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11207459 No.11207459 [Reply] [Original]

what's next for her career?

>> No.11207471

is that book as shitty as it seems?

>> No.11207494

Yes, it's an outside perspective from someone who thinks /pol/itics encompasses all of 4chan rather than acknowledging the culture of other ones. Also she's a women, so no.

>> No.11207516

So no it's not worth reading*
I don't think there will be a book about this site anytime soon maybe in the 2030 when early internet culture can be seen from a different angle then it is now

>> No.11207545

yes but she also shits on tumblr so it's OK

>> No.11207557

Why doesn't an anon write a tell-all about 4chan? It would sell very well...

>> No.11207562

How does that make it better? No one even cares about Tumblr anymore. All the cool kids here hate eightchan and Reddit now. Get with the times old man

>> No.11207649

>No one even cares about Tumblr anymore
Have you ever had the misfortune of talking to a teenage girl?
Her criticism of the left demonstrates that she at least TRIED to be evenhanded with her reporting

>> No.11207660

Why would a seasoned oldfag who gets the whole perspective want to publicize it and bring in a slew of newfags and analyst?

>> No.11207687
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>Have you ever had the misfortune of talking to a teenage girl?

>> No.11207702

Anon, it's even worse than you can imagine

>> No.11207710


>> No.11208222

I assume op is talking about this

>> No.11208422

>We still struggle to understand groups, especially online subcultures. The way that journalists have tried to understand incels — for example, as an opportunity for economic thought experiments or as a menacing terrorist threat — is woefully inadequate. Angela Nagle’s book Kill All Normies shows the failure of traditional modes of inquiry for understanding social networks and their effects, especially with respect to the Trump campaign and the far-right spirit of 2016, indicating the dire need for methodological innovation. But while Nagle has won mainstream recognition and praise for her book, it has a number of flaws. Poorly sourced, it has several passages that appear to be lifted directly from Wikipedia. And ironically, Nagle seems to be seduced by the very alt-right, anti-feminist subculture that she is documenting. She is right to read their texts, but she takes many of her subject’s claims at face value — ultimately offering a flattering depiction of the fascist 4channer as a radical Dadaist dissident that cuts through the chains of the hegemonic orthodoxy of feminism and identity politics. To avoid simply giving these ideologies a mainstream platform, writers need to not only engage the texts, but to deconstruct them. This way, it’s possible to understand not only how the incel thinks, but also the social mechanisms that make the incel—and the incel’s breakdown — possible.

>> No.11208427

it would be shit, perspectives from inside are always flawed and clueless

>> No.11208433

>implying 4chan invented culture jamming
>implying tumblr has any political clout
>female author

Who's the target audience here?

>> No.11208450

clueless new leftists pretending to be old leftists

>> No.11208456

Killing normies

>> No.11208465

Nobody has ever said "Kill all normies" even on /r9k/

It's usually "Normies GTFO" but I guess lurking is too difficult.

>> No.11208469

Unemployment, hopefully.

Worse. I've read excerpts. She embedded herself in the community professionally and didn't learn shit, mostly because she's a gainfully employed woman in her 30s who will never understand the anemic male psychology that characterizes 4chan.

Honestly, I've written better analysis of the site on my own. It's not hard to understand so long as you remember that whoever you're talking to is more likely than not a semiretarded underachieving male in his late teens to early 20s.

>> No.11208490
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>what's next for her career?
The alt-right, pic related
Worse, zero books lives up to its name
>ironically, Nagle seems to be seduced by the very alt-right, anti-feminist subculture that she is documenting
You don't say

>> No.11208494

What's she saying in that pic? That she wanted attention and didn't get it?

>> No.11208517

>writers need to not only engage the texts, but to deconstruct them.

The only deconstruction retarded women like this have ever been able to offer me whenever I bring up right wing talking points is: "Yeah well, that's just like your opinion, man."

Look, these kids might be embittered virgins, but they also coincidentally happen to be correct in much of their sociological analysis (which is more often than not just an issue of basic math - i.e. If I don't want my cock to rot off in whatever venereal dumpster sociology profs are trying to convince me have residual value, and men and women are born at even rates, then legal institutions must incentivize monogamous marriage.

Sure, you can deconstruct THAT, but it's not going to work, because no one fucking cares about these hypothetical worlds where biology doesn't possess someone. They don't even offer a solution here, most of the time, they just insist that THEIR ideology (that is, liberalized feminism) is the "correct" manner of thinking. So they don't even suggest an embittered virgin dedicate himself to a craft, and in fact they affirm the idea of being "sex positive," but only insofar as that will benefit THEIR OWN vapid promiscuity.

Does it astound anyone else that people are actually paid to be this stupid?

>> No.11208523


>> No.11208531

so she secretly wanted to get reaped by the alt right.

>> No.11208537

She's puzzled that the alt-right didn't react negatively to her book or existence as she thought, and isn't currently trying to destroy her career by doxing her, and making horrendous videos to assassinate her character, and that she was constantly wating for them to happen. Presumably she was hoping to ascend to the status of professional victimhood, and gain notoriety in mainstream media by complaining about those meanies on the internet. Economically speaking, it would have been indeed more profitable, and contribute to the sales of Kill All Normies.
This is taking place in the totally-not-horrible video of an alt-righter that celebrates her for fighting back against another backlash, coming not from the right but from the left, as the latter "for some reason" seeks to expose her as alt-right:
tl;dr - wannabe Zoe Quinn still confused why she gets treated as Vivian James

>> No.11208541
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The life of anonymous: by. anon

I discovered the fourth channel whilst attending junior high. This was the early 2000's before socialized media was to appear. I found it while searching for animated Japanese erotica known as "hentai".

It was a much simpler time. Before the normalfag onslaught brought upon by smart phones. The fourth channel was a club of misfits. prank calling game stop to inquire about the status of battle toads, bullying teen girls, saving cats. Oh yes, those were the days, the days of enlongated felines.

