, with no sign of knowledge, science, religion or thought of anything else. When I'm back to the world of people, I regain use of those words and am able to articulate them into better relationships the best I can. It's not so much that I don't believe in anything, or that I believe in all, or that I believe in a bit of all, just that what I think of the world ceases to have an importance, because I've learned in my guts what it means to be here in this Earth, with no necessity to articulate in just the words I want to use.

That's why you have to pray it right kek

>> No.11228572

>waiting for something to come.

Well, there's your problem. You think it's "push a button, receive bacon" situation?

Prayer is for inner peace despite external stimuli.

>> No.11228691

whatever you do, don't listen to this man. If the word "God" disappears from his heart when alone, he knows nothing about prayer.

>> No.11228761

Whatever you do, don't listen to this man. He keeps words in his heart, whereas God has only filled ours with blood.

>> No.11228766

prayer does not work, if it did work its almost certain a thought-form mimicking your god would pick up on the signal, there is absolutely no reason to believe that prayers are answered and if they are there is no reason to believe its your god who is responding.

>> No.11228825

The response of prayer doesn't come from anywhere. You are just farting your thinking out, what comes back is not an actual answer like you'd ask a drink to the bartender, it's more of a reaction to your action of prayer in an almost newtonian sense. Since you put it out there that you are thankful about something or that you have this question about life, then the very silence to your question becomes an answer. For every question there is an answer, even if it is a non-answeri. Praying is thus, a form of putting your perception of the world on the move, to adapt itself to the mystery of new life situations and allow yourself to adjust things to the way they already are (thus in respect to God's work) and not to how you think things should be. To phrase things out or to sit in silence in this context is a way to trick yourself to let those questions flow through you and through the world around you.

>> No.11228833

Why do orthodox priests look like they are into the occult?

>> No.11229018

>never ask for anything
thats quite literally the opposite of what the bible says. it does however say to ask with thanksgiving, and also to have prayers of petition (asking for the wellbeing of others)

>> No.11229040


>> No.11229053


>> No.11229062

> it's more of a reaction to your action of prayer in an almost newtonian sense
from where? a reaction and the use of newtonian implies extension and motion in space which implies bodies. What bodies? Why are you using concepts if you don't want to apply their mechanics?
>Since you put it out there that you are thankful about something or that you have this question about life, then the very silence to your question becomes an answer
that's gay. why not just introspect?
>Praying is thus, a form of putting your perception of the world on the move
that doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with what you initially said pseud
>to adapt itself to the mystery of new life situations and allow yourself to adjust things to the way they already are (thus in respect to God's work) and not to how you think things should be
that's not what prayer is, you're asking God for a sign, you're blatantly lying because prayer doesn't work.
>to adapt itself to the mystery of new life situations and allow yourself to adjust things to the way they already are (thus in respect to God's work) and not to how you think things should be
you aren't adapting yourself, stop using idiot scientific sounding phraseology you fucking pseud. you don't want anything to do with mystery because you're trying to brute force answers where there are none, you even psychotically asserted above that there is always an answer but that's fucking nonsense and presupposes that there is order in a chaotic and senseless world

answers and questions don't flow through the world, they flow through information systems as queries and they're rarely answered according to the parameters desired by the questioner

everything you said is fake and pretentious, you're lying and redefining basic things like praying for good fortune, praying for a healthy church, praying for a friend's forgiveness as something else. you attempted to make it esoteric but you failed because you're retarded, have a low verbal iq, are not good at abstracting (like I mean Nick Land has a better grasp on the occult than you do you fucking poser nigger) and you failed to say anything beautiful, there are people on /b/ and /pol/ saying more profound things than you right now. I want you to know you failed your God just now and you made yourself look and sound ugly, you're inarticulate and incompetent at being a mystic. I doubt you've ever had a profound high intensity experience in your entire life. I doubt there's anything differentiating you from normalfags. All of you Ortho niggers and pseud Christian mystics strike me as posers, like you're making everything up and you don't have profound insights and you've never seen an angel, you've never had a vision, you don't have the spatial reasoning skills to "experience" godlike consciousness, you're too meek to identify yourself with any "inner light" and you aren't artistic or mystically inclined naturally so no Blakean or Swedeborg type visions 4U. Extremely gay

>> No.11229117

>from where? a reaction and the use of newtonian implies extension and motion in space which implies bodies. What bodies? Why are you using concepts if you don't want to apply their mechanics?
Literally everywhere that isn't yourself. That is, the life around you, the world around you, your relationships with people and things.

