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11198091 No.11198091 [Reply] [Original]

Post the last five books you just read.

Others give recommendations to what the anon should read next.

Here's mine:
John Williams' Stoner
Aristophanes' Lysistrata
Dostoevsky's The Idiot
George Orwell's Down and Out in Paris and London
Plato's Symposium

>> No.11198103

Well, I didn't "hate" it

>> No.11198116

didn't hate what?

>> No.11198128

Romeo & Juliet
Hamlet (also watched Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet which was very good but at times it did feel like he was over-doing it)
Titus Andronicus
King Lear (actually excited to see BBC2 has a King Lear adaptation with Anthony Hopkins)

where should I go next with Shakespeare?

>> No.11198140
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The Black Monk by Chekhov
Capitalist Realism - Is There No Alternative? by Mark Fisher
Stoner by John Williams
Poetry book by Fernando Pessoa
The Green Book by Muammar al Qaddafi

The Black Monk being the last one. Currently reading Dead Souls.

>> No.11198144

Read The Nun by Diderot

>Might Is Right or The Survival of the Fittest (Ragnar Redbeard)
>Mencius (Mencius)
>The Bible: A Biography (Karen Armstrong)
>Hymns to the Night (Novalis)
>Naomi (Jun'ichirô Tanizaki)

>> No.11198222

Hymns to the Night & Spiritual Songs by Novalis
Complete poetry by Hölderlin
Völsunga saga
Milton's complete poems (still in progress though I just finished Paradise Lost and Regained)
Complete Shakespeare (in progress)
>excited to see BBC2 has a King Lear adaptation with Anthony Hopkins
BBC did the whole Shakespeare theatre on TV:
To answer you question, Othello (played by Hopkins in said TV series, BTW), Macbeth, Merchant of Venice, Taming of the Shrew, A Midsummer Night's Dream, Antony & Cleopatra, Tempest...

>> No.11198226

king lear (arden) - shakespeare
a midsummer night's dream (norton critical) - shakespeare
a room of one's own - Woolf
confessions - Augustine
discourse on method & meditations on first philosophy - Descartes

I liked a midsummer night's dream, so I can recommend that

>> No.11198237

Thanks, I'll check those out next. I've read The Tempest but I really didn't enjoy it.

>> No.11198241
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>> No.11198250

Nicomachean Ethics, loved it
Madame Bovary, loved it
Ulysses, halfway with analyses, loved it but needed a change of pace
What is Art? by Tolstoy, skimmed a lot of it though
Just started Antifragile by Taleb, World as Will and Representation by Schopenhauer, and Great Expectations by Charles Dickens.

>> No.11198251

Kafu- Something Strange Across the River
Eco- The Prague Cemetery
Nabokov- Ada or Ardor
Pale Fire

Currently rereading Pessoa - The Book of Disquiet for the 5-6th time.

Next read?

>> No.11198257

Read some Bulgakov next

>> No.11198284

The Eye of the World
The Great Hunt
The Dragon Reborn
The Shadow Rising
The Fires of Heaven

>> No.11199375

I’m on the second book, and I am not going to read any more solely because of Nynaeve.

>> No.11199387
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Disliked The Three Body-Problem.
Chimera, was alright.
I loved the other three.

>> No.11199435

A Farewell to Arms by Hemingway
We the Living by Ayn Raynd
Dune Messiah by Herbert
Electric Sheep by P.K Dick
Witcher:The last Wish

Currently reading Dracula, Jurassic Park is up next, and Dialectical and Historical Materialism by Stalin. What should I read after these? Been on a summer binge so I don't see them taking me longer than the next 3 weeks.

>> No.11199444
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The Verificationist - Donald Antrim
One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich - Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
The Painted Bird - Jerzy Kosinski
The Rape of Nanking - Iris Chang
Ordinary Men - Christopher Browning

>> No.11199471

Libra by Don DeLillo

Moby-Dick. If you've already read it, Under the Volcano by Lowry

Oblomov by Garanchov

The Face of Battle by Keegan

Blood Meridian by McCarthy

Austerlitz by Sebald

Read a book.

Life and Fate by Grossman

Far Tortuga by Matthiessen

Don Quixote by Cervantes

Read a book.

>> No.11199476

Notes from a dead house by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
The man who was Thursday by G.K. Chesterton
My Childhood by Maxim Gorky
Confessions by St. Augustine
Satantango by Laszlo Krasznahorkai

I'm reading the basic political writings of J.J. Rousseau at the moment.

>> No.11199483

What did you think of Man Who Was Thursday?

