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/lit/ - Literature

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11213584 No.11213584[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

write whats on your mind

>> No.11213591

How will the rest of my life go

>> No.11213601
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Poo poo pee pee
I want tendies in my tummy
Poo poo pee pee
I'm going to rape your bunny

>> No.11213602

Bored bored bored bored bored

Every day, I have no friends, no plans, weekend after weekend spent alone.

>> No.11213604

I haven't masturbates in 1.5 weeks.

>> No.11213616
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I have no idea what the fuck I'm doing with my life.

>> No.11213617
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An anon posted this last month about his cancer diagnosis, and I didn't notice it until after the thread died. He didn't get much response, but it touched me a lot and it clearly came from a deep place.

If you stumble across this post anon, I hope you didn't feel deflated or alone when people just replied with jokes, after working so hard to think about this shit and be able to write it.

I hope you're okay buddy.

>> No.11213620

I'm so tired. I haven't slept properly in years

>> No.11213636

How did you do that?


>> No.11213640
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My life's really good and I'm writing something really big. It's very good and I'm very lucky. I'm holding my cards close and hiding my power level.

>> No.11213643


>> No.11213646

Ah I remember High School, If you can look back and appreciate those times and drop the insecurities you will be thankful later on... I think I went out like 3 times in all of HS and MS combined... Hateful superficial Parents sent me to countless therapists and now I have a passion I'm pursuing and read lots of books and have seen lots of movies that have helped me immensely, so I feel comfortable with myself, and found two friends like me in college due to serious self-reflection and acceptance... embrace it, in HS I somehow told myself I did have friends and just didn't want to go out which set me back greatly

>> No.11213655

I'm only 20 and I already feel like an empty shell of myself. I'm afraid of what the future holds.

>> No.11213657

>Implying I'm in high school
I wish

>> No.11213661
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The heavy weight of my own accumulated bullshit over the years.
A few days ago I had this kind of revelation and started to believe in God like no other time before. From then on, I watched a bunch of videos, read a lot of articles about the old testament and this feeling caught between total depression and salvation has not gone away.
Started reading Dostojevski's The Brothers Kamarazov yesterday and going to finish up the Gospel of John tonigh and start reading the Holy Book from beginning tomorrow.

>> No.11213665

im going to read so much this summer...

>> No.11213668

I just didn't touch my peepee

>> No.11213671

Good I love reading, Read books 1 of the Iliad and Republic today and am close to finishing Crime and Punishment... also saw District 9, productive day for me

>> No.11213673
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>> No.11213674

The Holy Spirit is in you anon. I wish you good luck on your journey

>> No.11213675

How old? I'm 21

>> No.11213678

Thanks man. I wish the same to you too.

>> No.11213681

How? I become overwhelmed and distraught with sexual frustration, anxiety, discomfort and need for relief. And then a wubby my peepee thinking about thicc girls until I shurt muh gurt. FFFFUUUUUUUUUCCK

>> No.11213686
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I wish I had a girlfriend.

>> No.11213687
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I am a volley ball being chaotically batted backhand fourth. I am being ignited and inhaled. I am being teased and taken. I suppose the very thrill of a thing is how utterly terrifying it is. I am not playing this game by choice. But my dreams betray myself, folly to expect them to remain faithful to anyone else.

He is going to come and pick my battery very soon. Then all this flying flurry will deflate into an empty whiff

>> No.11213690

>pick my battery
>lick my battery
This is an important correction

>> No.11213713


Naming is an important ritual, and not one we should debase with the pretentious inanities of the Hollywood elite. Please, refrain from naming your children after cardinal directions and fruit. They will die cold, hallow, and soulless.

>> No.11213720

Agreed. You should read Tristram Shandy if you haven't already. The importance of naming your child properly is explored in the work.

>> No.11213754

I've not. Sounds quite interesting though. Thanks for the recommendation, anon.

>> No.11213757

Writing a short story that is going nowhere. Have to submit 5 stories to the publisher so he can evaluate me. I am stuck on the second. My agent hates me. My editor too. I hate myself.

>> No.11213761

wanna collaborate on a writing project, put our powers together?

>> No.11213763

Take a week. Just read, relax, and distance your mind from the idea of meeting a deadline. It'll replenish your creative juices.