>> No.11208568

Nah it was okay, she does somewhat understand the evolution of memes

>> No.11208579
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Only ancient fags remember when /B/ was the most notorious board on 4chan an pol didnt even exist

>> No.11208611

but I forgive you because of your pic

>> No.11208621

The video vastly contradicts your posts. You are right in that liberals are gonna lib, but even a glance at her twitter account should show that she is not one of them

>> No.11208628
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>a glance
there's your problem

>> No.11208638

>raising class consciousness
So you are ... agreeing with me?

>> No.11208643


>> No.11208645

Why do Pepe and Spurdo have the same retarded neanderthal eyebrows?

>> No.11208648
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>mfw /pol/ is the new /b/
>mfw people are no longer bitching about summer because post-2016 is essentially Eternal Summer
Where did it all go so wrong

>> No.11208656

To be fair the book doesn't really try to snipe at the alt-right. It's basically just a Wikipedia entry on right wing internet subcultures in book form. In fact she straight up plagiarized Wiki entries in the book.

>> No.11208664

That the alt-right is not above twisting marxist slang to their purposes? Why, of course we agree. Now tell me what a generational class is.

>> No.11208665

I think most people remember when /b/ was the most notorious board. Whether they browsed 4chan during that time is a different question.

>> No.11208667

Early 2011 (when moot deleted /new/ again) to November 2011 (when he added /pol/) was the last time the site was decent

>> No.11208673

>alt-right is not above twisting marxist slang to their purposes
I think you give the alt-right wayyyyyyy too much credit.

>generational class consciousness
Probably getting kids to wake up about their prole status or something

>> No.11208678

>leftist critiques idpol
>liberals attack them and attempt to character assassinate them

i get why mark fisher offed himself, tbqh

>> No.11208692
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Superior book coming through

>> No.11208714

>lifted directly from wikipedia

The Beast article in >>11208222 fails to prove anything other than Nagle using information she obtained from reading articles to evince her thesis. Her book fails to be meticulously sourced. If she were lying or fabricating things, this would be clear obfuscation, and therefore a problem, but as she is neither aiming to deceive nor conceal anything, there is no veracity to claim that she "lifted directly from Wikipedia" or that copy-pasted anything. That's a slur, with no evidence - not even circumstantial evidence. It seems obvious that the function of these articles to give people who dismiss Nagle's thesis outright, probably due to their ideological preconceptions (we know the author of this article has them, they referred to Lauren Southern as an "extremist", lol) a way to dismiss Nagle without having to critically engage with anything she has said.

>a flattering depiction of the fascist 4channer as a radical Dadaist dissident

She spends a whole lot of time challenging precisely this narrative, arguing that tech-writers erroneously construed these people as pseudo-left, liberal provocateurs, citing Weev as an example (lauded as "Puck-like" and a "hacker with a Rolls-Royce" in spite of his swastika tattoos). She argues that they employ tactics that, stylistically, are similiar to edgy provocateurs in previous generations - De Sade's gratuitous rape, violence, pedophilia and incest, for instance - but that their edginess and faux-irony is a cover for what are, more often than not, sincerely-held radical right convictions. Where Nagle differs is that - shock horror - she tries to develop an understanding of the underlying motivations for these beliefs; to link the development of this subculture where radical right convictions have emerged and taken hold to sociological factors. In internet left circles, which have, as she notes, a vicious attitude towards those who step out of discursive line, the hegemonic understanding of people who even hint at sympathy towards ideas associated with the alt-right is that they are "human garbage", "scum", "trash piles" etc. Nothing short of Agamben's homo sacer. They are offended that someone would the temerity to talk about these people as, well, people, because they have developed a political worldview that deliberately evacuates empathy for whole groups of people, hence why Nagle, who roundly and completely repudiates the politics of the alt-right, must be, in their eyes, "seduced by the very alt-right".

>> No.11208720

>I think you give the alt-right wayyyyyyy too much credit.
lrn2 de Benoist

>> No.11208721

i thought I had the 4chan/internet culture reading list but alas I do not.

>> No.11208728

theres a thread on /x/ thats starting to be a general.

some anon suggested writing a book. to help people "drop out" in the words of timothy leary.

The Anon Bardo:4chans guide to liberation.
Think it would be a good option for the next book /lit/ decides to write.

>> No.11208746

P1. The internet "left" treats the internet "right" as non-humans
P2. The internet "right" treats the internet "right" as humans
P3. Angela Nagle treats the internet "right" as humans
T1. Angela Nagle somehow agrees with the internet "left" more than the internet "right"

>> No.11208749

It's always sucked and it always will suck. We live in a pit of own making. That's why it's so fun and why we all need to die.

>> No.11208763

>not only engage the texts, but to deconstruct them

Nagle's book needed an editor. Its biggest flaw is probably that it assumes the reader comes from a left-wing place, so when Nagle describes Dugin's 'Fourth Political Theory' as "an entirely new political ideology that integrates and supersedes liberal democracy, Marxism and fascism", using Dugin's description of his own work, a leftie reader will smirk at Dugin's definition for the highfalutin nonsense it is. Nagle assumed naively that her credentials as a feminist and an academic would be enough to inure her against ridiculous accusations of sympathy for fascism, being a "Trad Catholic" (while supporting Repealing the 8th, lol) and others, clearly forgetting that these are the same people who, as >>11208678 points, enthusiastically and viciously accused Mark Fisher of being tantamount to a fascist for writing an essay (a much more openly forthright one than Nagle's) criticising identity politics and the vicious, high-school cliquishness of ostensibly left-wing circles online.

