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11226621 No.11226621 [Reply] [Original]

Any good books on corruption? I just got done reading about the manufactured 2008 housing crisis and honestly feel sick.

>> No.11226738

Gramsci's work

>> No.11226922

You should get ready now for the next one

>> No.11227036

Seems like it's already going on. College loans are a scam

>> No.11227051

College and medical industries are going to collapse together. Agriculture is likely going to collapse further

>> No.11227098

Care to elaborate? I can see how college/universities will collapse due to the high amount of debt for so-so degree. That's a big problem in both Canada and the US, but I can't see the medical sector collapsing in Canada or at least I am not aware how it would.

>> No.11227104

What book? I find what happened in 2008 to be fascinating and really only a prelude to what's to come.

>> No.11227329

>that pic
bicycles make you a girl? Cool

>> No.11227367

what an embarrassing picture to have saved lol

>> No.11227381

Riding your bike around town twice a day for a year is like half a sex change operation.

>> No.11227388

this picture reeks of bitterness

>> No.11227389

yeah, you're right, instead you should just drive your fatass to the corner store like a REAL man

>> No.11227396

what is that pic from? it gets some stuff right, some wrong. seems dated and a bit petty picking on maxim and shit. that anon who did the new rok is middlebrow: the place greentext did it a lot better
id try to find it but im on a phone

>> No.11227406
File: 37 KB, 375x500, 51yqSWXz5VL[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know the first thing about politics, but this was an interesting read.

>> No.11227472

Do bike seats really kill your balls that much?

>> No.11227512

what an embarrassing post to have written lol

>> No.11227702

Only thing I disagree with in this picture is bike riding
Nothing wrong with exercise, fatass

also basically any dollar baby dystopian novel

>> No.11227737

These guys are behind so many layers of irony.

>> No.11227863

I don't really buy into the whole estrogen meme, but I just realized that I unconsciously avoided everything that get shitted on latley. I always favored walking to bicycles, I installed a water purificator in the house because I was obsessed with water purity (so no plastic bottles), I never wore those flat faggoty shoes, never eat onions (I put a bit of it on my sushi at times but I never eat sushi), I don't watch porn, don't buy magazines, I wear levi's 501, I don't watch television ecc.
Only problem being that I'm a massive alcholic in house arrest atm (that's why i'm here). Also no beer, only wisky, vodka or martini. I'm a Leninist tho so I don't think Op would like me

>> No.11227875
File: 272 KB, 689x899, 34534654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are like a little baby, read this.

>> No.11227936

>feel sick
Why? What happened with the financial crisis? Wasn't it just that a bunch of poor people took out loans and didn't pay them back?

>> No.11227946

Good thing I'm healthy. Fuck all you sick motherfuckers

>> No.11227961
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>> No.11227965

>I'm healthy
I read that as "I'm very young and naive."
Give it time.

>> No.11227969


Bitching about the fed is essentially bitching about nothing

Banks aren't supposed to approve loans for people who won't be able to pay them, and if you can't see why it's bad business to do so then you're retarded

>> No.11227970

Are you blaming the financial crisis on racemixing? Not sure what you mean by that picture.

>> No.11227987

I didn't say it wasn't bad business to approve loans for poor people though.
I just said poor people not paying back loans was the problem as far as I was aware.
It would be stupid to leave your door open after leaving your house to go to work by analogy, but if you're robbed the real cause is the guy stealing your belongings. You just made it easier for them to do that to you.

>> No.11227990

I'm 27, and in much better shape than any of my peers, both due to genetics and lifestyle choices. My parents have never had any significant health problems, and my grandparents are either still alive or smoked a pack a day until it killed them

>> No.11228029

Failure to mention they were coerced to do so by a federal housing program that instituted mandatory minimums of subprime issuances.

>> No.11228047
File: 42 KB, 316x446, 656DEC2A-86A9-4BB8-9B9F-8FA1A420C913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some hyper autism in this picture

>> No.11228128
File: 46 KB, 598x349, gas-prices-graph-1998-2011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what retards like OP are unironically trying to say. The truth of the matter is that all-time high gasoline prices reduced consumer spending and that is what hurt the economy. Trucking goods became more expensive for businesses as well.
The banking sector merely used this as cover for subsidization and bankruptcy for restructuring. The subprime mortgage packaging aspect of the recession is a total canard.

