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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 66 KB, 672x372, dont forget about palmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11214946 No.11214946 [Reply] [Original]

>reminder that Ada Palmer is best new sci-fi author of the last few years

favourite recent (3-5 years) book/author?
favourite up-and-coming author?
favourite fresh series?



NPR's Top 100 Science Fiction & Fantasy Books:
>https://imgoat.com/uploads/6d767d2f8e/21333.jpg (embed)

SF&F author listing with ratings and summaries:

Previous Threads:

>> No.11214953


>> No.11214957

i don't read science fiction, where should i start?

>> No.11214963
File: 52 KB, 500x375, 2AF45B80-B835-46D5-A9DC-0B14306E870D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently writing Native American lord of the rings mixed with a bit of Bionicle. Any big Native American-like series out there that I should be aware of? I’d hate to finish it only to realize I’ve ripped someone off

>> No.11214975

check OP

>> No.11214977

Maasposter a fag

>> No.11214992

Did anyone here even read her stuff? I want longer review.

>> No.11215009
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Oh, and I made this rough draft of my world’s map. Any advice?
cannot believe that I fucked up east and west

>> No.11215025
File: 197 KB, 843x699, 1526998777134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked

>> No.11215027


>> No.11215031

literally WoW

>> No.11215035

I don’t play wow, elaborate

>> No.11215041

Sounds cool, anon. Twin Peaks (especially the books) had hints of Native American ties to its fantastical elements, and I wish they had gone into it more. I just hope you mean golem robots or power suits rather than mask maek me strongur for the Bionicle component.

>> No.11215043
File: 330 KB, 500x800, monthly reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for missing last thread my dudes!

If you read in English, make sure your version is the 2011 translation.
Download: https://share.soupwhale.com/bibliotik/files/Solaris%20-%20Stanislaw%20Lem/

>> No.11215048

WoW had two continents with a big "the void" in the middle. Yours vaguely resemble Eastern Kingdoms and Kalimdor, I guess.

>> No.11215050

Nah, I’m just going for that primitive tribal mata nui feel

>> No.11215057

Vaguely related but you could always lift material from Bury My Heart

>> No.11215064

Has anyone here read Mirrorshades?

>> No.11215073

You've never even read the books you idiot.

>> No.11215081

>The Blac Wall
What happens there?

>> No.11215104

Fascist africa, pretty much

>> No.11215120

I've read the books I recommend, which is probably more than the shill have done considering how he's never posted more than a sentence about the books (in contrast to thread-loads of bitching). Also, I've actually (since last time) read excerpts to be able to actually judge the writing which is quite average and filled with fantasy cliches.

>> No.11215137

So Idi Amin Dada?

>> No.11215148

Sanderhack a fag

>> No.11215155

More like good old fashioned Nazi germany, with African animals. The magic system I’m setting up is pretty much all biological, and these guys have access to dangerous fuckers that aren’t found anywhere else

>> No.11215160

Are they fucking them?

>> No.11215162

>Stop reading these books
>No, I've never read them
>I did read some excerpts after I said they were shit

>> No.11215170

I'm halfway through Maas' first book and it's not good and not bad either and vaguely interesting in the same way that seasonal animes are vaguely interesting but disappointingly average.

If anyone wants to read female authors I highly recommend Ada Palmer's Terra Ignota or CS Friedman's Coldfire Trilogy. Also loved the Tide Lords quartet as a kid, it's a bit edgy in parts but was fun. Maas seems to be a massive meme unless this gets better in later books.

>> No.11215174

Being a schizo is a boon for your writing, mostly if you're PK Dick

>> No.11215175
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Worth the read?

>> No.11215176
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That feel when Nehemia will never come back

>> No.11215184

>female authors
>doesn't mention Ursula or Prime Octavia

>> No.11215188

They’re actually some of the only ones that aren’t, cause they consider themselves to be pure like aryans. They do take slaves and make them do it though

>> No.11215190


If SF&F isn't dying, where's all the good new shit?

>> No.11215191

Yes. Someone post that pic, you know the one


>> No.11215194

I mean Maas does kind of write like Brandon Sanderson so maybe the Maasfag is the original cosmerefag/Asimovfag

>> No.11215199

>If anyone wants to read female authors
>CURRENT female authors
No thanks.

>> No.11215207

People who have read Throne of Glass all say it's at least ok, nothing exceptional but decent enough.
Incels who have never read Throne of Glass are the only ones hating it, mostly because it's written by a woman.

>> No.11215210

I read through the entire Foundation series. If anyone utters the word 'Gaia' in my proximity a trigger immediately clicks and I feel the urgent need to kill someone

>> No.11215221

Hello Mule-senpai

>> No.11215222

>Ada Palmer's Terra Ignota
>By default, almost all characters use gender-neutral language, with "they/them" the predominant pronoun used.

>> No.11215236

Hello old chap last 2 books were fucking shit

>> No.11215238

No they use he/she because the author literally says that genderless shit is inaccurate/bad.

>> No.11215244


Random question - anyone know of a semi-mainstream author who uses a factitious gender-neutral pronoun (xe, or whatever) throughout whole book(s) to try to popularize it?

>> No.11215264

It didn't get so much as bad as Human Instrumentality tier WEIRD and creepy with Asimov promoting it

>> No.11215266

No. Even LeGuin used "he" for everyone in Left Hand of Darkness despite all but one characters being hermaphrodites.

>> No.11215271


>> No.11215283

>disappointingly average
>decent enough
That's some mental acrobatics right there mate.

>> No.11215289

most people hate the spam

>> No.11215292

same, so disappointing by the end

>> No.11215295

Asimov did his absolute best to leave the weird out of his books which still pisses me off. WHERE'S THE WEIRD FUCKING ISAAC YOU FUCKING PRUDE YOU EVEN MADE THE MULE IMPOTENT SO HE COULDN'T RAPE ANYONE WITH HIS MIND DAMN SHIT FUCK

>> No.11215313

He didn't have a clue how to finish it it seems so he had Trevize, Sir Oldchap and Mindmeldslut discuss Gaia over and over and over until you end up hating the world so much Captain Planet and Greek mythology become triggers for violent urges

>> No.11215319

The word*

>> No.11215326

I hate the Foundation Trilogy. The Mule, his characterization, his impotence and how it drove his actions is one of the few bright spots.

>> No.11215336

>Why, then, have geography be part of citizenship at all? I don’t mean the end of all the nations that exist now, but what if being Italian, or South African, or Japanese meant identity, a choice, what government you love, respect, and choose to be a part of, instead of where you live?
Thanks but no thanks.

>> No.11215338

I think Asimov realized that psychohistory is a silly concept and threw a wrench in the machine early on. You can't predict history for fuck's sake, not with mathematics.

>> No.11215355


>> No.11215369
File: 130 KB, 743x288, throne-of-glass-series-banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who excited for her next series?

>> No.11215381

I hated the concept as well(or glaxia), he did a poor job to convince me.