What I read into the full-throated backlash from some people on the left against Nagle was the pathologies of these angry, insecure people. Internet leftists insecure about the subcultural discourse they have constructed and enforced and the ramifications it has had for meaningful praxis i.e. getting mainstream liberalism to sound more 'woke'. Where Nagle spooked them the most was on sex, I think - you look at how sexually dysfunctional apparently woke millenials are, how sexual liberation in our free market society has just extended the domain of the commodity and the market into sex - that feels like a personal rebuke to people who claim that sex has become more liberated and more satisfying in progressive countries, which is anecdotally disputed by everyone from Lena Dunham to Michel Houellebecq.

>> No.11208764
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>i.e. If I don't want my cock to rot off in whatever venereal dumpster sociology profs are trying to convince me have residual value, and men and women are born at even rates, then legal institutions must incentivize monogamous marriage.
that's only important if you care about equality, otherwise the obvious and more humane solution is to legalize polygamy and round up incels in camps

>> No.11208770
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>Presumably she was hoping to ascend to the status of professional victimhood, and gain notoriety in mainstream media by complaining about those meanies on the internet
she's like a 6'5" irish amazon, there's no way the victim stuff was ever going to work with her

>> No.11208776

And do you have any evidence that Nagle herself lrn2 de Benoist?

>> No.11208779

Government instituted virginity checks when?

>> No.11208783
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>The video vastly contradicts your posts. You are right in that liberals are gonna lib, but even a glance at her twitter account should show that she is not one of them
Not sure what's your point. That was in response to a tweet by Christina telling millennials to just be degenerates like boomers.

That tweet was highly criticized by both the left and the right

>> No.11208789

just copy/pasted from a left wing article that somehow got published to Jacobite

>> No.11208796
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Do you want more people here?

>> No.11208801
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Prior to P1 to P3:
D1. Angela Nagle is a socialist feminist academic.
D2. The internet "left" and the internet "right" have a range of beliefs; ideological affinity with either is not contingent on holding every individual belief associated with either category, but by the degree of ideological affinity.
P1. The internet "left" believes the internet "right" ought to be treated as non-humans.
P2. The internet "right" believes the internet "right" ought to be treated as humans.
P3. Angela Nagle treats the internet "right" as humans in her book.
P4. In accordance with D2, Nagle shows ideological affinity with a belief associated with the internet "right".
P5. In accordance with D1, Nagle's other demonstrable convictions show greater affinity with the internet "left". Therefore:
P6. Nagle has more ideological affinity with the left than with the right.

>> No.11208802
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>Nagle's book needed an editor.
shouldn't have published on Zero Books then

>> No.11208806
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Use the camera carefully, and you turn manlets into giants and vice versa

>> No.11208811
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google probably already knows, it's just a matter of the government asking them and then applying the appropriate policies

>> No.11208838

Why, let's ask her:
She's upset that people on this site don't read enough theory or listen to mythology-loving neckbeard extraordinaire Richard Wagner, and links here so to introduce people to De Benoist, that she knows very well, to give him a platform to speak:
Expect more recuperated Marx between Land, de Benoist, Fusaro, etc. And Gramsci. It's just /pol/ that is still allergic to them.

>> No.11208842

So your evidence of her being alt right is her merely namedropping him? Wow.

>> No.11208843

The tweet, by goobergate's "based mom", is reverse engineered to fit into Nagle's blood and soil natalist fetishism, and against "degenerate" practices like freedom individualism, liberty and apple pie.

>> No.11208847

More like teaching so others too lrn2 de Benoist

>> No.11208867

weak, call me when she starts namedropping Evola

>> No.11208872

That is way different from simply namedropping him to make a point

>> No.11208876

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.11208944


>> No.11208954

Look at the left reacted to Peterson, and tell me which leftist goes out of his or her way to write articles instructing the enemies of the left to reconsider their appreciation for anime and porn and ponies, and putting more effort into becoming philosophically literate right radicals. What manner of left wouldn't p want them to stay in Wonderland? Is everyone of you really this stupid or what?

>> No.11208958

Is this the best poem of the year?

>> No.11208971

Retitle Notes from Underground as Greentexts from 4chan and you're there

>> No.11208973

>and tell me which leftist goes out of his or her way to write articles instructing the enemies of the left to reconsider their appreciation for anime and porn and ponies, and putting more effort into becoming philosophically literate right radicals.
All of them? leftist spent decades telling rightists they're old fashioned, out dated and need to read some modern literary theory and pomo to understand intersectionality.

So they did.

>> No.11208983

No, acknowledging the right as human beings is the line of demarcation here, they're incommensurable, once you go there the left disowns you, hence Nagle being attacked without end by her former allies and searching for others, who welcome her with open arms, once she's done with pandering to retards, she'll get into accelerationism eventually, either way there's no going back and you know it

>> No.11208990

I dropped it when she started talking about Anita's "reviews". She should have at least talked about how poorly conceived they are, which is a big part why it was heavily shat on.

>> No.11208993

>>Anita's "reviews"
>complain about damsel-in-distress tropes
>proceed to become a damsel-in-distress to milk people on patreon
what did she mean by this?

>> No.11208996

Were porn and anime and mlp are old fashioned in ye olden days? I agree with you that they're dumb but it's not what I'm saying, but they will squabble about Foucault, not link to Euro right wingers. You seem very confused.

>> No.11209000

nagel seems like a rational person who wrote an objective history of what went down and not some hit piece or whatever.
Most on the alt right just shrugged their shoulders and were like okay.jpg to that book,

I dont know why the libs seem to have a hate boner for her

4chan went mainstream in the 2010's we trolled the world too hard. the fappening, trump, gamergate, etc.
the people posting here became less guys who pissed in bottles and used japanese loan words and more normal faggot retards who heard about us on CNN

During this time the best meme's where being made on krautchan. the finns were unstoppable. Spurdo, gondola, polandball, assburger, that feel guy.