>> No.11213770

In a muffled, stinky winky voice, my sentient asshole said, "I smell, and look a lot better, than most black people"

>> No.11213777

I'm sitting on the toilet leaving a shit and I have been thinking a lot. Earlier my mom and I talked about empty slogans (like "support the troops", "make America great again", etc) that mean nothing at all and are just meant to be parroted without any real thought. That got onto about her thoughts on if gays should get married and we finally reached a satisfying conclusion where she doesn't sound like a jackass. She used to say she didn't like it because it's unnatural but after multiple times of telling her that doesn't mean anything I was finally able to get through to her that almost everything she uses is unnatural. I also asked her if she thinks they should not have equal rights just for being homosexuals. She said they should be able to but homosexuality is still stramge from her heterosexual view. I said that was fine and agreed because I am hetero too and I personally do not want a homosexual relationship and all that it entails. For reference my mom is a Christian and we live in the American south. Pretty big breakthrough, I think.

Anyway, I have most recently been thinking about how the Internet has gone from what a lot of people have called "the wild west" to what we have now. A lot of things used to be disconnected and unique. Many completely different websites that didn't follow the se layout or operate under the same website (Facebook, Tumblr, etc). Seems like since the early 2000s (if any of you youngsters say it was around 2007 I will reeeee) it's gone even more downhill and centralised than it was before. Maybe even since the late 90s. Now everything is under some form of umbrella. And, the worst part, it's all marketing. Gone, it seems, are when people had websites to have them. Information was shared freely and fun was had. Now it seems like everything is for profit or data gathering abd there's always an affiliate link. Every time I go to look up a recipe for something there's always a mommy blogger talking about how it's [insert season] and she loves [insert seasonal food] and how her [insert offspring] loves [seasonal food] made [insert cooking method from mommy blogger]. It all seems so superficial.

Just bugs me.

>> No.11213803

I am too much of an insecure pussy to share my stuff with anyone. Besides, I am not that good....yet.

Thanks for the kind word. I wish you a great weekend ahead.

>> No.11213808

I’m pretty sure my girlfriend and I are going to break up soon and I’m extremely sad over it. We’ve known each other for three years, and been dating for two.

This sucks so bad.

>> No.11213813

>I am not that good....yet.
you have an agent and publisher...

we can create a great story together, you send it, they love it, and then we celebrate

>> No.11213817

You've got us, anon.

>> No.11213818

Machine gun fist both her orifice holes with lots of lube until she starts cumming gangbusters, that’s what I always do

>> No.11213849

Ready Player One is the greatest piece of modern literature.

>> No.11213903

Not that long ago when there was that whole kerfuffle over Facebook and Cambridge Analytica, I had a thought while reading the public outcry that I have not had in almost 14 years, not since I was in high school. I thought: "Is everyone stupid except me?" I simply didn't understand it. My initial reaction, if I were reading such things on 4chan, would be to chalk it up to ironic humor. But these people were not ironic memesters, they were honest and straight forward people. People apparently not pretending that they didn't know what Facebook's business model was even though they told every body what it was 10 years ago when they went public. If one person made a mistake I'd call them a fool. But what if millions of people all apparently did the same stupid thing? What am I to believe? Am I surrounded by idiots?

>> No.11213976

It was a forcefully pushed narrative for muh russian haxxors to demean Trump. I don't really think too many people really care or understand what happened.

>> No.11214017

Not him but I was surprised nobody cared the Obama campaign had skimmed the same (or more) information as Cambridge Analytica. I think people just don't care.

>> No.11214018

I dont anything to say right now....

>> No.11214019
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>tfw been dating for three years
>tfw transferring to a college that's just far enough away to make visiting hard
>tfw I don't have the heart to tell her I want to be free and go into my last two years unattached
>tfw I love her so much
>tfw I know I have to go

It hurts to just think about breaking her heart, but it's do that or cheat on her and shatter her world.

>> No.11214023

how do I convince a woman to have 8 kids with me

>> No.11214071

Exactly. It's all literal politics with no substance and all the juridical proceedings and closures afterward were just kind of PR stunts so if people would care, they'd be relieved that something was done against the practice.
But comes next election, the same methods will be used again and again.
It's hilarious and sad at the same time.

>> No.11214098

Exactly eight? No more, no less?

>> No.11214102
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>Attempting to flirt with guy at bar
>Start talking about mutual acquaintance from high school
>Me: "Oh yeah, I remember her. She was super religious. I used to tell her I was going to abort my first child and send her the fetus though the mail every art class." *Nervous laughter*
>Him "Oh, haha, small world."
>Got ghosted

Holy shit I suck at this.

>> No.11214137

That was funny though

>> No.11214140

I can't be outdone by my forefathers, eight seems a good number

>> No.11214148

Maybe guys don't want a girl who derides religion and will abort their children. Something to keep in mind roastie

>> No.11214150

>afterward were just kind of PR stunts so if people would care, they'd be relieved that something was done against the practice.
I don't think it's that exactly. I think it's darker than that. I think they knew they could say shit like that on public record while being broadcast because they knew nobody was paying attention.

