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File: 278 KB, 816x1056, Flyer3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11205392 No.11205392 [Reply] [Original]

Starting a new reading group on a very liberal college campus focusing on Spengler, Junger, Schmitt, Heidegger, Evola and others. Do you think this flyer will get antifa knocking at my door?

>> No.11205421

you arent riding the tiger, you just climb into his cage

>> No.11205427

>Do you think this flyer will get antifa knocking at my door?
no, of course not, no once cares about you. you aren't special and you aren't edgy or interesting. you simply don't matter. No one cares about your reading group because you lack the perspective to be of any purposeful interest.

>> No.11205707

Judging by the flyer you're an actual Nazi and they're actual fascists and these two groups have got along well in the past, so no

>> No.11205724

Question, OP, do you allow minorities?

>> No.11205766

how about you just do it online and invite me lol?

>> No.11205792

>Do you think this flyer will get antifa knocking at my door?
Probably. In the very least your flyers will be torn down and thrown into the trash.

It's a nice idea though. I like it
Stay mad, faggot

>> No.11205798

This looks like a art group for homosexuals

>> No.11205804

Who cares, antifa is just going to tell thier moms

>> No.11205812

Just write "nigger" on the bathroom walls a bunch of times, it's not like you actually care about any of those ideas

>> No.11205813

>we support free speech
>we oppose liberalism

>> No.11205817
File: 77 KB, 400x317, 37F5891A-DA49-48E5-8763-4F251266469E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fascism is inherently modern.

>> No.11205826

Just make the flyer less autistic.
Make it about studying and not about having a position - for study of texts in support of...
Thus you can say you just study the stuff and that people are entitled to their own opinions...
I'm a socialist - why am i helping you with this?

>> No.11205838

yeah traditionalism and fascism is two different things, please shame the fascists please.

>> No.11205846

Came here to say this. OP is literally blogpost tier

>> No.11205885

>I'm a socialist - why am i helping you with this?
I think there's a weird kind of sympathy among people with non-mainstream political views, even if they're radically opposed. Probably especially if they're radically opposed, as when they're similar you get the narcissism of small differences.

Personally I'm undecided and left-leaning, but I still find really wacky ideas like OP's strangely endearing.

Also I wonder if socialists would see ideas like OP's as kind of a mentally challenged younger brother. I mean, 'let's fight capitalism by basically rolling back the French Revolution and bringing back some kind of feudal system. Also let's not blame capitalists for capitalism, let's blame only the capitalists who also happen to be Jews. Oh, and we'll somehow hold the non-capitalist Jews responsible too'. It's basically the sitting in the corner eating glue of political programmes.

>> No.11205903

Antifa likely have bigger fish to fry. The more pressing issue is you're pitching this so niche I doubt you'll get any actual takers.

>> No.11205956

>people with non-mainstream political views


>> No.11205973

It's not whacky at all if you'd get out of your mainstream basic bitch state of condescension.

>> No.11206009

>Supports free speech

>> No.11206032

I'm a social democrat by far closer to anarcho syndicalism than communism - i'm against revolution because i just see it as the working class killing each other and/or killing some rulers to put others in their place, at the same time i think Confucius' idea of the individual as a creator of the society and the focus on sentimentality to propel the will for the individual to engage and increase the conditions of society aka. traditions are valuable when they work right - fx. in denmark people just openly put strawberries in stands outside their farm for other people to buy and put money into a box without any oversight - they could just drive away with the strawberries without any repercussions but they don't. This is an example of social trust in a community that works and if we can use rituals and tradition to increase this it's only better.
I think the notion of a minimum wage is retarded - create unions (unions are driven on the same principle of social trust i mentioned earlier) they will correct the price of work appropriate to the market without creating inflation of the price of work, so unions are less state more socialism - everyone gets happy.
I'm for decentralization and against globalism, a lot of the danish socialists are against globalism and only a (increasing) minority are SJWs(i really can't judge all feminism on the neo-liberal bogesi feminism that are popular nowadays), i think you guys would actually like them.

>> No.11206035

>>11206032 here
this is for you too - i just forgot to tag you.

>> No.11206078

>I think the notion of a minimum wage is retarded - create unions
But unions will inevitably compel the state to use force against the employer for the benefit of the union workers, which creates the same problems as a minimum wage

>> No.11206189

>will inevitably compel the state to use force against the employer
wtf are you talking about?
Unions say
>we are the workers united and we boycott bad working conditions so employers are forced to negotiate.

