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11225908 No.11225908 [Reply] [Original]

>434 pages dedicated to refuting the most retarded theory in history

I feel bad for Pinker.

>> No.11225976

>the most retarded theory in history
And what would that be?

>> No.11225991

He means Tabula Rasa but the most retarded theory in human existence is actually god

>> No.11226012

That human nature doesn't exist.

>> No.11226020
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>> No.11226028

That sounds rather dumb, I agree
Just another case where human rights etc get in the way of progress, if we could just lock a group of children in a room and watch them grow and do their thing we could easily disprove this meme

>> No.11226037

Those are some cute soulless people

>> No.11226039

There are actually compelling arguments for God, whereas the blank slate was based in an epistemology that ultimately led to a science which refuted it.

>> No.11226051
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Have an upboat my dear le gentlesir

>> No.11226061

haha fedora looooooooooooooooooooooooool

>> No.11226073
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>> No.11226100
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>> No.11226102
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>capitalist apologist
>his books are utterly retarded

Color me surprised

>> No.11226104


>this is how christfags actually debate

>> No.11226149

Debating with people that cannot understand saint Thomas Aquinas' five proofs is of no use

>> No.11226152

>the most retarded theory in history
Just go to /sci/ right fucking now, there are still people arguing that there.

>> No.11226153

post the five proofs and i will deconstruct them before your very eyes

>> No.11226162

>responding with any seriousness to an obvious shitpost

Gotta choose your battles, as St Benedict tells us

>> No.11226172

lit is filled with /r/badphilosophy snarky failed grad students at third rate universities who believe in the blank slate

>> No.11226181


When has this board became invaded with Christians?

All those people that are so egocentric they have to come up with some force that loves them and cares about them; people who think they are so important they deserve to exist forever. Seriously, why would a god ir the universe care about a bunch of ugly, dumb and obnoxious people. Even if Divinity exists these people don’t deserve to be eternal.

>> No.11226186


>> No.11226200

Good, they call out retarded nigga bullshit.

>> No.11226202


>> No.11226204

this but unironically

>> No.11226220

literally no one believes in blank slate the way le ebin gray mullet man thinks

>> No.11226228

>Tabula Rasa
Hegel proved it right

>> No.11226254

>Hegel proved it right
And modern genetics demonstrated it to be false.

>> No.11226264

No it didn't.

>> No.11226272

this, but ironically. You also don't seem to understand what constitutes as proof.

>> No.11226310

>people who think they are so important they deserve to exist forever
>these people don’t deserve to be eternal
you don't know the first thing about Christianity

>> No.11226329


Of course I know. The problem is that I know Christians too.

I bet all of you people wouldn’t care to follow Christ if he professed the same philosophy but stated that there wasn’t life after that. You only tolerate - if you do so, most Christians don’t - the parts about loving the next one and being kind and compassionate because you have your eyes on the prize: to live forever next to your loved ones.

If Christ didn’t promised paradise and eternal life noboby would have followed him.

>> No.11226335

Is the book any good? I have it sitting on my shelf but i haven't read it yet.

>> No.11226343

lol. Even my 15 year old levels of atheist cringe were utterances of king philosophers compared to yours.
Yes, there is a staggering population of fedora Christians on this board. But you my friend are a fedora atheist. You deserve eachother.

>> No.11226344


>> No.11226472

>implying I am not a calvinist

>> No.11226478
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>> No.11226487

Human nature doesn't exist though, because nature does not exist, but neither Pinker or the retarded blank slate apologists have gotten there yet. They only give half answers.

>> No.11226540

All of this only proves his point.

>> No.11226556

>If Christ didn’t promised paradise and eternal life noboby would have followed him.

>> No.11226584

>The brain is made out of plastic

Why does he keep saying this?

>> No.11226587


>> No.11226597

Modern neurobiology proved that there is human nature retard

>> No.11226608
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>Modern neurobiology proved

>> No.11226618

People who deny biological essentialism don't deserve to share my oxygen.

>> No.11226630

What do you think people would answer to that kind of a question? "No, I am a complete hypocrite and a coward who is in it just to soothe my fears about the lack of afterlife"?

>> No.11226714

You sure are dumb. Why don't you go back to /sci/

>> No.11226733

The questions are phrased poorly anon. What neurobiology proved is proved, but what you call and how you relate to it is weak.

>> No.11226842

it covers a lot of ground, so there'll be a lot of stuff you've heard before. if you're a brainlet like me who has only read a handful of iconoclastic stuff, then yes, it's worth it.

>> No.11226854
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>The nature doesn't exist

>> No.11226868
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>> No.11226894

>posting bottom of the barrel memes

Jesus, even an irrelevant reaction image would have been better.

>> No.11226920

Ok, thanks anon.

>> No.11226946
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>> No.11227500

But it's a social construct

>> No.11227588

Agreed. Look at all of the contrarian psuedo-Catholics you triggered lol.

>> No.11227649

Kant would disagree with you.

>> No.11227669

Blank slate is true because human consciousness evolved from nothing

>> No.11227693
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>nature is a social construct

>> No.11227743
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Nobody but bottom of the barrel professionals working in meme fields unironically believe in blank slate theory though.

People i've heard support the theory: sociologists, a women's studies professor, a few psychologists and philosophy undergraduates