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/lit/ - Literature

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11197422 No.11197422 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw I keep buying books to make my bookshelf look good instead of to read

>> No.11197428


>> No.11197430

>tfw OP dies from his hoarding obsession and i get more discount unread books to read from his estate sale
i'm ok with this

>> No.11197468

Stop buying books and start checking them out from the library. You’ll be more likely to read them.

>> No.11197664

Just get an Ipad and download the books for free off Gutenberg project, or whichever way you'd prefer. Digital copies are the most minimal dead weight if you decide not to read them.

>> No.11197745
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>> No.11197747
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i did that for a while. i eventually tried reading one of them and it was actually pretty good. you should try it.

>> No.11197785
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So if anyone visits me they think I'm intelligent and cultured

>> No.11197788

Heres the thing, smart people, the ones you actually want to impress will look at the spines and realize that you haven't read anything

>> No.11197791

Shelf filler is good. You can make your shelf look packed without actually being so. House plants are ideal, but notebooks, office supplies and just catalogs or phonebooks laying around work too. Honestly a shelf full of just books is awful looking to everyone who sees it.

>> No.11197796
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you and 90% of /lit/ and 99% of other people who buy books, OP. you are not special or even notable. you are just one narcissistic self-idealism-obsessed brainlet pseud in an exponentially multiplying pool of increasingly brainlet'ish pseuds, a hideous amalgamation of post-humanity, the festering reality of which is approaching infinite density

>> No.11198119
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I am currently buying books faster than I am reading them but I will eventually read them all, unless I die first. The more I look into better and better literature the more books I feel I must get and the higher quality of printing from expensive publishers like Folio Society, Easton Press, Franklin Library etc.

But don't feel bad. It's the best kind of hoarding/materialism because, if the books are good, you're at least amassing a priceless library that if taken care of will remain in your family for centuries. Before the printing press was invented on the aristocrats could afford books. Many of them spent all their money on books because knowledge is truly a virtue.

This is my projection that you're all buying ancient history, philosophy, relegious and mythological texts though. Browsing the book stack and shelf threads was really depressing to see the modern trash people read.

Post your bookshelf OP. Share what you have created.

>> No.11198123

also, cultured people that are actually impressed by your books, will want to talk to you about the books you've "read".

>> No.11198139

Just buy a bunch of used books at your local used book shop, crack the spines if they haven't already been cracked, and then put them on your shelf. Problem Solved. You wont even have to read them! Also, use sparknotes to get a superficial understanding of whatever book you buy so that if by some chance somebody sees your shelf and asks about one of your books, you have somebody else's interpretation ready made for them.

>> No.11198151
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>Browsing the book stack and shelf threads was really depressing to see the modern trash people read.

>> No.11198197

That's basically the no 1 pseud filter. I recommend switching temporarily to ebooks and see if you really like to read.

>> No.11198203

all great readers advice buying more books than you can read, it has an incentive, motivation, and shames you every time you look at all the books you haven't read

>> No.11198230
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>when I have a little money, I buy books; and if I have any left, I buy food and clothes