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11176143 No.11176143 [Reply] [Original]

Start reading Nietzsche

>> No.11176146

maybe for every JBP thread we should make 5 weiningers

>> No.11176160

Ugly people are usually full of Ressentiment which clouds their social judgement. Do you think his ideas would be the same if he was a Chad and got pussy on a pedestal at every step? Probably not.

This is why Nietzsche is so important, to realize that every moral and social belief has it's origins in the damaged ego of some poor soul who didn't make it in laid out dominance hierarchies.

>> No.11176227
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>it's another leftypol bait thread

>> No.11176247

There's a thus spoke zarathustra reading group going RIGHT NOW. If there's one thinker that the average /lit/ browser knows, it's nietzsche.

>> No.11176573

Why would you have a reading group for the most annoying Nietzsche book.

>> No.11176574

>Start reading Nietzsche
said peterson never ever...

>> No.11176587

Sage and report

>> No.11176597

the weepy professor

>> No.11176652

Peterson really should start reading Nietzsche.

>> No.11176662

well when the book is more obvious then you don't need input from others

>> No.11176704

he got through a paragraph at least
which is more than you could say for the vast majority of lit's mexican intellectuals

>> No.11176706

This is actually great advice for both most individuals and for the aesthetic purpose of reducing the amount of busybody retards who misread him

>> No.11177393

Is there a compilation of his works? Whats the most convenient way to read his stuff?

>> No.11177412

Que quieres decir?

>> No.11177416

I did, long before Peterson misrepresented him. And he was sorely lacking. Nietzsche really is the definition of style over substance.

>> No.11177417

>tfw have just finished the complete works of Nietzsche and half way through Heidegger's interpretation of will to power as knowledge
>tfw /lit/ won't believe me

>> No.11177435

The basic works of Nietzsche by Walter Kauffman.
Find a lecture or read academic articles alongside/after reading.
You can find all his works as pdf - the aphorisms can be read in whatever order desu but you can also just straight up start with Zarathustra and read very slowly.
An aphorism at a time, maybe even slower, try and visualise and understand everything then look up your interpretation to see if it's generally agreed upon or if you're missing any background knowledge (i.e. context, translation issues etc.)
Nietzsche is as easy to read as he's difficult
As hilarious as he is depressing
As insightful as he's superficial (at times)
And as fun as he is frustrating
Enjoy it

>> No.11177448

Read Jung's interpretation. If you did not get anything out of Nieztsche you were the one misunderstanding.

I believe you. That's honestly not that many books if it's something you are interested in.

>> No.11177457

any quotes displaying that sentiment?
seems interesting

>> No.11177462
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Uh S-Stop Reading Solzhenitsyn

>> No.11177465
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Why don't you tell me what his interpretation was, faggot? You think I'm randomly going to give up everything I'm reading and have in my backlog to go read Jung because you said so? God, this is so fucking annoying.

>> No.11177473

The word resentiment is famously Nietzschean taken from Genealogy of Morals in which he 'argues' the weak have taken over the word good (which was opposed to bad) and opposed to evil. So the birth of Judeo-Christian morality is from the resentiment of the weak who saw themselves as victims of aristocratic manliness.
Max Scheler has written a book by that name too.
I'm not that anon but I think it's an interesting concept which I sheds light on both the left and right
>muh freedoms
>muh body muh rights
>muh ethnic innocence
>muh free speech
>muh white genocide
Victim mentality is wide spread.

>> No.11177483

Sincerest of apologies. I did not realize I was dealing with such an intellectual, deep in study.


Couldn't find a free version, but sense you asked so nicely, and you seem so important, here is a link. I am very sorry to say I cannot simply "tell" you his interpretation, though, as it is multiple valumes long.

>> No.11177487

Why is a book by such a famous author basically non existent in english? I find english translations, but then the pages are all "unavailable", meaning taken down!

>> No.11177488

why dont you kill yourself, retard? you can read all the bs philosophy you want but if its just for the sake of checking a box rather than to improve yourself and society, then you're doing it wrong.

>> No.11177504

>Start misreading Nietzsche
What he actually means.

>> No.11177514

You literally could, though. If someone asked me to sum up the Phenomenology of fucking Spirit in a 100 words, it would be annoying, but I could do it. You just have no idea what you're talking about but love to pretend you do, like the rest of the underage pieces of shit on this board.
>the autist sperging and saying unrelated shit

>> No.11177525

no idea who could be behind such a thing

>> No.11177532

Do you want to understand the piece, or do you want me to give you a next-to useless bit-sized version so you can say you know it? Probably like you read the rest of your philosophy, so you can say you have read it but make no effort to understand thought or implication. I bet you would read everything abridged if it didn't make you feel like you were cheating. Fine, summarize the phenomenology of spirit in 100 words the best you can, and if you actually capture the important parts I'll do my best to do the same on Jung's Zarathustra

>> No.11177534

To be fair, it's more like ugly people are more likely to be treated like shit, suffer more, and because have an off the bat harder road than others (besides the sexually/physically abused, diseased, etc. "outliers" essentially). JBP/Nietzsche were somewhat attuned to how these effects play themselves out.