Rip in peace to my nigga KC, you were KC tier

I dont know why, nagel has this weird energy to me. like she would be that one normie teacher who feels bad for the anti social kid in class. And things get a bit erotic from there

>> No.11209007

>Most on the alt right just shrugged their shoulders and were like okay.jpg to that book,
>I dont know why the libs seem to have a hate boner for her
If the book is okay.jpg to a side it cannot be such for the other

>> No.11209022

>in the 2010's we trolled the world too hard. the fappening, trump, gamergate, etc.
If somebody in 2013 had told me the world would be colored in the green of cartoon frogs, with the help of the international press and its all-reaching tentacles, I would have laughed in their faces. If anything the world wasn't trolled enough

>> No.11209034

>less guys who pissed in bottles and used japanese loan words
We're still here desu.

>she would be that one normie teacher who feels bad for the anti social kid in class. And things get a bit erotic from there
Steamy, evocative and accurate.

>> No.11209039

>I dont know why the libs seem to have a hate boner for her
They're demoralized, they've achieved so little this decade.

>> No.11209056

>What manner of left wouldn't p want them to stay in Wonderland?
The kind that wants to evangelize? Like what Nangle wants?

>> No.11209061

They lost the election but they are winning the war. Trump is the biggest gift to the American left since the Great Depression.

>> No.11209071

>The kind that wants to evangelize?
With de Benoist and fucking Wagner? Look up Wagner's views on race and antisemitism. I need me something of what you're smoking, mon.

>> No.11209090

Well, he is a democrat.

>> No.11209091

>but they are winning the war
>Trump is the biggest gift to the American left since the Great Depression.
Literally the exact opposite is happening, the democrats losing millennial voters while the Republicans are gaining them.

>> No.11209099

the far left in america are being frozen out by the neolibs. The libs control the media so most dont realize the giant schism currently occurring between the neoliberal Clinton old guard, and the bernietard soc dems

The 2020 democratic primaries are going to be an insane street battle for the heart of the democratic party while trump sits on a pile of skulls laughing

>> No.11209105

Probably regular appearances on the Joe Rogan Experience before becoming an out and out reactionary commentator and having a regular segment on InfoWars

>> No.11209116

How retarded are you? Namedropping his name to make a larger point isn’t evanglize him dumbass.

>> No.11209118

not that his voters will notice it, but bernie is clinton's bootlicker and he'll bow to her as many times it is commanded of him

>> No.11209129

Like, have you even thought about the various scenarios the 2020 primaries could end up as?

What if it comes down to a white lady and black lady?
What if it comes down to black guy and black lady?
What if the neolibs fuck the far left over again?
What if the DNC is so scared they fix it so generic centrist white guy wins?
Oh, oh, best reality.
What if zuckerberg and other rich business men run?

The left has transformed into this psychotic oppression Olympics where they eat their own

God, they are going to destroy themselves.

>> No.11209130

What larger point? Let the enemy in Wonderland.

>> No.11209153

Reread the article, she isn’t instructing them to do those things, in fact she is mocking them for not. Maybe that will provoke them to do such things, but that is by no means her actively persuading to do so.

>> No.11209154

>they eat their own
Aye. Would you say that if you don't wanna be eaten, you might have a better chance with not being one of their own?
As much as I desire to see Zuckerberg vs Clinton, he fucked much of his political capital with the whole Cambridge Analytica fiasco, I don't think too many establishment types want to be anywhere near him, because computers are scary and difficult to use anyway, if the good folks in Congress and Europarliament talking to him are of any indication

>> No.11209158

>she isn’t instructing them to do those things, in fact she is mocking them for not. Maybe that will provoke them to do such things
C'mon anon, you're almost there! One last push! You can do it! I believe in you!

>> No.11209164
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>DNC being part of left
Might as well call the GOP fascist while you are at it

>> No.11209174

>she is only pretending to be a leftist so she can mock people to reading Right wing people all along
Wow ... that is still fucking retarded.

>> No.11209182
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i dont like him

>> No.11209183

Citation sorely needed.

The neolibs got a good hard sock to the face in the 2016 election. They've ceded the ground the bernieites and SJW's for now but I can imagine they'll emerge from the fray once more in 2020 election (to very little success). The only chance they have of getting 2020 nomination is if they support a black woman, then turning the 2020 election into orange retarded racist misogynist vs YAS KWEEN. However, if they can find a Kween with social democratic views then I think they could easily harmonize the part and go on to win the election.

Retard tier comment.

>> No.11209185

Are you one of those Americans that base their political compass on German politics while ignoring the rest of Europe?

>> No.11209187

do you even know how to read you moron? there are two factions currently battling for control of the DNC, the neolib centerists and the democratic socialists.

oh sorry, you cant be mr. cool above everything if you learn how to fucking read correctly

>> No.11209200

>battling control
There is no contest, neoliberals control the party since forever, your post trying to meme it up as if it was an equal contest is dumb.


>> No.11209280

>They lost the election but they are winning the war.
the problem is that liberals are winning too much, 10 years ago it was credible that they were the underdog and everything bad was somebody else's fault. But when you win too much that stops working and when you get to apply all your policies and move the world in the direction you want and everybody feels like the world is going to shit faster than ever, it's time to take some responsibility, which means that you are fucked.

the worst thing that could happen to the Democrats is that the Republicans burned their party to the ground tomorrow. which is kind of what happened with Trump, but not yet

>> No.11209285

i'd vote for her if she became a trad-thot

>> No.11209290

>The neolibs got a good hard sock to the face in the 2016 election. They've ceded the ground the bernieites and SJW's for now but I can imagine they'll emerge from the fray once more in 2020 election (to very little success).
neolibs have nowhere to go, now that the "equality of opportunity" meme has been appropriated by the right, the left can only go full progressive, that can't sell anything centrist

>> No.11209353

Meh, I rate it two stars. It wasn't incredibly good, but not complete shit either.