>> No.11215382

Any cool novels with a little girl protagonist?

>> No.11215398

> In extrapolation of the technological changes in our time, Mycroft’s era is liberally salted with many human inventions which in their accretion subvert longstanding articles of faith and the institutions such faiths sustain including cults, churches, and all manner of organized worship; linguistic conventions associating gendered pronouns primarily with biological sex; blood-lineage families; and geographically delimited nation-states. Tribal affiliation of familial intimacy occurs in this future via agreement of the adults involved in whatever number and combination and via truly equal standing given to birth and adoption. Nation-level tribal affiliation such as we would call national citizenship is via adult declaration. Nation-level organizations called Hives solicit membership from an empowered citizenry, a situation resembling policies of open borders and welcome immigration that may yet return from our own historical dustbin.

>> No.11215403

were the recs from the last thread not enough

>> No.11215441

Yeah. It's fun.

>> No.11215463

I stopped listening to this shit. It's garbage. Not as bad as I expected but still pretty bad.
Fuck you for saying that it's like Mistborn.

>> No.11215495

Also, her writings on family units, Bash’es, is weird too. https://www.exurbe.com/from-adas-ama-terra-ignota-bashes-hives/
I'm not sure if these books intend to give you that feeling but to me this is dystopic.

>> No.11215499

thoughts on gibson's books that aren't the sprawl trilogy? no one ever talks about them

>> No.11215500

Thanks. Was going to pick it up mostly for Gibson but I've ordered Burning Chrome instead

>> No.11215670

And this.
>Majority died with Church and Nation, the Anonymous proclaimed, and with it war and genocide died too, for they require a majority united, an ‘us’ and a ‘them’ in which ‘us’ is normal, larger, more powerful, capable of overwhelming and defeating ‘them.’ I could ask any contemporary here, ‘Are you a majority?’, and I know what he or she would answer: Of course not, Mycroft.
Seems very naive too, but maybe this is out of context.

>> No.11215823


>> No.11215854

They're pretty much the definition of a has-been failing to recapture the zeitgeist.

>> No.11215906

What's with all the cucking in YA novels? Why are authors afraid of a good old fashioned romance between a guy and a girl? Sure you could argue that it's boring and too "normal" but at this point it honestly seems pretty rare.

>> No.11216034

Have you even read a single YA novel?

>> No.11216044

Does a man obsessed with cucks read anything?

>> No.11216117

Love triangles are very popular among young readers because they are often dealing with drama in their social circles in school. If that's what you mean with cucking.

>> No.11216164

you can thank Stephenie Meyer for that

>> No.11216166

>Why are authors afraid of a good old fashioned romance between a guy and a girl? Sure you could argue that it's boring and too "normal" but at this point it honestly seems pretty rare.
Do you have newer ones that you would recommend?

>> No.11216231
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only good sci-fi book 2000

>> No.11216263

since 2000*
excluding OP

>> No.11216289

What's so good about OP one?

>> No.11216300

because regressive leftists are the main demographic nowadays

>> No.11216313

Echopraxia sounds like trash. Blindsight was nearly junk, but it was pretty cool. Definitely a recommendation worth checking out.

>> No.11216372

So bringing up something from the Pringles edition. Some belligerent dopelderp asserts Severian forged the orders and says it is universally recognized by critics. No, it isn’t. Is alzabo soup already Borski tier cancer on this? Jesus. It betrays the theme of overcoming blind obedience to a system that has lost its way if Severian takes Justice into his hands from the very start. Lame, lame reading from a thematic perspective.

>> No.11216378

You still sound like a retard

>> No.11216409

Better than being one, eh?

>> No.11216499

She's pretty obviously writing a utopia where the attempt to create a more equal society just changed the balances of power around without really improving things. I guess I would call it a progressive's vision of a progressive dystopia?

>> No.11216542

Maybe, haven't read her books myself. Utopia/dystopia stuff doesn't interest me, especially from progressive point of view.

>> No.11216664
File: 150 KB, 771x1024, NPZHP1606-4bx_1024x1024[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't come to /lit/ often, actually I haven't read very often in the past I'm ashamed to admit.

Do you guys like Harry Potter? Or is this the type of place that shits on it?

I read 1-3 when I was a kid, but stopped at four because I was intimidated by the length. I'm on 6 now, and I'm really enjoying it. Very entertaining read.

5 was a bit of a slog I can say. Sometimes the characters can be a little insufferable, but I suppose that's a good thing. A book wouldn't be any fun if the characters acted how you wanted them to the entire time.

>> No.11216693

Of course I've never read a single word of it, that's not a valid argument against the fact she clearly stole a character and slapped tits on them.

>> No.11216701

The funny thing is you're trying to somehow convince us there more than one of you shilling her books, yet in 2 weeks you haven't bothered to change the filenames of your images

>> No.11216710

Yes the Belgariad's protag is a farm boi

Maas doesn't have a detailed magical system. I compared her to Rothfuss because they both have overpowered protags who are great at everything.

Malory, definitely. I also have childhood nostalgia for Pyle because that's how I first read the Arthur myths. Pyle is modernish so he's very readable.

Gawain and the Green Night is essential

I also like Perceval because he found the Grail. (Spoilers lol.)
Perceval, the Story of the Grail - Chretien de Troyes

I loved Sprawl but absolutely could not get into the Bridge series. Blue Ant was good I think because Gibson was finally free from trying to be a prognosticator of the future and could just write about the real world.

>> No.11216714

They're above average but I prefer other YA fantasy.

>> No.11216719


>> No.11216721

It's cute you're still trying to defend this because you know you've been btfo. I'd be mad too if I had the reading comprehension of a child

>> No.11216724

I remember reading Green Night in the Norton Anthology back in college. Loved it.

>> No.11216733

I can't lie and say it's not a little embarrassing that I'm so into a Young Adult novel right now.

At almost 24, I suppose I should be looking for something different.

>> No.11216738

There's nothing wrong with reading YA. There are some good stories to be found there. I read tons of stuff, plays (currently Beckett and Shakespeare) and genre and historical and yes YA.

>> No.11216745

If you don't have much experience with reading then YA isn't a terrible way to start. For one thing, if you read enough of it you'll learn to quickly identify whether a novel is written for money, wish fulfillment, or comes from the author's desire to share a story. Being able to quickly weed out trash lit is a useful skill

>> No.11216750

Thank you for saying that.

Which historical books did you enjoy the most? And what Shakespeare play would you recommend if I loved Hamlet?

>> No.11216772

It has some merits and if you have not read them people will probably consider you a retard, I'd recommend them to young people. However the story is filled with plot holes and the merits the books have (nice setting, actually magical magic, charming writing) does not justify 7 books.

>> No.11216778

Not my problem if you can’t read. Exist in error forever. Wolfe wasn’t meant for everyone; most people, including you, misread him. It’s okay to be a pleb though. I suffer your kind every day.

