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11172892 No.11172892 [Reply] [Original]

write what is on your mind

>> No.11172977

Why is he holding that book if he isn't reading it? I think he should put that down and save it for later. Besides, if he was reading it, don't you think it's a little rude to do that in the middle of oral sex? Or am I misinterpreting the image?

>> No.11172996
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>> No.11173001

Go read Hegel man

>> No.11173014

Is it a compliment or an insult if a girls asks you to write an essay for her? With payment

>> No.11173060

I feel a crippling loneliness and, simultaneously, an extreme fatigue of going to social events and meeting new people. Why?

>> No.11173081


>> No.11173083

neither, she just wants to give you money so that you don´t make any advances

>> No.11173121

What 3rd-world country would you pic to spend your last days in? Preferably one where the dollar goes far.

>> No.11173135
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The semester is about to end, lets hope i pass
I can start writing my novel now

>> No.11173167
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>> No.11173191

Sexual excess.
Stop masturbating.

>> No.11173197
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>> No.11173208

I genuinely despise pornography. It caused a crippling masturbation habit that stifled my potential in my late teens and early 20s.
Since quitting it all, and giving up habitual masturbation, I've turned a new page in life. I read a book a week now (had literally no motivation to do so before) and am enrolled in a graduate program. I never would have gone on to do any of this unless I got this habit out of my life.
I hate the picture in OP. The intellect and sex insect are opposed to one another.

>> No.11173220

>blames a 15 minute daily ritual for all his problems
Something tells me your failure stems from somewhere else and I think it is the green text.

>> No.11173233


>> No.11173238

hahahahahahahaha how the fuck is porn addiction real hahahaha nigga just walk away from the screen like nigga close your eyes haha

>> No.11173323

The hormonal and nutritional consequences from indulging are severe. It's not so much the 15 minutes that I lose but the 24 hours after it.
I was addicted to opiates and cigarettes. Quitting them was easier because the decision to take them rests in the higher faculties, involved with planning. It's much easier to deny these.
The sexual urge is instinctual, and cannot be disrupted but needs to be prevented from happening in the first place.
You think it's natural and hence harmless but that is a naturalistic fallacy. Every action has a physiological cost.

>> No.11173337

This but unironically

>> No.11173349

It's not just pornography, it's masturbation and sex too. That is the real addiction to break.
I doubt you ever went more than a week without any of it since being a teenager.

>> No.11173462

I haven't masturbated since mid September last year, I'm 25 and haven't had unpaid sex since 2014 probably. I occasionally get incredibly strong urges to seek out an escort but the few times I've done so I pretty much immediately regret it the moment I hand the money over. I'm incredibly fit and since quitting porn and switching the gym for thai boxing (amongst other things) I've sensed a rapid ascension to greater confidence and openness to new experiences. I don't know if the quitting masturbation preceeded or proceeded this kind of internal spiritual evolution but I can't deny that it must be a factor in my current improvement of character as a young adult.

>> No.11173482

Whenever I see that girl in the OP all I can think of is BLACKED, so If she was giving me oral I'd probably prefer to read a book too.

>> No.11173503

my gf has a complicated family history, but 100% wants to keep her double-barrelled surname (it is a very nice sounding name btw). If our relationship progresses at the same rate I see no reason why we wouldn't get married in the next 5-10 years. But what do I do about naming our children? Do we give them a grotesque triple-barrelled name? Do I take her last name? I don't really have any real attachments to my family name, and the idea of taking hers seems like a really noble romantic sacrifice

>> No.11173511

Your name or the highway.

>> No.11173521

The man should be the head of a household, because women want their man to lead even if they don't necessarily want to 'follow' in a traditional overtly submissive, subservient way. The man is strong, reliable, dependant, like the father figure she hopefully had as she grew up. I would personally insist on her giving up her surname for mine as a symbol of her commitment to me, and as a personal unspoken symbol of myself being the leader of the family.

>> No.11173528
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OP jussa finna gonna got D A B B E D on

>> No.11173529

Good insight.

