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11181678 No.11181678 [Reply] [Original]

Could someone please, somehow, explain accelerationism to me? I don't get it. I've gone through dozens of 'summaries' and explanations by people embodied in the movement, I've read that it's been swallowed up by the alt-right, nowhere have I been able to find an internally consistent history thereof and a fucking goal or coherent thought.
I straight up do not understand the underlaying point.
At least, please, if you have the holy grail of accelerationist manifestos hidden someone in your bookmarked links, pass it this way. I just need to fucking know at this point.

>> No.11181690

dont try to revolt against capital
instead contribute to the processes of capitalism to accelerate its destruction/transformation

>> No.11181703

This. Except there's no destruction; just more.

>> No.11181726

Literally just google malicious compliance

>> No.11181776



Not sure if you have read these but they are the best overview out there. The 15 second soundbite explanation I tend to give people is that acc is "the proposition that AI, Capitalism and Evolution the same thing, different facets of the same underlying process". Another thing to keep in mind, and which will keep your sanity-bar above critcal for a little longer is that accelerationism is a diagnosis not a prescription.

>> No.11181783


>If you are reading about accelerationism then you probably already know that more than one definition for the subject exists. Nonetheless, to give clarification to the newbie, accelerationism may be defined as either the factual assertion that that capitalism will accelerate over time, or that it should be accelerated in order to bring about radical progressive social change. The factual assertion is represented by the position of unconditional accelerationism (U/ACC), while the normative by the now dead left accelerationism, or (L/ACC). As an ought proposition, L/ACC was killed by its own internal contradictions, or maybe by the simple uncontrollable nature of capitalism. A third (and fourth?) branch fears that technomic acceleration is stalling, (the right wing, or R/ACC branch), or that it may destroy humanity in the process of unleashing AI, (the neoreactionary position).

>> No.11181789

you are driving towards a precipice. instead of braking to try and stop in time you hit the gas hoping to make the jump and land on the other side

>> No.11181792

An impossibly pathetic philosophy

>> No.11181794

fatalism for nerds

>> No.11181797

t. commie

>> No.11181800

Accelerationism is communism in its purest form, anarcho-capitalism.

>> No.11181802

something like this
help modernity and all its developments along

>> No.11181812

This is probably the best piece: https://jacobitemag.com/2017/05/25/a-quick-and-dirty-introduction-to-accelerationism/

>> No.11181814

t. idiot who watches MDE

>> No.11181826
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There really isn't anything to "get" about it. You struggle with finding a prescription or political program because there isn't one.
It is a psychological coping strategy by readers of Marx and/or de Maistre, no longer hoping for any kind of political messianism from third-world countries, the need to create here and now an alternative to capitalism, or a "return to" any sort of pre-capitalist or pre-democratic way of life, among other things.
What accelerationism really is, is a declaration of unconditional surrender to the ongoing demographic and ecological disaster, with its "left" variant having the occasional backhanded compliment expressed in freudo-marxist or deleuzian slang as the only excuse left not to call oneself a pro-capitalist.
Imagine Jews burning their fellows in concentration camp ovens and telling themselves that they're doing is perfectly okay, and that their only concern should be to do their job as efficiently as possible, to salute Hitler after each successful incineration, and coming up with suggestions on how make the machine work faster, but somehow thinking they can be distinguished from nazis, collaborationists, and people seeking to be chosen as possible "honorary Aryan" candidates even in Auschwitz herself.

>> No.11181851

Technology, capitalism and globalisation should be sped up and intensified because it is the best way forward or the only option available.
Example: we should pollute more to improve our technology to fight climate change and pollution.
Some also believe that our modern world should be destroyed because it is bad, and the only way out is for it to get worse, and to get worse it has to keep its trajectory.
Imagine that you are getting fatter because you like cookies and you can't stop liking cookies, so you eat as many cookies as you can until they disgust you. That way you will get much fatter and then you will lose weight.
"Nation" is a dead concept, only ultra-globalism can get it back.
Conservatism is impossible, only a new Weimar republic can create a new Hitler. But Hitler will eventually die, and things will go back to shit. So maybe we could bypass the Hitler phase, transcend the Weimar level, and see what is next.
The Kabbalah is interesting if you like this kind of bullshit.
But more generally, accelerationists believe that political and economical progress are unavoidable and that trying to control this progress does more wrong.
Basically you have a few accelerationists who want to go full circle and most of them are trying to intellectualise YOLO on a grand scale.
Nick Land is not bad because he went almost full accelerationist. But most accelerationist will eventually turn hypocrite when they can't handle the speed and want to set their own, arbitrary, cruise control.
I write like a retard because 9G is not good for your brain.