>> No.11209360
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We untamable bad boys now

>> No.11209381

Centrism is pretty much dead in the Anglosphere desu

>> No.11209840

She is, if she wasn't she wouldn't have burnt her bridges and painted a huge target on her ass

>> No.11209898
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>Davis alleged that she committed plagiarism but his examples only demonstrate that his repeated central claim that she lifted passages and paragraphs verbatim is false. All of the arguments, ideas, and analysis in Nagle’s book are original. The absence of footnotes and academic referencing was the result of her conforming to the house style for a short work of cultural criticism, not academic research.
>conforming to the house style

>> No.11210058
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I find it somewhat ironic that anons ITT dismiss her book yet go through such lengths to claim her as alt-right

>> No.11210135

Being my wife

>> No.11210143

Its worse. Naive liberal feminist goes onto /pol/ having never dealt with the far-right and knowing nothing about fascism and ends up defending them like an idiot.

>> No.11210172

It's tragic the way her peers viciously turned on her for accidentally making us seem sympathetic.

One of the latest hit pieces denouncing Nagle:

>Sloppy Sourcing Plagues ‘Kill All Normies’ Alt-Right Book


>> No.11210183

answer here >>11209898

don't care enough to read it or check who's actually right

>> No.11210220

That news website is no left-wing haven

>> No.11210574
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I find it somewhat ironic that alt-right apologists go to such length to deny her career suicide by falling into their ranks with a shitty unedited essay, one that only the aptly named zero books would print. And that they don't see she can still serve the cause of the left, by being an example to others - seems Fisher wasn't enough, more sacrifices are needed... good riddance this and every last one of them.

>> No.11210593

there's nobody left in the left though

>> No.11210609

Says who? I do wish Nagle was the last of her kind as you make it sound, though.

>> No.11210628

the left has neutralized itself by being too successful in academia, it can't operate outside mainstream politics

>> No.11210648

pretending to understand the discord trap scene

>> No.11211080

To actually research stromfront and separate the cancer it left in /pol/ from the rest of 4chan.

>> No.11212026

bright future

>> No.11212570

Her point was alt right was treated as some serious intellectual foray into the culture war and the reactions to it fed it's grandiosity and morale, the reality is no one on /Pol/ even has an interest with engaging with the works of New Right authors like De Benoist, they're just parroting words like ethnopluralism and posting memes of white genocide

>> No.11212604

>her career suicide by falling into their ranks with a shitty
Now that is just overblowing that situation

>> No.11213197

I can sum that up for you.

Discord is a quasi-VOIP service bundled into a IRC style chat platform. Often touted as an alternative to Skype or Teamspeak, it has gained a significant market-share in terms of communication for the groups usually affiliated through the use of the former softwares listed. Much discourse has been had about the ethics of the developers of the online chat platform, it is still used to this day due to (either) ambivalence to the implications of the policies allowed by the company, or purely the overwhelming convenience which the applet provides due to the latter softwares listed often having issues due to user ignorance or poor optimization for devices which use it.

Within the space exists a milieu of groups and concerns ranging from the political to the playful, often intermingling the two due to the dominant internet culture which inhabits it. With this class of users, the "usual suspects" often make stay within it. One of which, to the concern of this passage, is the "trap".


>> No.11213203

What is the trap? The trap is oft defined as a male posing as a female to deliberately deceive (presumably, though the expectation has shifted due to the dominant internet culture's tastes) an interested party for various reasons. Reasons can often range from purely comedic, to the financial and sexual-- the former often intermingled. The issue with this definition is that the object's main goal has became inverse, so to speak. Interested parties will purposely seek out the trap have found it within their preference over the object they emulate. If I may inject myself, reader, I believe that this is a beautiful example of Baudrillard, as the emulation of femininity is the trap's goal-- and that they have become a replica beyond the expectation-- hyper-hyper-feminine, so to speak. This opinion aside, this passage is to assert that the Discord Trap is the object of progressing post-modern sexuality. As Roderick puts it, in his lectures pertaining to the, "Self under Siege", that we as the post-modern man desire to make love to his ego ideal. That we desire little human manifestation aside from our own and the Discord Trap is the half to this endpoint. The Discord Trap desires themselves moreso than the interaction had with the interested (or afflicted) party. The act is not a performance for the other-- but for themselves. The Discord Trap satisfies their own ego ideal. They choose to not ERP with you, they choose to watch themselves have ERP with you. Imagine it to be a third person experience. It is a man watching his ego ideal playing out the fantasy he wishes to have with it. While this may seem impertinent to the phenomenon upon first reading, one must internalize the statement by Roderick and affirm that the post modern man's endpoint is to be isolated. We must understand that the Discord Trap is a phenomenon of the passing of modern man to post-modern man-- a representation of the interregnum occurring. The Discord Trap is essentially a cuckold, allowing his ego ideal to be used for his own pleasure, the experience had with the other party is merely a secondary phenomenon-- their pleasure is ultimately not of the Discord Trap's concern.

>> No.11213235

>tfw offhandedly say something in jest in a midday narcotic daze and come back many hours later to find an incisive chasmous analysis of an esoteric niche of internet sub-culture and amerikwan socio-sexuality filtered through the ethernet

>> No.11213247

took me some time to think about but honestly it gave me a think and I wonder why these faggots have so much trouble understanding internet MAYMAYs and I feel like I could get a fucking Zero Books publishing deal if I had an editor worth a fuck and some time aside from doing music things.

Thanks for thinking it was incisive, I appreciate that my thoughts were taken.

>> No.11213865

We Wish

>> No.11214127

this kids ass is amazing

>> No.11214213

I'm too scared to check whether or not these are real articles.

>> No.11214238

The "incels among us" one is fake, but Ellen Pao did comment to that effect.