>> No.11216782

Characters and setting were enjoyable, the plot was not.

>> No.11216783

1) I am not aware of the scale of your map but it seems like Icetop (with no woods) is way too close to the continents (a lot of woods).
2) How come The Quiet Land lacks vegetation while the land of the Green men (ROFL sorry) is so rich in wood? I ask cause they both border The Eastern Ocean and I do not see any geographical reasons for such discrepancy. Also, it might be useful to sketch the preliminary currents (both in the water and in the air) and temperature regimes.
3) What about geology of your world i.e. tectonic plates etc of your world? The mountain chains seem to be quite arbitrary.
4) Iar-tuska looks like rip-off from Crete
5) A lot of shit on the map; looks very messy!
good like with your fantasy anon

>> No.11216786

This is getting absolutely embarrassing for you...

>> No.11216800

>not an Alastair Reynolds book

>> No.11216802

I can see why you might say that. I do agree that my favorite part of the books has been the absolutely charming atmosphere. It's, well... Magical.

>> No.11216803

Palmer subverts/criticizes, or at least doesn't wholeheartedly embrace, the gender shit and the "religion is the root of all evil" ideology. She's definitely 100% serious about the "bash system" though.

>> No.11216814

The entire series is at least partly about how what you quoted isn't actually true. She says it's not true because the threat of an eventual majority emerging is enough to upset the peaceful equilibrium, which I don't think would exist in the first place.

>> No.11216824

I don't understand these type of people. Do they want extended family to play a bigger part? That's fine by me, or do they have daddy/mommy issues? I mean blood relatives are most important people to, well, most people.
I thought as much.

>> No.11216830

We shit on it. If you're interested in actual discussion then say what you liked and didn't.

I think it was pretty good all things considered, but I'm sick of people who haven't read anything else worshipping it.

>> No.11216840

I like a lot of the tropes in YA.
But after a while if you're reading the popular stuff then you will see a lot of the same
It gets repetitive, that's why I started looking for other stuff.
China Mieville was a step in the right direction but isn't a gifted writer, Swanwick's Iron Dragon's Daughter and The Dragons of Babel were nicer.

While I haven't read that much, I have seen a lot of anime (180+ days according to MAL) and YA tends to be pretty similar to shounen anime. If it's written with a teen girl audience in mind it's likely going to be extremely similar to the average shoujo anime.
It's a guilty pleasure for me now. I read one, maybe two books and then I move on to something new and forget about it.

It's fine reading YA to get some perspective for what >>11216745 said.

And there's a lot of good even unique YA stuff, you just need to dig deeper than what's listed as popular on goodreads.
Watership Down is a classic, the movie is tremendous too. Plague Dogs for that matter too, the movies extended cut even better.

>> No.11216846

Generic kitchen-sink setting, boring characters, boring writing style, plot holes and deus ex machina everywhere. The fact that of all fantasy YA this shit became mega-popular over something like Earthsea shows how bad peoples' taste can be.

>> No.11216863

They're effective, fun books by a bad writer. It's fun to discuss what worked so well about them, since the whole entertainment industry has been trying to app whatever the key to its success was for years. But they're not well-written, and if you try to argue that they are people will shit on you. /r/fantasy discussed more entry level than we do (except for the three autists here who think Sanderson is worth reading.)

>> No.11216871

*trying to ape

>> No.11216873

The Wizard of Oz series is also tremendous.
Alice in Wonderland
Both YA, both great.

And the Maas worshipper, but even Reddit dislike Throne of Glass.

>> No.11216877

I believe part of its enduring popularity is because of its bureaucratic/academic setting, which is intensely familiar/relevant to the generation that grew up reading it.

>> No.11216886

very great in amount, scale, or intensity.

>> No.11216888

I wouldn't blame it on parental issues. More a belief that blood relations are fundamentally arbitrary. The "bashes" are by comparison united by some common interest.

>> No.11216900

Using "tremendous" as "excellent" is informal but correct nonetheless.

It has more than one definition.

>> No.11216904

The first two or three do read like pure self-insert wish-fulfillment, like "wow imagine if my school were cool and had magic and I were cool and had magic and everyone loved me and I got to go on magic adventures", but surely there has to be more to success than that.

>> No.11216909

>genetics relationships are arbitrary
I'm getting tired of this shit.

>> No.11216918

The only person who does it is Trump so unless you're trying to sound like him it's not a good way to use the word

>> No.11216919

Severian forging the orders is already embarrassing enough as a misreading, you simp. People would be laughing about that forced misreading, except it is doomed to be forgotten, an asinine attempt at a hot take.

>> No.11216923

I'm looking for the name of a short story:

Mankind began exploring space and found itself in an instellar battle with multiple galactic races.
Mankind won by exhausting the enemy through brute force, by throwing soldiers at the enemy until they won.

Anyone able to help out ?

>> No.11216932

Get 'em while they're young.

>> No.11216936

I don't follow American politics, I've heard him speak maybe 3 times.
And your argumentation is horrible either way.

>> No.11216942

>june 11th
i think everyone who's reading it is basically done at this point. you could probably do the discussion on the 1st of june

>> No.11216953

I'm just letting you know that your manner of speaking is being influenced by Trump or by his horde of droolers on here
It's not an argument

>> No.11216954
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So just read it.
It's not bad nothing too crazy, some rehashed storyes for the modern times.
Some good ones, and a few bad or just mediocre. His chink miths and history are the most interesting in some storyes.

>> No.11216957

Last 100 threads.

>> No.11216986

>i think everyone who's reading it is basically done at this point
I have not even started, I have exams during the next week and won't have time to read before the 6th.

>> No.11216988

So you're either influenced by Trump or his fanboys or you don't use "tremendous"?
What foul logic.

>> No.11217004

What's a good full length for someone who just finished "I have no mouth and I must scream" and wants more

>> No.11217007

Well I wouldn't have let you know but you used it two posts in a row, which is definitely Trump-ish, so again, I'm just letting you know who you sound like to 90% of people you're going to talk to online

>> No.11217017
File: 39 KB, 289x475, twenty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some guy in the last thread was asking for good urban fantasy (lol) and I meant to recommend the Twenty Palaces series. It's got a great Lovecraftian feel to it. There's three books I believe with one being a prequel. Unfortunately it sold like hot garbage due to darker tones and no romance so the author had to put it on indefinite hiatus. They're worth a go in my potentially pleb opinion

>> No.11217020
File: 30 KB, 315x376, 41zefQXSsEL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could check out the game adaptation.
It was written and narrated by Ellison, and has some additional stuff.

>> No.11217023

And that's supposed to matter?

>> No.11217032

No, the words you choose have nothing to do with how your posts are read, faggot autist

>> No.11217044

Yes, "faggot autist". You're really adding much to the thread.
Stop trying to put politics into everything.

>> No.11217047

Keep pretending you’re right, your delusional outbursts are kinda funny. They’re almost as laughable as you are.

