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11207013 No.11207013 [Reply] [Original]

How's my summer stack. Fall 2018 classes start in late September and I havent read all the books i bought in ages since ive been so busy. Summer stack thread.

>> No.11207020

Pretty shit stack, man. Gotta be honest.

>> No.11207028
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Niet readers are good. Plato is good. East of Eden is good. Jung is good. Dumas is good. you're a pseud

>> No.11207031

Trap-level stack, no offence. Add some Bismarck and Machiavelli to it snd you’ll be as solid as a marble wall.

>> No.11207052

>solid as a marble wall.

>> No.11207058

Check the fucking catalog.

>> No.11207062

By no means am i trying to delve deep into any literaru topic. Im much more focused on enjoyment and intellectual stimulation during the summer rather than fapping my brains out or playing video games i'll get bitter at for no reason.

>> No.11207063

count of monte cristo ruined it

>> No.11207233

WA bro???

>> No.11207294

Be honest what's wrong with that book? I want to read it. I don't know anything about it.

>> No.11207306

don't be a fucking moron

>> No.11207318

please elaborate

>> No.11207329
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>The Epic of Gilgamesh
>First & Only
>The Unsettled Dust
>The Wine-Dark Sea
I need recommendations desu. I'm new to reading, but this is some of the books that I've got lying around.

>> No.11207334

Gogol desu.

>> No.11207340

Cut Annihilation, and read Frankenstein. Try not to be a spurg about semicolons or other elements of its 19th century prose.

>> No.11207345

I went and tried to Gogol some recommendations, but nothing came up.
Is Annihilation that bad?

>> No.11207354

As a fan of a lot of its influences, I just think it's mediocre and only vaguely interesting. Mostly a waste of time, but it's a tiny read. Things don't need to be TERRIBLE to pass on.

>> No.11207358

Borges. Pick up Ficciones right now.

>> No.11207364

>I went and tried to Gogol some recommendations

>> No.11207365

You guys should justify your recommendations. But then again, anon should have been more specific.

>> No.11207377

Borges needs no justification.

>> No.11207384

How does that help?

Why is this book bad. What is wrong with it? Why shouldn't I read it?

Any non-retard will be able to answer these questions if they're so adamant about the books shittiness in the first place.

>> No.11207394

Dracula is cool if you hate Jews.

>> No.11207400

you would be a moron for being earnestly curious what some anonymous fucker thought was so bad about an established literary classic.

>> No.11207401

>plato's republic
great taste fellow fashman

>> No.11207403

>As a fan of a lot of its influences
I'm new, but I went and had a lookie for some of 'em. Do these ring any bells?

>Under the Sea-Wind
>The Sea, The Sea
>The Book of Miracles
>Moominland Midwinter
Phew! I was hoping for that.

>> No.11207410

Gogol is life desu.

>> No.11207428

I finally forced my way through the final book of Jeff Vandermeer's Southern Reach trilogy. Acceptance. I found it painfully dull, and the expositions and conclusion just left me cold. I enjoyed the first book, but I think I'll skip anything else by him.

>> No.11207446

I don't know any of those books, or how they relate to Annihilation.

>> No.11207456

it's soap-opera tier, long-winded, needlessly drawn-out shitty borderline genre-fiction written for women and children
if you really, really insist in reading, go ahead and read the abridged version. fans of the book will maybe make fun of you? i don't know. it's a bad, boring book and the only good part is pretty close to the beginning (the prison chapters)

>> No.11207465

Shitemare. Any actual recommendations then? Those were from some articles I googled.

>> No.11207482

Is Plato fashy? I read meditations but he wasn't fashy enough for me so I need suggestions on good intro fascist philosophy. No Evola until I at least read more than Kant and Aurelius.

>> No.11207511

he's not retarded if that's what you're asking

>> No.11207525

For contemporary scifi horror, Blindsight by Peter Watts.

>> No.11207542
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Very much so
Whether or not Plato was being ironic we'll never know, but the "just society" is literally a fascist society
Origins and Doctrine of Fascism by Giovanni Gentile is a good one
Codex Fascismo by H.R. Morgan:
And Main Kampf if you havent already

>> No.11207549

Mein* not Main

>> No.11207553

>Whether or not Plato was being ironic we'll never know,
Literally no one thinks he's ironic

>> No.11207575
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>Blindsight by Peter Watts
A strong review for it.

>> No.11207584

A ton of people do
Most schools teach him that way too

>> No.11207585

Plato doesn't call for military expansion. It's really just authoritarianism.

>> No.11207590

Goodreads reviews are almost always unremarkably awful.

>> No.11207595

women never fail to disappoint

>> No.11207597

Neither does fascism if you read the bottom line of the pic >>11207542
from the doctrine of fascism
But thats not true, he is describing totalitarianism in the true sense of the word and does talk about war

>> No.11207612
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pt 2

>> No.11207647

Here's what I plan on reading this summer:
Jorge Luis Borges - Ficciones
Machado de Assis - The Posthumous Biography of Bras Cubas
James George Frazer - The Golden Bough
Ernest Hemingway -The Sun Also Rises
Does this sound relatively decent for somebody who's been out of touch with reading serious literature for several years?

>> No.11207658
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>> No.11207667

reading non-fiction about Nazis or ww2 makes you a f*g

>> No.11207671

>the jordan peterson brainlet collection
>reads second hand historical shit instead of source material

>> No.11207676

Sounds great desu. The Sun Also Rises would be a nice place to start.

>> No.11207683

>why didn't he just experience all of WW2 first hand?

>> No.11207684

reading a book about someone else's opinion of the ww2 makes you a fag
at least read the plain old information and decide for yourself

>> No.11207685

where else would you learn about ww2?

