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File: 733 KB, 2405x1603, 10q-jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11204468 No.11204468[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

and the radical left "Progressivism" politics

serious question

>> No.11204475

fucking dweebs

>> No.11204477

Hes already achieved his goal of ruining /lit/ so why not, sky's the limit

>> No.11204478

get over it snowflake

>> No.11204481

Gib mandatory gf plz

>> No.11204486

no, the SJW movement will erradicate itself. this already happened in the 60s. out of the rubble a new generation of conservatives will rise and the cicle will begin anew.

>> No.11204487

I like his bible series, it's just objective that his acolytes ruin this board

>> No.11204502

Have you seen him lately? He’s looking gaunt and aged.

>> No.11205887

So, it's SJW-ing not wanting a war (Vietnam for instance) and not to kill da gayz?

Hippies might have been retarded in their own way, but they are in no way close to SJWs of the 2010s. And besides, what are we talking about? A group of people that gets ridiculed by pretty much anyone with half a brain.


What about it? Most people don't give a shit. What's the point of said propaganda if no one cares enough for it?

>> No.11205915

>Watch Dr. Jordan B. Peterson DECAPITATE two feminists!!

>> No.11205921

>Leftist host challenges Jordan Peterson to YuGiOh! Duel, INSTANTLY regret it!!

>> No.11205924

He's no match for the 'postmodern neomarxist radical leftists'. No, the truth is that he's only arguing against young fringe groups with virtually no power or influence, and his overreaction to bill c-16 only emphasizes his ignorance of the workings of the legal system.

>> No.11205926

No, people have been slowly turning their backs on accelerated SJW delirium since before Peterson became relevant to anyone. His only real accomplishment was taking advantage of that pushback to get some to care about a discredited niche in psychology. Otherwise he's just preaching to the choir, or occasionally teaching the obvious to clueless retards.

>> No.11205936

How did he over react

>> No.11205938
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>that 20 year old boomer who gets triggered by Andy Warhol

>> No.11205952


>> No.11205961

It's been a law for nearly a year and no one's been jailed for using the wrong pronouns yet.

>> No.11205976

Just a couple of threads ago people /leftypol/ plants were unironically arguing that he proposed the banning of lipstick based on how certain media outlets synthesised his Vice interview.


>> No.11205982

The new left is already self defeating. The problem as Peterson has said a million times is that they're dragging the sensible left down with them.

>> No.11205986

there is no sensible left

>> No.11205992
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I unironically hate current year. Poltard Petersonites do nothing but smear everything in politics. It is nothing but a fascistic reaction against the tedium of limp-left progressivism. That it results in arbitrary violence ("Yes, yes, NOW we're DOING something! ACTION, FORWARD, KILL, NEVER STOP MOVING, NEVER STOP MOVING ... no no, not at all, I'm not fleeing the void, my own existential dreads, fear of death and the loss of my exalted position. I'm not privileged, YOU'RE PRIVILEGED. Hey FUCK YOU for making me feel scared ... no I mean, no, I'm not scared. Fuck you for making me say that. It isn't true. I'm not scared. I'm not scared at all ... fucking basedboy cucks are such wimps I swear to fuck) should not come as any surprise, seeing as this entire movement is nothing but a venting of entitled hyper-masculine resentment. You are doing nothing but contributing to the suffering and degradation of the world.

>> No.11206010

>hissy fit, the post
Do you sincerely believe that Peterson's fanbase is most accurately represented by /pol/ types?

>> No.11206014

The political side of his fanbase, yes.

>> No.11206017

The word left is superfluous, as the only sensible people are on the left.

>> No.11206018
File: 398 KB, 1080x905, ic-7070.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bringing up 8gag

>> No.11206021

What does that mean? The political side.

>> No.11206024

see what I mean

>> No.11206026

fuck i'm reeling from how hard you owned this guy. Keep on being epic bucko xd!!!

>> No.11206045

It's definitely not /pol/ types that would enjoy Petersons' lectures and books...however, there is some overlap in certain regards.

Most of Petersons' fanbase can be put into the following categories:

>Retarded NEET
>Hopeless virgin
>Clueless idiot
>Reddit tier "intellectuals"

Someone can be a mix of any of those, but Peterson "clean your room" type of talks are only relevant to complete fucking idiots who did nothing constructive at all and lazy fucks. He's also adored by men who feel threatened by some dumb sjw cunts who are in no way important in any way.

>> No.11206047

Peterson is a leftist so he'd have to destroy himself.

>> No.11206059

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little Newtonian? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class at McGill University, and I’ve been involved in numerous scientific papers on mythology, and I have over 300 confirmed citations on ResearchGate. I am trained in neuropsychology and I’m the top tenured humanities professor in the entire University of Toronto. You are nothing to me but just another non-binary pronoun. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen even in a Soviet gulag, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with defining truth to me over the Internet? Think again, neo-marxist. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of psychiatrists across Canada and your archetype is being analyzed right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your super-ego. You’re fucking individuated, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can analyze you with over seven hundred different psychotherapy techniques, and that’s just with my lecture notes. Not only am I extensively trained in typology, but I have access to every edition of the American Psychiatric Association's DSM, I-V, and I will use them to their full extent to wipe your miserable complex from the collective unconscious, you little constructionist. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little “clever” metatruth was about to bring down upon your hierarchy, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you bloody Newtonian. I will shit synchronicity all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, Pinocchio.

>> No.11206077

Mate, the majority of /lit/ is disenfranchised lazy fucks forever stuck in arrested development.

