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/lit/ - Literature

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11203634 No.11203634 [Reply] [Original]

>reading a book
>"woah anon, you like to read? let me suck your dick."

>> No.11203641
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>"woah onii chan, you finished reading Infinite Jest"?

>> No.11203651

>reading portrait of the artist as a young man
>"woah anon, you like james joyce? let me fart in your face"

>> No.11203685
File: 208 KB, 807x935, 1525980887408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally digested the oeuvre of Hegel thanks to a 5 minute video

>> No.11203715


>excuse me, is that suttree

>thought so

>looks as though you've almost finished it

>you're *re*-reading it? wow

>are you like a professor or something? but you're too young

>i'm sorry I don't want to distract you but I - I just wondered if you would help me prepare for a seminar next week

>i'm sorry i know your time is probably really valuable but i would be *so* grateful

>let me just give you my number ok? i don't want to seem pushy or anything

>haha i guess i do seem pushy

>look here's my number

>we can talk about mccarthy or... anything

>> No.11203720
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>"Woah anon, you like to read? Have you finished the entire western canon yet? No? Oh..."

>> No.11203727
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>t. John Waters

>> No.11203736
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way to ruin a thread retard

>> No.11204257

>>>/r/thathappened, the thread

>> No.11204272

go back
i know you're ironic; i don't care

>> No.11204315
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>> No.11204320

I actually did get blown in prison once just because I was reading a book.

>> No.11204323

Was it worth it?

>> No.11204354
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Mfw reading suttree now

>> No.11204696
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by a male?

>> No.11204711

>that picture

Do thots take pride in being soul-sucking mindsinks?

>> No.11204756

Yes, several.

>> No.11204781
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>> No.11204820

That is the /lit/ lifestyle

>> No.11204824
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>"Wow anon, are you reading poetry? You must be sensitive and mindful. Please come and make sweet tender love to me and show me the wonders of true passion"

>> No.11204830

hot, desu

>> No.11204871
File: 331 KB, 1080x1349, 1524783093093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading a Jay McInerney book
>qts come up to me and ask to buy me dinner
>light a cigarette and walk off into the cold night instead
pic related, one of the cuties

>> No.11204872

Rimbaud would be proud, anon, great job.

>> No.11204973

I didn't think it was possible to more based. Now I'm wrong.