Think about it. If you're a birther supporter of the most virulent kind and totally anti-Obama and looking to smash the old system... they just gave you proof that Obama manipulated the campaign. And nobody, not even a fucking birther, has run with it. Not a Trump supporter saying "Obama did it too and worse!", not even a "all politics are dumb" person wants Obama's elections looked into to prove their case. To call it a PR stunt is almost insulting to those folks in advertising Hicks said should kill themselves. It's got barely any PR at all. It's literally a thought people don't have even when it gets some press through transcripts and congressional hearings.
It's not even politics. Politics is what they actually did with the social media info they scoured, but that they did it is a political and PR non-point. It's probably less discussed than several kittens online today in terms of PR, and certainly doesn't even get the political split that "cats vs dogs" gets. Neither side cares.
That there are two sides and they pick candidates the same way they pick coffee shops and clothes and nights out isn't the complaint I have. It's that both sides ignored rampant corruption even if pointing to it would elevate their own side.
It's like arriving in a small town where the villagers are in a torch bearing feud with each other over the controversial mayor, who one side thinks is going to treble the tax burden, and the other side thinks is going to provide more social services, only to find out the new controversial mayor is a cat whose edicts consist entirely of miaows. The fact nobody is complaining the position of mayor is not restricted to humans with clear mandates at that point is more worrisome than tax expenditure, I think. Whichever plan the people who think they can read cattentalk decide is his mayoral wishes, the fact they can't see he's a cat is a more systemic problem which affects more decisions than just the tax bill.

>> No.11214151

... Why would you even?..

>> No.11214180

That's way too much methaphor. The reason no one called out Obama out of the right-wing is because the right-wing do the exact same thing and neither side really wants to lose these kind of tools in the future.

>> No.11214186

I'm thinking about dropping off college: this Friday some asshole nearly burnt my face in the lab. The guy worked with a drug cartel before. The teacher didn't say a thing. I'm so damn sad I finally made my way yo Uni but my life is compromised.

>> No.11214215

Just gotta find someone who really gets you. Sometimes my wife gives our daughter a good sock in the mouth just as a bit of slapstick comedy. Gets me every time.

>> No.11214245

>That's way too much methaphor.
It's a literature board and that word is spelt "metaphor"
>The reason no one called out Obama out of the right-wing is because the right-wing do the exact same thing and neither side really wants to lose these kind of tools in the future.
I don't think that's true. Obama's campaign timeframe means that even more data was available to them than Cambridge Analytica. Many of the right-wing are as against the NSA collection of data on that scale as can be, and the recent outcry, but the Obama collection doesn't raise a point for them. They'll protest Alexa and for Snowden, but the data scraping to win the election does nothing for one candidate. It is precisely like they cannot hear that the cat is not speaking human. They cannot see an offense even where it would elevate their point, and it's not because it's politically convenient to them. It's because they're not going to look even if it's on C-SPAN for weeks, even if they're the kind of person who watches these things.

>> No.11214275
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I really wish that I had joined the Navy like my parents suggested.

>> No.11214300

By telling her you make over 200k a year so money won't be the issue.

>> No.11214320

just do it now then lmao

>> No.11214343

Question: Why can't cats do calculus? First: Is the question non-vacuous? Well, clearly cats can't do caluclus, so it's at least valid in that way.

Second: What do we mean by "do" and "calculus"? Calculus is easily defined: A system of axioms and definitions to which the rules of logic are applied thus theorems derived. If the failure is here, then we have several options. First: That cats can't understand the rules of logic. This is known to be false, though. Second: that cats don't have the capacity to understand those axioms and definitions.

But what does it mean for them to lack that capacity? First, a lemma on ideas: All reasonably complex ideas can be thought of as structures of smaller ideas. This is the idea of semantic primitives, which is an accurate enough way of thinking about these things. So, then, consider the analogous case of ontological primitves: There exist some set of basic, non-enunciable ideas of which all other ideas can be constructed.

So when we say that cats lack that capacity, what we really mean is that there is some deficiency in their ontological primitives. There is some important class of ideas that they simply cannot conceive of. But what does this deficiency mean? For example: Suppose that our set of ontological primitives is all the parts of a bird: Muscle, bones, fluids, and feathers. In that case, we can easily talk about the bird as a whole. But there is a perfectly isomorphic set of ideas: Suppose we have those primitives above, but replace feather with "the entire bird." In that case we can still recover the idea of feather: It's the entire bird less the muscle, bones, and fluids.

