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11199536 No.11199536 [Reply] [Original]

which philosophers would you say most closely correspond to the world of ghost in the shell?

>nick land
him we know about. he's #1. we got that.

>that's it fool that's the whole list
okay but still

>no fuck you there is no one else just read nick land
jesus christ inner self there have to be other interesting cybernetic types who have something to say about consciousness and technological simulation

>i doubt it
well let's see anyways

>> No.11200659

Perhaps try reading some of the futurists. I know of a few others who are probably similar in philosophy to GiTS but I can't think of them off of the top of my head.

>> No.11201129

>Ernest Becker
is who youre looking for

go watch as many youtube analysis videos as you can about Blade Runner and its sequels and pen all the authors cited in the videos

>no fuck you
do you enjoy the work of Slavoj Zizek by any chance?

>> No.11201150

Also to save your precious time theres no I(self) or consciousness, theres only the other, the Other and the Absolute Negativity

>> No.11201446
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yeah, not a bad idea i guess

>ernest becker
that's an interesting suggestion. which one? the denial of death?

he's pretty cool, never thought of him swearing at himself in greentext but ok

based hegel

okay, thanks for the suggestions gents

>> No.11202354

You are welcome. This thread deserves more discussion.

>> No.11202381

>Nick land
>Ghost in the shell
No. Absolutely not. Ghost in a shell is about identity within an environment and the set environment being the digital realm. There's also the sexuality and gender aspect in Ghost in a shell, with gender identity being more or less fluid within the context of a ghost, see the original manga, and Kusanagi is a blank. Neither boy or girl. Only in the original they decided to go with a female body to ease in audiences to the idea she was a female, but asexual. Nick land is about as far from these concepts as possible. Perhaps a land type would be proliferate in this world? Maybe.

>> No.11202472
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well, thanks for bumping the thread. i thought so too, was kind of surprised that i could only think of one philosopher who i immediately associated with cyberpunk, which is land.

there's baudrillard also i guess:

>But perhaps we may see this as a kind of adventure, a heroic test: to take the artificialization of living beings as far as possible in order to see, finally, what part of human nature survives the great ordeal. If we discover that not everything can be cloned, simulated, programmed, genetically and neurologically managed, then whatever survives could truly be called “human”: some inalienable and indestructible human quality could finally be identified. Of course, there is always the risk, in this experimental adventure, that nothing will pass the test—that the human will be permanently eradicated.

this is pretty close to what i'm looking for but perhaps not quite as depressingly stated as baudrillard can be. maybe this is impossible? i don't know. but i'm kind of surprised there hasn't been a philosopher since land who has been able to write about these things. so, i figure, maybe there is one but i just don't know about them.

>Nick land is about as far from these concepts as possible.
from sexuality and gender, true, but not from cyberpunk itself. for cyberpunk he's the best imho.

i'm kind of tired of sexuality and gender stuff in general. now, maybe you're right, and those are the things to look at, the fluidity of self in this way. i'm not disagreeing with you. but when i think about posthuman cyborgs and neo-tokyo and things like this it's mostly to talk about the nature of consciousness as existing beyond these, if at all possible. the kinds of things that a merged major/puppet master would think about, the kinds of questions a being like that might ask or raise. do they have ethics? what would they look like? what kind of relationship would super-advanced cyborgs like this have to humans? what kinds of things do the neo-tokyo intellectuals read?

you know. *machine philosophy.* for sure deleuze & guattari fit the bill, simondon. but to talk about transhuman ghosts in neo-tokyo in 2029 or w/e, are they still the guys? i'm okay if they are i guess, those guys are based. they're definitely good with machines. but, i'm greedy i guess.

apologies if this seems vague or if i'm just being really picky.

>> No.11202490

Descartes you fucking mong, "ghost in the machine" was a famous moniker for Descartes dualism. If you want 'robots lol' look for Kurzweil, Bostrom, and the cyber/cypherpunk sci-fi writers (Dick, Gibson)

>> No.11202582
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actually a good suggestion.

i kind of feel like a descartes-inspired character in neo-tokyo wouldn be more likely to be an antagonist or heartless CEO:

>In setting up some superhuman and non-biological thing as the exemplar of mental substance, Descartes produces a theory that, to its cost, discerns minds in no non-human animals at all. (The account shocked some of his readers by implying that their household pets were mere unthinking automata.)

or, maybe the most descartes-inspired character could be ironically surprised to find out that he was just another android like the others in the end, however much he wanted to avoid this.

a cyberpunk world is still driven by technological and economic forces, it's not full-blown science fiction, but it's a change from usual marxist guys. so rationalist philosophers are probably in that sweet spot. so, that's a good suggestion, thanks anon.

>> No.11202585

Nick Land isn't "le futurist dystopia man"

>> No.11202591

the late Foucault started writing on biopolitics

>> No.11202601

i agree, he's quite brilliant. so much so that i'm surprised he's the only one writing essays like circuitries, meltdown or teleoplexy. i'd like to read some more things like that or in that vein.

>> No.11202845
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me and a friend may or may not be writing a shitload of theory-fiction right now but have no idea what to do with it

>> No.11202958

lol Ghost in the Shell WEEB

>> No.11203049

Nah, all good I understand what you're saying. For clarification, Nick fits into the post-human world of philosophy, but imo, nothing in regard to the Ghost in the shell universe.
Deleuze esp, because he's one of Nick's influences