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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 75 KB, 1000x600, emily-wilson-odyssey-2-1000x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11178751 No.11178751 [Reply] [Original]


Why do women think they can translate mens patrician words?

>> No.11178753

Yes another Odissey outrage thread we haven't had one of these in a while

I'll start
>Complicated man

>> No.11178775
File: 1.29 MB, 2050x3223, The World of Odysseus - M.I. Finley.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up and read this

(And Edith Grossman's Don Quixote)

>> No.11178787
File: 12 KB, 252x400, 9781904675013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Odyssey was written by a woman.

>> No.11178799

Yeah sure the most interesting part that stays in your mind after reading this, are the whores.
Oh cmon lol

>> No.11178801
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>> No.11178808

The point she makes about the word 'sluts' seems to be pretty valid, tbqh

>> No.11178815

>i read grossman because papa bloom told me to
Fuck off roastie. Mottieux is the definitive translation

>> No.11178817

Seems to be a lot of "first women to translate something" recently, what happened with the women who did the Sappho translation? did she ever admit her amateur mistakes?

>> No.11178945

let her check plato, aristotle etc

>> No.11179279

This. The Greeks definitely didn't have a word that shamed women for enjoying sex.

>> No.11179317

Oh, you can read it in French? Good for you.
Helps you feed your self-made phobia I guess.

>> No.11179479

The envy of the woman knows no bounds. They were never meant to create, and with this inability they selfishly try to destroy instead.

>> No.11179500
File: 691 KB, 1019x768, Snipped pickle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Created babies, daily.
>Never meant to create

Stop typing, you ignorant louse.

>> No.11179515

Remember to never reply to tripfags, unless pointing out to never reply to them.

>> No.11179524

Who the fuck cares, I'm more annoyed at the people who constantly complain about them like you

>> No.11179538
File: 50 KB, 640x387, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello tripfag. It looks like you forgot to use your tripcode today.

>> No.11179546

>They were never meant to create
do you think before you write or are you just making statements as you go.

>> No.11179644

Bullshit. Jarvis is the best translation.

>> No.11179656

Have you ever published a full original translation of Homer's Odyssey?

If not then shut up.

>> No.11179657

'Slut' shames a woman for being promiscuous, not enjoying sex. A monogamous wife who enjoyed sex with her husband would never be called a 'slut'.

>> No.11179767

Good job cunt, you've just created as much as this fucking goat.

>> No.11179774

>Gentrifying history

So this is the power of white people.

>> No.11179779


>NYRB published that garbage

Moses Finkelstein's awful jew theories on Homer belong in the oven

>> No.11179783


>> No.11179823

>/pol/ posting
>Proud non-reader

Ghastly people in here these days.

>> No.11179830

Motteux is English retard. I know from experience that my gf hates to Google period, but is it really that hard?

>> No.11179984

Penelope is portrayed as being intelligent and most of Odysseus' men are moron so I don't know how this could be sexist? Because it portrays women in traditional roles? Maybe that's because the epic was told during a time period where they weren't called traditional roles they were just roles you stupid cunt.

>> No.11179991
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>> No.11179996

Grossman translation is based on the Mottieux translation and improves on it

>> No.11180008
File: 27 KB, 485x443, angrygrug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman say bad thing about man, make man so mad. Woman stupid. UUUUUUUUGH

>> No.11180022
File: 666 KB, 1024x768, M&M 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a joke

>> No.11180374

Isn't she the one who translated it to make it read like Spot goes to the Parthenon?

>> No.11180457

mmm boobies

>> No.11180459

Epic, simply epic.

>> No.11180465

Go away, Emily.

>> No.11180783

not gonna read this tripe or respond to this troll thread in earnest but
would totally bang this bong

>> No.11180803
File: 146 KB, 1478x749, chomp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Be careful

>> No.11180818
File: 235 KB, 900x1200, DLYi-eNV4AA-wiE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone read The War Nerd's retelling of the Illiad yet? I think it's a bit too dumbed down, but aside from that it's a pretty fun read.

