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11188219 No.11188219 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw bored neet
books for this feel?

>> No.11188225


>> No.11188263

a bullet to the brain for managing to be bored with the ability to do only what you want to do.

>> No.11188343

i don't want anything

>> No.11188346

Enjoy it while it lasts, wagecuckery is 100x worse.

>> No.11188350

then my suggestion stands.

>> No.11188377

>tfw your NEET status allows you to read four hours a day, write for two, exercise for one, and spend the rest of your time doing whatever strikes you while your fiction starts getting steadily published in small-moderate circulation lit mags.

Yeah, you’re doing it wrong, bud.

>> No.11188380

the bible

>> No.11188399
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This. My NEET period was heaven. Literally will not have that amount of free time ever again.

>> No.11188411

how can you not feel happy with your own company? you could do anything right now, read anything, watch anything, do anything, edge to anything, go anywhere

>> No.11188423

everything just seems boring to me now i just lie in bed most of the time
i do weight lifting occasionally tho

>> No.11188511

I know this feeling, extreme disillusionment of the world. Theres no "real" adventure to go on, no exciting new world, literally and metaphorically, just the same boring world where nothing really changes.

>> No.11188682

You are not the world.

>> No.11188799
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holy shit, books for this feel?

>> No.11188802


>> No.11188810

Seconded. You need to end it, OP.

t. neet who has infinite inner resources and an aristocrat's tatstes and appetites.

>> No.11188812
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If you really didn't want anything you wouldn't be bored, you'd just be content.

>> No.11188844

how on earth can you be bored while living the ultimate dream life of a NEET
get a job, insect. your slave driver and your meager wage will validate your pitiful existence

>> No.11188904

i had a job before and i didn't like it either im bored wirh everything

>> No.11188910

how long did it take you to get bored with fucking sexy girls?

>> No.11188927

ive had only 1 gf before and it was only for two months. i didn't like how close she wanted to get to me so i broke up with her. i can't imagine myself being in a relationship again.

>> No.11188950

I've been a celibate NEET for 8 years now and it's pretty comfy but I rarely if ever get bored. There are only 16 waking hours in a day and you also have to do shopping and cooking and household work and working out and then there's a shitload of books to read and shows and films to watch and people to talk to and you can take up gardening or running or something or get into a whole new field of interest and spend a decade on the Greeks or Egyptians or something.

I'm a pseudo-monastic NEET because work and women get in the way of what I want to do. But sometimes I just do nothing for hours and still am not bored. I don't get how people get bored without some external force making you do things you dislike.

Maybe you should just take up meditaton until you get over boredom and then you can just sit there unbothered until death.

>> No.11188955

this guy gets it

>> No.11188978

how are you able to survive that long without a job holy shit

>> No.11188979
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If you don't mind my inquiring, how do you pull off being a /lifelong/ NEET?
Did make enough money to retire? Inherit money? Have someone taking care of you financially? Win the lottery?
I'm not trying to pry deeply or anything, I'm just amazed that there really are people on this board I communicate with every day living the lifestyle I've always dreamed of living. Man... if I could just figure out some way to be a true NEET, even if I had zero spending money, I'd be a happy man and never complain about a thing ever again.

>> No.11189033
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Welfare (comfy euro country). They will try to make you work but if you play the game well you're pretty unemployable. I'm accustomed to living a simple humble frugal life so I always have money to spare.

>> No.11189063


>> No.11189083


You can always go this route if you're tired of work and in a country with less of a social safety net and more opportunities to stack money like the US.

>> No.11189110

Crime and Punishment

Raskolnikov is just a neet and when he decides to take action he fucks up his whole life. It's a nice lesson

>> No.11189125

Sounds like a bit of depression

>> No.11189190

which country?

>> No.11189210
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>> No.11190005


>> No.11190943
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That is why NEETdom is poisonous, it encases you in that feeling until you are paralyzed by your own apathy. I encourage any NEET to force themselves outside and to talk to people at least once a day, as that is where new worlds are found, not in your room. When youre in your purgatory of a room with no obligations and just your thoughts / endless entertainment, its ridiculously easy to belittle everything that other people (and you in the past) valued to pointless abstractions that are not worth the effort when everything inside seems so instantaneous and comfortable. Your house will become the grave of everything you ever cared about if you let it. Get me out of this fucking house.

>> No.11191034

The book I'm writing

>> No.11191359

Unironically this

>> No.11191468

Nietzche was a bored neet

>> No.11191479

> When the memes about lazy Europoors are true