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/lit/ - Literature

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11192606 No.11192606 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11192613

My Bondage and my Freedom by Frederick Douglass.

>> No.11192617

>it effects people

>> No.11192670

I understand this person's plea all to well, as an Argentinian every time I read an American author describe one of his characters as white I know deep down he only means 56% white, it only follows that identifying with most of their hardships has become a real struggle over the past few years.

>> No.11192676

Considering how that is written makes me wonder just how many blacks there are on /lit/. They probably blend in well with the black twitter speak. These niggers are probably the ones that shit on mccarthy

>> No.11192680
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Should watch the Charley Trilogy
now that was kino

>> No.11192687
File: 32 KB, 407x558, 1526987548547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they walk among us

>> No.11192691

Water Music (TC Boyle). It takes place in Niger.

>> No.11192707
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I don't remember what its called but I saw an excerpt from some erotic book written by a nigress which was pure bibliotheka.

>> No.11192821

Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi.

>> No.11192882

Lots of scifi and fantasy books never describe the race of the characters, and the culture is different from reality so you have no way of telling. You're free to imagine them as any race you like.

>> No.11192905


>Literally complaining that there aren't more garbage books to identify with

The absolute STATE.

>> No.11192915
File: 65 KB, 688x776, Arabian Cucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arabian Nights

>> No.11192919

Does this really have a thousand upboats on Reddit?

A nigger ranting about hair and unable to use google to find product he wants?

>> No.11193049
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>> No.11193105


>> No.11193123

Light in August

>> No.11193160

>My dear, here we must run as fast as we can, just to stay in place. And if you wish to go anywhere you must run twice as fast as that.

>> No.11193199

That person is white

>> No.11193204

That doesn't make it better for the redditors upcoming him

>> No.11193240

Can someone explain to me why it's the White Man's Burden to insert some niggers into our cultural works?

Any book set in an idyllic future would have the nigger race long since extinct.

>> No.11193254

It's not, but vocal brainlets will try to convince western society it is.

>> No.11193257

"I don't think it's fair to say if you want it write it yourself, to try to shut people up who complain. Not everyone is a writer. Black people shouldn't have to "write it ourselves" when we just wanted to see black people existing doing basic ass shit. It's not like I'm asking for some Hella specific shit that constitutes a vision."

>> No.11193259

>redditor cosplaying as a nigger for upvotes
Count me surprised. He does write too coherent to be black, though.

>> No.11193266

>Not everyone is a writer
in other words
>Black people aren't writers

This nigga is racist

>> No.11193267

let the market solve that problem for him

>> No.11193270

>black people shouldn't have to "do it themselves"
summarises it perfectly

>> No.11193275


>> No.11193279

That is racist. Are implying vthat balacks can't be writers.

>> No.11193280

my god this board is shit. When will you grow up and get past your edgy phase.

>> No.11193282

Brief History of Seven Killings is the best book the redditor can find. Song of Solomon is also a step away from "we will overcome"/ I also liked Obioma's Fishermen

>> No.11193284

>Like I believe representation is so important.
>Like of course I love reading about the Civil rights movement but damn I just wanted to find a book where my sis could relate to the protagonist a little easier.

>> No.11193283

OP and the Redditor are shitty, but Afro-American lit does have this huge problem.

>> No.11193291

Any book where the protagonist isn't specifically described as having a certain skin color can have a black protagonist

>> No.11193293

That's not worse than the worst you can see on 4chan desu. Or wait a second.
Can it be that there are niggers here?

>> No.11193301

The Holy Bible.

>> No.11193307

Anecdotal, but my mother is as liberal as they come, and a continuous reader of NYT/New Yorker contemporary /lit/. A few months ago she told me how wonderful it was to have all these new voices, but man do they all say the same story of rape, oppression, and bad police over and over again.