An interesting thought, but not useful.

So, what do we mean by "do"? Well, we really mean "think about." And think about is a different thing from understand. Clearly, to be able to thinkg about something, you must be able to do three things: First, you must be able to comprehend the idea. That is the understanding talked about previously. Second, you must be able to remember the entire structure of ideas. And lastly: You must be able to systematically manipulate those structures of ideas.

Suppose, then, that cats have a non-deficient set of ontological primitives and can comprehend any idea. Then the failing must come in either the memory or the manipulation. The more interesting question, then, isn't "why can't cats do calculus" so much as "why can humans?"

Human working memory isn't really that far beyond other animals. And, as discussed above, cats can clearly apply the systematic rules of logic necessary for calculus. So why is the important difference? My supposition is that humans have the useful tool of language: They can compactly encode ideas. Or perhaps it's something about long term memory.

So, perhaps if cats could speak, they'd be doing engineering.

I wish I'd slept in the last three days.

>> No.11214348

>start writing something
>like what you have so far
>suddenly afraid of continuing because the next part you write might be terrible
>procrastinate finishing your work
>too much time passes and you now feel a disconnect between your frame of mind when you started working on it and your current frame of mind so the new stuff you odds seems different in comparison

>> No.11214366

What are you so afraid of anon?

>> No.11214455

But we're not talking about literature?
But honestly you sound like one of these uni majors who talk a lot without saying something and manage to miss the point somewhere down the way.

>> No.11214493

Predisposition to metaphor shouldn't shock you on a literature board. Since you skirted and/or missed my point, I presume you don't want to talk about it either.

>> No.11214537 [DELETED] 

I am quite hungry and feel powerless.

I eat something. Afterwards I have coffee and masturbate.
I wonder whether I will want to die again after masturbation. And should I not put the newly flowing energy to better use?
I think: I usually become inspired only when I am hungry. So this is fine.

There are lots of other things I wanted to do on this weekend.

The girl in the pornographic video reminds me of the sisters of a school friend of mine. I only saw them once or twice and I think they looked quite different. They were rather fat and the girl in the video is slim. Still she reminds me.
At a birthday party of that friend’s was one of the first times I had a lot of fun with alcohol. I had only two beers or something I’d guess. But I was in the perfect mood. At some point on this evening what came into my mind was something small children would often do. It’s called Purzelbaum in German – a somersault on the ground. Somehow my "drunken mind" was fascinated by this and I must have told those friends of mine who were sitting at the table with me about it and I certainly ended up doing one or two Purzelbäume right there on the grass. I can’t remember whether I got any of my friends to join me.

When it was time to cycle home, I felt so great and tipsy that I doubted I would be able to even do so without crashing. But it was easy after all.

The beer we’d had that evening was called Stockhausen and I must have kept telling everyone how much I liked it and that there was a famous composer of the same name. I wish I’d knewn about Stockhausen calling 9/11 "art" back then, it would have made for something very nice to tell my friends. They were all leftists and I used to provoke them with my edgy non-left opinions.

>> No.11214541
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The girl in the pornographic video reminds me of the sisters of a school friend of mine. I only saw them once or twice and I think they looked quite different. They were rather fat and the girl in the video is slim. Still she reminds me.
At a birthday party of that friend’s was one of the first times I had a lot of fun with alcohol. I had only two beers or something I’d guess. But I was in the perfect mood. At some point on this evening what came into my mind was something small children would often do. It’s called Purzelbaum in German – a somersault on the ground. Somehow my "drunken mind" was fascinated by this and I must have told those friends of mine who were sitting at the table with me about it and I certainly ended up doing one or two Purzelbäume right there on the grass. I can’t remember whether I got any of my friends to join me.

When it was time to cycle home, I felt so great and tipsy that I doubted I would be able to even do so without crashing. But it was easy after all.

The beer we’d had that evening was called Stockhausen and I must have kept telling everyone how much I liked it and that there was a famous composer of the same name. I wish I’d knewn about Stockhausen calling 9/11 "art" back then, it would have made for something very nice to tell my friends. They were all leftists and I used to provoke them with my edgy non-left opinions.

This sounds like it’s taken straight from the Philosophical Investigations.

>> No.11214543

I fucking hate 90% of philosophy, yet I can't stop reading it. In a way it reminds me of how I feel about 4chan. I constantly want to read it, yet I get frustrated every single time.

>> No.11214553
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That's how I feel about math.

>> No.11214578
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I got picked up by a company and was published, and I am bummed out.

I should be happy, but I am not.