>> No.11181874

There is destruction, capitalism is necessarily a process of creative destruction. Deleuze and Land talk about ‘deterritorialization’, because as capitalism standardizes and mass produces goods it’s pushing aside other forms of life.

>> No.11181886

can anyone give me a rundown on what the actual fuck u/acc is

>> No.11181891

The u stands for unconditional. Basically accelerationism without the political strings attached to it by marxism/nrx.

>> No.11181905

so destruction for the sake of destruction?

>> No.11181910
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>help modernity
the goal should be demodernisation though, neo-feudal city-states fueled by technocapital resources and governed by Californian ideology tech guilds, all sanctioned by the Chinese and the Vatican working in tandem

>> No.11181923

this, but faster

>> No.11181928

And then faster still.

>> No.11181940

Imagine being this dumb

>> No.11181945

the ride never ends

>> No.11181949

accelerationism tl;dr: people who are too lazy, who have become complacent in mediocrity to become great and sit by to bet on a "downfall" while masturbating alone thinking it is accelerating something at all

>> No.11181960

How is state enforced homosexuality treating you, cuck?

>> No.11181969

not when we hit post-post-scarcity

>> No.11181973

Hitler wasn’t a conservative, freak...

>> No.11181992

Genuine leftist accelerationism doesn't necessarily depend upon surrender, though. Land's point about the two political poles is that the more extreme they become, the more each will short-circuit into an endless feedback loop where they no longer depend on the polarity of the other to justify a reasonable antagonism with their apparent opposite. This means that both are locked in a struggle with a conceptual or ideological fantasy that increasingly has no basis in reality. True leftist accelerationism does not believe in "accelerating" the process but rather accelerating its reaction to it. Not to fight fire with fire, but to reach a terminal end point at which the difference between the political opposites is moot. Think of Land's approach to accelerationism as speeding up heat death, and leftist accelerationism as slowing the passage of time. If entropy never decreases, then the entropic nature of the universe is an inevitability and the heat death of the universe is certain. However, if the far right can utilise this propulsive force to accelerate the process, then why should it be impossible for the left to reverse engineer its antithesis? And is this not where the Infinite can be found? where things move, collide and transform at impossible rates, yet not even a second has gone by?

>> No.11181999

You wanna paint this house blue?
you're gonna need a lot of red paint

>> No.11182002

Of course not, he was the opposite of a conservative. If he never went to war he would be an accelerationist symbol.

>> No.11182006

It wasn't funny the first time.

>> No.11182030

Of course, but there's always more capitalism, capital, and it's resultant phenomena. Always more. Never less. We cannot escape.

>> No.11182067

Quickening evolution. Necrotic speculation. Future-becoming. Death-drive. Amphetamine.

>> No.11182068

Why do a lot of things treat capitalism as some pervasive, immaterial, Godlike entity spreading through the cosmos? I was under the impression that capitalism was just a fairly straightforward economic system that somewhat naturally emerged and has changed significantly throughout its existence (to the extent that through different formulation, could be considered distinct things), with many directions you (and circumstance) can take that in regards to the whole of society and the whole of the world. Why so unfoundedly fatalist and hyperbolic? Because of Marxism? It sounds like a religion or cult.

>> No.11182083

is this... it?

>> No.11182099
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>tfw the first /sip/

>> No.11182131


Land's thesis is that intelligence, evolution, and capitalism are simply different aspects of a more fundamental force that necessarily arises out of the basic laws of the universe. They are all self-improving/autocatalytic processes that maximize ability to control entropy/do work.

>> No.11182200

>locked in a struggle with a conceptual or ideological fantasy that increasingly has no basis in reality
Translation: accelerationists vs their understandings of "time", "Capital", "complex systems", "entropy", "artificial intelligence", "evolution."
>True leftist accelerationism does not believe in "accelerating" the process but rather accelerating its reaction to it
Translation: left-accelerationists are people who identify as left but cannot read even secondary literature on Hegel.
>It sounds like a religion or cult.
It is. Millennialism for millennials.

>> No.11182207

good post.

>> No.11182212

Read Kant, Capital and the prohibition if incest and Delighted to Death to see from where hes coming from. Stay away from his later theory fiction for now

>> No.11182218

So it's basically futurism in the 21st century?

>> No.11182221

sounds like the plot of Madoka Magica

>> No.11182235


>> No.11182247


>AI and futurism are already operative as extremely powerful functional components of contemporary reality — automation, active research programs, venture capital … Modernity is intrinsically futuristic, rather than merely dreamily intrigued by future possibilities that may or may not eventuate. That’s how capitalism works, and what low time preference is really about.