>> No.11206201

>so employers are forced to negotiate
But they're not. They'll just hire people who are not part of a union and happy to work in those conditions, what then?

>> No.11206207

not w/o laws that favor unions or compell employers through force to meet unions' demands. unions, appropriately will expand in size and so on.
>but that would create class tensions as dysmal as the late 1800s!
why, necessarily?

>> No.11206213


>> No.11206216

that's when all of Denmark workers are a part of unions (and the left suddenly become anti globalists when people come from Poland and cuck them)

>> No.11206223

my grammar went unchecked before i posted this - i am so sorry

>> No.11206233

What would make an employer give in to a union's demands if he can find other people to do the job?

>> No.11206241

that the other people are a small minority and that the union would boycott the employer if the employer employed people who where not a part of it.
Unions are hard to implement but very efficient once they are.

>> No.11206252

While you will not be tolerated and treated harshly, as you deserve, don't expect any violence and such. Antifa on campuses is a severe exaggregation.

>> No.11206257

>the union would boycott the employer if the employer employed people who where not a part of it.

>> No.11206270

Yeah. I'm an illiberal traditionalist, not a racist.

>> No.11206278

The selection of workers would be really narrow because nearly every worker would be in a union - in the old times people who where outside unions was rightfully treated ass class traitors by the other workers and excluded from the community.

>> No.11206280

take away what you oppose, also invite me to this

>> No.11206283

There is no difference

>> No.11206291


Yeah, it's a little ironic maybe. Mostly the free speech thing is in there to encourage other people with non mainstream politics who have been suppressed by campus callout culture to show up and participate.

>> No.11206299


But also my illiberalism is mostly directed against notions of the autonomous individual which try to abstract individuals away from their history, culture, language, and people. I'm neither a full on communitarian nor a liberal. I think the tension between the two poles is productive and that free speech is necessary to this productive confrontation. I'm definitely not naively against individual rights.

>> No.11206303


Well, if you're an opponent of liberalism, as the Right and the Left are, then that's certainly something to have in common.

>> No.11206321


You don't have to believe in a fantasy world of feudal property relations to coherently oppose capitalism from the Right. Global capital atomizes society and treats individuals and people as fungible. A strong nation state is possible outside of globalism, and I think eastern Europe is waking up to this. The Visgrad states are a good example. Regional solidarity and trade, not global.

>> No.11206341


Yeah, for the record, my politics aren't particularly wacky. Putin and Orban are my main contemporary political inspirations, and Dugin is on a similar trip. Step outside your echo chamber for a second.

>> No.11206369

> Incredibly niche boutique ideology that even 4chan mutants have trouble grokking
> Hopes to attract attendance for reading group at Wassamotta U.

Good luck, friend.

>> No.11206379


I already have 4 or 5 friends in PhD programs who are all fellow travelers. Obviously we don't agree on all topics, but it's a circle we're looking to expand. Worst case scenario is that we just stay our current size.

>> No.11206397


There are worse things.

>> No.11206417


For the record, it's a major university.

>> No.11206422

Op is pure reactionary. He has no political convictions, but simply forms them in opposition to 'the left'.

>> No.11206425
File: 3.05 MB, 1854x7300, Original Nobility.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you think this flyer will get antifa knocking at my door?
If they can't get where you live/identity from the email, no.

>we support community
which traditions? human sacrifice, pagan rituals? oh, the ones which are considered normal and reasonable by most of the population and which aid either in survival or group bonding? or do you think women should stay in the kitchen? how traditional are you talking, 1820's, 1750's, 1960's, 400BC?
>free speech
so there's no barrier to any idea being presented? in which case, why try to create barriers in the first place? just say what you're reading, not the perspectives you have on the work. unless you're afraid of people who might oppose you showing up and reading them.
only one on the list i'd agree with, however, i thought you should know that most familial traditions are designed to kill the "rebellious" youthful spirit. something you should think about. (pic is quite related)
>we oppose
if you want to genuinely be challenged by people, take this off

>> No.11206439


Read my other responses.

While some of my views do indeed fall under the rubric of reactionary, your characterization of what that word means isn't very fair. Both sides of the political spectrum form their identity, in part, in opposition to their other. And even if that weren't the case--so what? If the world is filled with poisonous ideology, why wouldn't you fight back?

