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11223120 No.11223120[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

so what actually is the point of life? i found jesus, but now what? like what do i do?

>> No.11223135

His will.

>> No.11223143

You hover him over the trash can and let go.

>> No.11223146

await his return. i'm sure it'll be any minute now ;)

>> No.11223147
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Make the world a better place by following his teachings. Stop worrying about accumulating material possessions, give your time and resources to helping the less fortunate, treat people with kindness and respect and don't show partiality to people based on their wealth or status as all men are equal before God.

>> No.11223152

Spread your seed and smash as much young pussy as you can until you can't.

>> No.11223153

yeah but whats that? i keep asking him but not getting a good response. am i just a bad listener?

>> No.11223158

does that include niggers?

>> No.11223167

lets take a look at Hannibals kip : To live Life is to Eat Hummus. Start a Noise Band. Live with your roommates. Book some gigs.

>> No.11223170

> i found jesus, but now what? like what do i do?

>start with the Greeks
>resume with the Romans
>bunker down with the Bible
You are here
>move on to the Medievals

>> No.11223176

Yes anon, that includes niggers.

>> No.11223179
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Maybe try actually posting an accurate depiction of the man you worship.

>> No.11223191

i feel like this is insightful but im too dumb to comprehend it... who is hannibal and why is hummus so important

>> No.11223213


>> No.11223226
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He looked like this

>> No.11223292
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Jesus in the Catacombs of Rome. 3rd-century fresco from the Catacomb of Callixtus of Christ as the Good Shepherd

>> No.11223313

He looks like this
Since its literally the shroud he was buried in that his face got embedded into.

>> No.11223317

Make the world a better place. Lead by example. Goodness radiates.

>> No.11223321

If you have to ask this question then you haven't actually found Jesus

>> No.11223403

do you know the answer?

>> No.11223414

It's not hard to accomplish that. I'm sure there are loads of Mexican vagrants who ramble to themselves on street corners about prophetic visions.

>> No.11223434

Jury's out.

>> No.11223438

Christ IS the answer. Read Hegel

>> No.11223439

>It is first securely attested in 1390, when a local bishop wrote that the shroud was a forgery and that an unnamed artist had confessed. Radiocarbon dating of a sample of the shroud material is consistent with this date.
Don't be such superstitious old grannies. Its a fake.

>> No.11223453
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>> No.11223456

finding truth. If you're on level 1 get to level 2. If you're on level 2 get to level 3 and so on and so on. You can never run out of deeper truth to find. Don't care if it sounds cringey it's the goddamn correct way to live.

>> No.11223458

wh*teoids BTFO

>> No.11223464 [DELETED] 

Mainstream corruptions of Christianity are nihilistic. They may not seem so, but they still are. Just because they have a pretense of being spiritual and ethical doesn’t mean that they are. They say that there is a higher world of value and spirit which transcends and can redeem this world, but there’s no justification for this itself. Why is God good? Why did He create the universe? What’s the point of existence?

>lol um...idk bc um lol like he wanted people to worship him and wanted others besides him to feel joy bc he’s so loving XD

But what is the point regardless? What’s the point of God and point of existence? Religionists are just nihilists who think they have solved nihilism by positing a God and other world, but they can’t explain, for the most part, why this God and other world are meaningful.

>> No.11223501
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The carbon dating was done on a section which was added later to repair it. The shroud is legit. There are too many factors that the person who 'forged' it would've needed to consider. The blood flows and scourge marks consistent with a roman flagrum from that time period. The thumbs that turned inward due to nails being driven through the wrists, the fact that the injuries were on the wrists during a time period when people incorrectly thought that the nails went through the hands, the fact that the shroud has pollen on it from plants around Judea, did the forger make a trip there specifically to put that on? The fact that the image isn't painted on, it's been burned on and can be scraped off the surface, paint would've soaked into the fabric. The fact that even today we cannot replicate whatever technique they would've used to create it.

>> No.11223509

How was it forged? There's pollen from Greece and Jerusalem, the scourge wounds are consistent with a flagrum (which medievals had no idea what looked like), the nail wounds are on the wrists (also unknown to medievals), the blood type is the same as the sudarium (AB-, which is pretty rare), and the actual source of the image is unknown even to modern scientists.

The shroud also survived multiple fires, which could've interfered with the carbon dating. Even if it is fake, it would take one hell of an artist to look into the future to spoof authentication techniques that didn't yet exist

>> No.11223515

>Why is God good?
Because Jesus told us

>Why did He create the universe?
Because God is love and love is willing the good of the other. God had no need to bring us into being but he did out of pure altruistic desire to share existence with other beings.

>What’s the point of existence?
To be with God and to share in his joy and love for all things.

>> No.11223524

my question is what do i do? im supposed to do christ?

