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11176761 No.11176761[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


*hurr durr da evil CULTURAL MARXISTS like something so I MUST oppose it*

There is no logic behind his argumentation. You belong on Plebbit or Facebook if you unironically like him.

>> No.11176769

Everyone with sense should oppose gay marriage though.

>> No.11176779

nice b8 m8

>> No.11176791

Gay marriage is much more unstable. The couples are way more likely to divorce.

>> No.11176797

>opposing marriage because high rates of divorce
absoute retardation you got there

>> No.11176806

He's just trying to live up to his audience's expectations. His argument in favour of gay marriage (that it could reduce promiscuity and gay people might be better integrated into society if they have access to the same traditions as straight people) clearly outweighs his argument about the erosion of traditional values and definitions. It's not as if we're sacrificing the definition of marriage completely, its just broadening its scope to be as inclusive as possible. Why is the man-woman coupling so important to the institute of marriage beyond our cultural hangups?

Of course, Peterson would never admit that he probably has no real issues with gay marriage – but he would lose a good percentage of his infantile audience if he stated that openly, as their interest in him extends only as far as his virulent attacks on leftism

>> No.11176819

He's really not.

>> No.11176822

>Why is the man-woman coupling so important to the institute of marriage beyond our cultural hangups?
Because it is the constitution of the basic family unit, which includes procreation.

>> No.11176825

You're not even trying, dumbass: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divorce_of_same-sex_couples

(about the US) "As a result, the corrected findings show a 2% divorce rate — the same as married opposite sex couples"

"The divorce rate of same-sex couples within 29 months of the introduction of legally binding civil partnerships was slightly less than one percent in the United Kingdom."

"A study on short-term same-sex registered partnerships in Norway and Sweden found that divorce rates were 50% lower for same-sex couples than opposite-sex marriages"

(about the Netherlands) "Of the 580 lesbian couples who were married in 2005, 30% were divorced ten years later compared to 18% for heterosexual couples and 15% for gay male couples."

"As of 1997, the same-sex partnership divorce rate was significantly lower than that of heterosexual couples in Denmark."

So Dutch lesbians get a lot of divorces, but otherwise gay people have fewer or the same number of divorces as straight people.

>> No.11176832

Not literature

>> No.11176835

So infertile straight people shouldn't be allowed to marry?

>> No.11176836


the pseud cope

>> No.11176846
File: 665 KB, 3024x4032, 7MdA1Go.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now there's some literature in the thread.

>> No.11176847

This is a fairly silly retort as it is only in the modern era that we are capable of determining whether people are infertile in this way, and thus has no bearing upon the institution as it has existed through history.

>> No.11176863


>> No.11176869

We've known for a long time that old women can't get pregnant. Should women who are like 50+ then not be allowed to marry?

It's also interesting that it seems like you think the institution of marriage has never changed. Your exact same argumentation could e.g. be used to argue against interracial marriage.

>> No.11176884

>is/ought fallacy
the family unit shouldn't be upheld as the sacred model for social life when, particularly in the modern era, 40-50% of all marriages fail. The pressures of modern life are radically different to the traditional experience, so it would not be a good idea to leave these antiquated institutions completely the same and unchecked throughout history. Society changes and our models of social interaction should adapt accordingly, or cease altogether. I'm not saying that gay marriage will solve the instability of the nuclear family (if anything I think we should do away with marriage as it is an imposition of the state into our private lives), but everyone should have the opportunity to realise the potential of their relations with those around them however they please.

>> No.11176887

This is a retarded argument either way. What the hell do divorce rates have to do with being able to get married

>> No.11176891

Yes, and you would not know that until after they got married and were unable to conceive.
If you're going to include homosexuals you should simply abolish it because it has no point anymore. Just institute some sort of voluntary property-sharing contracts.

>> No.11176895
File: 61 KB, 400x600, 1517404576779.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(actually) monogamous homosexuals are anecdotal evidence.
the vast majority of wed homosexual couples still retain their hypersexual faggotry in secret and have orgies at least thrice a week.
tough luck, decadents.

>> No.11176917

>you should simply abolish it because it has no point anymore
It has a point to those who still privilege marriage for the purposes of procreation/religious expression. Including gay people may go against the bible but it isn't going to impair your ability to love your marital partner, nor is it going to stop you from defining your marriage by its potential to produce offspring. At a macro scale the definition of marriage will have altered, but within your own relationship you're free to define the purpose of marriage as you see fit, and no one can tell you otherwise

>just institute some sort of voluntary property-sharing contracts.
I whole-heartedly agree. It could also be used to benefit vulnerable people and their carers/partners/guardians, or close friends who would otherwise find it impossible to afford a house– their relationship could have all the financial benefits of marriage, but without any need for the romantic implications

>> No.11176930

About gay couples:

>Of those, 25 and under, only 4% were in non-monogamous relationships. Of those, 26-30, 8% were in non-monogamous relationships, and of those, 31-40: 11% were in non-monogamous relationships.