>> No.11193310
File: 109 KB, 500x369, live-downtown-buenos-aires-bbc-news-24-protests-in-argentina-3395571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did a fucking Argentinian just try to say that Americans are less white than he is? Are you joking pancho you stupid ape? Get off /lit/ and go back to fucking burros in the hills you dirty shitskin

>> No.11193311

It is pretty terrible that the only thing black people are capable of writing about is their racial identity. They've equated their entire modality of being with 'blackness' and they guard its borders and accuse their own of Uncle Tommery and treason every time they step out of bounds. Much like Nazis with their Arian identity. These are the two most obsessed groups with their group identity.

It really must suck to be a regular black among a sea of niggers.

>> No.11193339

>It is pretty terrible that the only thing american blacks descended from salves are capable of writing about is their racial identity.

ftfy. post-colonial lit has its problems, but no one can say thion'go bad guys arent black

>> No.11193350
File: 136 KB, 567x800, Agatha-Christie-Ten-Little-Niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10 Little Niggers written by the the only decent female author of all time: Agatha Christie.
It is a classic book.
Someone please suggest it to this clean, respectable coloured man on reddit.

>> No.11193528

>Only decent female author of all time
Ever heard of Virginia Woolf? Jane Austen? The Bronte sisters? George Eliot? Emily Dickinson?

>> No.11193556

You mean to say how much it must suck to be an exceptional black among a sea of regular niggers. But a regular black is a nigger.

>> No.11193559

Peter the Great’s nigger.

>> No.11193566

not in small towns. however urban environments tend to do a lot of harm to black youth

>> No.11193762

Are there any good books with a lot of characters who are loser NEETs with no goals or life ambitions that have hardcore Mommy fetishes? I feel like we don't really get enough representation in fiction.

>> No.11193790

no niggers 'ere, massah

>> No.11193897

more like he'uh

>> No.11193968

Despite all this edgy racism, white Americans can't seem to live without their niggers. They can't even imagine a reality without them.
They'd probably kill themselves if niggers actually moved away* and they'd be left without all those "based blacks" and basketball players and rappers.

*not that niggers would ever do that voluntarily

>> No.11193972

>reading genre fiction

Wow he and his little sister are psueds.

>> No.11193991

>Virginia Woolf

Please stop with this meme

>> No.11193997

>I just need to vent
>I don't wanna rant but...
Is there an adequate enough punishment on Earth for 'men' who speak like this?

>> No.11194020

The word 'nigger' makes its way into the book, among others.

>> No.11194079

>having skin this thin

lmao@ur life goyim

>> No.11194087

Isn’t othello about a black guy?

>> No.11194123

>ten little niggers
>the crime club

>> No.11194150

nah nigguahs he'uh

>> No.11194294

your mom's diary

>> No.11194376

No one has given a real answer yet?

Invisible Man is the only good one OP. You know it’s great because the black critics accused Ellison of being “not black enough.”

>> No.11194428

I'm sorry that black have no identity other than their "blackness."

>> No.11194488
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>this is what having a mutilated dick does to your sense of pride.

>> No.11194629

Invisible Man is garbage.

Huckleberry Finn, OP. And I guess The Feast of All Saints is pretty good for colonial nigger yaoishit written by the author of Interview with the Vampire.

>> No.11194643
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>tfw can't find an ebook version of Ten Little Niggers. Only the neutered And Then There Were None version

>> No.11195083

Redditors should be rounded up and killed.

A Moor, actually. Moors aren't really black, they're North African though "Moor" became a euphemism for black person at some point.

>> No.11195107

being this blown the fuck out.
How's your foreskin hanging, you mess.

>> No.11195123

Only Emily Bronte and Emily Dickinson of whom you listed are notable additions to the canon.

>> No.11195313

>Being proud of jewish mutilation

>> No.11195492

Rat's in the walls

>> No.11196163
File: 70 KB, 850x1169, blood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the main characters in 'Blood: A Southern Fastasy' are black