Even got first review on a self published piece, and good art came in for it. I feel disconnected from my audience, from my friends, and my wife. They are all supportive, expect my wife as of late. The more I do this successfully the more her patience things out with me.

It is very frustrating, and my depression is killing me.

Pic is the artist I was assigned in my published piece, I had no say in who did it or what it would be.

>> No.11214584

You read stranger in a strange land yet?

>> No.11214587

No, should I?

>> No.11214589


It is a great chore of a book to read. Look it up first, you'll see what I mean. I just finished my first REAL reading of it (didn't finish it 12 years ago when I picked it up).

I love and hate it. It is fantastic and a chore all at once.

>> No.11214593

Thanks, I'll get around to it very soon.

>> No.11214602

You will not regret it. It is one of those "I should read this before I die" books.

Every day I hate that I write for a living, I think of this quote.

"“Thank you. ‘Artist’ is a word I avoid for the same reason I hate to be called ‘Doctor.’ But I am an artist. Most of my stuff is worth reading only once . . . and not even once by a person who knows the little I have to say. But I am an honest artist. What I write is intended to reach the customer—and affect him, if possible with pity and terror . . . or at least divert the tedium of his hours. I never hide from him in a private language, nor am I seeking praise from other writers for ‘technique’ or other balderdash. I want praise from the customer, given in cash because I’ve reached him—or I don’t want anything. Support for the arts—merde! A government-supported artist is an incompetent whore! Damn it, you punched one of my buttons. Fill your glass and tell me what’s on your mind.”"

>> No.11214655


>> No.11214660

What do you write, anon?

>> No.11214662
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If my state doesn't get better I will LARP Werther

>> No.11214679

>tfw still working minimum wage

>> No.11214722
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I wish I could be a hermit

>> No.11214733

How do I tell my guitar teacher that I want to quit taking lessons? I'm an awkward beta and he wouldn't even care probably, but I'm afraid of any kind of conflict. If I don't quit now I'll have to take lessons for a whole nother year.
So I really need to come up with a good reason to quit taking a guitar lesson once a week. Help me.
Saying that I don't have the time because of studying would be a weak excuse right?

>> No.11214804

Get a south american mestizo Catholic wife.

>> No.11214819

i dont read books
i just listen to audiobooks while walking my dog. im just about to take him out to a stream so he can swim. i will be listening to stoner

>> No.11214822
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Watched another one take a big bag of popcorn out of 7/11, sit down on that very bench and devour it. On his phone he was clearly watching porn, but he did not touch himself except his hand his mouth while stuffing more popcorn. When the bag was emtby he left.

Next one brought two bottles of Fanta to sit on that very bench, though he sat down further on the left so what I thought was how otherwise I’d think about somehow communicating to him he was sitting were a guy watching porn had most likely just sweated a lot.

Obviously drinking three litres of Fanta takes a while. I was questioning his decision to not bring any "food." Twice he went into the nearby brushwood to piss.

The sun was clearly nearing the horizon now, even though I could not see it from my window. The guy did not wait for the sunset to really, although the view across the sea was usually spectacular.

The next guy brought only a small bag of gummy bears. He was actually very thin. He must’ve been eating little more than two bags of gummy bears a day. Rosy colors lay were cast onto his face by the setting sun. He was munching monotonously and without a hint of emotion in his face.

He did not look at his phone until he was done eating. He wandered off into the bushwork and most likely masturbated, his back turned towards me, his phone in his right hand, shining white bodies at him brightly.

The bench was deserted for a while and I wondered whether I should go down and sit beside it. It was the twilight hour now. A fat guy slumped out of 7/11 holding a giant bag of chips and a bag of gummy bears and sat on the bench. On his phone he watched what seemed like an action movie.

stuff popcorn mouth
naked people on screen
fanta · drink · fanta
piss fanta awaylways
sunset · gummy bears
look girl · girls
they are nowhere on the ground
but shining bright at
you · made from data
chips and gummy bears
in bags
action movies by twilight
thoughts out
of someone’s head on the glass

"I lost hope of ever becoming a good guitar player and also I hate every hipster playing Wonderwall under a subway, so I’m gonna quit lessons and sink the money into hookers. See you my good friend it was nice working with you."

>> No.11214823
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I decided that I was tired of being a lonely tfw no gf faggot so I went on tinder and I've asked two women out. They both said yes, then flaked. Is this normal, or am I just too ugly/weird to ever find anyone

>> No.11214824

I hate my job and need to leave, but I just got promoted to assistant manager. And now I feel like I want to move across country to start somewhere new in a field that I like, but don't want to just do that without some sort of safety net

>> No.11214826
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>quitting a job as assistant manager

>> No.11214833

Its pretty common anon, don't sweat it. A lot of people on dating apps never really show. I did that a few years ago, got several matches and only one ever showed up.