>that's gay. why not just introspect?
Because to just introspect makes your fantasies go into a whirlpool, if you don't put it out, you never see how important it is or how silly it is, and so on.

>that doesn't make any sense and has nothing to do with what you initially said pseud
It has, because it affects the real world of your attitude towards things.

>that's not what prayer is, you're asking God for a sign, you're blatantly lying because prayer doesn't work.
What you have is a misconceived version of prayer. That's what prayer is, not to ask God for a sign at all. You just produce the sign yourself (the prayer).

>you aren't adapting yourself, stop using idiot scientific sounding phraseology you fucking pseud. you don't want anything to do with mystery because you're trying to brute force answers where there are none, you even psychotically asserted above that there is always an answer but that's fucking nonsense and presupposes that there is order in a chaotic and senseless world
Both questions and answers are not "out there", all questions have answers because we fake them in, they are in us and they go to us. But that's a natural human process that cannot be avoided. When you avoid it, you also fake them in (that is, if you repress your feelings, they reappear somewhere else, pretty simple).

I didn't read the rest because I have to go out now

>> No.11231023

Hello anon. Watch these of Saint Theophan the Recluse.


>> No.11231034
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>I'm an atheist by the way

>> No.11231072

Given that prayer is such an integral part of a Christian life, its a little odd that theres so little advice on how to actually do it. Some Christians now look to the advice regarding Buddhist meditation and apply it to prayer.
I think this may be related to the history of the Church's primacy. But as an inner light Christian (whatever denomination you want to identify as) you have to find this out for yourself.

>> No.11231289
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>> No.11231881

Missing the point. Bravo atheisto bravo.

>> No.11231896

Modern, educated christians find the concept of prayer or direct divine intervention too ridiculous and unbelievable in the current year and are slightly embarrassed to discuss these things. Because of this they've had to slowly turn the concept of prayer into a kind of pseudo-buddhist/platonic determinist meditation on God's will in which you no longer actually ask for anything or attempt to speak with God as the New Testament mentions multiple times (since these requests are blatantly unanswered in any verifiable way) so the entire system of prayer ends up just being completely hollowed out.

>> No.11231912
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Search yourself for everything separating you from God (anything separating you from God will fit under the Great Commandment: Matthew 22:36-39) and strip yourself of those things, i.e. detachment. Think: what lies am I telling myself? What am I hiding from?

Then tell Him what you have to tell Him at that moment. Not what you think you should or what other people might say, but what YOU need to. Even just talk to Him about how you don't know what to say. It doesn't really matter what it is, as long as it is SINCERE. That's all God wants, SINCERE LOVE on your part. Prayer after all is the Holy Spirit in you, praying on your behalf. So as far as your actions are concerned, all prayer consists of is stripping away everthing that comes between you and God, i.e., everything in you that separates you from Truth.

Also keep in mind that Christian spirituality is not about going into wierd hallucinogenic states like commodified Eastern spirituality. Christian spirituality is about knowing God so that you can go out and serve Him. FEELING God is secondary to that.

Ultimately everything that I've just said is worthless. Authentic spirituality cannot be described, though what I've just said is the closest I could come to describing my own approach. But maybe it can offer you a starting point for your own journey (in fact, that's why the Church has so many different forms of spirituality; because they each cater to different kinds of people).

>> No.11231916

OP don't listen to this guy. He has no clue. It's only retards like Matthew Fox OP that preach the pseudo-Buddhist bullshit.

>> No.11231926

Read through the thread, sweetie. Christians in here have been peddling that nonsense too.

>> No.11231947

Considering that Plato prefigured much of Christianity, that's hardly wrong, and the Platonic style meditation has been a part of the faith for most of its history. Your mistaking superstitions about prayer (ask to find my carkeys, find them, therefore god exists) with the way its actually be taught through the ages.

>> No.11231951

Does God change his plan for the world depending on our prayers?

>> No.11231960

If you want honest advice about being a Christian, the first thing I can tell you is to get the fuck off of this website and find something else to do with your life.
>inb4 Jesus ate with sinners so therefore I can spend my time looking at porn on an anime forum

>> No.11232087

because orthodoxy puts a high emphasis on the unseen world interaction and angeology via lithurgy/ritual.

Basically, the answer is that orthodoxy is high on mysticism.

>> No.11232266

Well done for the only post to use a relevant Bible verse