Your answer is better but that's the tepid cuckservative counter to the paradigm parodied above. If it was truly as severe as people allege, then housing prices would be depressed to this day and that simply isn't the case. The real estate market has essentially recovered. Most of the people who bought homes, commuted and were substantially impacted by the high gasoline prices.
It wasn't really the adverse selection inherent to the approval process but simply an inability to pay as people suddenly were unable to afford their 40+ mile one way commute to work from a suburban/rural location in vehicles averaging 20mpg at the time. No shit they're going to default on their mortgages if they can't even afford the fuel in order to get to work.

The Government, the Federal Reserve and Banking sector at large, had an incentive to distract from this being the cause as it would have sparked panic and inflation as was seen during the fuel crisis of the 1970s. Wanting to avoid a repeat of that, they marvelously orchestrated a PR campaign showing how the banking system "failed us" with the mortgages. Testimonies to were made to this effect, by a select few individuals called before congress, SEC filings, court proceedings that "proved" it. The Federal Reserve avoided sudden inflation—the banking sector finagled various deals under the guise of restructuring and received discounted lending from the Fed—The Government was able to disperse trillions of dollars under the guise of a stimulus package to its acolytes. At the end of the day, it worked.

>> No.11228130

Says no one but zerohedge type sites, which say it about everyone 100% of the time and then crow when they are right

>> No.11228154

Bethany Mcclean books on Enron and aig are great

>> No.11228181

yes, the poor banks had their arms twisted by the evil gubmint

>> No.11228207

Are you saying there wasn't a government ordered minimum?

>> No.11228331

>pyramid graph is pointless in three dimensions, makes no meaningful connections
>a bunch of Big Names arranged into a pentacle
>a political cartoon
and a hilarious zoom in on a blurry... what? Is it supposed to be the lurking Jew goblin?
>cropping out the other side of the copperplate

You don't deserve a response, and I sincerely hope you're trolling. Does anybody know about the seals?

>> No.11228389

>a large proportion of healthy US citizens think this way

>> No.11228492

What's the deal with no onions? Are people that vain they validate not eating onions. Not that I'm calling you vain or anything.

>> No.11228521

Are you saying real capitalism has never been tried?

>> No.11228597
File: 624 KB, 500x2909, 1507218288146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I disargee with OP in that the housing crisis wasn't managed. That would give those morons too much credits

>> No.11228908
File: 37 KB, 385x350, 1525466141516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is just the 'cover' you nigger, the book is 700 pages lenght of pure sickening facts.

>> No.11229297

I never said anything about capitalism.
Why are you lying about the government not ordering a minimum? I don't get what you're trying to accomplish here, everyone can google you on your bullshit.
I haven't even taken a stance in this thread, I just don't like lying pieces of shit like yourself.

>> No.11229529

give me facts
how big was the minimum
how much did they give out
convince me

>> No.11229615

Why did you post an opinion if you don't know what you're talking about? I don't understand. You could've just asked to begin with instead of coming in like a retard and denying reality on the basis of nothing at all.
I didn't even have an opinion on this and just wanted to know why you attack that other anon's post since all it did was point out government mandated minimums.
I asked you repeatedly if you were claiming there weren't minimums, and you just dodged the question.
I don't get it.
>The Housing and Community Development Act of 1992 established an affordable housing loan purchase mandate for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, and that mandate was to be regulated by HUD. Initially, the 1992 legislation required that 30 percent or more of Fannie's and Freddie's loan purchases be related to affordable housing. However, HUD was given the power to set future requirements. In 1995 HUD mandated that 40 percent of Fannie and Freddie's loan purchases would have to support affordable housing. In 1996, HUD directed Freddie and Fannie to provide at least 42% of their mortgage financing to borrowers with income below the median in their area. This target was increased to 50% in 2000 and 52% in 2005. Under the Bush Administration HUD continued to pressure Fannie and Freddie to increase affordable housing purchases – to as high as 56 percent by the year 2008.[136] In addition, HUD required Freddie and Fannie to provide 12% of their portfolio to "special affordable" loans. Those are loans to borrowers with less than 60% of their area's median income. These targets increased over the years, with a 2008 target of 28%.[137]

>> No.11230543

No, you should walk, because that’s what your fucking legs are for

>> No.11230637

oh, you and your tendentious rhetoric. the fact that people were greedy doesnt mean it was "manufactured"