>> No.11223527



>> No.11223534

>my question is what do i do
Do what Christ told you to do

>> No.11223541


>> No.11223543

this is why modern Christianity is false

>> No.11223556

Once again. This study wasn't done accurately at all, and even if it was, the study only would have answered what the average person living there would look like and not specifically Christ.
Even then none of that actually matters because the point is the ideas he spread

>> No.11223570

Read the Bible and church catechisms. Not posts on /lit/

>> No.11223595

I'm not even gonna waste my time arguing against this kind of nonsense. Visit the citations on wikipedia.
>Some shroud researchers have challenged the dating, arguing the results were skewed by the introduction of material from the Middle Ages to the portion of the shroud used for radiocarbon dating.However, all of the scientific hypotheses used to challenge the radiocarbon dating have been scientifically refuted, including the medieval repair hypothesis, the bio-contamination hypothesis and the carbon monoxide hypothesis.

>> No.11223604

>what the average person living there would look like
yeah no shit that was the point. it was an estimation based on a fairly homogenous ethnic community.

>> No.11223609

lol I was gonna post this

>> No.11223616

How did a forger create the image at all, as well as get the correct pollen (before pollen was even known about) and period correct wounds?

>> No.11223687

>However, all of the scientific hypotheses used to challenge the radiocarbon dating have been scientifically refuted, including the medieval repair hypothesis, the bio-contamination hypothesis and the carbon monoxide hypothesis.
They haven't. Arguments have been made, but none of them are conclusive. Another reason why you don't trust wikipedia.

>> No.11223692

>After sequencing some DNA of pollen and dust found on the shroud, they confirmed that many people from many different places came in contact with the shroud. According to the scientists, "such diversity does not exclude a Medieval origin in Europe but it would be also compatible with the historic path followed by the Turin Shroud during its presumed journey from the Near East. Furthermore, the results raise the possibility of an Indian manufacture of the linen cloth."

>Measurements of the man on the shroud put him as short as 5'9'' and as tall as 6'2''. We know that from measurements of Jewish people from the 1st century that an avg. height of 5'1'' was the norm (to see a forensic rendition of what Jesus looked like and for in-depth proof about the 5'1'' claim read Popular Mechanics Dec. 2002 by Mike Fillon)

>Then there is this scientific claim, "Dried, aged blood is black. The stains on the shroud are red. Forensic tests on the red stuff have identified it as red ocher and vermilion tempera paint. Other tests by Adler and Heller have identified it as blood.* If it is blood, it could be the blood of some 14th century person. It could be the blood of someone wrapped in the shroud, or the blood of the creator of the shroud, or of anyone who has ever handled the shroud, or of anyone who handled the sticky tape. But even if there were blood on the shroud, that would have no bearing on the age of the shroud or on its authenticity."

>Many have made their own shrouds over the years using different techniques (and products) that would have been available to those in the 14th century; the last being that of Luigi Garlaschelli, who placed a linen sheet over a volunteer and then rubbed it with an acidic pigment. The shroud was then aged in an oven before being washed to remove the pigment. He then added blood stains, scorches and water stains to replicate the original.

> Many supposed relics of Jesus existed in the middle ages onward. There were 4 burial cloths in France and 3 in Italy. There were: the Mandylion, the Sudarium of Oviedo, the Vail of Veronica, the Holy Grail/Chalice, the True Cross, holy nails, the Holy Coat, the Holy Lance, the Holy Sponge, Jesus' swaddling clothes, the Holy Prepuce (Jesus' foreskin-good grief!), and others.

>> No.11223724

The blood on the shroud has been tested. It's AB. Half the shit in your quote is plain false. All attempts to replicate the shroud have failed.

>he last being that of Luigi Garlaschelli, who placed a linen sheet over a volunteer and then rubbed it with an acidic pigment. The shroud was then aged in an oven before being washed to remove the pigment. He then added blood stains, scorches and water stains to replicate the original.
Yeah and it doesn't have any of the features of the real shroud, so his attempt didn't actually work.

>> No.11223726

Now you endure it.

>> No.11223737

>In 2009, Luigi Garlaschelli, professor of organic chemistry at the University of Pavia, announced that he had made a full size reproduction of the Shroud of Turin using only medieval technologies. Garlaschelli placed a linen sheet over a volunteer and then rubbed it with an acidic pigment. The shroud was then aged in an oven before being washed to remove the pigment. He then added blood stains, scorches and water stains to replicate the original. But according to Giulio Fanti, professor of mechanical and thermic measurements at the University of Padua, "the technique itself seems unable to produce an image having the most critical Turin Shroud image characteristics"

>Selectively quoting so the parts that destroy your argument can't be read
The absolute state of anti-shroud apologists

>> No.11223758

damn the shroud must be real then. you've convinced me it must have been the imprint of Jesus Christ, there is simply no other explanation. WOW.

>> No.11223795

>there is simply no other explanation
This is true, there isn't. Unless you want to believe that a medieval forgery could get even the most minute details of a first century crucifix victim historically correct, create the image in a way that we can't replicate today and embed information in it that would have no way of being accessed until modern technology could be used to analyse it, sure. Sure sounds plausible that some 12th century guy could do all that, it makes perfect sense that he'd know 3D scanners would eventually be used on it and cunningly embedded information that could only be found using them.