>> No.11206465

As someone who reads the kind of authors you’re interested in, and carries the kinds of political opinions you’re presumably sincere about, I wouldn’t touch your group with a ten foot pole if I saw your flier sitting around.
It comes off as the misguided effort of a not-to-bright 19 year old undergraduate who spends too much time on the internet, and /pol/ in particular, to drum up some sort of attention towards himself by throwing out a bunch of big words he heard about on YouTube and was impressed by. Already I can smell the stale cheetos and despair.
Besides that, I’m positive that you haven’t actually read any of the authors mentioned, or at least that you haven’t understood them. You really expect me to believe you’re going to cover Heidegger, AND Evola AND Schmitt? How exactly are you going to tie these thinkers together? I could see, maybe, Guenon, Evola, Jung, P. Hall, and some various religious/mythological texts, that would make for an interesting right wing circle, but also be somewhat coherent in its direction. On the other hand I could also see focusing more of Schmitt, Toqueville, Marx, De Maistre, Carlyle, Foucault, etc. and targeting various political science majors. Have you actually read any Junger? How are you going to fit his novels into all this serious nonfiction stuff? I’m assuming you’re only going to read that one book he’s known for amoung kiddy fascist LARPers, but again there’s a serious lack of consistency. You’re jumping into fairly complex writers, but you’re also jumping from esotericism to political science, to historical action novels, without any coherence other than (I suspect) you having heard them mentioned in some “based right wing authors” thread.

>> No.11206467


community is not meaningless. Community is something that occurs organically through a people who are bound together by land, history, tradition, language, etc. Society is a modern invention. It is administered and alienated and hostile to community. Community is what people fight and die for, not society.

Tradition- obviously the poster is in the style of a manifesto, not a dissertation. there's no clear cut answer to precisely which traditions this could mean, but I'm think the answer is that a people and community will find the traditions that work for them and keep them alive naturally, if they are allowed to do so.

-not sure what you're talking about re free speech. see my other comments.

>> No.11206476


It's a reading group, not an essay. None of this stuff needs to mesh seamlessly. The point is to discuss and find points of difference. Debate never hurt anyone.

And trust me, I've read and studied these authors seriously. I'm a PhD student and have read the German ones in the original, something I doubt you have done. The reason why this is a clandestine reading group is because this shit is anathema to other grad students.

>> No.11206491

You sure do sound like you have a lot of legos to play with but these aren’t going to get you laid or make your life any better. You may work at a D1 or some garbage community college, maybe you’re married or divorced, but either way you’ve wasted a lot of your time with your nose in books simply because you didn’t have a dick to suck or a resort to go to. When you grow old you’re going to find yourself wrinkly and unwated with nothing but a large collection of legos to play with while the rich and successful and young and powerful people party it up. It’s then that you’ll realize your time would have been better spent making money, that you’re a twenty-first century cuck queen, and that you threw away the best years of your life exploring castles in the air built by similarly deformed beings who weren’t in touch with nature. I’m sorry if this hurts but I’m just trying to help, friend.

>> No.11206504


Jesus, fuck off. This is a board for discussing books and authors. If you're just going to scream at people for reading, go elsewhere.

>> No.11206507
File: 1.79 MB, 1068x1179, tradition.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then, based on that definition, what groups within this world oppose community? if nobody opposes your idea of "community," then it is meaningless as a way of distinguishing yourself from others.
alright, it's a satisfying enough answer, though i still think tradition is too vague a concept (in addition to having fundamental disagreements with perpetuation from generation to generation without questioning whether it is a worthwhile tradition or not)
>not sure what you're talking about re free speech
you say you want free speech in discussing these works, but you have created barriers before people show up (we oppose liberalism, globalism, etc). if you want perspectives that may change your mind OR if you actually want to change someone else's mind then having other people join you than those who already agree with you may be worthwhile

good luck senpai, if i saw that i would probably show up, despite (or perhaps because of, to some extent) having disagreements with reactionary ideas

>> No.11206525

Resentment: the blogpost

>> No.11206567

I think black people are clearly more violent than whites, I think women are much better suited as caretakers and homemakers than working, I think trans people shouldnt be catered to, I think casual sex is for degenerates and should wait until marriage, and I think only straight people should marry, and I think men should act like men. Am I alt right? What do I call myself guys? Anti-modern?

>> No.11206572

Start a reading group for metamodernism instead, you reactionary undialectical putz.

>> No.11206580

>I think black people are clearly more violent than whites

Why are all the world's most violent ideologies created by white men?

>> No.11206581

Yes you retard.

Change the name, keep the message. I've been there, it's not worth the trouble.

>> No.11206595

>implying actual socialism is a mainstream political view in the US

l o l. the mere mention of marx in a positive light will get everyone around you seething.