A) School shooter tier path - descent into full blown nihilism, hating existence, etc.

B) Apathy tier path - "normy" path, NEET path as well, shy away from emotions and feelings, believe how others treat you is the way you innately are.

C) Overman path - embrace all your feelings, do not look towards an afterlife, use everything that is human and more to push yourself forward.

The fact is, the most wealthy people that are self-made were ugly for the most part. Ugliness leads to suffering. Suffering leads to wisdom if you are able to transcend it. It makes you different, but different can also make you better.

>> No.11177566
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>do you want me to give you a next-to useless bit-sized version so you can say you know it?
Stop projecting, you retarded child. I don't do those things because unlike you, I'd be embarrassed to be calling people out only to tell them to go read shit like I'm some disgusting donkey-brained feminist.
>Probably like you read the rest of your philosophy, so you can say you have read it but make no effort to understand thought or implication.
Quite the opposite, which is why I don't drop what I'm reading because a harebrained idiot only drops names in a forum but can't express what he wanted to say to begin with. You do realize that when you tell someone to go read something you're essentially putting a close to the conversation? Instead you could convey your idea as best you can in this format, and go on with the conversation, you know, AS NORMAL FUCKING PEOPLE DO.
>Fine, summarize the phenomenology of spirit in 100 words the best you can, and if you actually capture the important parts
Why, so you can tell me I did it badly and then refuse to post what you should've posted in your initial fucking reply rather than go through all of this, you insipid imbecile?

>> No.11177572

Too obvious a troll. I should not have come on to a JBP thread expecting better, though. Enjoy your philosophy, and enjoy not seeking to understand Nieztsche.

>> No.11177590

Boy the autism in this thread

Also remember to sage all peterson threads

>> No.11177594


I don't know why this kind of observation is really profound when Nietzsche followed Marx. I guess because people interpret it in a pejorative way with the term "slave morality"?

>> No.11177599

JBP is winning, but not because he's an insightful or original thinker, but because the neurotic equity/intersectional monolithic thought of liberals and leftists is an impoverished, and yes, purely reactionary, product of internet callout dynamics. Peterson stands for middle class common sense banality, while wokeness stands for nothing, to be woke is to become nothing, a pavlov dog machine trapped in an eternal present, conditioned to response to the relevant stimuli with outrage or a YASS. Log off twitter, stop indulging in schismogenetic dynamics with other dumbass non entities and explore the noosphere, don't try to save yourself, it's your identity that needs to be sacrificed. to survive you might have to become something else entirely.

>> No.11177607

>Too obvious a troll
Says the guy that, in the end, had nothing substantial to say at all.
>and enjoy not seeking to understand Nieztsche
I never said I don't seek to understand him. What I said was that he was underwhelming given the hype, and of course modifying that view of him is not a priority when there are so many people to go through. I think reading nearly everything an author writes apart from personal correspondence counts as giving them a fair shake.
You didn't ask me what my criticism of Nietzsche is, didn't say why you liked him, and did not summarize what Jung had to say on him. You seem to misunderstand what the purpose of coming to a forum is, but it's to exchange opinions and convey information. It's not so that you can come here and pretend you're part of some intelligentsia and drop the names of things you haven't read or don't understand enough to tell others about.
>underage b&

>> No.11177611

seems like i struck a nerve ;)

you triggered, sunshine?

>> No.11177620

this, unironically desu

>> No.11177642

Tried reading Beyond Good and Evil. Apparently I'm too much of a brainlet for it.

>> No.11177659

Not really, I just don't understand how you can make such a non sequitur.

>> No.11177666

you seem upset. you should go get laid

>> No.11177718

10s identity politics are actually about the loss of identity.

When identity disappears with technological innovation, violence is the natural recourse. When you live on the frontier, you have no identity. You're a nobody.

There is a great deal of pain in life and perhaps the only pain that can be avoided is the pain that comes from trying to avoid pain.

>> No.11177923

Is this book really some anti-Jewish /pol/-tier reading, or just a meme, really being about whitewashing Russia as Wikipedia says?

>> No.11177969

Because Nietzsche (probably) never read Marx.
Marx was also an idealist a la Hegel. Now there are similarities between how Hegel saw overcoming the past and Nietzsche did, such as negation vs. conflict, but Nietzsche somehow insisted there was always a positive element to what at first seems to be '(life-)negating', i.e. will to power, and at depth was more concerned with the lack of any possibility for a coherent system to explain these changes in history and was just fucking around with etymological word-play because he was philologically-trained, and lack of essential meaning and necessity of conflict in things implied "why not?"

>> No.11177999

I hate Mexicans!