>> No.11217051

I see you noticed my choice of words

>> No.11217056

What is wrong with leftists

>> No.11217073

>using words i don’t like is trumpish
Go away and take your boogeyman with you

>> No.11217084

>You can't use that word
>Trump uses it too

>> No.11217248

I definitely plan on it, thanks

>> No.11217296

This pot and kettle set is made of irony.

>> No.11217321

That map has 4 continents. You like most autists who critique maps for being unoriginal, found something with only a single vague similarity (a large ocean in the middle) and then declare it a rip off of some other world.

>> No.11217330 [DELETED] 

>t. alt-right nazis

>> No.11217457

Reading the sample in Kindle now. He premise is interesting but all the nonsensical descriptions of the ships layout is killing the momentum, please tell me it gets better

>> No.11217475


>> No.11217521

Best thing about it is the dialogue.

>> No.11217526

your naming is like off brand cereal, you know how they call frosties "sugared wheat flakes".
its a gap in the middle of the world I'll call it "world gap"
it's the gold bit at the top of the map I'll call it "ice top"
theres a place with a bunch of bridges call it "bridge land"
like what was it called before they built the bridges?
>inb4 the bridges were always there or it's the religion of the region and no one remembers

>> No.11217572
File: 47 KB, 310x499, once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be wrong to skip the first parts?

>> No.11217630
File: 221 KB, 500x375, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Native American lord of the rings mixed with a bit of Bionicle

>> No.11217711

Not very long and a page turner if you enjoy the alien exploration from a hard sci-fi POV.

imho, derps too much about consciousness and how how cooler being an automaton is, but found the first book pretty nice.

>> No.11217716

I wasn't the one who said it was WoW. Hence "vaguely" and "I guess." I don't think it looks much like Azeroth. I do think drawing a super detailed map on pen and paper is kinda silly, but whatever, he can do his thing.

>> No.11217718

can someone explain the magna cum laude meme. Is it to do with this awful female writer whos been shilled recently?

>> No.11217723

If you didn't graduate magna cum laude, you wouldn't get it

>> No.11217726

What's a good modern novel with a girl protag?

How's Mistborn?

>> No.11217754

I'm trying to find some "haunted mansion" type book in sci-fi setting (hardish sci-fi prefered).

Stuff like: Let's explore this derelict ship and end up getting in the stomach of the Xenomorph or get possesed by soul raping warp demons. Ideally something that combines phisical threats with psycological ones.

Blindsight has some of this. Previously read Broken Angels (but the actual alien vessel bit is a 10% of the book or less).

Same concept in fantasy could apply.

Basically stuff about an expedition exploring the unknown and getting rekt.

>> No.11217772

mistborn is ok if you can tolerate sanderhack. I recommend the traitor baru cormorant although the series is still ongoing.

>> No.11217776

I’m a nazi for calling you a retard? Are you schizophrenic by chance?

>> No.11217781
File: 123 KB, 512x512, 26BE95C6-E3F6-4E55-8996-C26D524435E2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Warhammer 40K has some really purple prose for what I thought would be a fun balls to the wall space epic with retarded power level bullshit
Even Cormac McCarthy doesn’t make me pull up a dictionary every minute

>> No.11217801

You might take a look at two of Cherryh's short novels, Voyager in Night and Port Eternity.

>> No.11217806
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This and the Broken Earth trilogy.

>> No.11217809 [DELETED] 

>I’m a nazi for calling you a retard?
When you do it in defense of Blumpf, yes.

>> No.11217813 [DELETED] 

what if i dislike trump and niggers?
am i a nazi too?

>> No.11217822

I can’t even tell if this is sarcasm or not anymore. The left is fucking psychotic

>> No.11217930

I'm sure half of you guys here have some idea for a story that you've been wanting to write but haven't put the time into. Would any of you be interested in a /sffg/ novel writing workshop group thing? I was thinking everyone submits 2000 words every week (or every other week, depending on what other people - if there are any other people into this - want.) If you think you can't put out anything but crap that fast, it's just some other fuckers from /lit/ seeing it, so who cares?

Any interest? If we can get like four or five people writing, I think that'd be cool.

>> No.11218032


>> No.11218159

Has anyone here read the complete Enders series?

I’ve finished Enders Game and am going through Speaker for the Dead and am curious if the other (13 or so?) are worth picking up as well.

Most people online only ever mention those two.

I’m new to reading, but I like sci fi. I’m up for suggestions if anyone has any top tier.

>> No.11218166

I don't think theres really much similarity between then and enders game. Most people dont consider them nearly as good but if you like speaker of the dead you might like them.

>> No.11218184
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>> No.11218198

Mistborn is... okay. The first book is decent, but the second two are a slog with some of the most wooden writing. Sanderson exemplifies the pulp potboiler author and makes up for a lack of prose by explaining everything in detail. The sequel series switches perspective to sort of a "cowboy batman" character and is more readable from what I read of it.

I honestly thought the standalone book he did before it, Elantris, was a better read than the second and third Mistborn books.

Now for something else you might try the City of Stairs series by Robert Jackson Benett. The protagonist in the first book is a youngish woman scholar who's actually a secret policewoman sent to unravel a conspiracy relating to the gods her government killed several generations earlier.

Seconding this, Baru is a great book and I eagerly await the sequel.

>> No.11218205
File: 198 KB, 1200x1072, isaac-asimov-promojpg[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, nigger, Isaac Asimov just rolled in from the past, knocked on your door, and politely asked if you could recommend some science fiction from the present so he can see what's become of the genre.
What one book or book series do you give him?

>> No.11218216

Nigger I’m pretty sure he wrote the sequel

>> No.11218224

The golden age. It seems right up his alley

>> No.11218232

Last I heard The Monster Baru Cormorant has been finished and edited but it's not going to be out until the fall.

>> No.11218247

Children of Time

>> No.11218294

a printout of that one blog post by that guy whining about how he can't judge books by their covers any more because the book with the space ship on the cover might have ideas inside it.

>> No.11218398
File: 534 KB, 1456x1941, Better Call Haul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made due on some of the recommendations i got yesterday. couldn't find Shadowmarch, Powder Mage, or the second Mistborn book (they had a box set for the trilogy which was tempting, but no). only went with one of the Mark Lawrence. if i like his writing ill likely venture to the Red Queen. thanks again. also i saw a novel with a very similar name to the one I'm working on...that shit stings the soul

>> No.11218443

>wolfhound empire
>those reviews

>> No.11218445

How can those three on the left not be from the same series?

>> No.11218460

didn't read any reviews, sorry papi. guessing you think its shit though, yeah?
they are pretty damn generic covers. i wish more cover art were like old school movie posters that feature the main cast in a nice sweeping piece

>> No.11218464

Any Kingkiller fanboys in here?

Care to explain why you like these books?