>> No.11199488

Swallowdale - Swallows and Amazons, boring edition. Feels like a money grab sequel. Slow paced and lacking in conflict. Characters seem stupider than before.
Peter Duck - Mostly just Ransome showing off his sailing knowledge. I disliked the metafiction gimmick.
Winter Holiday - Liked the new characters. Smart decision to keep Nancy in the background, because she tends to dominate the stories, and it gives others a chance to contribute. Main conflict was based around a miscommunication but it was entertaining anyway.
Coot Club - Easily the best so far. Good new characters, believable conflict with high stakes (by the standards of the stories) and moral dilemma. Characters do smart things, and there's minimal reliance on coincidence or miscommunication. Norfolk setting is more interesting than Lake District.
Pigeon Post - What is this bullshit? Everybody turns into retards again, and the previously realistic setting now includes magic. And am I seriously supposed to believe somebody as nerdy as Dick has never heard of fool's gold? Worst so far.

I plan on finishing the whole series (I already read a lot of them as a child).

>> No.11199491

I was underwhelmed. I was expecting something a lot more philosophical but it was still a pretty comfy and fun read.

>> No.11199500

Had the same reaction. After the second reveal, the rest of the book was just too predictable to be interesting. It was fine, but I felt like it should have been better.

>> No.11199592

Do you know if Chesterton's other works are any better in that regard?

>> No.11199605

It's the only work of his that I've read, and I've not been keen on reading more, so no, sorry. I am unable to comment on his other work.

>> No.11199609


>> No.11199625

Regarding the next book you read, check out The Rings of Saturn by Sebald.

>> No.11199645
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The Closing of the American Mind, Allan Bloom
Propaganda, Jacques Ellul
Culture of Narcissism, Cristopher Lasch
A Dangerous Encounter, Ernst Jünger
Dominations and Powers, George Santayana

>> No.11199653

Last 5 (excluding non-fiction), with ratings reflecting my enjoyment of each book:
Brothers K - 5/5
Remains of the Day - 4/5
Lolita - 5/5
The Trial - 3/5
The Odyssey - 4/5

Reading a book of Shakespeare's tragedies right now - Hamlet, Othello, Macbeth, King Lear. Probably will read the Book of the New Sun next. Gib recs

>> No.11199670

Goodbye to All That
West With the Night
The Ghost Pirates
The Rainbow

>> No.11199676


>> No.11199685

The Flamethrowers, Rachel Kushner
Man Walks into a Room, Nicole Krauss
One Hundred Years of Solitude, GGM
Homeland, Sam Lipsyte
Go Down, Moses, Faulkner

>> No.11199689


>> No.11199697

Europe Central

Hit me back @ >>11199685

>> No.11199699

(In reverse order)
Tom Sawyer
Mythology, Edith Hamilton
Augstine's Confessions
12 Rules For Life
I'm reading The Silmarilion right now and plan to read The Hobbit after before moving on to LotR, but what should come after?

>> No.11199702
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Hygiene and the Assassin, Amélie Nothomb

>> No.11199707
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Ernst Jünger - Storm of Steel
Mishima Yukio - My friend, Hitler
War and Peace Volume IV (Finished the fucking thing after half a year, it was a pleasure, an incredible journey)
Natsume Soseki - The Gate
Mihail Lermontow - A hero of our time
Why is it that whenever I look back like this, the list always either half Chinese, Japanese or Russian?

>> No.11199714
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The Prose Edda

>> No.11199718

The Whore's Child & Other Stories - Richard Russo
The Crossing - Cormac McCarthy
Be Cool - Elmore Leonard (it was bad)
The Unconsoled - Kazuo Ishiguro
The Little Girl Who Was Too Fond of Matches - Gaétan Soucy

Obligatory Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson.

>> No.11199719

I meant to say the Poetic Edda. Dammit, sorry.

>> No.11199728
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Petersburg by Andrei Bely

>> No.11199732


>> No.11199733

>Dshuang Dsi
>The Idiot
>Moby Dick
>Reisebilder - Heine

Read more Kafka
change that 3 into a 5
wtf. you are all over the palce

>> No.11199749

Notes from underground
Infinite jest
Temple of the golden pavilion

>> No.11199764

>Dshuang Dsi
What kind of a transliteration is this even?

>> No.11199787


>> No.11199800

Tolstoy if you haven't read it already, I'd go with AK first.

The Tempest, most underrated play imo

The Master & Margarita. Shell out for the newer translation if you must, the old one is really bad.