>> No.11206604

>free speech

All upheld by the modern, liberal worldview that you think you oppose. What you are actually reacting against is postmodernism, but you still don't really understand why.

>> No.11206618
File: 27 KB, 488x463, 1514981981467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>d-d-da stashues look cool!!!1

>> No.11206631

tradition is not the worship of ashes but the preservation of feuer

>> No.11206638

Well they do.

>> No.11206651
File: 162 KB, 1024x754, Fritz_Schilgen_1936_Summer_Olympics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be discerning with which fires you keep lit, which ones you let die out, and which ones you start

>> No.11206665

supratradition, it goes above all contemporary tradition.
That's why Futurism was used by traditionalists in early fascist italy and is seeing a resurgence among americans who have no contemporary culture

>> No.11206669

Well at the very least I’d recommend you improve your sign. There’s no need for all the buzzwords and the statue/aesthetic calls to mind all the most superficial grasping of Nazi neoclassicis. Traditionalist or no, there’s no reason not to show a bit more originality in your advertising.

While I sincerely appreciate your genuine concern for my wellbeing and for the state of my social affairs, the more time I spend with my nose in a book means all the less time I have to spend around helpful, caring, socially conscious people such as yourself. As it currently stands I’m quite happy with the arrangement, friend.

>> No.11206673

Introducing Anti-Modern

A New Reading Group

We will read authors such as [list]


I think that's better. Going with the author list rather than We Support/We Oppose makes it sound more like an actual reading group and less like a fringe political sectlet.

OP, multiple people have told you, on this give of reaction no less, that the poster is shit. Consider that the problem may lie not with them, but with the poster.

>> No.11206690

Yes, traditionalists are apolitical, what's the problem? Also,
>Implying Liberalism = Leftism

>> No.11206699
File: 5 KB, 194x260, young evola.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amigo I am going to tell you this now, FREE SPEECH IS GAY AF BROTHER
It's like you haven't even read the authors you listed, if you read Evola you would know the myth of the King of the World and realize free speech doesn't exist

>> No.11206708

Thanks, you’ve reminded me i owe nothing to anyone and my destructive behavior is justifiable. I think i’ll have another drink.

>> No.11206731

How fat are you?

>> No.11206737

If you read Evola you would also realize that destructive behavior makes you defeated.
You aren't the king of the world

>> No.11206756

>It's a "Accruing wealth, partying it up, and fucking bitches are all that matter" episode.

>> No.11206930


Have you been to college?

>> No.11206984

futurism is pathetic and anti-life. something being "beyond" doesn't make it valid or desirable at all, read Nietzsche stop dreaming of another type of existence than the immanent spirit of vital reality. You are what you are and you will become what you Will and you cannot escape this ever by any means. There is no such thing as volition only drives and forces. We can't will a better future consciously. We can only be fated to change into something more ascendant and that's not happening for most of the species, and since we are a social animal (regrettably) this is certain death for all the rarest types. Need to think less like an autistic peasant and more like a physician diagnosing a terminal illness. We're sick to the bone, its not going to be extracted and transplanted with KYBER punk

>> No.11206985


Community is precisely the distinction between an us and a them, friend enemy distinction, call it what you will. The point is that communities are meaningful from the inside, and that even if no one opposes the notion of community (and there are plenty, from universal humanists to globalist), communities themselves must come into conflict with one another.

As I said earlier, I see free speech as the condition which allows for the productive conflict between individual and community. I think a dose of individualism is important to any functioning community/state, but my opposition to liberalism is how it assumes an atomized individual which is only contingently thrown into its history, language, etc. and cannot see these things as being truly constitutive of the individual. And on a purely strategic level, free speech on a poster is a dog whistle to both sides of the campus culture wars.

>> No.11206993

>a fucking statue

>> No.11207044

Futurism is literally just anti "tradition", against the constructed society we live in now.
I don't think you know what spirituality is if you say stop dreaming of another type of existence, that's exactly what the silver age fall is

>> No.11207952

So is this limited to your college campus, or can internet strangers join too?

>> No.11207962

Perhaps you should get a better handle on what you believe and why before you start reaching out to people.

>> No.11207968
File: 62 KB, 900x500, 5922ec1bc36188c4778b45e6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you a bitch bruh get bent

>> No.11207971
File: 115 KB, 1200x794, 22vo2u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bar none the cringiest thread of the month, congrats op

>> No.11208027

Unless you've caused a personal offence probably Antifa won't have the energy to get involved.