>> No.11173545
File: 50 KB, 500x488, d1119fd41f45d775a938fd940bd4185e04a581e4b8755d5a780aec33bbc1a89e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sad and lonely

>> No.11173557

>The man is strong, reliable, dependant, like the father figure she hopefully had as she grew up
her mother is actually more of the "father figure"; she's ruthlessly strict, outspoken and has genuinely lived through hell to get their family to the place of security they're in now. She takes after her mother in that way, but I'd say we're more on equal footing than her parents when it comes to the power dynamics between us. I see no reason to think that my position as the "leader" of the family would be in any way weakened by taking her last name, because family is a collaborative effort– men who try to carry everything on their shoulders usually collapse under the weight.

>I would personally insist on her giving up her surname for mine as a symbol of her commitment to me
I guarantee you she won't have it. Its part of the reason I love her so much

>> No.11173629

It's all about how you as a man perceive yourself symbolically in terms of being a husband, future father, the perception of your colleagues and friends. You seem like you have no hang-ups about taking her last name, but you're here asking for advice so would I be out of line to presume you are perhaps self-conscious of the social stigma such a move has on a man? I wouldn't say it's a very significant thing, but it is something that can be eyebrow raising. However silly it may be, people do question your manhood over such things. If she wants to keep her last name just because it sounds nice rather than to honour her mother then I think it's rather pathetic to bow to her wishes instead of following the traditional male role of leader in name and action. Do you not want to honour your own hereditary line? Your own family who gave your life and raised you? Someone has to yield, someone ultimately has to lead and the other follow, total 100% cooperation isn't possible.

>> No.11173659

Usually people who emphatically credit their own actions to their financial success, mostly got there through circumstance, and merely say this to justify their own standing because they know deep down they deserve none of it and just got lucky. I've "fought like hell" to get to where I am in life but that doesn't turn me into an insufferable asshole, in fact, struggling for most people causes them to have humility and owe fealty and respect to those who helped them along the way.
The mother sounds like a sociopath and the daughter sounds exactly the same. The world does not revolve around them.

>> No.11173698

>would I be out of line to presume you are perhaps self-conscious of the social stigma such a move has on a man?
The emasculating stigma is part (perhaps even most) of my hesitation. Not for me personally – I'm more concerned about what awful things people might say or assume about my children if they perceive me to be a passive, subordinate or otherwise useless husband and father figure. I know that wouldn't be the reality though.

>If she wants to keep her last name just because it sounds nice rather than to honour her mother then I think it's rather pathetic to bow to her wishes
no, she wants to keep it because of its personal significance. I'm the one who isn't opposed to taking it because it rolls so wonderfully off the tongue. The women in her family all fought to keep control of their name, which probably explains why her parents aren't married and her mother is very much the authority of the house.

>Do you not want to honour your own hereditary line? Your own family who gave your life and raised you?
If I can honour my family line by passing on my genes and raising wonderful children, I have no qualms about which name they adopt. I see what you mean about 100% cooperation being impossible, but that's why I think negotiating seems like the best approach, seeing as she is so unshakeable in her decision. I've joked with her before that if I were ever to go infertile and she had to use IVF, she and the children would have to take my last name and my last name only, even if it wasn't my seed that was used.

>> No.11173718

Her mother was forced into being an immigrant by being chased halfway around the globe by her violently schizophrenic stepbrother. Her grandmother survived the german invasion by subsiding on nothing but grass, a diet which has left her riddled with stomach issues and leaves her in perpetual pain. I'm as much of a cynic as you are when people talk about "fighting" to get to a point of bourgeois comfort, but this is a family that have genuinely gone through some fucking difficult times.

>> No.11173822

Sons take your last name, daughters take hers.

>> No.11173844

>her father's name
it's more grotesque to give them anything but your own name

>> No.11173893

Now we’re getting somewhere. But to go along with this, men get primary custody of sons and women get custody of daughters

>> No.11173922

I’ll take this moment to suggest a novel idea. Women have a right to their bodies and so they can choose to abort their children, up to a point. We’re all heathens here. However, it’s not just the woman’s 9 months of child bearing that counts. What also counts is the 18 years of men’s labor that goes toward supporting the child, which takes away from HIS body. Therefore, all women who may be pregnant should be forced to test for it within the first three weeks and the man should be allowed to disown any child within that time frame. Just as the woman can abort a man’s child, he can disown hers.

