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11198199 No.11198199[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>"It's very elitist, very, very white," student Taiwo Oyebola said. "For me, applying for Classics, I was very aware I'd be the only black person or one of a few people of colour."
>"We have this joke in lectures, I go in and there's this group we call them the Eton row, because all the Eton boys sit there."

Oxfordbro, are you being bullied by these people?

>> No.11198247

The old "unless Oxbridge has student body that is an precise mirroring of the ethnic distribution of our general population, dey rayciss" argument.

Orc uprisings have done enough damage to British higher education in general, while governments profited from their idiocy by ''democratising'' education and introducing Mickey Mouse courses with entry requirements satisfiable by anyone who isn't clinically retarded. I hope Oxbridge and red bricks have the will to resist the orcs' demands.

>> No.11198274


It is the ethnic percentage of the Oxford student population was 18 % in 2017, which already over represents them

>> No.11198300
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>> No.11198310

Zebra walks into the lions den and complains about lions

>> No.11198325

Would you be so kind as to save me some time and share the link to the entire statistical analysis (preferably more recent academic years, rather than '10-'11)?

I take it your submission of those statistics implies that you think it confirms raycizm. Ever considered other variables and measures of competence come into play during the admission process?

>> No.11198442

>"We have this joke in lectures, I go in and there's this group we call them the Eton row, because all the Eton boys sit there."

I don't go to Oxford, I go to Edinburgh, but there are a roughly equal amount of posh boys here and it is absolutely hilarious to see all the stuck-up black girls who typically complain about race go home with a rich, 6'3" white lad after every night out. I should know, I've fucked about 10 of them (the black girls, that is).

>> No.11198448

>the black girls, that is
hah, as if that needed any clarification. One can only dream of a world where /lit/ is frequented by black girls. Long way to go.

>> No.11198453
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A bit strapped for time so I will try and post a more comprehensive statement later on

>wonderful, sultry day here at the University of Oxford (though I prefer rain as I find it more comforting and aesthetic, humid climates being associated, for reasons I could articulate at great length if I had the time, alas, with cultures which are less stoic, reserved and refined)
>walking across campus dressed in clean, formal clothing which are neither too baggy nor adhere to the dictates of contemporary fashion which insists that men should wear "skinny" jeans - which frankly I refuse to do (I recently walked out of a highstreet fashion store after the sales assistant apologized that every single pair of trousers in the store were "slim fit")
>in "study mode" (in poly-orc parlance) at the moment, staying up late and waking early and thinking of little more than my examinations
>tfw I watched Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone last night and thought for a brief moment that I was watching an historical documentary about my own life (the moment soon passed, again alas)
>tfw I don't have any African friends here at the world renowned University of Oxford but I have spoken to several such people on numerous occasions, but was rather disheartened to learn that they too were privately educated, their rank in the student body hierarchy regrettably above my own (thrice alas!)

That's all for now. Enjoy the afternoon and I will try to return later. Another piece of good news (suitable for green text but I don't have time at present) is that I've settled on a distinct hairstyle which I intend to maintain as a means of representing a consistent character (e.g. "that guy, you know, sort this high, with X hairstyle?"). It's not quit a quiff but is quite formal, traditional and so on, with the fringe combed to the side each morning, blow-dried, a little wax to keep it sturdy throughout the day. Best wishes etc.

>> No.11198462

I love these posts

>> No.11198474

Do people still have sex? What was the experience like, overall?

>> No.11198479

>"For me, it's the Cambridge McChicken"

>> No.11198499

>do people still have sex

I can confirm, although it seems that as time has gone on, it's now a smaller amount of people that have a larger amount of sex. At least, that's my experience at uni.

>what was the experience like

I'm from rural North England, so a country boy through and through, and that means I hadn't met or spoken to many black people before I got to Edinburgh. As the uni draws a lot from London, you get a lot of middle-class black people, especially black girls. For some reason, having a Northern accent (so a little rough around the edges compared to the Southerners) seems to drive Southern girls, especially black Southern girls, crazy.

I'd not fucked a black girl before I did at uni, and it was definitely a new experience. They're a lot more energetic than white girls, which was really good fun. I'm quite an athletic guy so it was nice having partners who actually got into it rather than just lying around expecting me to put the work in. The only thing that was a little strange was what felt like sexual fetishism - they often commented on my skin colour, making comments about how white I was and stuff like that. At the end of the day, all good fun.