>> No.11223838

yep thats it I'm sold. i agree with you. what is your explanation for the shroud? just wanna make sure i don't embarrass myself in future so please tell me how it came to be.

>> No.11223873

The only way we've been able to replicate the characteristics of the image on the shroud fully is by UV radiation which means the image was created by a short, very high energy burst of ultraviolet light emitted when Jesus came back to life


>> No.11223888

UV helps plants grow and is crucial for the endogenous synthesis of vitamin D.
It's life giving yet people tell us to avoid it for fear of skin cancer, which continues to rise despite sun exposure decreasing.
It would seem as though it is a literal fountain of youth. The God photon.

>> No.11223926

Learn everything and start a family
Google: "The glory of God is intelligence"

>> No.11223932

I’ve never seen a resurrection before. Is there usually a big burst of light when it happens?

>> No.11223933
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>"rational" atheist
>instantly butthurt as soon as his cherry picked evidence is refuted
Disproving a hypothesis doesn't require another, proven, hypothesis

>> No.11223940

Listen for he what He calls you to do.
Grow toward the heart of God, knowing there are no set objectives or signposts.
Prepare to someday die as Christ did, knowing it is the will of your Creator.
Christianity is difficult specifically because there is no set path like in Islam. It is your individual and unique relationship with God.

>> No.11223951

yeah no shit

>> No.11223978

Give the church money and feel guilty about being a sinner the rest of your life.

>> No.11223999

but at least half of existence is terrible tho

>> No.11224003

the argument began because people were saying the shroud was genuine, not that it was unexplained. cretin.

>> No.11224039

yeah obviously, real life spiritual stuff is just like the movies, duh

>> No.11224044

How to explain that it's been carbon-dated to the 14th century then?

>> No.11224056

Latent radioactive emmisions from Jesus's resurrection power must have affected the Carbon-22

>> No.11224060

Ridiculous. Jesus travelled forward in time and gave us the shroud so that we in the West would have something to remember him by.

>> No.11224070

hm, thats actually really insightful

>> No.11224077

Hmm thats smart, he knew the Holyland would fall into the hands of muslims and couldn't leave it there

>> No.11224083

Contamination by cotton because the area sampled was from a section repaired at later date.

>> No.11224088
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>> No.11224107

>The implication, of course, is that a divine light shone when Jesus's body was taken to heaven, and that this emitted a burst of high-frequency photons which burned an image on the cloth around him. This possibility has been discounted in the past by Raymond Rogers, a member of the Shroud of Turin Research Project (Sturp) which examined the fabric in the 1970s, who said: "If any form of radiation degraded the cellulose of the linen fibers to produce the image color, it would have had to penetrate the entire diameter of a fiber in order to color its back surface", but that the centres of the fibres are unmarked.

>Radiocarbon dating has repeatedly placed the Shroud as medieval in origin - specifically, between 1260AD and 1390AD. There have been suggestions that the radiocarbon process got it wrong - but this is unlikely, according to Professor Christopher Ramsey of the Oxford Radiocarbon Accelerator Unit, one of three labs which carried out the research. "We're pretty confident," he told me. "There are various hypotheses as to why the dates might not be correct, but none of them stack up.

"One is that the samples were contaminated. But that doesn't work, because to make an 2,000-year-old object appear just 800 years old, about half the material would have to be contaminant, and that's if it was all modern. If it was older, it would have to be even more. Various tests have also suggested that the material was pure. It's also been hypothesised that the patch we tested was a modern repair, but most of us agree that's implausible, because the weave is very unusual and matches the rest of the shroud perfectly. Then there are fanciful notions, like contamination with carbon monoxide, but tests have shown that carbon monoxide doesn't react with the fabric under any circumstances that you might expect."

>Regarding the ENEA findings, he is similarly sceptical. "Just because you can create similar results using an ultraviolet laser, that doesn't mean it's the only way it could have been made in the first place," he says. "There are several possibilities, although I wonder whether it was just a chance result. But in archaeological science, being able to reproduce something, doesn't imply that that's the technique used; if anything, it just implies that you've got a new technique you want to try out."

So there remain questions about how the Shroud of Turin was made, but there seems to be little reason to think that it's anywhere near old enough to have been Christ's. (Interestingly, John Calvin in 1543 already thought it was a fake: he pointed out that according to the Gospel of St John, two cloths were used to shroud Jesus, one on His body and one on His face; he also suggests that it is strange that none of those recording his death in the Gospels mentioned a miracle "so remarkable as the likeness of the body of our Lord remaining on its wrapping sheet".)

>> No.11224138

>Raymond Rogers, a member of the Shroud of Turin Research Project
Who said the carbon dating performed was unreliable since it was performed on a piece repaired at a later date

>but most of us agree that's implausible, because the weave is very unusual and matches the rest of the shroud perfectly
It doesn't, the cloth was shown to expert tailors and was immediately recognized as a repair made at a later date due to discrepancies in the way the cloth was weaved together.

>> No.11224184
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What are you a protestant? The Catholic church has lifetimes worth of reading material on this subject (Pre-VaticanII)