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/lit/ - Literature

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11189026 No.11189026 [Reply] [Original]

what do you think about this book?

>> No.11189047

No idea, but I know that capitalism is going to go down kicking and screaming, so if there isn't a chapter on how communities can come together to fight back against private armies, then it's not adequate.

>> No.11189130
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>thinking there will be a "post" capitalism

>> No.11189153
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Post-capitalism? Hehe, I guess they're even privatizing the postal service these days.
Just kiddin', son? Waddya reading?

>> No.11189161

My dad started writing with random ellipses kinda... like this... if you've ever seen... it.
it's bugging the hell out of me

>> No.11189186

My dad does that too... It makes him sound very distant or passively disappointed... I think it is just something that happens with age...

>> No.11189191

It is a nice read. but nice the book ended at least with some half-reasonable suggestions.

>> No.11189198

Is he supposed to do anything?

>> No.11189265

It came out 2 years after Piketty's book so I'm going to assume that he's talking about most of the same things, e.g global progressive tax rates, tax rates on capital return etc.

Which are pretty boring ideas that will require extremely good international politics to make happen, which probably won't.

>> No.11189279
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Paul Mason is bad, don't bother with him.

>> No.11189282

lol, the thirst is palpable

>> No.11189287
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mmmWAAAAAH the French

>> No.11189321

oh my god, I can't believe this is real and that he hasn't deleted it

>> No.11189327
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>> No.11189352

my mom did this when she first got on social media... I don't know why... she was using the computer for years before that though... not sure how she picked it up...

>> No.11189374


>> No.11189417

I already see a bunch of faulty premises.

>> No.11189423
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He does a good job at analysing the problems of capital but he doesn't go far enough. He's also very naive in regard to what the internet can actually do, it'll never replace organising within the community etc.

>> No.11189442

>Section 2 builds on Marx's Fragment on Machines, supporting the labour theory of value over the marginal utility theory
aaaaand dropped

>> No.11189449

Not to mention that his premise that certain digital goods exist beyond private property simply is wrong.

It's like saying the existence of a public park predicts the fall of Microsoft.

>> No.11189497

>if there isn't a chapter on how communities can come together to fight back against private armies, then it's not adequate.
I love the irony of when leftists call right wing people conspiracy theorists. Both y'all fucking crazy

>> No.11189554

Horse shoe theory is the epitome of political illiteracy.

>> No.11189583

you say that, but look what happened with the dakota pipeline

>> No.11189587

Your dad is just celinian desu.

>> No.11189595

dude...that's the fucking funniest thing I've seen all day. I know exactly what you're talking about

>> No.11189601

It's an alternative to late stage/accelerationism capitalism

>> No.11189602

My uncle does this...

>> No.11189652

This book is fucking horrible
Its criticism has no basis at all and he tries to argue for that weird economic titoism, he can't even criticize Cockshoot's arguments, the only good things in the book is that it explains marxist theory and its history

>> No.11189675

You mean when a bunch of misguided hippies got blown the fuck out? Sure wasn't a problem for the tribe till they found out they wouldn't make a dime

>> No.11189703

yeah, that's what happened

>> No.11189907

Fully automated space capitalism with no or few traditionally living humans is the future. Once the current system collapses in the next few decades, those left in the wake will be given a "savior". The AI will save us.

>> No.11189932

based mason

As for OP, decent book, Mason is a good journalist but I think he lacks the academic weight to become the intellectual force behind the postcapitalist movement. Inventing the Future is a far better book

>> No.11190017

I haven't read it but I know /lit/ is full of cuckitalists with boomer-tier opinions, which means they will reflexively criticize this book.