>> No.11180825

>came out last year
>still doing promotion for her by pushing this manufactured controversy

please tell me you're at least getting paid for this

>> No.11180836

oh god now i need her

>> No.11180933

What's wrong with Edith? She wrote her translation before leftist insanity

>> No.11180969

Every culture since the dawn of civilization had a word for that and it was "slut." It is literally one of the most universal and easily translatable concepts

>> No.11180973

No seriously someone answer. I wasn't ever this paranoid about who wrote the translation until I came to this shithole

>> No.11180974

Nothing wrong with it. Shes a respected classicist.

Now theres a lot of wrong things with favoring anyone over the classic translators: Chapman, Pope, Pindemonte etc. I know your vocabulary isn't the best, but they were simply superior and you are better off reading them instead.

>but Pope's Homer is not the real Homer

Neither is Wilson's. Homer is Homer, and the only thing we can get in translation is the story and a random selection of emulated verbal effects. The rest is poetry, and Pope was the best one here.

As someone who knows how disgraceful it is to her Anglos who don't know Italian talking about Dante, I would never really comment on Homer a poet, only as a story-teller, character creator etc., as if he were a novelist.

>> No.11180978

>as a poet

Fixed. Im on my phone.

>> No.11181035


>> No.11181138


I don't really like the contemporary references and the way he treats the gods put me off at first--it's growing on me now.

I like how he communicates the violent humour of the original. No other translation recognize the black comedy in the Iliad.

>> No.11181192
File: 47 KB, 580x725, image446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw in your language the most common translation of the Odyssey was done by a 19th-century poet from german glosses and was so good no one even cared what Homer originally said
based Zhukovsky

>> No.11181198
File: 23 KB, 222x300, Rosa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>yfw in your language the most common translation of the Odyssey was done by a woman but it's actually good and she doesn't change the text because of ideological motivations

>> No.11181252

So what's the Ancient Greek word?

>> No.11181261

Your mother

>> No.11181286

Rosa Calzecchi Onesti is THE best translation in italian.

>> No.11181292

also her Iliad and Eneid are GOAT

>> No.11181336

Emily Wilson reverted the text back to the original. Fagles is the one who fucked it up

>> No.11181347

Actually made me smirk. Would have quite possibly lol'd if you'd used the Greek word.

>> No.11181361

Sex wasn't always something to be a ashamed of, thats a recent thing

>> No.11181363

Fuck off, Emily. You’ve said in multiple interviews that it was a ‘reimagining’ for the ‘modern era’. Someone post the review where some guy takes it apart line by line. I can’t find it.

>> No.11181373

It was a thousand times more shameful back in the day than it is now. In ages without birth control, handouts for single mothers, condoms and all that shit it was extremely shameful to be a promiscuous slut. You’ve been taking too many women’s studies classes.

>> No.11181375

I went over the Greek and hers is one of the most literal translations out there. It might not even be a good thing because it takes some of the art out of it.

>> No.11181380

You don’t speak Ancient Greek.

>> No.11181382

Then why isn't there anything in any Greek text about shaming women?

>> No.11181389

It doesn't take that long to learn the words of a sentence to compare.

>> No.11181396

>It doesn't take that long to learn the words of a sentence to compare.
The absolute state of /leftypol/. Google translate my cock, faggot.

>> No.11181409

It's not that hard. You can easily tell what words translators have added in and what ones are more true to the original.

>> No.11181420

Found it: http://www.kirkcenter.org/bookman/article/a-coat-of-varnish

>> No.11181493

Emily, sweetie, that's not how it's done at all.

>> No.11181550

Have you even read the Odyssey?

>> No.11181685

Very disappointing. I'm always, hopefully, looking for an intelligent, level-headed woman to appear, but it seems even the intelligent ones are generally skewed.

>> No.11181779

>Shes a respected classicist.
What's with classicists and being "respected"? every classicist ever is referred to as respected, no other field abuses a single descriptor like this.

>> No.11181976

Your journey’s in vain, Anon. Why try knowing deep in your heart that a woman of rational mind exists?