>> No.11173965

[serious] how did you beat the downwarding spiral of porn addiction?

>> No.11173974

i just saw a guy from a s-o-y meme at trader joe's no lie

>> No.11173980

idk any ideas? i just turned on my porn laptop to get in a friday wank but i had to check /lit/ first

>> No.11173983

Did you get a photo with him?

>> No.11173992

Busy making and eating dinner, give me two hours and I'll write a detailed reply.

>> No.11173998

no i was trying not to stare

>> No.11174015


it looked exactly like this guy but it says he live in iowa and this was nyc metro plus this dude was like 35 and it says he's 24, but it looked exactly like him hair and beard a little longer but i was like holy shit its that guy maybe hes on vacation but his other pics dont look as much like the profile so probably not him damn

>> No.11174023

i was just about to whip it out but then i realized one of my roommates is home afterall so i didnt, if u wanna nofap just move into a place with a bunch of roommates

>> No.11174065

disgusting, eu > na

>> No.11174173

Take an art class at your local community college

>> No.11174176

Give yourself a chance.

>> No.11174212


>> No.11174224

Bad pyscho-epistemology

>> No.11174293

so wait all I gotta do to get a hot girl sucking my cock is to read Hegel? fuck I wish I knew this earlier...

>> No.11174299

I don't think Gregory Sadler is that smart a guy, but whoever created his life down to the most detailed minutia is an alarmingly clever and thoughtful bastard

>> No.11174303

good advice

>> No.11174340

Anyone who can understand Hegel well enough to explain him is smart in my book

>> No.11174348

job titles are so arbitrary and weird where I work at it's disturbing

>> No.11174436

I hate rich people and all capitalist supporting cuckolds. I hate that many people will argue and rebel against things that will help them.

An old friend of mine and I talked a few days ago amd he was telling me that college professors are communists and that Warren Buffett is the richest man in America and we need to listen to what he says. That capitalism is made for everyone to go out and better themselves and if I wanted to succeed I needed to start a business with a bank loan and when that doesn't work I just declare bankruptcy and do it again and again until it does work. He was telling me how government regulations are communist and socialist (Venezuela and NK are apparently communist but I have no idea beyond propaganda how people see that with even a smidgen of actual research into it) yet benefits from the government telling his employer needs to pay him more and work him less.

The founding fathers were also fighting extremely oppressive tyranny from Britain and hated taxes. Also the Free State Project will save America because we're becoming communists.

I just listened. It was very interesting to hear.

>> No.11174550

You need to immediately resolve never to watch video pornography again. Moving images replay in the subconscious and these imprint a lasting memory, which can never be eliminated (they will grow weaker with abstinence).
Then watch your throught pattern and immediately dismiss any sexual thoughts that arise throughout the day. Take steps to avoid looking any anything that may provoke it.

It's nearly impossible to break the masturbation habit that pornography instilled in you and many never do. However, I will tell you, with effort it is possible. There are few entrance ramps on the path to freedom, so you must resolve to totally quit at the opportune time... It's nearly impossible to just up and quit because the sex drive is a feedback mechanism and often a few hours later you are even more aroused and this is generally impossible to fight or self defeating if you do. Whenever you do quit, resolve the moment afterwards to never do it again. You will wake up in the morning and from that point out, you need to rigorously practice mental continence. The urges, the horniness, will all decrease until after a few weeks becoming non-existent. I want you, it still works do not "check" to see if it does, the reproductive system will not atrophy from non use.