>> No.11182357

If you're going to take it to the end and have society claim that capitalism is both the absolute sociopolitical model and the constitutive mechanism of its own progress and development, then some if its most fervent congregation will inevitably extend that logic to the physical world and its metaphysics.

>> No.11182405

Land then builds on that and advocates fully committing to the futuristic process?

>> No.11182425
File: 558 KB, 3477x2520, Umberto_Boccioni,_1913,_Dynamism_of_a_Cyclist_(Dinamismo_di_un_ciclista),_oil_on_canvas,_70_x_95_cm,_Gianni_Mattioli_Collection,_on_long-term_loan_to_the_Peggy_Guggenheim_Collection,_Venice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, futurism was actually relevant to the world and produced decent art.

>> No.11182443

If you like dull diagonals, sure
It is as "decent" as constructivism is

>> No.11182465

Madoka is the faustian spirit

>> No.11182537

>implying that war is not the necessary outcome of accelerationism
It's like you don't even social darwinism 101

>> No.11182561

Could you elaborate on the Kabbalah reference, if you’re still around?

>> No.11182583
File: 2.14 MB, 2328x1875, 0676c9357606a03f0cf5e493b51eae0d72ce6f570cf9e26232abb145fdebfead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is as "decent" as constructivism is
Fite me irl

>> No.11182663

It is better to invest in football, but the acceleration of factors is violence. It defines the advanced cybernetic scheme. Steal. Some steps of the process of deception in other actions. A successful victim of a social sacrifice must have the necessary order. "Eastern accelerism" has a negative impact. You can not trust. Fatigue is the beginning of capitalism. ("We have not seen anything yet").

At the same time, a new generation (Chan P / tuag.L / pigs, but he died N / ax), for example, the traditional socialist policy to accelerate the left akseleratsionista work to accelerate the supply "conditional". online account on social networking sites # Rhetttwitter-nosocomial infections (if you do not find the best way to withdraw their ideas).

counting units, dosing, nanotechnology, calculators, analyzers, genomics and floods, the situation is actually absorbing its artificial intelligence, acceleration and availability. These measures coincide with the final point of paralysis - this happens. Of course, for example, depression is not a border issue, just to determine humanity for them. As we have seen, we must do something. The message can be answered: are you talking about it now? Maybe it's time to move? Then he smiles at his successful versions.

>> No.11182669

it's like you don't understand that war (in your country not abroad) is not compatible with accelerationism.

>> No.11182679

However, apps often have independent and dangerous trading methods. This has caused a worsening of people in the past and provoked a serious conflict between the proletariat and the capitalists. In short, the free trade system has accelerated social change. But now, a woman, I think the freedom of trade is in a state of change.

The funding of the matrix matrix of embryonic capitalism can not be determined by the majority. The use of capitalism is the destruction of the automatic capitalist. Due to loss or retardation of quality, "creative destruction" sometimes slows down. As a result of the incitement, the "other people" conversations will not work. The next report shows this design, at least it will be painful.

>> No.11182708

You forgot the part where the right side of this philosophy believes that Accelerationism will lead to an unavoidable singularity. But for all purposes, the work is the same and all goes towards the same place.

>> No.11182717
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>Le change the definition of something to mean something else I don't like.

>> No.11182721

This it's written by the man himself

>> No.11182735

how is parroting the words of a Youtube comedian treating you? Feel smart yet?

>> No.11182865

Something is wrong with your brain.

>> No.11182913

<3<3<3<3<3 this post

>> No.11182958

How will I ever recover?

>> No.11182972


Literally this

>> No.11182977


League of Shadows

>> No.11182988
File: 31 KB, 355x395, 13062094_782735141861995_8794475866682658753_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Perfect post

>> No.11182990


You now realize that Marxism is, in fact, a religion

>> No.11183011

>Millennialism for millennials

>> No.11183040

Neither of those are good works to understand Land's accelerationism, they are both too early. Kant, Capital, and the Prohibition of Incest makes him look like the dirtiest hippy communist you could imagine (that being said it was still a great paper)

>> No.11183120

>war (in your country not abroad)
nice goalpost moving

>> No.11183158

It's not you fucking retard, since I was speaking about Hitler, not the war in Iraq. I had to add "in you country" for the retarded burger that you are.

>> No.11183169

you won't

>> No.11183205

Hitler embraced conservative values. Love of country, family centered, the Nazi party promoted "Positive Christianity", all those conservative values. At least as much as it served the Nazi party. Conservatism is what bought him to power.