The History of the Peloponnesian War

Give The Faerie Queene a try

The Once and Future King

Anna Karenina

The Book of the New Sun

Lyonesse - Jack Vance

Makers of Modern Strategy

War Trash - Ha Jin


The Progressive Revolution in Politics & Political Science - John Marini

The Storm of Steel


The Worm Ouroboros

>> No.11199814

The History of the Peloponnesian War: 5/5
On Guerrilla Warfare - Mao 5/5
City of Darkness - Ben Bova 1/5
The Future of Strategy - Colin S. Gray 4/5

>> No.11199820

literally can't count

>> No.11199822
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Why did you recommend me a 950 page sci-fi epic from the 1980's?

>> No.11199829

Solaris - Stanislaw Lem 5/5

>> No.11199840

The Pale King
Great Jones Street
The Magic Mountain
South of the Border, West of the Sun

The Business of Gamification
Gods of the North
The Story of Philosophy
Alone Together
The Net Delusion

>> No.11199851

How is On Guerrilla Warfare btw?

>> No.11199871

not anon, but
if you are the pessoa/nabokov poster, you will understand once you get into it

>> No.11199872

>Obligatory Treasure Island - Robert Louis Stevenson.
I can't remember if I read it as a child or not. In any case, I'll (re)read it. Thanks for the recommendation.

Already reread them recently.

>> No.11199887

I'm the other guy.

>> No.11199902

well, if you are a perceptive reader you will appreciate the way wolfe works religious themes into the structure of the narrative
i don't mean the obvious parallels between Sev and Christ and whatnot, but the more subtle 'mythologizing' that is actively underway in the process of reading and reflecting upon Sev's story.

>> No.11199912

Sounds interesting.

>> No.11200156

Tarjei Vesaas - The Bridges
Sjón - The Blue Fox
Fleur Jaeggy - Sweet Days of Discipline
Shusaku Endo - Silence
Jamie O'Neill - At Swim, Two Boys

>> No.11200197

The Glory of the Empire, d'Ormesson
The Twelve Caesars, Suetonius
Memoirs of an Infantry Officer, Sassoon
The Judgement, Kafka
Aboriginal Myths, Legends and Fables, Reed

>> No.11200215

Norwegian Wood
Diary of a Young Girl
Breakfast at Tiffany's

>> No.11200220

smdh mfers posting ecelb reactions and not being in on the memes....

>> No.11200229

>Read a book.

Ive read everything youve listed except for matthiessen and oblomov meme-man. For you I'd recommend the Iliad and Oliver Twist, since you seem to prefer to read in a very safe space.

>> No.11200294
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>The Tempest
I have it coming in the post

>> No.11200310

A little tickled, it would seem. Don't be afraid to squirm.

>> No.11200423

>King Queen Knave
>Billy Budd and other Tales
>The Sailor who fell from Grace with the Sea
>Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

>> No.11200440

journey to the end of the night
crime and punishment
the western canon

>> No.11200458

A Free Life
Anna Karenina
Look Homeward, Angel
Daniel Deronda

>> No.11200464

It's a succinct summary of the strategy of revolutionary guerrilla warfare straight from the horse's mouth. If you've got any interest in modern warfare you ought to spend the 1-2 hours it will take to read it.

>> No.11200523

Moby Dick
The Sound and the Fury
The Orchard Keeper
Confessions of a Mask
No Longer Human

>> No.11200526

Under the Volcano

>> No.11200695

From Bauhaus to Our House - Tom Wolfe
The Great Gatsby - F. Scott Fitzgerald
Endgame - Samuel Beckett
Waiting for Godot - Samuel Beckett
Player Piano - Kurt Vonnegut

I loved Waiting for Godot.

>> No.11200729

I took a break from my summer list and thought it would be nice to reread some horrible histories. They're still a lot of fun.

>> No.11200742

Hyperion and Fall of Hyperion
God's Battalions
The Apostacy that Wasnt
The though of Thomas Aquinas
I Am Legend

>> No.11201027

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
All Quiet on the Western Front
The First Man
Paradise Lost and Other Poems

>> No.11201039

endgame and godot are both masterworks. im waiting on a copy of the malone, malloy and the unnamable right now. Gotta get around to reading my copy of player piano soon, im just not the biggest vonnegut fan (seems like he was a really cool guy IRL just don't think he was quite on par with pinecone)

>> No.11201070

Jimmy Corrigan by Chris Ware
Blankets by Craig Thompson
Asterios Polyp by David Mazzucchelli
Brief Interviews With Hideous Men by DFW
currently reading the familiar by danielewski

>> No.11201076

Haha, you know me

Pappus - Collection (IV)
Aristotle - Metaphysics
Diophantus - Arithmetica
Plato - Critias
Plato - Timaeus

>> No.11201085

Macbeth by William Shakespeare
Pale Fire by Vladimir Nabokov
A Season in Hell by Arthur Rimbaud
A Confession by Leo Tolstoy
The Arabian Nights

>> No.11201114

The next logical step is Plotinus

>> No.11201139

Not really, but I am reading The Enneads after I finish Proclus. Kind of working backwards from there. After I'm done with the seventh book of the Collection, I'm moving on to Al-Khwarzimi's Compedious book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing.