SJw cunts are important in many ways though. Do you know who would agree with his faulty characterisation of postmodernism (ie: him equating Marxist post-structuralists of the activist variety with postmodernism)? Lecturers who teach it in Mickey Mouse studies. That's how it's been taught to me and how I've seen it taught in many Humanities departments once I've graduated. SJWs can be seen as a product of many factors, but sjw profs are definitely 'a thing'. They weaponize the anti-essentialist post-structuralist ethos as to promote the oppressor-oppressed metanarrative. Something Foucault would disagree with for instance.

>> No.11206085

The side against SJWs and "cultural neo-marxists"

>> No.11206090

stop posting this fucking thread every day with the same god damn picture
can we please ban this nigger

>> No.11206091

No. Pooperson literally lost the pronoun wars and history will judge her (oh ya, I went there) harshly

>> No.11206095

I think he already has. The problem is they'll still stick to their guns until about 3 or 4 more elections cycles where they lose big time will they turn around and say they never believed in any of it, it was somebody else.

>> No.11206114

Yes, I think he will and that will only be the beginning. I'm not sure I want to go into detail since I will mostly be mocked, but I see Jordan Peterson as a messianic figure, possibly even the second coming of Christ.

>> No.11206134

Yes, just how like Trump winning means tv will be forced to stop shitting on him.

>> No.11206135

You're delusional, or /leftypol/. Plenty of left-leaning individuals, from soc-dems to anarcho-syndicalists that are against SJWs and what Peterson describes as neo-marxists (ie: moral relativist nihilists who blame everything on Western civ).

>> No.11206149

>majority of /lit/
I would say majority of 4chan desu.

Yeah, I'm not buying it. Some faggy professor will surely have a following of sorts, but let's be honest...most people still wont give a shit, so what's the point exactly?

>Some complete idiot tells you how you're a bigot for not using a specific pronoun
>Gets made fun of by 99% of people

SJW shit is getting viral traction because it's easy to ridicule. Check out any sjw run youtube channel or just sjw made videos. They are universally disliked, and not by a small margin mind you.

>> No.11206204

Youtube comment section is self-selecting for a very specific type of crowd. Check 'black twitter', 'the guardian', 'huffpost', 'buzzfeed', any 'socially-conscious' meme-rapper music video, or any women's studies, media studies, general studies course in the past 10 years.

Also, a study looking at voter registration across 40 leading US universities found that Dems outnumber Reps by a ratio of 12 to 1. A ratio that has quintupled in two decades. Social sciences and humanities courses, even History show an even larger imbalance with Dems outnumbering Reps by a ratio of 33 to 1. This is not to say that all Dems are SJWs, or that the current Republican party isn't at fault for alienating conservatives of the classical liberal variety, but it is certainly a self-perpetuating ratio that leads to censorious practices by hinging reputation management on a homogeneous conduct and group-think. Any ratio that exceeds 4 to 1 is bound to become exponentially self-perpetuating. This is a problem. Heterodoxy is needed in Unis.

>> No.11206212

Mind you, I'm not saying that some people aren't profiting off SJW ridicule because it's easy to do, but you're underestimating the breadth of the sjw issue.

>> No.11206235

The radicals from the 60s weren't eradicated, they became the indoctrinators, they all work in education and media now, and have for decades.

>> No.11206236

>possibly even the second coming of Christ.
Imagine being the fucking retard that typed this. Peterson isn't Christ-like. He's barely even Christian. Get out of here with this nonsense.

>> No.11206267

I definitely agree that Republics are being made to be the bad guys, but they did give enough fuel in the past for this to be an on going theme...but at the same time, the democrats aren't really doing good with their own PR.

What I'm trying to convey is that, the idea of social justice that these certain people try to push doesn't stick well with others. Why? Because they viciously attack anyone who disagrees with them while at the same time failing at very basic concepts that have been proved and established for years. Can they become a problem? Sure, but they will eventually pull that trigger and should themselves in the foot.

Same thing applies to people with "GAS THE KIKES" from /pol/. Actual extremism doesn't do well. Having the opinion that gay marriage should be legal is not sjwing in that retarded way, just like believing that it shouldn't be legal doesn't make you into Hitler.

>> No.11206295

Right mate, I agree, but I really think you're overestimating /pol/'s population,while underestimating it's troll derivatives and severely underestimating SJW-culture and the unending prestige, social reward and pussy a teen/young person gets from aligning himself with that line of thinking.

>> No.11206326

Daddy Peterson would be proud of us

>> No.11206363

>thinking politics consists of "dems" and "reps"
Those are both right-wing, pro-capitalist, pro-imperial-foreign-intervention parties.

>> No.11206366

It's a stepping stone to greater forms of speech and language policing

>> No.11206372

>both right-wing
Neither are right wing.

>> No.11206381

Oh Jesus. As if Antifa members, soc-dems, anarcho-syndicalists and Marxists of all varieties never registered to vote. You're so ideologically possessed that you're incapable of seeing the actual point.

>> No.11206471
File: 108 KB, 1129x936, lul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey bitch, ready for october?

>> No.11206472

fuck off commie

>> No.11206482

I enjoyed this.

>> No.11206503

Peterson does have some interesting things to say but I think most of those are Jung-inspired

I feel like his very aggressive attempt to enter public discourse is now becoming a sort of death-by-a-thousand-cuts, he's just not up for it in multiple ways.

>> No.11206533

Peterson didn't aggressively enter the scene. He's just responding to an aggressive attempt to silence and defame him.