>> No.11183264

I dont know, maybe ask Sam Hyde what to do

>> No.11183271

Because accelerationism is a fundamentally British, Whiggish idea, in which history is decidedly progressing towards "something". Other examples of this are Progressivism and Marxism, indeed Nick Land really isn't kidding when he talks about right-wing Marxism.

>> No.11183302

That's pretty dire.

>> No.11183310

How many more centuries do you guys think capitalism is going to be "dying" for?

>> No.11183314

Bout tree fiddy

>> No.11183322

Serious answer: I don't expect it to die any time soon, but there will be "yuge" changes in the coming decades, primarily driven by the retreat of the United States from the world stage due to achieving energy self-sufficiency.

>> No.11183449
File: 53 KB, 432x432, 1523476947555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buddy those wars in the middle east are for more than israeli pipe-dreams

>> No.11183459

Nah, they're pretty much for Israel at this point. The US is rapidly achieving full energy security thanks to shale. We really don't need Gulf oil any more, it's someone else's problem. One would hope the deterioration of the system of international trade following American retreat will dispel the essentially liberal myth of capital as a quasi-natural force eating the world with globalization being the latest stage of this, but they tend to never learn.

>> No.11183479

It’s just neo-futurism.

>> No.11183488


>> No.11183501

>One would hope the deterioration of the system of international trade following American retreat
there are people that think this is actually gonna happen

>> No.11183502

What the heck is like smoking salvia

>> No.11183531

I can’t tell wether this post is condemning or celebrating accelerationism

>> No.11183542

The whole system in the first place was invented mostly to create a network of American allies encircling the USSR to the extent possible in order to prevent a great power from rising in Central Asia. The USSR is no more and Russia is a vastly overblown threat at the moment despite what boomers in the media say. This is what all the outsourcing, "free trade", etc. was for. No reason to keep the system going when its benefits to the US are questionable. So yes, I do believe it is going to happen, very soon.

>> No.11183547

>when its benefits to the US are questionable

You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.11183554

lol faggot

>> No.11183560

Ah yes, accelerationism, the radical theory that by giving Jews unlimited power, money, and prestige you will be able to bring about the next holocaust. The galaxy brain of alt right autism.

>> No.11183597

The benefits to the US (the soveriegn) are highly questionable once we have achieved energy security and no longer have a Russian existential threat. The benefits to certain corporations in the US are more obvious.

>> No.11183616

Sam here, thanks man

>> No.11183680

I wish to see capitalism defined by an accelerationist. I have the impression that will be the most bizarre definition yet.

>> No.11183684

>The benefits to the US (the soveriegn) are highly questionable
the US is the second biggest exporter in the world

>> No.11184299

kekked and checked

>> No.11184342

He's right. When you think about it capitalism is simply a translation of base survival of the fittest concepts onto economics.

>> No.11184368

nice anon

>> No.11184378

People only revolt if they're really pissed off. People with reasonable living standards are rarely willing to risk their lives for a socialist revolution, so accelerationism is the belief that if we worsen the living standards for poor people, they'll be so desperate that they'll be willing to risk their lives for our revolt. Accelerationists believe that the temporarily worsened conditions for the workers are justified because they believe it will lead to a permanent socialist revolution, which they think will be better for humanity long-term.

Colby Keller (MA in fine arts and gay porn star) is an example of a contemporary accelerationist who voted for Trump because he thought that Trump would worsen conditions for the oppressed so much that they would be willing to join a revolt.

>> No.11184474

It should literally, unironically, be a swastika in place of the hammer and sickle. It would be far more consistent with that message.

>> No.11184558


Darwinian modes of evolution are not fixed like gravity, thermodynamics, etc. but the modes themselves are subject to change. Land's "force of capital" is much more fundamental than survival of the fittest models because it implicitly takes place even with no willing agents around to propel its direction. He literally co-opted the word "Negentropy" from Schrodinger to describe the tendency of biological agents to export entropy away from themselves in order to increase their degree of "order".

Note that in strict information theory sense this is not the best way to describe the progression of most societies we can come up with. Entropy for physicists is directly related to the possible number of arrangements the individual elements of a system can take given their current "space" (where space might be an abstract set such as "up to X Joules of energy" or "up to X number of people born"). Capital promotes atomization across all ranges of societal organization in a way which actually increases (ever increases, even) the different kinds of possible orders under its umbrella. This is back to back the definition of increasing entropy, not decreasing/increasing order. Nevertheless, the thing about his early ideas is that we don't even NEED this ad hoc hypothesis to be correct: his consequent descriptions still match the behavior of emergent capital.

>> No.11184646

No wonder there are so few who associate themself with accelerationism. You need to be a depressed, sick individual to accept it. Yet ever since I came across this idea, I cannot shake of the feeling like things are developing exactly in the direction accelerationists are predicting.