>> No.11198516

joint honours student detected

>> No.11198532
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I imagine the fetishism aspect is what they find appealing as well. I mean there is obviously status involved with having sex with you, a white, non-poor, ubermensch-type guy. I notice the same with asian girls in the US who are really pro-women and anti-"white dude". They almost always end up dating some tall wealthy jock. It's a major red pill when it comes to women, one I should have learned a long time ago. Hierarchy exists, and being "nice" or whatever won't override that. Understanding subtext is key for any redpilled male.

>> No.11198537

Why do you say that? I think Oxbro's studying classics or something.

>> No.11198546

I think you're probably right, and in all honesty, a part of me finds being fetishised like that quite attractive.

You're definitely right about women in general though - ultimately they follow their primal instincts a lot more than men will.

>> No.11198553

no single honours student would be academically insecure enough to post something like this. either that or he does >P >P >E

>> No.11198560

He's been posting like this for months ever since he got in, I think it is mostly ironic

>> No.11198568

>they often commented on my skin colour, making comments about how white I was and stuff like that.
>when you fuck a black girl who's never been with a white guy before, and they get fascinated with the different marks they can leave on your skin by scratching or biting you
Plus with a lot of them you can get into raceplay stuff, especially if you're well spoken. Indian girls good for that too.

>> No.11198606

I thought he was clarifying that he wasn't having posh homosex

>> No.11198614

I had a girl do this to me during our first "make out" session. I was and am very autistic and she made all the moves (asked to visit my flat, asked to see my room, got under my duvet etc) but when I finally took my dressing gown off she fucking scratched my back and I didn't find it nice at all. I also have a large-ish (but flat) mole on my back in the same place as my mother, and I was afraid she was going to scratch it off and give me cancer.

>> No.11198621

>doesn't enjoy pain during sex
what are you, some kind of faggot?

>> No.11198704

It's merely a more intense and taboo type of pleasure which all females except so-called lesbians and Valerie Solanas-type schizophrenics get off to. The act of physical inter-penetration between two human beings is among the most, if not the most, symbolically and psychologically significant experience one is ever likely to encounter. Think about it, what is the worst thing anybody could do you you as an individual? Break your leg? No. Kill you? Not quite, as there's dignity in a noble death. Physically penetrate you as a means of attaining sexual satisfaction, with you submitting to this penetration and quote unquote enjoying it? Bingo. There's your answer. For a man to be gelded is indeed a great shame, but for a man to be physically penetrated by the penis of another man (maybe fingers too, I haven't thought about this aspect of the argument in sufficient detail) absolutely excludes the former man (the penetratee) from ever being able to consider himself as a masculine individual. Furthermore, for women the desire to be penetrated is regrettably very common, and exposes the fundamental flaw in their psychology, namely that they are a submissive breed, a Gaul to a man's Rome, a servant to the master, a puppet to the puppetmaster, and so forth (I have a list of around seventy such metaphors to explain the situation). For a woman to *desire* that a man physically control her and rather brutally (the closer to you-know-what, the more they enjoy it, studies suggest - I can cite if necessary) penetrate her is for her to announce that she should not be granted any position of power within a social order, unless it corresponds to looking after women or "victims" etc. This explains why so few female leaders have children (including politicians, CEOs etc) and why countries which have female leaders inevitably welcome (nay *desire*) to be penetrated by refugees, mass immigration, and so forth. It is much like two soldiers engaging in physical combat, only for one of them to insist that his adversary stab him, and not only insist but to drop his own weapons and armour and chase his confused, repulsed adversary and plead with him to stab him to death. A confusing spectacle on the field of battle, but why less confusing in the field of sexual engagement? Now I'm not here to suggest women should repress their natural instinct to be penetrated by phallus bearing mammals of their own species, but I would like them to frankly admit that the neurobiological (etc) infrastructure that is required for such a desire affects other aspects of their psychology, in a way that, if celebrated or judged to be equal to or indeed superior to the neurobiological infrastructure of the male, leads or at least contributes to immense social suffering (empathy walks and cake bakes aside). Personally I have never been penetrated by a man (nor woman), nor have I deigned penetrated a woman partly because I am aware of the intensity of my sexual potential (breaking the hea

>> No.11198706

>enjoys receiving pain during sex

Sub detected.

>> No.11198733

itt: white boys rp about their jungle fever

>> No.11198738

Shut the fuck up, i'm not going to read this tripe.

>> No.11198745

Will not rest until Oxford is at least 50% black

>> No.11198746

autist detected

>> No.11198771
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*blocks your path*

Nuttin personal gammon

>> No.11198798


>> No.11198805

do asian people ever complain about oxford not being diverse enough

>> No.11198810

British 'Asians'. Indian subcontinent of the mooselime variety mainly.