>> No.11182336

What better way? A cock.

>> No.11182348

Literally nothing wrong with 'slut'. Sleeping around can have bad consequences. Yet another dysgenic behaviour that the drum-circle liberals are normalising.

>> No.11182724

It's fucking weird is what it is. She claims that Fagles imputed sexist intent to Telemachos because Fagles is misogynistic, as though there's otherwise nothing sexist about owning a bunch of slave women and murdering them for sexual disloyalty. If anything the Fagles translation is the "feminist" one, because it signals to a modern reader that maybe they shouldn't approve of what's happening.

>> No.11182916

The war nerd is a retard with no idea on the first thing he’s talking about and all his opinions should be instantly disregarded.
t. person who worked in intel

>> No.11183016

>ΑΝΑΣΕΙΣΙΦΑΛΛΟΣ a promiscuous woman; one that dangles a penis [ ανασεισίφαλλος = ανασείω + φαλλός]
Anyone confirm?

>> No.11184246

>killing and pillage = sleep shaq
>calling a woman slut = woke shaq

>> No.11184259

the reason women didn't write epics is because they fear danger, violence and evil all great book have either of those.

>> No.11184275

More like because it requires talent and genuine motivation which they never have

>> No.11184285

hey at least she's a quaker and not, uh, you know...

>> No.11184293


holy shit i can read greek: φαλλός = phallus = penis

>> No.11184300

you need to go back.
The hippies ruined everything.

>> No.11184303

She's right you know, no amount of /pol/ posturing can change that.

>> No.11184306

It literally translates to like "phallused woman"

>> No.11184310

they have the talent but like i said they don't like violence and other subjects probably thus making the books their write boring.
just like they said men cannot write a women accurately women cannot write a men emotions too

>> No.11184319

Sounds like a slut to me bro beans

>> No.11184335

>they have the talent

lol nah they objectively do not. This isn't some standard Victorian novel tripe, this is the Odyssey. Men we're their superior IQ and ambition have had over a millenium to come to the best translations for modern languages. Some fucking overly pandered waspy cunt isn't going to add anything ever regardless of her taste

>> No.11184337

I don't get the what big deal is, she is a translator who has decided others before her used misleading words. As she said the women were bedding the suitors, not calling them out for just generally sleeping around

>> No.11184339

yeah it means a thot who be gettin dicked down not a chick with a dick

>> No.11184343

Are you claiming Women didn't contribute to the stories in Homer?

>> No.11184347

Kek, translate the Odyssey yourself then. If you can’t to that, you’re practically a woman.

>> No.11184350

The Odyssey itself was literally /pol/ posturing dipshit

>> No.11184372

>being this wrong
Congratulations, this is the worst post I’ve seen on /lit/ this year.
Related: We need to cull Americans before their summer begins, they’ve already begun their infestation.

>> No.11184379

Whiter than you mohammad

>> No.11184385

sexism and racism aren't part of the Odyssey

>> No.11184401

No but women getting what they deserve and subhuman creatures being BTFO is

>> No.11184404

I bet your mother is proud

>> No.11184405

Except the parts about worshipping a martial Goddess of wisdom.

>> No.11184408

She is, and her pride means something as opposed to whatever dyke cretura raised you

>> No.11184416
File: 89 KB, 1000x541, 1039516682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh hem

>> No.11184420

>before their summer begins
>their summer
He’s from Australia or New Zealand you actual retard

>> No.11184430


>> No.11184434

Show her the things you've written about women online

>> No.11184444

Wokest show in the galaxy right here

>> No.11184445

She honestly wouldn't give a shit. She's not one of this lunatics thats been pandered with nice sounding horseshit her whole life

>> No.11184448
File: 113 KB, 403x334, 1520543605460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11184449

Australia sucks

>> No.11184453

Ethiopians are the only true whites

>> No.11184457

Telemachus's speech about the women at 2:50


>> No.11184459

love the cover though

>> No.11184461

new jersey is currently being sued for having segregated schools because some schools have less than 1% white kids, but rn nj is crossing into minority majority state, there just arent enough white kids to go around and be in every school district, its weird, if diversity is so good shouldnt the non-white schools all be better anyways?