The book "Science Discovers the Physiological Value of Continence" convinced me of the damage this abominable habit was doing to me.
Read it and realize brilliant physicians of the past surely know more than some retard justifying the habit to an even greater extent than the junky rationalizes his drug use. Old science, sure but at least it has a physiological basis --- people who assert it's "harmless" rely on naturalistic fallacies and Freudian nonsense. We're seeing modern neuroscience and endocrinology vindicating the age old truth, and we see a major neuro-endocrine response. Limited dopamine pathways are formed and wastsd on frivolous sexual motivations. Prolactin rises afterward which is anti dopamine, this is the cause of the apathy.
Treat this WORSE than a full fledged drug addiction. An instinct reinforced destroys agency over self. Sexual excess is the singlemost reason why people are so mediocre in life.

>The greatest intellectual geniuses in both ancient and modern times led continent lives, and there is yet to be recorded one individual who freely expended seminal fluid who ever amounted to anything. In most cases, individuals who have achieved have been forced by necessity to abstain from sexual indulgence, as Cervantes, who wrote Don Quixote while in prison, or Dante who wrote his Divine Comedy while in exile. Milton wrote "Paradise Lost" when blind and when he did not indulge in sex. Sir Isaac Newton, active in intellect until the age of 80, led a continent life from birth, and so did Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo, both of whom retained their creative genius [until] an advanced age.


>> No.11174573


>> No.11174602

Because I own that exact shitty copy and it's such bad quality I too have contemplated murdering someone with it

>> No.11174610
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>> No.11174634

She can keep her name but your kids must have your name. No exceptions.

>> No.11174641
File: 279 KB, 380x605, sdsadad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, I started to notice the ways in which porn compensates for its emptiness by exaggerating the visual. More and more I noticed this, the more I realised that I'm masturbating to an illusion, which completely destroyed its appeal. This killed my ability to satisfy the addiction, so I just had to move on to other things, as difficult as that was. Took me about 4 attempts across three years to finally break the spell. It was on the final attempt that what I just described happened. I still get the temptations sometimes (the BLACKED memes on this site DO NOT HELP), but otherwise I'm doing alright.

>> No.11174649

One time I swear I saw the "you're a fucking white male" guy at a restaurant.

>> No.11174653

wtf is this site lol

>last newsletter was in 1999

>> No.11174661

that’s not what that word means even in the old context of virtue ethics
>dopamine pathways
like which ones?
what’s the chemical precursor to prolactin and how does it “block” dopamine?

lol guarantee you can’t even do calculus or calculate a p-value faggot retard

>> No.11174750

Seinfeld did it first

>> No.11174815
File: 669 KB, 1559x2048, a236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been trying to hit on my cute autistic coworker, but she might as well be speaking a different language. Half the time I feel like she's trolling me with her texts. She has a tech wizard genius savant boyfriend anyway, so whatever.

Also I've been trying to catfish my ex, but I think she killed herself.

These are not good times.

>> No.11174839

/lit/ is so bad right now, i have no idea why besides summerfags but its only May so maybe its summerfags from hot climes who are naturally lower iq and thus this is the source our troubles. Regardless ive decided to be patient and check in once or twice a day to help beautify the board with my polemics and lacerating invectives against stupidity.

>> No.11174857
File: 122 KB, 2105x953, 66D37B40-9FCC-4F44-961E-D4F859DEC8D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loved your post. It was very picasso.

>> No.11174862

heh keep posting friendo, we need one another in times like this

>> No.11174885

I think I know what you mean. That's a very distressing and disorganized painting that definitely features some prominent female figures.

>> No.11175091
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>do nothing all day except shitpost and watch Seinfeld
>nothing to eat but coffee
>feel like dying
>try to work on a short story
>can't write anything but melodramatic vitriol
>nighttime now, told myself I would read this evening at least
>can't focus
>cant' get my crush off my mind
>waiting for her to get back next week just so I can tell her I can't see her anymore
>listen to music instead
>writing this while waiting for the sleeping medicine to kick in
feeling pretty low right now

>> No.11175106
File: 141 KB, 1000x1091, c30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cant' get my crush off my mind
>waiting for her to get back next week just so I can tell her I can't see her anymore

>> No.11175135

Dialectical, isn't it?

>> No.11175142


>> No.11175143

More like debased.

>> No.11175155

not exactly the same, but pretty damn close.
my chest feels like a rotting apple looks.