>> No.11218474

The gist I got was it’s basically a sci fi book set in fictional czarist Russia. Not my cup of tea famalam

>> No.11218475

I read Powder Mage bk 1 a couple weeks back and I was like half way into it before I realized I'd read it before. That's a soft book, when you don't even realize you've read it until half way through. (It was the chef that reminded me).

And if Second Mistborn is that Wax and Wayne thing then the lord protected you. I really liked Misborn as a whole and each book individually, but that second thing is cringy trash in comparison. And for those of you who hated Mistborn, the second one is even cringier trash in comparison.

>> No.11218485

city of stairs had some elements I like but it felt like the author browsed tumblr or something. Not in the sjw sense but just some of the tonal and plot shit were sort of tryhard and quirky. Really hated the ending but it was a decent read.

Ive seen people reccing it here, did anyone else find some parts kind of cringy?

>> No.11218497

reading dragonlance here
i am on the part where they go to the elven city
why must raistlin suffer SO DAMN FUCK MUCH
he is totally fucked
body is shit
he is ugly
everyone sees him with pity
he is only "bad" cause hes the most underdog character i ever saw
he loves tika and she only can think of caramon dick
i understand his "hate" for his brother
caramon always had everything he wanted
btw is it true they are halves of a same soul?

>> No.11218498
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Kingkiller is good for sffg fiction. It's certainly not literary or anything and rothfuss is a fat faggot hack and theres some cuck shit and kvothe is pretty mary suey but its STILL an above average fantasy book. Especially the first book.

>> No.11218507

The "mainline" series is just Ender's Game, Speaker for the Dead, Xenocide, and Children of the Mind. The last two are like Speaker but significantly less enjoyable, as less and less happens and Card retreats farther and farther up his own ass into wannabe philosophy. The Shadow books are their own side series, and are both higher-quality and more similar to the original Ender's Game. I haven't read any of the random other books set in the 'verse.

>> No.11218513

Fun fact -- the famed horror movie house Hammer Films made their movies poster first. They'd commission a poster, then shop it around to distributors and invest a portion of their pre-sales back into the actual script and film.

I wonder if it's the combination of online shopping, recs and reviews that have made it so the cover doesn't have to do as much work anymore and can just be shooped stock art.

>> No.11218546

obviously i won't know till i dig in but the setting hasn't turned me off from what little i know.
wow maybe i won't bother with powder after all. I meant the second book in Mistborn's og trilogy. the alloy of law or whatever didn't really look like the time period I'm going for if guns are that common. if i read it it will be after i finish the main three.
yeah its probably the one that interested me the least out of my haul and may prove to be a little too modern for what I'm looking for. hopefully i don't find it shit but honestly with how little I've read, a book is a book. i gotta read some crap to know the difference.
that's pretty interesting. there's definitely a lack of covers that feel iconic.

>> No.11218550

Hello smut authors
Please don't forget to include smut in your books

>> No.11218551

Any examples of literary fantasy/ sci-fi? I nearly bought Rothfuss' book today but decided it might be too much of meme for now

>> No.11218552

That's good then. Pretty sure if you liked the first you'll be good with the whole trilogy. Something to look forward to.

>> No.11218582

I’m a shitty writer but my smut makes when lose their shit. I should probably start writing books for soccer moms

>> No.11218588

I wouldn't say I liked it necessarily. The writing at times was sub par. Sanderson reuses words a lot, and I'm not referring to the one everyone always cites. He'll repeat within the same paragraph. I also was not a fan of reading about his magic. I don't like getting in the heads of characters, so all the "invisible" shit that happens like burning metals was irritating. If i watched the magic fights it might be different, but even the combat was confusing since i didn't care to follow constant choreography. What i like is the city, the fashion, the politics/ infiltration. I heard the next book has far less action so ill probably like it better because of that

>> No.11218591

*women. Never phone post on the pooper

>> No.11218601

It's different from that. More like a fantasy Russia that's advanced to the 1930s so you've got modern society but there's still weird, fantastic stuff in the corners of the world. And the whole story is framed more like a "man on the run" conspiracy thriller than a fantasy novel.

Only really with the part where the tough norseman stereotype is oiling up to fight a sea monster and the woman general is gawking at him. That was kinda Joss Whedon in style.

>> No.11218631

I am a little interested in it. I am having trouble keeping up with my writing goals here.

>> No.11218637
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honestly wolfe is the only example I can think of that's actually well written. Bakker is pretty good imo but maybe too edgy for most and his most recent book was underwhelming. Tbh if you want properly literary fantasy you might as well just read literary books. Some of Borges' work has some fantastical elements.

>> No.11218647

I've only read the main series and Ender's Shadow. The first two are great, but the last two feel like it just became rambling about philosophy with no real plot. I know some people enjoy stuff like that, but I wouldn't go into them expecting to see more of the same. Shadow was more in line with the original but wasn't my taste, probably because I just dislike Bean.

>> No.11218655

the conspiracy aspect is what got me to pick it up today. it might not go full intrigue plot but even some good ol paranoia would be fun.
right on, was hoping there were some specific examples but i guess ill hit up one of those literary threads to find something interesting. It always struck me as a boring "genre" but honestly i don't know anything about it
I'm sort of interested but I'm worried that would be a bad idea down the line. Does participating in stuff like this have any negative effect on future career prospects? I probably wouldn't mind if i started on one of my "other" story ideas, i just don't want my "baby" stolen or whatever since I'd have killed myself if not for it

>> No.11218663

The Three Body Problem series

>> No.11218678

>tfw your posts on literotica all get more readers than your novels ever will
I should just write graphic fetish scenes into my novels too I guess

>> No.11218697

Dude, get with any John C. Wright book or start on book 2 of Galaxy's Edge by Cole/Anspach

>> No.11218712 [SPOILER] 
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what fetish? Theres only one truly patrician fetish and it mine

>> No.11218739

I liked Xenocide which I liked ok, 3 stars out of 5, but I haven't read Children of the Mind because I heard it's trash. Ender's Shadow was good.

That was me. Thanks, it looks interesting. I hate romance so I'm glad it doesn't have any.

My favorite historical novel is Hild by Nicola Griffith. It's long and highly detailed which turned some people off but I really like her prose and the character development. I'm going to reread it before the sequel eventually comes out.

Macbeth is like Hamlet in subject but King Lear is brilliant and my personal favorite is his last play The Tempest.

King of Elfland's Daughter
the King Arthur books by Howard Pyle
the Worm Ouroboros
You could also try Gormenghast. I couldn't get into it but I'll try again sometime.

>> No.11218741

>"good new shit"
>recommends catholic star trek fanfic fedora man and generic kindle unlimited military scifi series 157: this time it's a star wars ripoff

out of the three words you seem to have zeroed in on the last one with laser focus.

>> No.11218749

Book of the New Sun is extremely literary, evocative, open to interpretation etc. and Wolfe is definitely worth checking out. I also consider ASOIAF literary to a much, much smaller extent. I've only just started Hyperion but it seems like it might become pretty "literary" - it's based on Canterbury Tales, so the author at least has an interest in "studied literature," if that makes sense.