>> No.11201166

Why'd you ask for a recommendation if you already have the next 10 books you're going to read planned out?

>> No.11201178

I don't know but the only reason I'm reading The Enneads is because so many people mention it here so you do matter :^)

>> No.11201360

Storm of Steel - Ernst Junger

>> No.11201447

Carl von Clausewitz's On War
Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit
Spinoza's Improvement on the Understanding and Ethics
Nietzsche's Beyond Good and Evil

>> No.11201624

Neil Gaiman's Norse Mythology
The Old Man And The Sea by Ernest Hemingway
This Side Of Paradise by F Scott Fitzgerald
Man From Tomorrow by Wilson Tucker
Time Traveler's Strictly Cash by Spider Robinson

>> No.11201629

more nitchy

>> No.11201635


Kierkegaard: The Sickness Unto Death
Chandler: The Lady in the Lake
Lewis: That Hideous Strength
Kierkegaard: Philosophical Fragments
Foote: The Civil War: A Narrative

>> No.11201659


Butcher's Crossing - John Williams
Man's Search For Meaning - Viktor Frankl
The Odyssey - Homer
Roadside Picnic - Arkady + Boris Strugatsky
The Remains of the Day - Kazuo Ishiguro

>> No.11201665
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Slaughterhouse 5
Animal Farm
Enders game
At the Mountains of Madness and other tales

Please no bully, I was at uni and only had time for light reading. Currently tackling Infinite Jest with my newfound time during summer break

>> No.11201684

Dosto, Poor Folk
Teffi anthology
Dillon, Essayism
Platonov, Happy Moscow
Krasznahorkai, The World Goes On

>> No.11201706

>Slaughterhouse 5
Check out Ubik by Philip K. Dick.
>At the Mountains of Madness and other tales
Check out The House at the Borderland by William Hope Hodgson.

>> No.11201746

Thanks, I'll see if I can get those next time I'm at the book store

>> No.11201903

The Sirens of Titan
The Spy Who Came in from the Cold
Oblivion (DFW)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?

Completely torn about where to go from here, would appreciate any recs

>> No.11201952


Notes from Underground
Crime and Punishment
The Silmarillion
Modern Man in Search of a Soul

>> No.11201960


A Memory of Light

>> No.11202019

Xibugo - José Craveirinha
Dual - Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
O Nome das Coisas - Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen
Meu Livro de Cordel - Cora Coralina
Poesia Completa - Manoel de Barros

>> No.11202042

Thus Spoke Zarathustra
The Stranger
Beyond Good and Evil
Ensaio sobre a cegueira
The process

>> No.11202453

Ludovici's essays on Nietzsche

>> No.11202492

The Infinity Gauntlet
Beren and Luthien
The Hobbit
The Children of Hurin
The Lord of the Rings

I think I only like Tolkien

>> No.11202499

>Blood Meridian
>War and Peace
>Animal Farm
>The Death of Ivan Ilych
>The Idiot
currently reading The Magic Mountain

>> No.11202749

Maybe the rule for this thread should have been that if you write your last 5, you have to give a recommendation for someone else.

Now this thread is just a pity.

>> No.11202779

The Power of the Dog
The Iliad (100th read)
No longer human (2rd read)

Preferably books relating to power, and having a detached observer protagonist. Otherwise any suggestion would be appreciated

>> No.11202819

I'd rather not.

>> No.11203954
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The night Circus :

The circus arrives without warning. No announcements precede it. It is simply there, when yesterday it was not. Within the black-and-white striped canvas tents is an utterly unique experience full of breathtaking amazements. It is called Le Cirque des Rêves, and it is only open at night.

The crying of Lot 49:
Oedipa Maas discovers that she has been made executrix of a former lover's estate.

Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain

If the conscious mind—the part you consider you—accounts for only a tiny fraction of the brain’s function, what is all the rest doing? This is the question that David Eagleman—renowned neuroscientist and acclaimed author of Sum—answers in a book as accessible and entertaining as it is deeply informed by startling, up-to-the-minute research.

Norse Mythology:

From Gaiman’s deft and witty prose emerges the gods with their fiercely competitive natures, their susceptibility to being duped and to dupe others, and their tendency to let passion ignite their actions, making these long-ago myths breathe pungent life again.

>> No.11204089

Robot Dreams
Through the looking glass
Invisible Man
Heart of Darkness

>> No.11204483
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I made this for you, my dudes.