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/lit/ - Literature

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11203769 No.11203769 [Reply] [Original]

>I really like science fiction
>oh yeah me too, what did you think of the recent nebular award announcements
>whats the nebula awards

>> No.11203777

I can't help but to laugh at people who claims to have any interest in science fiction but doesn't know about the nebula awards.

What's next, claiming you like movies but have no idea what the Oscars are? It shouldn't be too much to expect that people should read into the culture of what they claim to like publicly before doing so.

I guess this is why I prefer my conversations to be online, specifically /lit/. At least some people here are on my level and know what I'm talking about.

>> No.11203779

the main sci fi awards are hot garbage given mainly for political reasons. best to ignore them, sempai

>> No.11203787

>I'm a sad puppy, please rape my face

>> No.11203794


>> No.11203798

what do you mean?

>> No.11203799

What do you mean why? Presumably because they've never heard of the Nebula awards. Your post comes across as implying that you're therefor a "superior" or "bigger" science fiction fan which is some cringey reddit-tier shit we call gatekeeping.

Just compare it to any hobby you'd be on the other side of

>> No.11203803


Stopped reading there.

What you're saying is that you can't like movies because you don't know who won an oscar.

>> No.11203810

See >>11203803

>> No.11203818

>thinking star trek voyager is great makes you as equally valid as a science fiction fan as someone who reads sf literature
this is on the level not knowing WHAT the Oscars are

>> No.11203821

Who gives a shit about awards you stupid cock. Nothing wrong with an interest, but your attitude indicates you are Consumer bottom. Brainlet submissive. Identity trap.

>> No.11203822
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>dude call it the nebula award cus there are like, uh, nebulas in space and shit so its, um, scientific I guess

>> No.11203825

>people can't have different levels on interest in something

>> No.11203829

What the fuck is that example? It's nothing like that. It's like you turning to someone and going
>Uh no
It's cringey and beta as fuck anon. If someone is a fan of something, they're a fan of it. They don't need to appreciate exactly the things you do, nor to the same level. I like capeshit movies as a guilty pleasure, that is not somehow invalidated if you have turbo autism and know ever detail about Captain America's nutsack

>> No.11203831

Who gives a shit about book Awards. Thats the first rule of /lit/

>> No.11203833

I listen to the nebula awards every year on AM radio.

>> No.11203863

I know of the oscars, I don't actually know or care to know what they are awarded for.

This does not impact my appreciation or enjoyment of movies.

>> No.11203864

again, its like not even know what awards Trek won even are

>> No.11203867
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> implying that awards matter in literature

>> No.11203869

Again, you're just replying to sperg with more sperg

>> No.11203898


>> No.11204585

Worst of all, it's science fiction.

>> No.11204839

There'd be nothing wrong with a movie fan who doesn't know or, even if he does, care about The Oscars. Anon's right about your gatekeeping

>> No.11204984

I would assume that if you don't know about some shitty awards who are probably given out on a basis of how much the author succed the dick of the political establishment you are the superior sci fi reader.

Personally I would say these awards are good to Termininger which books to avoid.

>> No.11204998

Oscars are shit. And imnshure the nebula awards are the same.
Hugo award was the shit back in the day. But not anymore.
Awards can give exposure and thet is the best but taking them seriously is retarded.

>> No.11205161

Gatekeeping- "You're not a REAL fan of x unless you know about a, b, and c." A type of "one-upping." Someone feels the need to police entry into the community, identify posers, and put others down for not being as authentic as themselves. If you gatekeep you're a twat.

>> No.11205417

I read all the short stories nominated this year, but not a single one was memorable

>> No.11205641

Gatekeeping is the only defense against a hobby degenerating into nothing but normalfag social bullshit. There should be more of it.

>> No.11205660
File: 34 KB, 640x480, tR1cbB9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My hobby is special guys!

This right here is peak fetishism

>> No.11205676
File: 451 KB, 4040x626, 1428882224593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's special for its normalfag repelling qualities.

>> No.11205680

Sounds like you're from reddit

>> No.11205689

Can I get an example of that image

>> No.11205696

based hamlet

>> No.11205699

>reading science fiction in 2018