>I'm sort of interested but I'm worried that would be a bad idea down the line. Does participating in stuff like this have any negative effect on future career prospects? I probably wouldn't mind if i started on one of my "other" story ideas, i just don't want my "baby" stolen or whatever since I'd have killed myself if not for it
I was thinking/hoping everyone would be pretty much starting on something new, or at least be in the early stages of the writing process. There are better people than me to workshop an almost-finished book with, at least.

As far as the issue of stealing shit goes, I'm not really sure. I think that the world of traditional publishing is pretty small, and if someone steals your shit and takes it to a big 5 publisher or something, if you've been saving your writing on some sort of cloud service it would be an easy lawsuit to win. So nobody's probably going to do that. If they steal your shit and put it on Amazon as an indie thing, it gets trickier, because you don't have publishing house resources to devote to taking it down if they're really persistent. I'm sure there has to be some sort of system to make this work, because people *do* workshop.

I'll look into some tips for running writers' workshops and see if anyone else has experience with it, but all that said I'm not super concerned about it actually happening.

You and >>11218631 and whoever else can add me on discord (harmony#1886) and I'll get a channel set up if I get enough people hitting me up for it over the next couple days.

>> No.11218809

tore through the first six novels of dune in like a month back in college. been looking for something comparable off and on for like 10 years (not an avid reader really), but no luck. it's probably a combination of the sheer imaginativeness, toning down of the technology aspect, and feudal setting that does it for me. tried one of the sequels by his son, but wasn't feeling it. if anyone has any leads would be grateful.

>> No.11218826

read the forever war. It's not much like dune but it's my favorite sf story

>> No.11218858
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anyone read chinkshit here? Can't find any that good after finishing Warlock of the Magus World which was breddy gud. Are there any other good ones? I dropped Martial God Asura for many reasons so preferably one nothing like that.

>> No.11218895

thanks bro i'll give it a read

>> No.11218907

Was in the same boat. BotNS exceeds it.

>> No.11218919

Have you read Lord of Light?

>> No.11219035

Thanks ill add those to my rec list!

My main book isn't written, I'm about 60 pages in but I've been outlining the series for awhile now. I'll add you on disc, maybe ill try writing my desert post apocalyptic idea instead

>> No.11219040

both are in the queue now thanks

>> No.11219042

If you liked Enders game you will probably like Enders Shadow more than Enders game sequels

>> No.11219110

Can someone recommend me some good time travel books

>> No.11219159

alrighty sci fi shit time. reading ian m banks player of games; its okay. 3/4s of the way through, uk author socialist commie world vs fascist alien faggots who are inferior and brutish etc etc.

I read his previous book, Liked it but it was way overwritten, this is easier to read but story kind of ordinary. Id give it 6.5 out of 10.

>> No.11219372

on the topic of sci-fi, I was hoping to find Blood Music by Greg Baer. It inspired aspects of Eureka SeveN so i was thinking of giving it a go. Anyone read Baer or Blood Music?

>> No.11219379

yo did u see itunes had all first ten star trek movies on sale in a bundle for $30 i copped it even tho i dont like star trek just for something boring to watch when i wanna unwind

>> No.11219397

Already anons, you are looking at the next great fantasy author. I am currently just under halfway done with my first novel, and things are looking great. I wanted to get your expert fantasy opinion on what makes a good fantasy novel (but I already covered it anyway), so hit me with some suggestions.

For real though, is it just like regular literature but with world building? In my opinion it has turned out fine but maybe I have just been fucking it up. Someone help me.

>> No.11219476

it would help if you described it a little. maybe add >>11217930 on discord since we're trying to get a potential writing group going

>> No.11219488

It doesn't really seem like a good idea to me. I don't know how much I truest anons in general, especially with my novel (maybe a short story, but not my novel) and I really don't want it to be in any way associated with 4chan when it is published.

>> No.11219505

fair enough, i suppose i should consider that myself. i don't have a problem with this place, but certain publishers/ readers likely would. part of me wants to be honest just because I've always detested authority and hate the majority of censorship (kids should be protected obviously)

>> No.11219531

I'm not sure why anyone would be associated with 4chan in a publisher's mind for this. If you give them a book and tell them you workshopped it with some people, that's not really got to lead to telling them you organized it on /lit/.

>> No.11219538

It gets published, some idiot screenshots the discord discussion and posts it to /lit/, /lit/ takes it and then everybody finds out it was organized here.

>> No.11219546

that's all it would take but at the same time i wonder if it could be a good thing if you were to self publish? if its as good as you say it'll certainly certainly become a legend here

>> No.11219551

The entire Dune cycle is based on a terrible pun.

>The spice is called melange
>The spice confers power and longevity
>Melange is a French word for variety

In other words, variety is the spice of life.

>> No.11219556

Fucking hack.

>> No.11219557

should i read dune? why or why no?

>> No.11219560

It's really old dated swash buckling sci-fi
I'd say skip

>> No.11219561

That's true it might increase sales. Even any controversy surrounding it at all is good in that regard, but I am not sure I want it attached to my name.

>> No.11219576

Star Trek isn't boring tho? Ok, the quality is uneven but half of them are really good.

Welp first attempts at novels are generally not great but good luck. For me, I don't care as much about world building as I do interesting characters and how they play off each other. Just don't let it be cliche and especially don't make it Hero's Journey.

>> No.11219589

I've written enough trash, I think I am finally producing works of literary value. I don't think sff is a good suit for anyone not creative, and I'm creative. Also the Hero's Journey sucks.

>> No.11219631

though you'd be better off pandering to r/fantasy just on numbers alone, 72 IPs in this thread versus a horde of heh, "generic consumers" who love pretty much everything and are constantly recommending even litRPG trash.

>> No.11219632

what if its meta about it, where "the hero's cycle" is a known concept in the setting?

>> No.11219635

Blood Music is a great book, proper sci-fi that follows through with it's ideas. It inspired lots of imitations in other media.

Greg Bears early series - Eon, Forge of God, Darwin's Radio and Queen of Angels are all very good. However he seems to of stop writing original material after that and cashed in writing stuff like Halo novels.

>> No.11219648

>Classic medieval-type setting
>Intro damsel in distress
>Four or five dudes recognize what is going on, and each one attempts to be the hero, each fully aware of the cycle.

What do you think?

>> No.11219650

what if your story has "controversial" and "problematic" elements?
had a feeling i was remembering his surname incorrectly. halo novels, eh. what a shame. thanks for sharing your experience with his work

>> No.11219653

Might be good. The problem with ideas is that it's the execution that counts. I laugh when people think "someone might steal my idea." Ideas are cheap. Quality finished work is rare and that's what's valuable.