>> No.11175165

negation of basedness

>> No.11175177

just fapped, mind is empty

>> No.11175180

How come suicide is seen as not being an option? To me, people view suicide through the lens of how it affects them and makes them feel and not by whether it was or was not the best choice for the person who killed themselves.

>> No.11175183

It is a temporary lobotomy. Kills creativity. Makes you tired. Lethargic. Ruins the rest of the day.

>> No.11175192

I need a muse, or I need to be someone else's muse.

>> No.11175197

epic meme

>> No.11175199

hell no fag now i'm focused and ready to be productive for the rest of the night, you probably do low cognition work like digging ditches so a horny animalistic state helps you, but for knowledge work you need a clear mind free of bodily urges, why do u think newton was so fucking productive? dude lived alone and fapped it constantly

>> No.11175203

I cracked my arm on a bar 3 days ago and I don't know if I should spend the money to check if it's fractured because the last time I thought I had a broken appendage it turned out to be a sprain.

Universal healthcare is a human right.

>> No.11175205

>i have low tee so i've being doing no fap for 6 months now and i finally read a book and went to a free trial of a gym but didnt sign up

kys that shit is the meme

>> No.11175209

i've gotta stop torturing by cock and balls when i jack off some day i will go too far and have a stroke or something

>> No.11175210

I'm much hornier whenever I regularly masturbate. You're a slave to it.
The only reprieve you get is probably 15 minutes. The refractory period for me is under 5 minutes and masturbating only fuels the urge.
It's like drinking salt water for quenching your thirst.
You're too far gone.

>> No.11175213

dude please i wack it like twice a week

>> No.11175215

Newton practiced seminal conservation, and, the total opposite of what you suggested.

>> No.11175218

can you please use a trip so I can filter your posts? thanks

>> No.11175219

bullshit i know a hardcore fapper when i see one

>> No.11175220

Can you all stop talking about masturbating for two seconds?

>> No.11175224

are you black or something?

>> No.11175230

It's a horrible habit that ruins the intellect and hypersexualizes the mind.

>> No.11175235

if u wanna nofap for real move into one of those "railroad" rooms where fags walk through your shit to go to the kitchen or to take a piss, you'll never be able to fap, except maybe get a real fast no enjoyment nut while u shittin, the best part is they are cheap as hell so you can finally move out of your moms basement, i've seen some in hip sections of brooklyn for less than $500

>> No.11175236

Social media would be nice if we could collectively agree that it’s its own separate reality and not let it affect anyone’s real life

>> No.11175238

>two thousand and eighteenth year of our lord
>feeling guilty about masturbating


>> No.11175242

Universal healthcare isn't what you want, you want healthcare for the fittest.
We have limited resources Jeffy Boy. It's a travesty that some 300lb 75 year old woman receives 100ks of care, yet a young lad like yourself gets nothing. That's your money too, Jeff. Universal healthcare without a check in place to ensure the fittest have priority, is only going to benefit Boomer Betty.

>> No.11175245

I like lesbians because they look as miserable as I feel

>> No.11175248

No it's not. It isn't your right for me to subsidize your insurance because your a dead beat with no job

>> No.11175250

Monsieur, I'll have you know that masturbation is a very important topic, and one that plagues a good portion of our youth as well! One must also think of the youths, or to who shall we leave the nation to? Now, pardon my frankness, Monsieur, but could you not know about the esoteric art of nofapping. It is indeed a very noble endeavour, and one worthy of an intellectual as well. I, for one, have been able to gather quite the interesting features after abstaining from artificially stimulating my member. For instance, I am now able to hoower onto still water for up to three seconds by harnessing my untapped sexual energies. I have also become taller, stronger and my eyesight has terribly improved, to the point where I can spot a mosquito at a distance of two yards! It is said that those who continue on the path of nofap are able to achieve unthinkable powers, such as being able to browse the fourchannels without losing significant brain mass every each 10 seconds and being able to impregnate the finest between the ladies with a single eyesight. But who knows if the voices are true...