And gays are becoming increasingly monogamous:

>My impression is that younger people are oriented more toward monogamy. The reason is the fact that gay culture is becoming assimilated into the mainstream, and monogamy is part of the assimilation. The idea of finding and settling down with your soul mate is desirable, and the fact that with gay marriage, that’s more attainable now


>> No.11176931

>At a macro scale the definition of marriage will have altered, but within your own relationship you're free to define the purpose of marriage as you see fit, and no one can tell you otherwise
And? I want to define it for other people to enforce societal conformity.

>> No.11177240

Yeah, he's a bit of a dummy.

Either keep marriage as it is (for the purpose of maintaining a tradition...) or get rid of it altogether and leave it to religion.
Redefining marriage every time some group decides to whine about it is silly.

>> No.11178361

Why does everyone here want to abolish marriage?

>> No.11178376

So what?

>> No.11178397

He gives defenses of it literally 5 second later

>> No.11178402

>Muh value hierarchies and lobsters
Really Peterson? Shove the value hierarchies up your arse.

But how will I get laid without enforced monogamy? I can't get consent from any girls :(

>> No.11178437

It's the simplest and most logical long term solution.
Otherwise we'll be wasting time and energy redefining it again and again.

Also not literature.

>> No.11178451
File: 251 KB, 1280x1315, 1513185366443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you are angry because you are not getting any of that sweet, sweet boipucci?
Lmaoing @ ur lifes

>> No.11178487

Why are you arrogant enough to think people outside of your sphere want you to define their life and desires for them? Why should it be your definition and not someone else's?

"conformity" isn't going to be consistent across all regions, different cultural standards inevitably apply. You can't brute-force people to change without descending into totalitarianism

>> No.11178516

People with different cultural standards should live separately.

>> No.11178526

why keep gays alive though?

>> No.11178857

They're good in bed

>> No.11178860

So? Should people with large amounts of partners not be allowed to marry then?

>> No.11178864


>> No.11178865

here's a good breakdown of this hack for people who are still unsure

>> No.11178870

Broke: Gays should not be allowed to marry
Woke: No one should be allowed to marry

>> No.11178880


>> No.11178898

I really don't understand how a guy so un-educated about the topics he speaks on has becomes such a presence in American culture.

>> No.11178928

The only good argument against gay marriage is the Catholic or Muslim ones that are premised on what is natural law and God’s law. The “traditionalist” ie social-political conservative arguments are founded on nothing but opinion.

>> No.11178941

Deconstructionism is easy

>> No.11178964

And even the theological arguments are weak and ignorant of what homosexuality even is.

As a gay Muslim, it is clear in my experience that homophobic Muslims have no fucking clue about what homosexuality even is... they all e.g. believe that homosexuality is a colon disease, that all gays only like fembois/teens or other ridiculous things. Muslims (including Imams) who actually know what homosexuality is seem to don't care about whether or not gay people can marry.

>> No.11178972

because he's talking to people who are equally uneducated and have an equally high (unearned) opinion of themselves

>> No.11178973

>As a gay Muslim

>> No.11178998

Suppose, talking a read through /r/ Peterson says as much, insufferably ignorant and arrogant.

>> No.11179006

>Hurr Durr this pseud has a doctorate and a job lecturing in psychology while I post on 4chan.
I presume you are using the 'it takes one to know one' method of evaluation while calling him a pseud.

>> No.11179009


Traditional Hanafi fiqh holds that homosexuality should be legal. There are well-researched modern Imams who are questioning whether or not there's even anything sinful about homosexuality at all.

>> No.11179014

A mother and a father is the ideal family unit and no child deserves to be systematically deprived of either one.

>> No.11179066

homosexuals deserve the bullet

>> No.11179072

this desu

>> No.11179082

Daily reminder that people that bring up Jordan Peterson are just as bad as his fans.

>> No.11179087

Jordan peterson = 21st century nonreligious billy graham. north american popular movements are all religious in origin. jordan peterson can't even come up with a reason to do your chores and clean your room without saying that you are 'building the kingdom of god'. screenshot this post

>> No.11179100

reminder that billy graham was a genocidal shit

>> No.11179134


>> No.11179156

How do you experience your sexuality as a Muslim and are you a practicing Muslim?

I’m a devout Catholic and this is my understanding of homosexuality. In the Church there’s not a debate as to the normalcy or abnormality of same-sex attraction: it could go either way. But it is a natural truth that only two people of different sex can procreate and together imitate the faculty of God in creating. Marriage is a sacrament of the Church and the foundational institution of human society. There’s no society that doesn’t have binding marriage between men and women. For contemporary people to contradict a thing that exists by natural laws and something made holy by God’s law is inherently wrong and sinful.

>> No.11179192
File: 267 KB, 1200x1394, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Contradicting natural laws
I genuinely didn't know about this. Will Islam be embraced as the next religion of the West?

>> No.11179205

> Although gay men tend to be more promiscuous then average probably because there are no women to bind them with respect to their sexuality.
haha hes right.

JP is a puppet though, lets be real

>> No.11179207