If anything its a good self-esteem booster

>> No.11214834
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It is a weak excuse but he has no other option than submiting to it. Just say that hey, I probably won't have time and money next year as you need to save up and focus on studying, and if it turns out otherwise you'll contact him again. It's not even lying since you probably actually feel that those lessons are not worth your time.

>> No.11214836

>staying in fields with "assistant manager" positions
absolutely Letzter Mensch

>> No.11214840

What's wrong with me that I spend so much time on the internet? I think back to when I first got on the net, in the 90s, when I'd visit usenet and read Ranma 1/2 fanfiction, and I think if I could just cut up the time I wasted on the internet in the past twenty-odd years, like remove 3/4s of that time and use it on reading, writing, some kind of creative pursuit, or study project, or even going out and socializing, how different would I have been? Would I still be a miserable piece of shit in a low paying job, working a career I don't like? Would i have "found" myself?
And I hate thinking about that, because it doesn't change anything. I need to imagine myself five years from now, asking this same question, except I have the opportunity to stop wasting time now, instead of wishing I could go back to 2018 and fix myself. Why is it so hard?

>> No.11214854
File: 54 KB, 546x896, 1525328145480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a terrible job. Even though I got the promotion I didn't get a raise despite being overly qualified. I can't barely afford to live on my own, to the point that I may have to move back in with my parents. When I told my boss that and needed a bit more money he scoffed it off and said "we don't have the money to pay you what you want right now, maybe next year" meanwhile going and hiring 8 new people at the same pay as me.

>> No.11214860
File: 41 KB, 600x448, gondola hell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thinking about that 30 year old guy that got kicked out of his parents house. Im the same, just a bit younger. My parents are too nice to kick me out though. Sometimes i think about how i ended up like this. Its so easy to say "Get a job and move out" for other people. Yeah, what job, what job would take some dude that barely graduated high school and has no experience.
And if by some miracle i do get a job it would be some wageslave job that pays in pennies. And if i do get a place it would be some shit one room apartment where i would be under the constant threat of being kicked out or have to share with odd people.
Oh, and never a woman. I would never have a woman i didnt pay for.

I think about all the normal people i knew. I think about the guy i knew who has a wife and job, i knew this guy since high school. He had a kid on the way too. He ended up shooting himself in the head.
I like to think about all the people i knew, who were better than me on every level. But they killed themselves.
And here i am, the loser. And i cant find the will to do it. Although i can feel the intensity of it. I can feel myself wasting away, hurdling towards death.

>> No.11214872

I will always regret going to college to study philosophy.

Now I'm back to get a biology degree. Seems more promising than humanities studies. Even a dead end job at a lab will be more than what I can get with a philosophy degree.

>> No.11214880
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I read 4-6 400+ page fanfiction a month and I can't add them to goodreads. Goodreads thinks I'm 2 books behind.

>> No.11214887

that's actually really fucked up and you sound like a cunt. like, one time, ok. everybody's a dick sometimes, but doing that multiple times? what is legit wrong with you?

>> No.11214902


>> No.11214909

Whatever gaylord

>> No.11214912
File: 29 KB, 451x377, 1525653154898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well...have you?

>> No.11214914

if it wasnt for my dog i would have killed myself by now, but i cant leave him
the day he dies is the day i jump in front of a train

>> No.11214917

Man, I cannot stand that mom blog bullshit. Just give me the fucking recipe, it's what I came for.

>> No.11214919

It's funny for us. If there is something everyone here shares is a love for fucked up humor. But still it isn't something we should talk about in real life, >>11214102 is hilarious here, but anyone out there will be creeped out.

>> No.11214921

i laughed

>> No.11214922

goddammit, yes. for fuck's sake. at least put the recipe at the top or some shit. I DONT GIVE A SHIT HELEN.

>> No.11214939

Thank you anons, i have 5 days to do this before the subscription gets renewed for another year, I'll maybe post here how it went.

>> No.11214982 [DELETED] 

There's nothing worth wanting in this world. There is no objective value of mental or emotional state of being. The human mind is adapted to being accustomed to anything, whether it be suffering, boredom or joy. No need to wish for one or the other. Gratitude for whatever may be occuring in your life will allow you let go of some version of enlightenment that you have in mind. Nothing is worth pursuing, death is inevitably a nullifier of all accomplishments.