>> No.11175251

yeah lesbians always seem sort of unhappy or angry, they remind me of incels to be h, at least the white hyper butch ones, its like they want to be "one of the guys" but hate men at the same time, thats not going to work

>> No.11175255

americans are fucking disgusting
nation of pigs and whores

>> No.11175259

it seems to me lesbians hate men more than they like women, whereas fags seem to like dick more than they dislike women, most fags love women, like if u go in a gay guys cubicle at work it will have a picture of the queen or lady gaga or something, but if u go in a lesbians cubicle it will have a picture of a dog and a rainbow flag or something

>> No.11175260

I don't want to live in a world where you get less medical attention when you're at your most fragile and vulnerable. Resources are limited, but there are ways to ration and distribute the care in order to make it more available than it currently is. Most of Europe does it.

I have a job. In fact in my state I would receive free healthcare if I was unemployed

>> No.11175263

uhh, europe is like 90% went, the united states is like 60% white and dropping, sick of people recommending stuff that works in white countries as if it's gonna work in other places, besides its a bit lame how everyone hates the whites but then wants to copy their healthcare plan

>> No.11175266

They're mad (especially at men) because LUGs leave them for men all the time. Real dykes get their hearts broken by pretend ones and get resentful about it

>> No.11175267

>white guy demands white healthcare like in white countries

woah white privilege much?

>> No.11175277

And you wait in line for ages to receive care because resources are spread thin. A fat boomer isn't vulnerable, she lived her life and made her own choices and should have to pay for them. I shouldn't have my care delayed or cost more as the result of such a cow's entitlement to care. It's like starving your kids so you can feed grandpa who'll be dead in a few years anyways. The fittest members of society are an investment, one of momentous priority.

>> No.11175281

I'll have you know i'm 25% Native American, so check your fucking privilege anons

>> No.11175290

ppl that go to the emergency room because they sprained their wrist are part of the reason healthcare is so high, people go to the ER for minor shit, and then the doctor gives them a bottle of opiates and a $15 brace that they charge your insurance $750 for

>> No.11175295

There's validity to that argument when it comes to conditions that are the result of poor self-care, like obesity or one of the various cancers caused by smoking. Age is different in that it's a natural, unavoidable condition of life. Anyone who sets up a system that privileges the young is sort of going to be hoisted by their own petard once they reach old age and realize that no one cares for or about them.

>> No.11175297

well in the past people had children to help take care of them in their dotage but now with feminism no one has kids so they die alone, talk about hoisted on their own petard

>> No.11175301

That's fucking nature. People envitably die.
If I'm old, I'll accept it. I won't steal from future generations to support my dying ass.
There should be state sponsored euthanasia for everyone in poor health after age 75.

>> No.11175302

Privateers healthcare is actually a huge sinkhole of debt and creates social unrest. It's inefficient, retarded and antithetical to the social contract onto which western states are based.
All of Europeans countries have a strong private sector alongside with the public one and no if public healthcare is managed correctly it doesn't even have to be slow functioning besides if you want to pay for a better service you can anyway (and you also pay less with a private non government sector because the demand is fucking lower and the offer is higher, you fucking moron) and it's also better to invest in a a society a whole on a purely economic viewpoint because it's the majority of society who makes the majority of the workers.

you fucking avid pigs

>> No.11175327

I mean it's not like you can really know whether or not something is fractured until you get it checked.

What the hell even constitues "in poor health"? If you ration preventative care based on age then that in itself can lead to poor health in advanced ages.

>> No.11175331

>There's validity to that argument when it comes to conditions that are the result of poor self-care, like obesity or one of the various cancers caused by smoking
no there isn't, you can cover the costs by doing prevention and taxing those specific products. muh pool urself out of the bootraps rhetoric doesn't make sense if people are bombarded by ads on all sides and made swallow unnecessary opioids for profit in order to cure inexistent diseases. furthermore what people under ""privatised"" (I should say american healthcare because americans are so retarded that they deserve their own category) suffer most is letal stuff like cancer or chronic diseases.

>> No.11175336
File: 205 KB, 704x703, the_dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I started this recent obsession with masturbation in that French whore thread lol. It's been non-stop since I started the argument about abstaining.

