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/lit/ - Literature

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11218754 No.11218754 [Reply] [Original]

What is your overall opinion of YA, /lit/?

I've seen some folks on here be chill about it but others denounce it completely. I teach high school English, so I like to check it out every now and then to see what the kids are into. I realize I won't find the next greatest novel by reading YA, but I enjoy the cheesiness of some of the stories.

>> No.11218764

>but I enjoy the cheesiness of some of the stories.
While I don't read YA anymore, I would love to see you explain that with some examples.

>> No.11218771

The overplayed tropes of the girl/guy always (or so it seems like) wins over the crush or the he said/she said drama. Things like that.

>> No.11218871
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YA : teenage (and, increasingly, middle-aged) girls :: Marvel Movies : teenage (and, increasingly, middle-aged) boys

Nothing wrong with enjoying it on occasion, but if its your primary or only means of art consumption, you're missing a lot.

>> No.11218938

I dabble in YA if some of my students recommend a particular book or series. Otherwise, I'm reading completely different things (last book I read was Othello and no it wasn't for class).

>> No.11218972

This but unironically.
They are literally made to make money.

>> No.11219003

I've always wondered how limited is the curriculum of your classes? How much do you have to follow the curriculum and how far have you pushed the boundaries? What do you teach?

>> No.11219079

I'm in Texas, so we don't abide by Common Core. We have to follow the TEKS. Honestly, it depends on the school. We have to hit the majority of the TEKS (the standards, curriculum, whatever you want to call them), but it varies by school and/or district. The school I'm at is pretty lenient as far as what I teach (I teach seniors). I taught Fahrenheit 451, Hamlet, 1984, excerpts from Canterbury Tales, and used some of the Serial podcast. The school I worked at prior to this one micromanaged everything. I was told what to teach and at times how to teach it as well.

>> No.11219125

Even good books like A Separate Peace and The Catcher in the Rye are YA when you think about it. Most YA is shit like how most everything is shit but quality is eternal while schlock is ephemeral. Garbage like the Hunger Games and the Inheritance Cycle and The Fault in Our Stars have already been mostly forgotten by the public.

>> No.11219133

My only opinion is that Id rather read something else. Never even like YA as a kid aside from Redwall

>> No.11219160

Redwall's not really YA, it's pretty solidly a children's series, it just doesn't condescend to them.

>> No.11219177

The modern education was originally founded by the Prussian military as a way of disciplining future soldiers and obedient citizens. It's since been coopted by corporations as a way to condition good consumers through a constant and totalitarian system of conditioning and psychological blackmail, while also splitting up families to allow for a "freer" working population... all of these facts are well documented, and not really worth disputing to any extent.

Since YA books are also generally produced for profit, with significant financial backing from a variety of interest groups, as well as full of psychological conditioning for the production of good citizens, I'd say you're doing an admirable job by teaching YA to students. Their black and white moral narratives support nicely the geopolitical interests of the American deep state, and their easy digestibility and tendency to come in commercially hyped serialized form create a long lasting emotional connection between kids and the products they consume.

Just kidding. You should beat them until they can recite Plato's Republic and the TM 31-210 from heart. The nation's future is in your hands, OP.

>> No.11219515
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good one anon

>> No.11219571

The Wind Singer series is comfy and sweet.