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11179781 No.11179781 [Reply] [Original]

How do I love everyone unconditionally?

>> No.11179787

You can only love the idea of everyone.

>> No.11179789

t. Ivan Karamazov

>> No.11179794

Smoke weed

>> No.11179802

I love you guys

>> No.11179811

>you guys
hey! I'm from New York too!

>> No.11180731

You could get into Brahma-vihara practice, as practised by many Western Buddhists.

>> No.11180737

Meditate, read the Gita, and start by loving person you have the most ill will against.

>> No.11180741

be a degenerate like a tibetan or a woman

>> No.11180749

I love animals so I just look at people like animals. Just trying to survive and being adorable and curious.

>> No.11180805

If only there was some kind of rule to live by that would help with this... some kind of golden rule...

>> No.11180813


first love yourself

>> No.11180820

Some people dont love, some people cant love

>> No.11180821

accept death

>> No.11180842

Stop reading 4chan

>> No.11180864

It's about a deep tolerance towards everyone and yourself. Seems cheesy (do you anglos still use that word?) but it works and it feels good. You can practice it on 4chan but it's the hard mode

Or you can just pop some mdma

>> No.11181485

Give your life to Christ Jesus, then get the baptism of the Holy Spirit. Then make sure you spend time, regularly, in His presence - praying, worshiping, praising, and reading scripture. Do what the Word says.

The key is to remain "in Christ." When you're in Christ, the supernatural love of God makes loving others easy. It's hard to describe how easy and pleasurable it becomes to love people. The love God has for people fills you, and so you love them because He loves them and His love flows through you. If you start to lose the tangible presence of God, or start to feel the route annoyances of life, or fears, or irritations creeping in - that's when you go to your quiet place and seek God's face and His presence again. Worship until you feel the enemy's warfare break and the supernatural peace and love of God return to you. This is the key. Christ said, "abide in me, and I will abide in you."

This thread will most certainly get deleted, but I hope you see this before then. God bless you, and He has blessed you because you desire to love people and this desire is from God, so that you may draw near to Him and He can give you what you seek. God bless you for having such a wonderful heart.

>> No.11181637

Everyone is just you in a different incarnation, or something like that. Atman the soul of the universe in all things, we're all one bro :)
Shine like the Sun warming all, even those who might not deserve it, so to speak.
Jesus and Dostoevsky are really good too.

>> No.11181705

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.11181713

Realise that you don't have to like someone to love them. Love only consists of "willing to good of the other".

>> No.11181723

You shouldn't. All love should be conditional on whether the person remains virtuous or not. If you love someone unconditionally you are giving them a free pass to manipulate and take advantage of you; if they remain virtuous they need not worry about the conditional nature of your love.

>> No.11181728

Big tip: do NOT listen to this fucking idiot

if Jesus was alive he’d hate the church, and most Christians, you guys are a disgrace

As Nietzsche said, the last Christian died at the cross

>> No.11181736

>jesus is dead

>> No.11181745

Take LSD, it'll only last for 12 hours though.

>> No.11181754

As Nietzsche also said, Jesus was the Jews' ultimate bait to trick their aristocratic noble enemies into adopting Christianity (which is just a derivative of Jewish values) by making them believe they had sacrificed the 'son of God'.

>> No.11181760

Crucified*, rather

>> No.11181852

1. Obtain a stable income that allows you to survive without having to do much/ join an Ashram(you won't have internet though)

2. Lie down anywhere in a position that you feel is comfortable. Lotus position is not advised unless you can do it but I never saw the point.

3. Stay like that and breathe slowly. Over time your mind will calm down and you will have less thoughts. Keep staying still and breathing slowly until you can't sit still anymore, go do stuff and then come back to being still and breathing slowly. Keep doing this forever.

Every time you do this you'll be able to lie down and breathe slowly for longer, and slowly you will lose the idea of conceptualized thinking. The rose colored glasses caused by circumstantial arising(being a part of cause and effect, dualities etc.) will eventually come off at some point and I think that's called enlightenment.

*fine print: There is a possibility that Mara will attempt to stop you from gaining enlightenment and leaving the matrix by showing you images that evoke your desires or play with your emotions eg. beautiful women, scary monsters etc.