>> No.11214326
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Man, reading through this thread makes me realize how completely out of touch with reality the average anon is, Jesus fuck. Talking about literally any subject here is akin to having a discussion about the intricacies of online dating with a guy that's been locked in a Chinese prison for the last 20 years.

>> No.11214364

not an argument

>> No.11214375

Not even Hitler was paranoid to this degree.
You got a literal marxist saying stuff that basically all marxists pre-new left would agree with and the response of the left is "SHE'S A FACIST"

>> No.11214400

I was surprised at Pao's thing too when I first saw it here. Getting excited for the identitarian wars that we're all going to be on the right side of.

>That was in response to a tweet by Christina telling millennials to just be degenerates like boomers.
>Jewish feminist is a degenerate whore, more at 11.

Idk, Google sort of enforces Christianity - an indelible record of every time you looked at a shameful amount of pornography instead of cleaning your room or studying. I want to think its enforced a sense of humility, but really I can just feel my sanity slowly eroding as the disparate identities of degenerate and puritan threaten to be revealed. It's amazing what a truly horrible person I can be without actually doing anything besides revealing a small portion of my thoughts.

>> No.11214407

No it's not him, you're just horridly inarticulate and it isn't clear what you're saying.

>> No.11214409

God forbid you make a statement that could actually be criticized rather than spouting vague self superiority.

>> No.11214423

>that we're all going to be on the right side of
only in one sense of the word :^)

>> No.11214739

brocialist = alt-right
deal w/ it :^)

>> No.11214744

de Benoist isn't intersectional feminism you and him (i.e.: (you)) belong in an institution

>> No.11214767

nazism = marxism
deal w/ it :^^))

>> No.11214891

here's /pol/'s pet marxist broadcasting their epic memes against feminism and 'cultural marxism' in putin's news channel (where else?)
guess they like their bridges well done down in the italian kitchen :^)

>> No.11214900
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A failed brocalist turned fash? Hmmm... Where did I see that before?

>> No.11214911

Are you pretending to be new to Left’s discourse? That is how they criticize each other even during Lenin’s time. It is just another day that you people are over blowing to expoilt it

>> No.11214915

Omg Žižek doesn't want a third pill anymore, he went with the red and got addicted

>> No.11214956

>They lost the election but they are winning the war. Trump is the biggest gift to the American left since the Great Depression.
drumpf is singlehandedly BTFOing Whig History.

>> No.11214962

Leftism was bourgeois-moralist before Marx even existed.

>> No.11215572

Been here since 2010 it WAS better but being a better cesspool doesn't count for much. I miss pre gamer gate /v/ and pre election /pol/ tho

>> No.11216092

The fake one made me freeze up for a couple seconds.
I thought I had finally gotten old enough where people would just assume I wasn't a virgin (because who the hell is a virgin at my age) instead of sensing it from a mile away

>> No.11216222
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careful, who you less expect could betray you

>> No.11216890

>Greentexts from 4chan
If I was a rich man I'd commission Houellebecq to start writing this

>> No.11217002
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>The "incels among us" one is fake, but Ellen Pao did comment to that effect.

>> No.11217010
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>> No.11217034

Because it's already gone to shit years ago.

>> No.11217035
File: 174 KB, 1200x900, C80ywvgUMAAMX3J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tranes ufc
>isn't a cazzie
>likes guns
>revolutionary anarchist
>mogs other lefties
>steals valor for the lolz
is felix, dare i say, /ourguy/?

>> No.11217048

>Honestly, I've written better analysis of the site on my own
post it

>> No.11217066
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>louis theroux will never make an episode about us

>> No.11217079

I don't understand what she's saying but her eyes say "I want the incel dick"

>> No.11217147

This is a general problem with normies on the internet. They never consider who they're talking to and think a US navy seal is coming to kill them when a 12 year old tweets at them "suk my bball."

>> No.11217177
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>and think a US navy seal is coming to kill them when a 12 year old tweets at them "suk my bball."

>> No.11217202

People get spammed on Twitter by middle-schoolers but because they themselves never went online until they were much older, they can't imagine this possibility and assume it's just a very rude and genuinely threatening adult.

>> No.11217225

Oh FFS! Can't anyone show her a venn diagram of potential massmurderers and the overlap with incels?

Funny that she got her signalling totally ruined:


And she's a lawyer.

Lawyers, comming soon to an unemployment agency near you:


>> No.11217228

I really think people need some sort of online adjustment program. it's like they don't understand that online and irl are two separate worlds, and in the online world they are going to run into retarded kids with all the free time in the world to argue about things they know nothing about.

>> No.11217230

Literally my greatest ambition is to be poked and prodded by Louis Theroux, like the degenerate I am.

>> No.11217241

I was also in an evening narcotic daze when writing it-- interestingly enough.

>> No.11217259

Do you think he gets many applications? XD

>> No.11217265

vote faggots

>> No.11217268
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Kill all normies isn't a bad book, but it focuses too much on Milo and she's a bit biased w.r.t. the redpill (as in dating market theory) community.
Pointing out the fascist behavior (everyone who disagrees with us is to be ruined) of the radical left is a low hanging fruit.

Zero books is generally becoming a good and interesting published. The youtube channel is good too.

>> No.11217326

Normalfags can't tell fiction from reality, they never learned it.

>> No.11217402
File: 476 KB, 680x451, 04e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said in an interview she might write about the internet Catholic phenomenon next.

>> No.11217482

>the internet Catholic phenomenon
That would be interesting. Prepare for endless defenses of Mother Teresa.

>> No.11217510

is there more pictures like this

>> No.11217690


>tfw you'll never go back to the days of enlongated felines :(

>> No.11217733

the only crazier thing than Trump would be if the right found a willing black woman to back.