>> No.11207686

Have you got any suggestions on non-fiction books about African kangz n shieet?
Not even being ironic here. I seriously want to learn about Sub-Saharan African cultures.

>> No.11207690

thats not what i mean
you could read factual books instead of opinionated garbage

>> No.11207692

gimme a book of cold, non-debatable ww2 facts please

>> No.11207698

hitlers revolution

>> No.11207699

who is jorban petersen?

>> No.11207704

honestly people will give you shit but if you're starting to dip your toes into western canonicity you could do worse than this. people expect you to have been well read in everything, and also expect you to know exactly what kind of good but vaguely obscure books to take pictures of to appear smart, but you gotta start somewhere.

>> No.11207705

some overrated e-celeb who read gulag archipelago and a book about the holocaust once 20 years ago and now thinks hes an expert on WW2 history

>> No.11207709

oh damn, yeah people shouldn't read those books anymore

>> No.11207715

>it's soap-opera tier, long-winded, needlessly drawn-out shitty borderline genre-fiction written for women and children
I have to say that this is a pretty accurate summation of this book, but the Count of Monte Christo is pretty enjoyable. Yes, it isn't really philosophical or "substantial", and it is a lot of pages to spend reading entertainment, but fuck it's a really captivating revenge story and the Count is such a scheming, plotting fuck it's great watching his evolution.

>> No.11207718
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Pretty neat stack OP, 8/10
Here’s mine, please be fair I’m fairly new

>> No.11207723

absolutley read them, but after you have a basic knowledge of the historical realities of ww2
dont run off and start reading these very persuasive books unless you want to be swayed by them

>> No.11207733

y'know i have been thinking maybe this hitler guy isn't so bad after all

victors write history so of course they paint him in a bad light

>> No.11207738

woah, maybe he was a good guy after all

>> No.11207763

I knoe you're joking but Hitler is made out to be the ultimate boogeyman
Tons of shit you read online about the Nazis is so grossly over-exaggerated and skewed to make it sound worse than it really was
Wikipedia is full of unsourced nonsense

You rarely hear anything from the other perspective

>> No.11207772

jews broke their own windows on kristallnacht its true

>> No.11207775
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He was a great man, he is being derided by soulless people. He just wanted to make the world a better place.

>> No.11207778

Bet you didnt know that Hitler put out an order to stop the attacks on jewish businesses as soon as he woke

>> No.11207798

Yeah, he also accosted Goebbels and others high leading members of the NSDAP for having “undone all of the good work they had done” and “set National Socialism back 20 years” by stoking on the pogroms

>> No.11207812

Maybe Hitler was a good boi?
If only he listened to his generals more XD
He only wanted the best for humanity LOL

>> No.11207832
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Literally all true I dont get the joke
Uncle Adolf dindu nuffin he a gud boi

>> No.11207842

As long as historians keep painting Hitler as caricature of a human with twirling mustaches and no humanity, he and his Germany will not be understood.

>> No.11208659

Richard Evans doesn't do that though.

>> No.11208798

If you're new to reading, add some easy peasy high-school core like 1984, Great Gatsby, Of Mice and Men, Wuthering Heights. Read whatever you have lying around - even if it's shitty YA fiction - because the more you motivate yourself to read on a regular basis, the easier it'll get to enjoy it and to then develop a taste that requires something more complex like ya boi Tolstoy

>> No.11208803

the movie was p. good to be honest

>> No.11208835
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Anyone care to rate?

>> No.11208856

all that Asian philosophy might go over your head if you're not already pretty deep into it, dude, but the choices there are pretty good

>> No.11208857

Life and Fate is a really great book/10

>> No.11208877

nah those books are normie tier besides zhuan falun.

>> No.11208886
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the everyman hardback w/ small font is The Magic Mountain.

reading GR at the moment, don’t know if I’m warming to Pynchon but it’s certainly an experience. Has anyone read the Cantos and know how vital secondary sources are?

>> No.11208893

fuck off phoneposter

>> No.11208897

Stop buying physical books and get an e-reader.

>> No.11208904


that way, when the emp or solar flare strikes, you're fucked

>> No.11208910

do you even know what emp is
emp explosion is a fucking nuclear explosion
and if nukes are flying, then you bet your fucking paper scraps are burning too

>> No.11208918

the electromagnetic pulse emits beyond the explosion

>> No.11208938
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emp is not a nuclear explosion you vitamin d deficient mongrel. An EMP is a byproduct of a nuclear explosion and it can damage electronics over 1000 km away. The shock wave and heat wave does not reach that far, not even close.

>> No.11208941

>emp is not a nuclear explosion you vitamin d deficient mongrel. An EMP is a byproduct of a nuclear explosion and
oh my god

make some mustard gas and kill ourself stupid cunt

>> No.11208960

unironically the only decent stack itt

>> No.11208961

what if it is just an emp, no explosion.

like in oceans eleven

>> No.11208964

I don't know about that, the guy with gulag archipelago and petersburg isn't bad

>> No.11208969


>> No.11208974

Pretty great stack there.

>> No.11208978
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why would i boil mustard to kill myself, fucking retard.

you do realize there is other ways to create emps?

>> No.11208980
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Current KOBO content.
I swear there was like 6 stack threads for summer, people should really use Catalog and Search before making new freds.

>> No.11208999

I think people were taking the piss with all those threads

>> No.11209005

but i like physical books.

>> No.11209008

they will add to the fuel of your funeral pyre

>> No.11209015
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>dude just get an e reader lol
>its efficient!

>> No.11209047

eredrs fucking gr8 m8

>> No.11209537

tomato potoato as they say