Also trust your gut when you read philosophical/religious stuff and don't force yourself to understand things; there are many ways up a mountain but the destination is still the same.

>> No.11181879

lit is a Christian board

get out with your witch craft

>> No.11181929

Why do I love everyone unconditionally?
except myself

>> No.11182051

more like nietzsche

>> No.11182062

Pretty sure its basically not possible.

>> No.11182090


>> No.11182170

Read Dostoevsky, he says some good stuff about love in TBK.

>Brothers, have no fear of men's sin. Love a man even in his sin, for that is the semblance of Divine Love and is the highest love on earth. Love all God's creation, the whole and every grain of sand in it. Love every leaf, every ray of God's light. Love the animals, love the plants, love everything. If you love everything, you will perceive the divine mystery in things. Once you perceive it, you will begin to comprehend it better every day. And you will come at last to love the whole world with an all-embracing love.

>> No.11182188

>Remember particularly that you cannot be a judge of anyone. For no one can judge a criminal until he recognises that he is just such a criminal as the man standing before him, and that he perhaps is more than all men to blame for that crime. When he understands that, he will be able to be a judge. Though that sounds absurd, it is true. If I had been righteous myself, perhaps there would have been no criminal standing before me. If you can take upon yourself the crime of the criminal your heart is judging, take it at once, suffer for him yourself, and let him go without reproach. And even if the law itself makes you his judge, act in the same spirit so far as possible, for he will go away and condemn himself more bitterly than you have done. If, after your kiss, he goes away untouched, mocking at you, do not let that be a stumbling-block to you. It shows his time has not yet come, but it will come in due course. And if it come not, no Matter; if not he, then another in his place will understand and suffer, and judge and condemn himself, and the truth will be fulfilled. Believe that, believe it without doubt; for in that lies all the hope and faith of the saints.

It is basically almost impossible to do, nobody can ever really do it. But you can probably come close.

>> No.11182233

>OP has a question about love
>anon wants you to listen to him, when he's clearly full of hate

Makes sense.

>> No.11182258

I didn't say a word about the Church, anon. Not that the Church isn't necessary - it is, but the institution of the Church and what Paul calls the Church are two very different things. One Christ came to build and is His bride; the other He came, and will come, to destroy.

Give Jesus a try. He does not disappoint - no matter how much people do.

>> No.11182263

no one can. all human love is conditional.

>> No.11182264

Practice. Love is a skill.

Practice small random acts of kindness. Forgive people. It is a common notion that we like people that do nice things for us. However, experiments suggest helping other people makes us like them more, going forward - some part of us treats kindness like an investment rather than an one-off payment.

>> No.11182277

Inner love doesn’t mean you have to outwardly be lenient towards them. Jesus still loved all mankind when he was turning over the moneylenders’ tables and driving them away with a whip. Hatred of a person’s sin is not hatred of the person. Trying to redeem a person from sin through seemingly harsh means does not mean you hate the person.

t. not-even-Christian

>> No.11182316

This is just a misunderstanding of what it means to love everyone. It doesn't mean your brain falls out of your head and you let people take advantage of you as well. You want someone to be a better person it's better to show love towards them and disperse with your ego that inclines you to judge others which won't work anyway.

>> No.11182327
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I used to do that in my late teen years. The most wonderful period of my life. Now I can't anymore because for some reason I have associated it with post-modernism, neo-liberalism and "libtardism". Lord have mercy

>> No.11182334

the dubs have spoken

>> No.11182459

Why would you even want to?
People "forgive others" as a last resort to convince themselves as capable of exerting power over someone who has wronged them. As soon as soon realize that "forgiving" someone is impossible in some circumstances, you are living in the real world, whatever that means.

>> No.11182479

>>>Remember particularly that you cannot be a judge of anyone.
ofc I can, only liberals and libertarians claim that only their opinions matter when judging people

>> No.11182580

What? The point is that nobody can judge because you are flawed and limited in understanding, nothing to do with your political affiliation.

>> No.11182680

To judge is the end result of an attempt to understand another. To be disinterested is a moral solipsism that achieves nothing but absolute ignorance.