>> No.11215017

Most people who replied to that post don't seem to find it particularly hilarious. Neither do I. It's not funny, just an edgy taunt to a person who has stronger principles than you do, which compels you to make fun of them to cope with it. I don't have anything against edgy humor, it's just that this particular comment doesn't have much humor in it.

>> No.11215022

Thats pretty fucking funny. But he might of been religous too. Some of them get really uptight about that stuff and take it too seriously.

>> No.11215039

Aww shit man that sucks i would carry on tho. One of my freinds set his hair on fire first day in the lab and had to shave his hair off. But he still came. Aother freind set their sleeve on fire after a year working in the lab too. Fuck i even got some gamma shit or something on myself too.its part of the fun.

>> No.11215088

Dont make fun of my god wahhhhh

>> No.11215096

It will all be alright anon. Learn programing or get into art. You don't have to earn a lot of money in life to be happy.
Life is hard, but it is a good feeling to live it especially once you crawl out of that stagnating pit that most of 4chan has been in just like you.

>> No.11215122

Try to create something new:
Remove from premises every mention of coffee.
Except if applied anally? Even then.
Remove every mention of porn or masturbation.
Remove every mention of windows; loneliness.
Remove all thoughts, and the traces of emotion.
Fill the imagination with things that
Are not normally considered deeply. Use adjectives
From wiktionary.org/wiki/Special:Random
Point at the colorful things sold by warehouses.
They are optimized for emagrecidas.

A yellow bucket of plastic. A red shovel of plastic.
The shovel has read every piece of elaborate writing
You’ve published. You are Tao Lin,
But you are given the opportunity
To experience all the drug experiences
Once more from the beginning.
You keep becoming Tao Lin again and again.

Neil Cassidy ("On The Road")
Clay ("Less Than Zero")
And Now You ("Shoplifting From American Apparel")

You have successfully removed "gay sex" from premises
But accidentally kept the drugs.
Replace the drugs with reindeers and dolphins again
To team up with Murakami and win the Nobel.

There was another Murakami.
His books covered with anime.
Yet his drug abuse more hardcore than yours.
Keep jotting down drugs on the white paper::
In reality
People DO care more about drugs than plastic toys.
Yet far more sadness is contained in plastic toys.
First came the plastic toys to seduce humans to nihilism
And kick them in the guts and push them into the gutter
And mow all their lawns and fields down to a stubble as found on faces of businessmen
And heads of 16 year old American recruits.

Only then did the drugs show up and really quite
Uncreatively stabbed humans with sharp knifes
To death slashing the bodies a lot,
Splattering blood, deeply without interest.
I forgot to transfer the Nirvana records off my almost broken hard drive again.
My head is almost broken now more than a dozen years since I started listening to them.

>> No.11215277

>edgelord humour, knock off a point
>poorly constructed edgelord humour, knock off a point.
>lack of social wherewithal to not realize that it would go down badly, knock off a point
>likes penis, knock off a point.

You deserve to die alone.

>> No.11215278


>> No.11215290

I always go blank when I try to speak. I'm not sure if it's social anxiety, as I go blank even if I'm speaking to my family or even if I talk to myself. It's worse around strangers and under pressure but its always still there.

Does anyone have this? Is there a solution?

>> No.11215325

I am always so desperate to talk to people. Talk TO people really, not with people.
I just want to tell about all that stuff that happens to me and that I think about.
I can express myself quite well (in my native tongue) and like to endlessly extend what I’m telling, adding prologues, digressions, funny details, until I get to the actual point.

I hate when I’m not listened to with full attention.
I hate when I tell something quite depressing and the other person feels sorry for me or something.
I’m just telling that stuff to entertain. I don’t want anyone’s caring affection for that.

That’s also why I can’t do it when I’m sober. Just the way people sometime look at you. I want to punch them in the face.
So I might be ideal drunkard that sits down next to you at the bar and blabbers on and on.

But if I am writing to someone, I can also do it when sober.
The other day I "accidentally" wrote down paragraph on paragraph in an e-mail to some girl, laying out some thoughts I’d had that morning, until my mail was more than thrice as long as the one she’d sent me.
Which had been the first mail I got from her, too. And I forgot to really explicitly refer to anything she’d wrote in that mail.
Although there were some themes I picked up on.
Well I hope she’ll write back.

I met her at a website made for finding people to exchange e-mails with.
When I registered on that site, I hoped to find gf there and I even did. (Now that I live with here I hardly tell her all that much of my thoughts and sorrows anymore; she tends to worry too much about me, too.)
Last week it occured to me that having someone to write long and rambling mails to may be just as valuable.