>> No.11219673

>should i read dune?
Because by reading Dune you get one step closer to reading God Emperor of Dune

>> No.11219674

i meant more along the lines of ritual abuse. build em up, just to kick em to the dirt, and repeat, all the while justifying it because its the "oldest story we ever told". Produces a psychopath who feels he has completed his "cycle". A story that is somewhat self aware about it and ramps up the "journey through hell" for thematic reasons

>> No.11219675

If you mention that it's a criticism of the "controversial" and "problematic" your fine.

>> No.11219682


Ever read magic 2.0?
One of the books has the premise that the characters have been dropped on a game to fill the role of heros for plot point reasons. Not sure if it's the idea that was funny or just that the books are funny.

>> No.11219688

Well it makes an argument for a technically controversial subject, but it is in no means political or offensive, so I doubt I'll gain popularity that way.

>> No.11219696

Like the plot itself is sentient, and each time tries to raise the stakes to make a better story?

>> No.11219726

yes, i intend apocalyptic shit by the end, and certain characters are "eased" through the process of finding their "roles" which are the "astrological archetypes". the "cycle" is just one characters interpretation of the same /x/ jank the other factions believe in. like looking to constellations as signs of who will become "the grim raper" who has the will to enact his wish above all others

>> No.11219734

I would probably read it. It could also be interesting if you broke the fourth wall Everytime you were about to do something truly horrible to somebody, and explain why it needs to be done to the reader, until the writer feels like a character himself, and is either sympathized with or despised by the end.

>> No.11219772

that's a very interesting idea. it would probably help add some more personality since I'm treating the narrator like a camera and not giving thoughts or information that can't be seen or heard.

>> No.11219775

Writers have to eat. The sad thing is that Bear does good work but it doesn't seem like he's broken out in a serious way.

One of my favorite fantasy writers, Sean Stewart, wrote a bunch of good novels then eventually had to write a Star Wars book then got out of the novel business entirely which is a fucking shame.

>> No.11219781

Is the reality distinctions worth a read? Seems long so dont want to invest to much time of it's shit.

>> No.11219783

>write a deadpool novel in essence
Please god no

>> No.11219803

That's not what I'm saying. Imo it would be best to have some overly formal explaination just beforehand. Like:

Dear reader,
In order to write you the best book possible, and to ensure your enjoyment, we have decided to write you a grand feat, the likes of which have seldom been seen in literature. Unfortunately, such a comeback for our hero cannot be accomplished without tragedy. While we recognize this may be seen as troubling for some parties involved, we have decided it is in the best interest of first the reader, and second our characters, without whom the likes of our stories would not be possible.
Thank you for your support.

>> No.11219806

I'm not judging him, quite the opposite. Its unfortunate that artists have to go that route
i hope i wouldn't go that far, just a little "he had to learn" sort of thing every now and again. I want it to feel like a puzzle, the narration doesn't spell things out or hold the reader's hand, but a coked out /x/phile might 'ave a rant about how he's figured it all out when he likely hasn't

>> No.11219813

truly the dark souls of epic science fantasy

>> No.11219819

On second thought, a warm and casual explanation might be better. Do whatever you want tho I'm not writing this. Link us to it if you write it.

>> No.11219823

>but a coked out /x/phile might 'ave a rant about how he's figured it all out when he likely hasn't
8.5/10. Would probably read

>> No.11219838


I haven't been on /x/ in a while, are they still as funnily retarded as always?

>> No.11219851

Haven't been in a while /lit/ is about the only slow moving board i can handle. But I'm sure they're all still fairly schizophrenic

>> No.11219866
File: 25 KB, 1182x179, x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As crazy and stupid as always it seems

>> No.11219875

yes but occasionally i love those fuckers when you find a good thread. it helps when you're there to brainstorm off the inevitable zany content and aren't necessarily along for the ride
perfect example. this is how you hack your way into a flourishing career

>> No.11219887

They're ideas are not very original or interesting, even if you distill them into a coked up hyperschizoid brainstorm session. You could combine the best ideas and best writing skills of all the /x/ users but you won't be getting even a fragment of what made PKD great.

>> No.11219888

Their ideas*

>> No.11219954

Its just one avenue and I'm only being semi serious. i want to reflect the zeitgeist of our time which includes doomsday fear mongering and general conspiracy. the paranormal is presented the same as our world. No proof or up for interpretation, and its largely seen as old nonsense. there are no succubi or vampires, but there are myths of both. there are secret societies, cults, and people who believe in paranormal things. Its a world with certain powerful individuals expecting a happening as they enter an age of acceleration. The /x/ shit doesn't even take center stage until the halfway mark in the series, so there's plenty of political tension built up by then to stop it from going too off the rails. Its largely for symbolism wank

>> No.11219963

Going to start with Throne of Glass.

Wish me luck

>> No.11219992

dammit. the terrorists have won

>> No.11219994

I wasn't asking you about whatever the fuck you're writing, I couldn't care one bit

>> No.11220002

You can burn that Mark Lawrence book, in my opinion.

>> No.11220013

Got a free download?

>> No.11220030


>> No.11220084

I liked Vavasour of Thorns

>> No.11220360

We might as well read it as a bookclub or something

>> No.11220616

I read a book a while back, Ice was a pretty big deal there was a bloke from a clan and some girl with a nutty step dad. Can't remember the name of it and want to read the sequel. Ideas?

>> No.11220779

>favorite recent book
Three Body Problem is my favorite that I’ve actually read recently. Or maybe Hyperion.

>favorite up and coming
I listen to a lot of audiobooks, really digging this little satire/quasi litrpg series by Zachary Pike. Orconomics is the first book, second one is Son of a Liche. World is a D&D parody, except adventuring and heroics has become really bureaucratized and the whole (very advanced) economy of the world is based on loot. People speculate on the value of treasure from quests given by the hero’s guild and trade those bets on the stock market. Modern-style corporations churn out magic items for adventurers to use, heroes have agents and publicists. There’s nothing revolutionary about the books but they have great dialogue and are a lot of fun. The narrator for the audible versions is absolutely perfect too.

>> No.11221122

I found the Blue Ant stuff to be pretty great. Especially Pattern Recognition and Zero History.

>> No.11221133

Would anyone be interested in SFF audio drama recommendations, possibly in the form of a chart?

I'll probably divide it into classic radio shows, modern BBC and for sale online stuff, and podcast-based dramas/series, with symbols to represent different genres (sci-fi and fantasy of course, but I'll make it clear if it has significant comedy or horror or mystery elements as well).

>> No.11221215

Just do the work and throw it to the winds friend. Maybe somefew will appreciate.

>> No.11221219

Sure thing. Will do when I get home. Otherwise it'll be crappy MS Paint.

>> No.11221232


>Warlock of the Magus World

>> No.11221270

Last night I hit 40% on Throne of Glass. So besides being the deadliest assassin ever and a qt3.14, it turns out Caelana also plays the pianoforte beautifully. Jsyk.

>> No.11221273

OMG! She's just so like me lol!