>> No.11198829

Blessed post.

>> No.11198925

You do a good job of putting ironic stupidity on the page, sir; when is your book coming out?

>> No.11198939

completely non-white oxbridge will be heaven unironically

>> No.11198968
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Wow this is a big issue apparently. What's funny is that wealthy white liberals tend only to complain about social justice, equality etc after having had a life of luxury at boarding school and Oxbridge. I wonder how they'll react to this change. I can't imagine they'll be pleased to dish out a few hundred grand on their kids' education only for them to end up at the university of lancashire dating some prole.


>> No.11199045
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>Indian girls good for that too.
lol designated shitting gf

>> No.11199070

>Think about it, what is the worst thing anybody could do you you as an individual? Break your leg? No. Kill you? Not quite, as there's dignity in a noble death. Physically penetrate you as a means of attaining sexual satisfaction, with you submitting to this penetration and quote unquote enjoying it?
t. doesnt understand the concept of a power bottom
Go out and get laid you doofus

>> No.11199077

There are other criteria at play beyond having the necessary "A" background. There's nothing racist about it, the fact is more whites score better on things like the admission's exam or write better essays to be judged for said admission. Why should that shock anyone? Have you ever read the essays of Asian students? They're almost all terribly stilted. Which is why so many buy false essays to get them in written by professionals.
There's an interview portion too.

>> No.11199081

>power bottom

Try explaining that concept to Nietzsche, retard. He'd laugh in your face.

>> No.11199085

My black older sister does medicine there and she said the people are lovely. But because she comes from Africa she isn't sensitive to white people and the weird way they act towards blacks

>> No.11199086

>Wow this is a big issue apparently.
Because people are saying it's big?

>> No.11199088

>poly-orc parlance

>> No.11199090

>"Figures revealed in requests made under the Freedom of Information (FoI) Act by the Labour MP David Lammy also show that Oxford's social profile is 89% upper- and middle-class [in 2010]"


Holy fuck that's surreal. Understandable that they would be more likely to get in, but 90%? Glad I never got my hopes up back then.

>> No.11199120

His name is literally Oy Ebola

>> No.11199124
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Which class are you lads?

I'm an Emergent Service Worker-New Affluent Crossover, with my parent being Traditional Working Class.

>> No.11199128

How do they define these classes?

>> No.11199140

>also show that Oxford's social profile is 89% upper- and middle-class [in 2010]"
Unless you define what middle class means here this data is useless. It could be anything.

Also the same article says while they admit few blacks they admit many Indians, it's almost as though this isn't a question of race but ability.

>> No.11199153

Growing up I was precariat, maybe traditional working class (parents were in janitorial work), probably New affluent now. I own a home, cars, have a graduate degree and a good job.

>> No.11199165

Voodoo medicine?

Oh come on, take a joke

>> No.11199168

Not quite sure, but this will tell you where you sit:


>> No.11199176

What the fuck is with all these sex normies in here, my god, I come to 4chan to escape the endless sexcapades and now they're fucking everywhere, by god.

>> No.11199204

im from luton and the only people who ever get into oxbridge are always british asians and very smart well spoken ones but even some faggy ones. the fucking head of the oxford islamic society is a white muslim convert I knew from my sixth form.

whenever i see their pictures they're always with other ethnics yet they complain. you're already a minority within a minority of students who get into Oxbridge so ungrateful

>> No.11199211

there are hundreds of asian/indians that go there though and that are privately educated.

almost all of the ethnic minority broadcasters for the BBC went to private schools and are middle class as fuck

>> No.11199223

>oxford is elitist

Isn’t that the point?

>> No.11199249

>90% Upper and middle class
So? Does that give you insight on targeted economic discrimination on behalf of Oxford? Does it comment on low social mobility? Does it tell you something about cultural and value stratification and isolation amongst socio-economic groups?

It tells me nothing by itself.

>> No.11199265

Nietzsche would understand that idea, doofus. Ressentiment and slave morality politics can still be surprisingly strong and successful, Nietzsche conceded that. All that’s needed to refute your post is how many women have men twirled around their finger or under their thumb, and how much more women can manipulate men when it comes to sexual attraction and desire.

>> No.11199291


>One can only dream of a world where /lit/ is frequented by black girl

And, hopefully, it shall remain a dream for you. /lit/ is an Aryan board.

>> No.11199307

/lit/ is mainly a homosexual Marxist board after all the /leftypol/ contamination. plus the occasional /pol/ orc.