Imagine the crisis of hyper-liberals. It would be a self-destruction magnitudes greater than the Hilary/Bernie thing.

>> No.11218075

>internet Catholic phenomenon
Someone pls explain.
Is this refering to people who started going to church because of something on the internet, or something else?
Is Christianity really on an upswing in the western world? I thought it was just in Africa

>> No.11218080

>Is Christianity really on an upswing in the western world?
Only on the internet. I have no idea why, probably because the people who were once fedoralords are getting tired of Sam Harris and Richard Dawkins and now that atheism is basically mainstream they need someone else to feel superior to.

>> No.11218096

I suspect there is a huge chuck of people that grew up religious, but then drifted away from it over time, towards being agnostic. No edgy or militant atheism required. But who are now getting back into religion the more hedonistic and decadent society seems.
like me

>> No.11218326

In America specifically there's a huge wave of people converting to Catholicism (which is why they all have waspy names) and they have a decent presence on the internet. First Things magazine etc., and there's a Catholic twittersphere.

>> No.11218354

Is she Catholic?

>> No.11218362

She's probably talking about weird catholic twitter which is an extremely small outgroup that she will make into something much bigger than it actually is.

>> No.11218368

Culturally yes, like all Irish people, but lapsed, like most Irish people.

>> No.11218388

Unironically yes

>> No.11218752

i only post as catholic for aesthetic purposes i'm a deist

>> No.11218860

Nice argument anon

I genuinely don't understand why Catholicism/Christianity is on the rise online but I don't think it's simple contrarianism or a need to feel smugly superior.

I also think the beliefs of online "Christians" are aggressively heretical if not blasphemous and a huge amount of them are agnostic non-literalists. I think the interest in Jordan Peterson by agnostic atheists is fascinating.

If I had to guess I think it's a widespread crisis of faith with the promises of agnostic atheism. I remember back in the 2000s, post 9/11 after Al Queda flew a plane into the twin towers and Bush said god told him to go to Iraq there was a ton of smugmeming about how a world without religion would be more peaceful and grand and tolerant. Now society is more areligious and yet people are generally less happy and more stressed. I'm seeing people unironically calling for a partial return to Christian Sexual Morality and culturally enforced monogamous relationships.

>> No.11218903

just young people searching for something to replace the empty void where their faith exists. it's not contrarianism or anything, it's just that eternal normalfag pursuit of "meaning in life." if they wanted to be contrarians they'd convert to islam or something

>> No.11219384

Blacked scene when?

>> No.11219390

it's just spam by a few hardcore autists, just like the "upswing in neonazism" is like a few dozen jobless fucktards who spam all god damn day, no one is interested in catholicism, i live in one of the most catholic states, all the churchs are getting converted to luxury condos and as soon as secular charter schools are available parents pull their kids out of the god awful catholic shits

>> No.11219443
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>like she would be that one normie teacher who feels bad for the anti social kid in class. And things get a bit erotic from there

>> No.11219555
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come on lad don't act surprised, nagle is literally peak mommy gf material

>> No.11219613

>the only crazier thing than Trump would be if the right found a willing black woman to back.
the would destroy her, like they destroyed Sarah Palin, you can't play that game against the left and win

>> No.11219621

neoreactionaries that want to be religious, protestantism is not an option because protestantism is basically liberalism

not sure it will last though, the church is kind of meme at this point

>> No.11219627

>protestantism is basically liberalism
current year catholicism is liberalism with a history
>church is kind of meme

>> No.11219668

>current year catholicism is liberalism with a history
yes, catholicism has been pretty much "protestantized", people believe they can go back but i doubt it, specially with the current pope

>> No.11220021

Like 4chan?

>> No.11220050

we're like the jews of the internet
will marxists ever get a clue and stop being the einsatzgruppen of the liberals

>> No.11220055

Sarah Palin destroyed herself kek

>> No.11220064

How long until we start drowning people in search of the incel menace?

>> No.11220215

Lol nope anon, you simply grew old enough to be simultaneously accused of raping every woman you interact with, and of never interacting with women.
You can now play as the protagonist of the tragedy known as: The Virgin Rapist.

>> No.11220232

Incels have too much excess semen which leaves them unable to float in water.

>> No.11220235

>They destroyed Sarah Palin

The only people who destroyed Sarah Palin were herself and Tina Fey. She is literally a cautionary tale of a diversity hire gone wrong.

>> No.11220256
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It's something like this I assume. I always think of it like so many kids hit that rebel angsty phase and want to defy their parents by any means e.g. "fuck god he suks" and then once they grow up they start realizing they're dumbshits and look towards God as a means of becoming a more moral person or just out of sheer lack of faith in anything.

>> No.11220300

the point is that the left will have no problem destroying women and blacks if they fall out of line ideologically because the left has no principles, only interests and tactics.

the glass ceiling and the "listen to voices of color" thing are just tactics that will be dropped and forgotten in 2 days when they are no longer tactically advantageous

>> No.11221353

I specifically said without the rebellious nature and without the militant atheist mindset though, I have to imagine those are the vocal minority.
Most people are probably like me, who had a non-religious immediate family, but come from a culture that used to be very religious and simply drifted away from the church slowly instead of denouncing it all at once, only to drift back slowly into the church.

>> No.11222526

enjoyable read

>> No.11224348

no read it

>> No.11224356

You dumb cunt.

>> No.11224606
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>nice trips
>tfw no Irish socialist author gf to berate you about the self-defeating nature of transgressiveness

>> No.11224731

I haven't met you but I assume you're very twitchy.

>> No.11225055

>Greentexts from 4chan
Sounds great.

>> No.11225861
File: 37 KB, 321x333, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>probs something wrong with my liver too
>why even live?

