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/lit/ - Literature

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11191923 No.11191923 [Reply] [Original]

I fucking fear for the day we finally get the news...

>> No.11192399
File: 32 KB, 557x527, V-licious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pin cone's gears are still in swishing clean working order for his age, foax, don't worry.... man's working on something so great it's going to cannonball you above all levels of 4D politics into a place no dream could begin to match the scope of...

>> No.11192426

Pynchon has become a fitness nut who will live to be 110 years old.

>> No.11192647

His next work will be a series of popup books

>> No.11192758

Yeah if he announces a new novel I might be sick.

>> No.11194139

... when he gets the Nobel Prize.

>> No.11194160


>> No.11194644

easy on the pinecones

>> No.11194649


>Pines in mourning as Pynchon drops

>> No.11194670

Do you think we'd ever really find out?

>> No.11194975

Honestly i'm excited for it. Imagine if he wrote an autobiography to be released after his death.

>> No.11195017

we're at least guaranteed some letters being made public

>> No.11195409

Was he ever even *that* good?

>> No.11195638

I'm convinced more and more that all pineposting is done by the man himself.

>> No.11195709

Nah just a meme, the worst of them

>> No.11195719


This. Just give it to him, the Swedish Academy will eternally have egg on their face for willfully missing yet another master

>> No.11195761

I hope he's already dead, that way we never felt his presence leave. Or, if he is still alive, I hope we do not find out until after the fact. I know in this day and age that's impossible; but let's imagine he does go quietly, and everyone involved keeps hush, so that suddenly it's 2037 and everyone's like, Dude, is this guy gonna live forever? Who? Pynchon? He died back in 2015. Wouldn't that be tits?

>> No.11195789
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>> No.11195792


>> No.11195794


Fuck off to normiebook you dipshit

>> No.11195797

Hey quit it kid! I'm feeling fine.

>> No.11195806


>> No.11195886


Go back to /tv/

>> No.11195902

Who cares when he dies? His work is done. Hope his last days are nice. That's it.

>> No.11196355

It's going to happen soon.

>> No.11197521

It'll be Barth first

>> No.11197524
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>> No.11197766

I actually hold this as a belief.

>> No.11197834


>> No.11197922

Pice Cone? What?

>> No.11197932

You'll get it in 50 years, huehuehue.

>> No.11198033

wait is it cool to say "cringe" again but only if it's ironic and riffing on youtube cringe comps?

I was not made for these times

>> No.11198054

Hey, stick to the topic fellers, you're disappointing me....

>> No.11198069

sorry, OP

I'd also be upset about hearing of Pynchon passing away, but he's getting close to that age where, if he's been good to himself and looked after his health, he may have another 15 years if he's lucky. Even then though being healthy can still hit you with strokes or a difficult accident.

All this pessimism is putting me down, I just hope he still has another book he's willing to give us before he goes. Same with Cormac McCarthy actually - he's older than Pynchon, but similarly hermetic most of the times - as he was working on a book called The Passenger which I think was claimed to be his longest book yet. At least McCarthy wasn't cheated out of his Pulitzer.

>> No.11198264
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>> No.11198347
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I wonder if there's any correlation between how long he holds the toke in and how obscene a given scene is.

Then again, the more probable and disappointing reality is that he only ever smoked when he was younger, and now he's stuck with fans that project their stoner mindset onto their literary idol. Probably gives him the shits every time he reads those kindsa memes about him.

>> No.11198835

Immortals don't die

>> No.11198907

i hope he hasnt written a civil war novel thats waiting for us. thats what i want to write goddamnit

>> No.11198922

wait, no, forget what i said. his civil war book could be incredible

>> No.11198926

Will he ever do commentary for his neice's pornos?

>> No.11198942

How will Tommy P die, lads?

My vote goes to Banana Peel in the Staircase

>> No.11198948

Isn't that how Kurt Vonnegut died?

>> No.11198970

>Two famous American authors dead within the past two weeks

Don't worry. He's the Stan Lee of literature, slowly using the black arts to siphon life from others keeping himself alive.

>> No.11198981

Assassinated by Them using weaponized kazoos

>> No.11200147


>> No.11200184

pynchon is totally irrelevant outside of a certain set of dweeby american males, sorry

>> No.11200213

Excessive entropy

>> No.11200243


>> No.11200286

>a certain set of dweeby american males
at least one word too many

>> No.11200302

He's got one more in him I think

>> No.11200311

one more fat rip you mean

>> No.11200503

He never existed from the beginning