>> No.11221279

If she is the deadliest assassin why doesn't she just assassinate the king/prince and not bother with the retarded talent show?

>> No.11221331

>she doesn't
>Wtf this book is shit

>She does
>Wtf what a mary sue.

>> No.11221337
File: 161 KB, 1192x475, lg_3369c3233cd7-acotar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This series is btw a lot better than Throne of Glass.
She wrote ToG when she was 18, the quality improves throughout the series but the beginning is wonky.

>> No.11221341

Maybe she should just make a story that doesn't end in shit no matter how you look at it?

>> No.11221346

>>she doesn't
>>Wtf this book is shit

>>She does
>>Wtf what a mary sue.
She already killed 28 elite guards before the book started.

>> No.11221351

Your logic is rather flawed.
It's akin to saying: "If the F-22 is the best fighter jet why doesn't the USA just bomb North Korea?"

>> No.11221357

Maybe you should have shilled the better series instead?

No. She is an elite assassin that got released from prison for some stupid talent show. On the way there she could have just killed her escort and vanished? That should be easy for an elite assassin, right?

>> No.11221361

No, it's akin to someone about to lose a chess game. There are two possible moves, and in either scenario they lose, and I am saying that the mistake they made was not either of those moves but several turns before.

>> No.11221364

>She wrote ToG when she was 18

dang, all I did when I was 18 was wallow in self-loathing

>> No.11221366

What makes you assume that?

Guards that were killed before she was too affected from malnutrition.

>> No.11221375

>What makes you assume that?
What makes me assume what?
It were still 27 more than a single person should be able to handle.

>> No.11221378
File: 965 KB, 1440x2700, r688cPe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I read the past few threads correctly.
Will people here read literally anything as long as one autist just keeps spamming it?

>> No.11221392

But OP, Ada Palmer is a... g-g-girl! Girls can't write science fiction!

>> No.11221394

>Girls can't write!

>> No.11221398

Yes. Not everyone is around for every thread so missed out on the fact it's a troll. They just see a post saying "read this" and simply do.

>> No.11221401

Yes, it works ever time. Besides Maas it have worked for litrpgs, those shitty harem books and even web novels the last months or so.

>> No.11221406

Your unique marketing strategy has been noted.

>> No.11221426


>> No.11221439

>literary fantasy
Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock
The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley (skip the sequels and prequels)

>> No.11221455

Does she graduate magna cum laude though?

>> No.11221457

Really enjoying the magicians tv series, any1 read the books?
Any other similar book(s)??

>> No.11221494

Yes. She graduated Mega Cum Lord.

>> No.11221509

I'm assuming you still live with your parents?

>> No.11221513

>It were still 27 more than a single person should be able to handle.

yeah and giant eagles totally don't exist so the hobbits would have never been able to fly to mordor.

>> No.11221523

Wolfe, Tolkien and Mervyn Peake comes to mind.

>> No.11221524

Thank goodness.

>> No.11221534

>not an argument
Her books still suck.

>> No.11221535

Giant Eagles don't make any member of the party a Mary Sue, they are only a plot device. On the other hand, her extreme ability does make her a Mary Sue, in addition to being a plot device.

Your argument is incoherent.

>> No.11221536

>what is reasonable suspension of disbelief
Arguments like these and the idiots that believe in them are the reason for idiots like Rothfuss becoming popular.

>> No.11221537

How's that relevant?

>> No.11221572

Because I'm grounding you.

t. your father

>> No.11221582

Oh you memester.

>> No.11221745

Just contacted mods on irc, if the Maas spammer posts that picture again then he will get a ban for spam.

>> No.11221751

Snitches get stitches

>> No.11221807

Why would you post this in this thread? Or on this board?

>> No.11221810

Just stop being babyes are stop responding.

>> No.11221847

How long until everyone needs to be done reading Solaris?

>> No.11221906

Good thing your opinion is shIt then

>> No.11221918

Two weeks from today.

>> No.11221943

she's half man on her dads side so it's ok

>> No.11221992

I started reading Library at Mont Char because of this, an hour into it and I lacked the drive to continue, not sure if I will.

I've read it, and I'm watching the show. The books were alright, but they differ from the show. They focus more on Quentin, so there's no "gang" to follow through the series as much. Also, the show has seemingly gone off the rails and into a markedly new direction from the books.
I haven't read anything really similar. Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell is a good book that also has magic and wizards, but the style is different and it's set 200 years in the past.

>> No.11222016
File: 1.06 MB, 3060x2292, 1492290718422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone explain this new meme

>> No.11222045

Jesus man, I finished reading it like a week in

>> No.11222158
File: 41 KB, 323x499, 51eAETjsvOL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it good?

>> No.11222234

Oh, hey I was actually wondering if anyone here read this too. I was thinking about getting it.

>> No.11222406
File: 109 KB, 636x1000, FC1F722F-FE2F-4893-91DB-E5C47C7A2AC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody read through the Shadow Campaign series? I’m about to start Guns of the Empire and I’m wondering if Wexler becomes any less hamfisted and frequent in harping on how the women in the series are just as good the male soldiers. It gets annoying when every chapter from Winter’s point of view needs to mention they’re just as capable as their male peers. We get it; just get on with the Napoleonic warfare and demon summoning already.

>> No.11222446

>Way of King’s is on the chart
Really? I though /lit/ didn’t like it. That being said I liked it, it wasn’t anything ground breaking, but it was a nice read.

>> No.11222473

I had it saved, thought since /lit/ will read anything it doesn't really matter what's listed in the image.
Besides it having some very good authors on it.
Either way most here rate Mistborn as the anime it is.

>> No.11222495

If you like Watts, I don't see how you wouldn't like it. There's a few really good short stories in it.

>> No.11222636

That version of the chart is a couple of years old. The version in the OP was updated earlier this year.

Way of Kings would fit better on the general chart, which is an absolute mess and in need of an overhaul.

>> No.11222762

We should also look at the sci-fi charts, the second selected sci-fi is not really a selected chart at all.

>> No.11222924
File: 1.10 MB, 1819x2304, 20180520 SelectedSciFiFavorites.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of overhauling charts, I updated my selected sci-fi favorites chart if someone wants to add it to the next OP.

>> No.11222947

Upload it somewhere and add it yourself. My autism would prefer it if it had the same look and amount of books as the selected fantasy chart.

>> No.11223005


>> No.11223024

Space viking

>> No.11223092

The forever war

>> No.11223157

yeah this >>11222495

also worth saying if you're a Blindsight-autoismo fanboy like me, there'a basically the short-story precursor to BS within BtR

>> No.11223216

I read it, and I'd say there's less harping on about gender parity in the last book if only because shit hits the fan so hard there's not much time for griping. And yeah I think parts of Shadow Campaigns deal with the "wow female soldiers? how unusual" thing fairly well but he returns to the topic far more than is necessary for how little it adds to the overall story.

You can be a little assured that the female regiment becomes almost irrelevant in toward the end of the series.