>> No.11184465

Yes. Drum up the controversy she wants. You stupid fucking retard.

>> No.11184472

I don't know anything about the issues in this thread, but you should definitely be paranoid about every translation.

>> No.11184482

She's right though

Check it out yourself

>> No.11184735

>she’s right
>literally murders his women slaves for sleeping people
>but translating a word as “Slut” to encapsulate a meaning of the word is the misogynistic part

>> No.11184746

You don't get it, men are sexist and can't help putting in hateful stuff in their work thats why we need a woman to translate this work by a sexist man

>> No.11184757

>He doesn't know being a slut was considered sacred by the Greeks

>> No.11184799

He isn't upset that they were having sex with people. he was upset that they were having sex with the suitors.

>> No.11184804

The Greeks didn't really care at all about how many men women have slept with, just if they slept with the right people or not

>> No.11184829

does anyone actually notice trips except when someone else points it out

>> No.11184840

I notice it when its the same insufferable dyke poster asking others to tell her how stupid she is

>> No.11184873

>implying this is in any way a meaningful distinction.

>> No.11184883
File: 110 KB, 445x464, 1422319661091.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He isn't upset that they were having sex with people. he was upset that they were having sex with the suitors.

>> No.11185011

pls show me a work written by a woman that can be considered an epic and isn't about just girly things, women literature is boring simply as that they works don't evoke the same emotion as an epic.
also i'm not an ameritard

>> No.11185017
File: 24 KB, 381x396, 1475111281842.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we stop this woman with a meme petition throug internet or something to had at least some laughs? Im kinda mad

>> No.11185019

The Harry Potter series by JK Rowling

>> No.11185021

How pathetic

>> No.11185038

Imagine getting triggered by a woman

>> No.11185071

Yeah, is not like some sluts want to destroy a piece of work because it doesnt follow their political ideas

>> No.11185079

How is she going to destroy it exactly

>> No.11185091

If a new translation pisses you off this much then stop reading and just return to /pol/.

>> No.11185106

By changing the words, the references and implications she would contamined the essense of the book.
You dont like that someone could disagree in your safe space?
This WHORE and their followers are the leftist version of /pol/. I dislike pol and this redneck dick sucker.

>> No.11185109

She's going to be utterly forgotten about in less than a year

>> No.11185111

Yeah, you sound like a much better poster! You're definitely one of the best ones ;)

>> No.11185116

Dude she pisses me off too but there's so much better things to focus your energy on

>> No.11185118

M8, you're claiming the Illiad as a male safe space, that's pretty silly, you're a silly person.

>> No.11185128


>> No.11185138

No, everybody can argue or whatever about those books. I just dont like the idea of changing it because of those political stuff and not for the art itself.

>> No.11185155

How do you translate without changing words? You often end up with many choices when translating and all she's doing is avoiding value judements.

Similar to translating the bible. In the old testament there's a passage about a "young woman", but Catholics want to translate it as "virgin" for obvious reasons when "young woman" is more accurate and true to the text. "Virgin" isn't in the old testament passage, just like "slut" isn't really in the Greek here.

>> No.11185546
File: 943 KB, 3840x2400, 1522730838243.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great book, reading it right now. Where to go next? Directly to Homer?

>> No.11185598

>maintaining sexual monopoly over women and using derogatory terms to describe women who defy this possession is a recent thing
You must be retarded.

>> No.11185618

>everyone from the southern hemisphere is either Australian, New Zealander or South African
Every fucking time.

>> No.11185663


Don't worry, anon. Your next hook-up hopefully won't be as embarassing.

>> No.11186070

Lmao quality post

>> No.11186426

Is her translation worth reading?

>> No.11186429

Only if you want something to laugh at

>> No.11187214

Earthsea trilogy you dip

>> No.11188111
File: 61 KB, 1071x263, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a reminder that she thinks Polyphemos is a good guy.