>> No.11175345

Not only that, but penis envy as well.

>> No.11175346

I'm not going to get into a free will debate on this, but there are forms of self-destructive behavior that aren't the result of the marketing of poison. Cigarette ads are incredibly rare in the US, and only really exist in some magazines that no one reads. Meth addiction isn't the result of large scale marketing campaigns made to target gullible white trash. There is some degree of culpability here. I don't know how much exactly, but it's more than none.

>> No.11175361

if it swells up so your hand looks like a baby's blubber it might be fractured, or in my experience if bone is bending at a 90 degree angle, but if your wrist just hurts its a sprain man, you should be able to tell the difference between a tendon or ligament that got stretched or bruised and a fractured bone, they need to come up with an intelligence for this like body iq or something

>> No.11175368

the internet is real
y-you too

>> No.11175390

I don't know anything about the human body my man. Medicine might as well be alchemy. First world cultures pretty much outsource all knowledge of this stuff to medical professionals.

>> No.11175395

I feel like I have a 10 word vocabulary at times

>> No.11175405


>> No.11175408

You sound smart enough for me to fuck you in your ass, you and your brother and sister and parents but i don’t want you anywhere sround me you dirty smelly fucking piece of shit. Stay at a distance—i’ll take all the money you earned snd redistribute it, rape you with it, and you’ll thank me you pathetic fucking immigrant.

>> No.11175423

Make that 14!

>> No.11175426

me either, well i know some stuff, but i'm just saying a lot of people freak out over small stuff that doctors cant really do shit for anyways, like concussions, yeah a concussion sucks but after doing a few years in combat sports all you can do if you think you had a concussion is avoid any further hits to the head for at least six weeks, which in boxing is easy since most fights are like 3 months apart, football kids get so much brain damage because they get a concussion one week and go back to practice the next week and play the next game, recipe for dementia, on the other hand if you get nauseous or feel sleepy after a concussion then get your ass to the emergency room cuz it could be a brain bleed, etc. but unless that happens there isn't really anything that can do, other than charge your insurance two grand for telling you the same

>> No.11175439

also people freak out if they see blood in their stool after their boyfriend rammed their ass, but it turns out a bleeding hemorrhoid is about the same as a bloody nose, it's not a big deal unless ur butt is full of aidsy jizz

>> No.11175495

NEET and going to commit suicide soon- what should I do with the 3k in my bank during my final days

>> No.11175505

give it to me anon

>> No.11175510

A different prostitute every day until you run out

>> No.11175527

put it all on a long shot stock options, if it hits u got money to do some more shit before u croak, if u lose then everyone will think u killed urself for that instead of being an incel neet

>> No.11175865

Avatar fucking sucks. It was great in theaters, but that's only cause the cool 3-D was distracting you
Watching it rn and it's so awful. The CGI ranges from okay to PS2 tier
The story sucks, the characters suck, the acting sucks, the only good thing is the planet is neat

>> No.11175903

I personally set filters on my router

>> No.11175912

I don't want to go to sleep because I'm scared of the daily things I'll have to deal with tomorrow. I don't want to face my boss or the work I still have to do. I'm so behind but I'm working as fast as I can and I don't think I can finish in time. I didn't sign up for this. I don't want to live like this anymore because the extra money just isn't worth it.

Responsibility is suffocating, I'm made a slave by my own sense of duty and obligation.

I think Ayn Rand might have been somewhat right.

>> No.11176010

you cute

>> No.11176050

Same here anon and the worst part is the sleep deprivation. Haven't slept properly in years. Cycle that i can't break.

>> No.11176051

almost nothing

>> No.11176053
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>I don't want to face my boss or the work I still have to do
>have to do
Oh yes Anon, so many things people "have" to do! AHAHAHAHA, I'm sorry I just can't imagine such an absurd thing as taking any of this shit seriously.

>> No.11176109

Do I still do this if I'm a music major?

>> No.11176126

Got wasted yet again last night. I wonder if alcoholism will be a fundamental feature of my life.