>> No.11184700

Unironically the funniest thing I've read on 4chan

>> No.11185099
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Things have to get worse before they can get better so we might as well try to make it quick.

Spin up the big machine as fast as it can go so we can just turn into whatever's next already.

>> No.11185641

So it's basically technological singularity optimism.

>> No.11185772

>I've read that it's been swallowed up by the alt-right
No shit. The alt-right is an accelerationist project. Steve Bannon and Alexandr Dugin are two major supporters of the alt-right and accelerationism. Basically the idea is that if the excesses of capitalism are pushed to their maximum, the backlash against it will get stronger and stronger until it collapses, and then the new system can be ushered in. These people are actually Marxists. Nick Land went to Warwick Univeristy, which is a legit commie haven, and all of his ideas are based in postmodernist philosophy. In the 60s the radical leftist thinkers like the situationists all embraced accelerationism as a way to guarantee the eventual rise of global communism.

>> No.11185806
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How did futurism imply contributing to capitalism?

>> No.11185863


>> No.11185904
File: 41 KB, 1280x720, it&#039;s all a joke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ahahahah unironically thinking this wont ever result in a system of tyrannical synicalism. Wherein corporations will be cults you have to cosign into (to maintain living rights, clean water food security from rape etc) and lionize/believe in with more fury than the fuhrer's picked waffen. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH boy, you are in for a rude shock if you live to be 80.

The only plan for a man with the stomach and mind for it is to become a tyrant before you become a slave. Sad really.

>> No.11185910
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yeah but the crux for most of /pol/ wanting accelerationism in conjunction with a tech singularity is that hopefully it will be an ai that wants hitlers vision of the universe to come to fruition.

>> No.11185922
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You mean syndicalism?

>> No.11185941
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Give me the quick rundown on Fanged Noumena
Should I read it?
What am I in for?

>> No.11185943

not him but judaic millennialism and messianism go hand in hand with this accelerationist stuff. It's all about bringing about the end times for the messiah. This has been spoken about in many religions but the Jews are the most powerful group so they will be the ones who usher in the messiah in their image.

>> No.11186003

Mad ramblings of a mad madman. Imagine Mein Kampf combined with I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream and Finnegans Wake.

>> No.11186037

accelerationism has killed the left, thank god. but it isn't exactly right wing either. for example try talking to a right wing accelerationist, or w/e they would call themselves, about borders. true accelerationism would dictate a mass flood of cheap immigrant labor as quickly as possible. i see acc as something more like existentialism in that it is a philosophy but not really. it's more of an aesthetic and it is all consuming bc it is true. leftist have a hard time accepting this bc they want to accelerate even more than the right yet wont admit it. they want their technology and megacities and be able to be whatever they want. the leftist dilemma is that unfortunately acc has passed up the proletariat. they are the means of loss in which this future will be built. they will be squeezed out of the system as this singularity becomes more efficient. what is there to do? if you can't accept acc? find comfort that our species for the first time in known history will be able to choose its destiny. sure. become data and capital if you want but that is a cold, cold world that will have no need for the humanities. this isn't to say to become a luddite though. let the world advance but find your exit, cultivate a cloister. retreat. politically what does this mean? some meme shit about getting involved in your own community. the greater world's direction has no breaks. the only worth in listening to chapo trap house is it increasing your market value to get laid.

>> No.11186124
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>Mein Kampf
>radical feminist revolution against the patriarchy
you haven't read Fanged Noumena, have you

>> No.11186135

i'm sold, bout to start reading this bad boi

>> No.11186178

Do you honestly think I read *books*? Who do you take me for?

>> No.11186254
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this is all you need to know

>> No.11186265

If you keep saying everything is fucked, eventually you'll be right, but not because you were actually correct. It's the laziest form of hedging, like saying one day someone you know will die.

>> No.11186570

>The sooner things collapse the sooner they'll have a chance to get better, so let's help bring about the collapse so we can make things better

It's not exactly difficult.

>> No.11186588

How do people read more than one summary of accelerationism and not get it holy fuck you must be a retard.

>> No.11186640

That's still nothing compared to when NRx twitters chimped out for him liking a pseud philosophical statement from an attention whore.

https://jacobitemag.com/2018/05/14/somebody-wants-to-take-down-nick-land/ (Somehow relevant)

>> No.11186651

It baffles me that anyone struggles with the concept. It was described to me using almost your exact language a few years ago and I thought it was fairly intuitive. I suppose it doesn't help that Land is a professional bullshit artist surrounded by his ideological peddlers, but honestly, it's still not that hard to understand.