>> No.11225888

I might, one day. My interest is primarily in the /pol/ demographic. Basically the number one thing you have to understand is what I already mentioned - 99/100 participants are just window-dressing retards who absorb talking points from Youtube propagandists (who themselves are often retards) and then you get one or two guys out of a hundred who are actually well-read and in a triple digit IQ.

The model generalizes to most boards other than /lit/, t.b.h., but even then the ratio is maybe 70 retards for 30 effort posters.

I still have no fucking idea what you're saying.

Yeah, it's absolutely astounding how little some people understand about 4chan, structurally. It's easier to use than Twitter and yet 55 year old media personalities rarely seem to have trouble with Twitter as a medium, even though I'm in my 20s and still have neither the desire nor any fucking idea how to use it.

>> No.11225921

The sort of new-catholics I find on Twitter for example seem to have gotten it from a source similar to self-help.

Religion gives structure and alot of people lose themselfs these days.
This is why Peterson exploded IMO

>> No.11225933


>> No.11225951

>I still have no fucking idea what you're saying.
Then don't barge into other people's conversations if you're not prepared.
>55 year old media personalities rarely seem to have trouble with Twitter as a medium, even though I'm in my 20s and still have neither the desire nor any fucking idea how to use it
The least computer-literate still have kids teaching them to use smartphone browsers, contemporary social media and two things about e-mail, but are not as willing or able to investigate the ways of imageboards and forums.

>> No.11225955

>mfw people are no longer bitching about summer because post-2016 is essentially Eternal Summer
Fucking this

>> No.11225982

>Then don't barge into other people's conversations if you're not prepared.

It has nothing to do with preparation, you're just inarticulate and autistic so you aren't even aware that the things you're writing are barely even coherent.

>> No.11226240

You aren't as used to this website as you claim if one "but" too many can bring all your hermeneutic effort to an untimely death. Retrace the conversation you barged into and try again, see for yourself how far your unpreparedness, namecalling and autistic screeching can help you solve the engima. You should work for an intelligence agency.

>> No.11226680
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A black woman would be seen as an Uncle Tom type and be hated even more than an old white man. On top of that, none of the racist Republicans would vote for her. It'd be a disaster for the right. I hope they do it.

>> No.11226709

>candidate easly exposes the bigotry of the left and allows republicans to vote for the BASED BLACK GUY.
This would unironically work great.

>> No.11226727

Yeah, a black man might work.

>> No.11227081

won't work unless there's gibs with the candidate, at which point why even vote republican

>> No.11227113

This is the most accurate description of what happened

>> No.11227131

>Nagle's book needed an editor. Its biggest flaw is probably that it assumes the reader comes from a left-wing place
Zero books is a critical theory publisher, obviously she was writing with the mind that someone familiar with Marxism would be interested in her book

>> No.11227149

I have thought about if the republicans ever run a black guy and came to the conclusion the black guy would have to be like a super soldier medal of honor winner who was shitting out american eagles and be super super militarily culturally but only minorly black culturally

>> No.11227154

Christianity and Catholicism aren't on the rise, they've been declining for years now and the trend is accelerating, you just have no idea what the fuck is going on around the world. I mean shit, Islam is declining as we speak.

>> No.11228750

I imagine private photos of her face showing post-coital blush exist somewhere.

>> No.11230044

Come on buddy it’s not that complicated. We already all know it’s gonna be Joe Biden with Gillibrand as a running mate.

They are going to run on a ‘return to normalcy’ platform, whether they win or lose depends on whether there is an economic collapse between now and 2020.

If they lose expect 2024 to bring president Larry Krasner. If they lose expect a genuine fascist that we don’t even know the name of right now.

Everybody who doesn’t think you are right ought to imagine just how ass blasted the left would be right now if Clinton had won.
She probably wouldn’t have control of either the senate or the house so they literally would have no legislation passed.

Trump seriously didn’t sound like he was gonna back down if he lost the election, like imagine he didn’t concede the race? There would be all sorts of domestic terrorism, an absolutely hysterical right wing press...
There was even talk that the Republican Congress was going to continue to refuse putting that Supreme Court Justice through and just leave the court at 8, and even that they would move to impeach her right away. Imagine that? President Tim fuckin Kaine? Imagine how ecstatic the left would be over that? It would be uttler demoralizing.

>> No.11231161

What color bush?

>> No.11231655

Copper-red, ideally.

>> No.11231875

I need to go have a lie down.

>> No.11231944

>the left has no principles because they have specific political beliefs and criticize people of other political persuasions

>> No.11232013

name one leftist principle that the left wouldn't break if it were tactically convenient

>> No.11232040

Wrong in the case of absolute numbers of Catholics, super wrong in the case of Islam. The rich educated countries have given up religion but religion never grew on the backs of the rich and educated to begin with, it's the opiate of the masses after all. You just convince poor people that birth control is a sin and they have to raise their kids in the religion and ipsto presto your religion explodes! Muslims have crazy fertility rates.

I am aware of what's going on around the world, that's why I'm not so foolish to believe something as stupid as the notion that Islam is declining. Maybe you should pay attention to what's happening on a global scale?

There is definitely a trend of religion being taken more seriously online though on top of that within my country.

>> No.11232057

yes, atheism is what is dying. The worst of all possible growth strategies is to have an increasing share of a decreasing market

>> No.11232075

Christianity is decreasing in the West (at least nominally), with Islam obviously increasing due to immigration. Worldwide Christianity is increasing thanks to africans and so is Islam (meanwhile Buddhism is sharply decreasing for some reason). I say nominally because in the West there are a lot of people who identity as christian but are de facto non believers. See Ireland where people who identity as religious are 76% of the population but in the referendum on abortion the "against" part was only 30% of the votes.

>> No.11233329

>somehow got published to Jacobite
It's not like the Jacobite is a great mag, to begin with.

>> No.11233372

That's what feminism is all about. Unironically.

>> No.11233429

>Sarah Palin
muh dick