>> No.11178111

thats enough, Jordan

>> No.11178143

>the central claim of postmodernism

>> No.11178153
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Hey buckos,

My name is Jordan, and I understand every single one of you. All of you are depressed, fatherless, underachievers who spend every second of your lives grasping for some kind of meaning. You are everything human in the world. Honestly, have any of you ever gotten any structure? I mean, I guess it’s trivially entertaining making a hobby out of trolling as a projection of your own bloody insecurities, but you all take it to an axiomatic level. This is even sadder than collectivizing through identity politics on Facebook.

Don't be afraid to be an individual. Just hit life with your best shot. I’m pretty much there with you. I'm an accredited clinical psychologist, and tenured at the University of Toronto. What dreams do you have, other than “realize the potential defining my individual existence?" I also get my words twisted, and have a bloody hot interview (I just got her; Shit was SO illuminating). You are all people who should just improve yourselves. Thanks for listening.

Pic Related: It’s me and my interviewer.

>> No.11178495

Jordynn BPeterloo

>> No.11178591

Geneaology of Morals is a good start, however that pattern of thought lingers throughout other works, wold recommend beyond good and evil and the antichrist.

>> No.11178678

>Start reading Nietzsche
no u, peterson.

>> No.11178764

Neither Weininger nor Nietzsche was ugly. What is your point? What's your definition of ugly? Ugly in the face? Read Schopenhauer's The Metaphysics of the Love of the Sexes to see that it's confidence and strength that make a man attractive, not his fucking face. Better yet read the same thing in Ovid's Art of Love books I and II (they're short reads), or especially and consistently in Martial. Plus, look at Socrates, fucker. Oh, he had tons of Ressentiment bro. You know what, I shouldn't even have responded to this bait after seeing "resentiment, social judgment, Chad, pussy, and pedestal," in the same line. Take your own advice and read Nietzsche--and Plato--and cleanse your soul of these thoughts.

>> No.11178770

>Read Schopenhauer's The Metaphysics of the Love of the Sexes to see that it's confidence and strength that make a man attractive, not his fucking face.
Is this a joke?

>> No.11178806

read beyond good and evil.
remember thinking it was entertaining while reading it. Forgot most of it honestly

>> No.11178812

Weininger was ugly and had bad genes for athleticism, this both slashes his SMV to zero. Socrates, while ugly in the face (Nietzsche comments on this in Twilight of the Idols) was a Chad warrior alpha male and healthy in spirit.

IIRC in that essay he says that the face is not as important as his beard growth, broad shoulders and general condition but in his aphorisms for life he states that beauty (facial) is important for man as well.

>> No.11178822

>IIRC in that essay he says that the face is not as important as his beard growth, broad shoulders and general condition but in his aphorisms for life he states that beauty (facial) is important for man as well.
are we seriously considering Schoppy's opinion on what constitutes an attractive man?

>> No.11178826

why would you dismiss it? Is he wrong? Just wondering: have you read Schopenhauer, or have you just 1) read about him or 2) cursory-glanced On Women?

>> No.11178831
File: 75 KB, 900x750, martin-heidegger-2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished BGE and Genealogy
>halfway through Zarathrusta, realize my TA was right all along: Big N is an overrated thinker, more of an accomplished stylist than anything
>drop it and turn on to the vastly superior kraut philosopher: Heidegger

When will you take the redpill, /lit/?

>> No.11178854

>why would you dismiss it?
because he isn't a fucking woman. a better question would be why is opinion relevant
>have you read Schopenhauer
only world as will and memetion

>> No.11179097
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He observed the cultural/social life and found patterns in it, which he then wrote down in a stylish way. No reason to dismiss such observations coming from a brilliant mind.

>> No.11179142

Heidegger’s strongest influences were Husserl and Nietzsche pseud
>my TA
i don’t listen to anything anyone tells me ever

>> No.11179160

such ugly diction, poor syntax and unimaginative use of vocabulary.
/lit/ is the whites board on 4chan besides /co/ and /g/

>> No.11180175

>I hate the reading idlers.
Thus Spake Zarathustra

>> No.11181096

thusly, did SPRACK zara-thruster

no more, of thou lame portents

weakly feeble, brains let

your sweet spirit crumbled

along, along, good bye

>> No.11181131

Oh jeez. How do i fo from B to C? Im about to go to a very good grad school but im a huge pussy and dont know if I'll make it. Im assuming I start by cleaning my room?

>> No.11181134

I don't want to read him tho.

>> No.11181290

More people need to stop starting with Nietzsche and start starting with the Greeks desu.

>> No.11182965

>my TA
Absolutely abhorrent

>> No.11183130
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Camus had nice summary of Nietzsche's thought in his "Rebel"

>> No.11184035

Juden Peterstein

>> No.11184131

doesn't this applied to chads as well? they only base their judgments based on what they have seen