>> No.11215330

i'm so fucking smart

>> No.11215348

I'm having a hard time trying to find the fun part on a sicario school mate attempting against my life on purpose :(

>> No.11215360

Get a load of this guy cam

>> No.11215376

>Its a terrible job. Even though I got the promotion I didn't get a raise despite being overly qualified.

Capitalists defend this

>> No.11215401

Afraid of everything~

Going to do sports, feel nothing.
Going to have whisky and feel nothing.

>> No.11215434

>tfw no autistic gf

>> No.11215440

Get a load of this guy(world)

>> No.11215475
File: 191 KB, 808x524, funny head man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I destroy every friendship like clockwork. I go through phases of being alone, then gradually building up friends, and then eventually I grow tired of them, they know me, I know them, it all feels so suffocating so I alienate everyone and isolate myself, which feels refreshing and freeing, eventually it becomes too much and I start over again.

I don't know why I do it or why I am this way.

>> No.11215496

Report him and if hetries to hurt you use self defense.that on its own is fun

>> No.11215510
File: 33 KB, 500x650, 1432156917325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are (You) me?
It's not even that I grow tired, it's like I run away for some reason and then, looking back, think "it's been 2 years now. wait.. why the FUCK did I do that"? I can't handle relationships. It's.. oh fuck it

>> No.11215536
File: 85 KB, 800x680, 9384036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's already been 11 months
>I'm still dreaming about her
Last night I dreamt she unblocked on on whatsapp. The most pathetic dream I've had in a while.

>> No.11215557

I would give almost anything to be good looking and to have a big dick. I paid a woman online over 150 dollars to make girlfriend audios for me. I wish I listened to my dad and played sports.

>> No.11215564

This is enraging

>> No.11215611

i should be reading

im tired

my chest hurts

>> No.11215712

I always feel like such a shallow person after masturbating.

>> No.11215747

probably because you are

>> No.11215793


I read somewhere (I think) that it was for analytics or something. I think. I can't remember it too well but I know there was a reason for it like that.

There are at least four billion mommy bloggers posting the exact same recipes on the Internet so they have to do something "different" in order to be "unique" but it all follows a script, or maybe even a recipe if I may make a topical pun.

Affiliate links.

>> No.11215799

Post coitum omne animal triste est, sive gallus et mulier.

It’s worse if you don’t have anyone to cuddle with after, I suspect.

>> No.11216146
File: 55 KB, 800x800, 2495244951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to force certain syllables in a poem to be longer or shorter without using music and turning it into a lyric?

>> No.11216173

Blue.... Bl-ue

>> No.11216199

if you had a square backyard lawn, what method would take the least time to mow: Vertical back and forth, diagonal, or perimeter spiral?

>> No.11216232

Spiral because you spend the least time turning, doing a full 180 really breaks up the flow of your mowing.

>> No.11216233

>mowing your lawn

Just let it grow

>> No.11216245

I'm getting my summer stack this Monday. What should I read from it first, and why? It's quite entry level shit, pls don't bully me about that.
>The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka
>The Trial, Franz Kafka
>The Stranger, Albert Camus
>Stoner, John Williams
>Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes
>Death in Venice, Thomas Mann

>> No.11216251

just put nigga at the end of the line

>> No.11216257

Something not easily evinced desu

>> No.11216269

i'm annoyed that this thread hasn't been deleted

>> No.11216273
File: 73 KB, 960x960, 2392780994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know a girl who insists we're good friends and that she cares about me, but is completely unwilling to actually act on those statements. For example, she was gone for several weeks so I asked if she wanted to get coffee and catch up. She went
>umm anon idk, I don't know if I have time.
Bitch you have loads of time, if you don't want to just say so, but then stop pretending that we're best friends. Good friends don't make excuses not to see each other. And stop fucking crying when I don't respond to your texts, you ignore mine all the fucking time yet when I do it once it's a really hurtful thing to do to you.

I'm fucking done with this shit. It was so nice at first, and it hurts to accept the happy days have gone. But I can't live in this farce anymore.

>> No.11216278

it's nice to be able to talk to /lit/ people about non-lit stuff, i've got a lot of good advice from the people here

>> No.11216281

I lose more and more faith in people not being drooling retards everyday

>> No.11216302

It's a containment thread, if it didn't exist half the replies here would be made into their own posts with ">books for this feel?" tacked onto the end to make it on-topic.

>> No.11216318

but its square lawn, so you do many 90 degree turns, more frequent closer to center

>> No.11216332

I keep coming back to this board and it’s increasing becoming a shitshow
On the bright side it makes me read more because I don’t want to deal with this place sometimes