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/lit/ - Literature

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11222712 No.11222712 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no creative writing general on /lit/? Where can I go on 4chan to discuss creative writing and/or get some feedback on my personal blog or fantasy novel?

>> No.11222737

Creative writing is utter shit, we have critique threads though.

>personal blog or fantasy novel

>> No.11222741

Because people are afraid to voice their work on top of the absolute mash of opinions here in respect to, "good work".
I would say go for it, as I enjoy reading other people's work regardless of quality.

>> No.11222753

Post some of it, if you want such a tread you can start and maybe others will follow. Complaining about it doesn't help my dude

>> No.11222954
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Is blogging not socially acceptable here on /lit/? Thanks for the info though I'll be on the lookout for critique threads
Here's a bit from my blog, it's mostly just random shit that I happen to be thinking about

>> No.11222960

Please excuse the typo's it's just my personal blog I don't proofread it that intensely.

>> No.11222971

I enjoyed it.

>> No.11222979
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Thanks man! Here's one of the more normie posts. The link is m1dn1ght.tk in case anyone wants it. A lot of the posts are about mental health and marijuana.

>> No.11222988

try greentexting your novel on /b/ and see how they respond

>> No.11222994

You know, I think that it's a delivery issue with these threads. People get on edge when they come in, looking for damage in what they read instead of just reading it for the content. It's a lot like music-- if the proverbial shadow of the performer isn't big, then their actual body of work appears small despite it being just as run-of-the-mill as Joe Dayjob whose income has gone near 100% into his musical endeavor, with no corporate dollars to bolster his image and presence.

/lit/ is full of aesthetes, not readers. A real shame.

>> No.11223007
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Going back and reading this shit I realize my writing is actually pretty shit. Repetition of common phrases and grammar errors! Should really proofread.
>looking for damage in what they read instead of just reading it for the content
That's very interesting and accurate. I think that speaks to 4chan as a whole; argumentative and contrarian.

>> No.11223020 [DELETED] 

I would argue that's the folly of youth-- the thought that outright skepticism is some sort of secret wisdom, I don't think it's kept to 4chan alone.

>> No.11223026


I would argue that's the folly of youth-- the thought that outright cynicism is some sort of secret wisdom, I don't think it's kept to 4chan alone.

>> No.11223040
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Like one paragraph at a time? Perhaps I'll do that and link the thread.

>> No.11223102
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Feel free to post your own stuff guys. Here's a bit of the fantasy novel I've been writing, it's just a generic Tolkien type deal. Lots of different races with some political undertones and cross-race romance. The main love interest is a female humanoid wolf. I'm not a furry just found it interesting to write.

>> No.11223104

if anyone has any previously written short stories, the admin of thinfiction.com will pay a small fee to them shared on that site.

just passing it along. I like creative writing, but I suck so bad. It boggles my mind how any 1 person created the harry potter world, for example

>> No.11223118

SSRI's do make you a zombie though. The question is whether medicating against negative moods is a benefit or a lobotomy of what the human experience is.

>> No.11223145
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I don't know, I just don't really feel like a zombie. The Zoloft doesn't prevent the negative emotions, just makes them manageable (coupled with introspection of course). It only dulls them a bit. I guess that paragraph got cut off, here's the rest of the post if you're curious.

>> No.11223155
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The last part is ironic, there's no subscribe button

>> No.11223184

Of course it is difficult to notice changes in yourself, maybe ask a confident if they have noticed whether you have changed into a different person. You seem to be a pretty passionate person, have you ever considered moderation as a philosophy?

>> No.11223193

>personal blog or fantasy novel
Uh oh.

>> No.11223200

That is interesting, I've never thought to ask someone close to me if the antidepressant has made me different. I was raised in a family where we didn't talk about our emotions that often, so it is/was difficult for me to see that as an option. Do you mean moderation in terms of drug use? I have considered it, yes, I just have an addictive personality and come from a long line of drug addicts and alcoholics

>> No.11223208
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Feel free to bully me anon I write what I write

>> No.11223229

Yeah more so with the drug use, as rationally drinking blackout isn't going to really help you. I was going to suggest also to maybe look at your own writing and see if you have changed that at all and use that as maybe a proof of whether your brain has changed or not but it seems you have started your blog lately(of course the more you write the more you tend to improve theoretically).

>> No.11223249
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I am an avid journaller, have been my whole life, and I re-read most of everything I've ever written twice a year or so. To be frank, I am not too fussed about if the SSRI has fundamentally changed me or not, since my life has improved so much since I've been on it. Here's some more of my stuff on mental health, I know it seems cringey but positivity and self-love feel so good.

>> No.11223256

Unironicallly thank you for creating a welcoming thread, OP.

>> No.11223263
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No problemo mi amigo, feel free to post some of your own stuff!

>> No.11223300

Well its good you are mixing the meds with other behaviors. Don't say that "positivity and self love are cringey" because they very much work in terms of your self esteem. Good luck fighting your demons.