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1117903 No.1117903 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Your favourite filmed-versions of Shakespeare plays and why.


>Othello by Orson Welles
Because of Micheál MacLiammóir's performance and the art direction

>Macbeth by Roman Polanski
The dark ending, the grittiness, the sheer entertainment value and the great performances.

>Hamlet by Kenneth Branagh
I have yet to see the 1964 Grigori Kozintsev version, but I was won over by this epic (albeit flawed) and accessible version.

>King Lear (Akira Kurosawa's Ran)
Not a great answer, I know, but I love it.

The Tempest - Haven't seen a good version made yet

>> No.1117910

I thought Akira Kurosawa's version of Macbeth (Throne of Blood) was pretty good.

>> No.1117912

that italian dude's romeo and juliet because 15 year old boobies

>> No.1117914

I've heard the Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino is good.

Ethan Hawke version....trollface.jpg

>> No.1117922

>I've heard the Merchant of Venice with Al Pacino is good.

It's as good as it can be, given how shitty the play is for today's audience.

Branagh's Henry V is also very good.

inb4 Luhrmann's R+J

>> No.1117925

I have never seen Al Pacino act better than he did in that film.

And how has no one mentioned the Kenneth Branaugh Henry V?

>> No.1117931

Cause Branaugh is typically regarded as a talentless hack in the film industry

>> No.1117932

Indeed, that would be quite a troll.

The movie was an abomination.


>> No.1117937

I used to loathe Branagh, but I've done a complete reversal of late. I loved his version of Hamlet.

>> No.1117940
File: 42 KB, 400x306, kurosawa-throne.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Throne of Blood is excellent.

Also Polanski's Macbeth. I liked the Lurhmann/Dicaprio version of Romeo and Juliet, but haven't seen it in at least 10 years. There was also Julie Taymor's Titus.

>> No.1117948

>In b4 Luhrmann's R+J
Love it.
Wish for more like it.

>> No.1117951

Huh. I've never heard that before. Not that, when judging Shakespearean actors, I would ask the film industry. I saw it, and found it fantastic, though I can't say the same for his Hamlet. I loved him in Othello, though I'm not sure I can say the same for Laurence Fishburne.

>> No.1117967

Fishburne was just boring and didn't emote at all.

Branagh was deliciously evil and he chewed up the scenery in an otherwise unremarkable version; it was well shot though. He made it watchable by himself and it was nice not to see him play the hero for once. He's so good at playing the villain, however he doesn't have the darkness that Micheál MacLiammóir had.

>> No.1117969

I'm a big fan of Gregory Doran's stuff. His 'Macbeth' was intensely acted although weirdly paced (and not taking proper advantage of its set), but Nerd Hamlet with David Tennant and Patrick Steward was badass.

Julie Taymor's 'Titus' is also well good.

>> No.1117976


Whoops, left my name in

Guess there's a bit of a conflict of interest there

>> No.1117979

I cant believe Russel Brand is going to be in the new version of "The Tempest".

Sweet lord.

>> No.1117997
File: 14 KB, 324x216, richardiii1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Richard the Third starring Ian McKellen. Intact Shakespeare's text, but different context (WW2-like). And Ian McKellen making it awesome.

>> No.1117999

please god tell me you're trolling
or that he is Caliban

>> No.1118027

Both Ian and Larry Olivier did interesting RIII's, but Ian's was far more "likeable" as a human being, where as I was just cheering Olivier to do something evil again.

>> No.1118252

bumping for interest

>> No.1118411
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>> No.1118412
File: 21 KB, 185x268, Coriolanus_(2011_film).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Set during the Balkan wars. Can't wait.

>> No.1118431


Ran and Throne of Blood are far and away the best film adaptations of their respective plays.

>> No.1118433
File: 212 KB, 1024x768, the_lion_king_1994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love disney's rendition of hamlet

>> No.1118435