>> No.11176223

>I doubt you ever went more than a week without any of it since being a teenager.
thats just the nature of a man

>> No.11176266

Is it worth me trying nofap if I'm in a long distance relationship and get my dick wet every few weeks or so? Or is having sex with a grill going to fuck up my IQ regardless?

>> No.11176268

Pretty scary. I was consistently depressed from about 11-18. Have I basically fucked by brain now

>> No.11176725

It's not made by great men.

>> No.11176795
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Yes, to both of these.
It's worth practicing, but the detriments of a sexual release will nonetheless be manifest upon completion of the act.
Fortunately, the satiety provided by intercourse is 4x as great, which means you are less likely to do it after two sessions. If you do not introduce perversions (EG oral sex, foreplay) and keep it strictly monogamous, then the frequency will naturally abate to hormonal fluctuations rather than being the result of a habit.
It really depends what you want to do with your life. If you want to write volumes of books, be the next Newton, or great person, then strict continence is ideal. However, if you want to live a more relaxed lifestyle and yet still be productive and capable of achievement, occasional losses confined to ideally marriage, are permissible as unperverted the frequency is lesser. Beware of sexual excess.

>> No.11176911

I have a horrible hunchback posture but I don't know whether fixing that is worth losing the ability to recline and be comfy whenever I want.

>> No.11176961

don't be silly, you don't know what you will do when you reach 60

>> No.11176974

protip: don't spill your semen everytime you fuck. learn to have an orgasm without semen. or do kareza

>> No.11176977

>from about 11-18
You're not any longer?

>> No.11176982


you were fucked from the start, anon.

>> No.11176983

This will just leave you distracted and horny.
It's like gorging yourself with food and holding back on throwing up. It's truly pointless at that point.

>> No.11176985

lol fix it. but use feldenkrais for it. here are some lessons:



>> No.11176987

what if i tell you that fixing it will greatly increase your ability to be comfy whenever you want

>> No.11176994

i'll do it, and most of the time it is pritty comfy. sometimes i get super hyped but when i can i transform this motivation into other activities. like more fucking. lol

>> No.11176995

>sharing the same study twice
Good thing you don't have a brain to develop issues.

>> No.11177000


youtube yoga with adrienne and work on some core strength

>> No.11177020

That defeats the whole point. You want to put your mind to better things like reading and productive work.

>> No.11177038

I suppose I am still somewhat depressed, and I probably always will be, but that was the time period when it was very extreme and I had suicidal feelings.

>> No.11177046

This, I used to try and nofap by edging and it will never work. The food analogy is really good, sure if you eat and then throw up you won't get fat. But you already experienced the pleasurable part of eating and have just reinforced the habit more. Probably even more so since you didn't get any satisfaction.

>> No.11177062
File: 33 KB, 870x455, 1518728388012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've become convinced that sexuality is evil and is inevitably bound up in violence and cruelty. I'm disgusted by my own sexual impulses, especially as they are driven more by sex as image and simulacrum more than the physical act itself, which has always disappointed me. If only I could become asexual. Change my mind.

any tips? not that guy but have about 4k sitting around.

>> No.11177071

i'm fucking with you. of course i transform it into other activities. i have to admit that activities that involve the body are best suited for this transformation, like sports or cleaning the house or gardening. to transform that power into intellectual actions is duable not always easy. there is another thing. you can have a dry orgasm, it is difficult to achive, but if you learn it, it is equally satisfying to the one with semen ejaculation

>> No.11177076

good post. not cringe at all

>> No.11177085

Should a writer consciously insert symbols into his writing or should a writer write wholly subconsciously and allow symbols to come out from the end result?

>> No.11177090
File: 82 KB, 974x709, 1525267813063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't change your mind because you're literally me.

>> No.11177093

no rules for that. some do better like this other do better like that

>> No.11177099

find your body again, find the corporal hornyness, find the genital vibration. stop the simulacras, the stories, the images, the fetish. find the urge without language.

>> No.11177108

Long periods of celibacy, masturbation included, opposite-than-expected, make the impulses abate. It's tough to start it initially but once you do break free, it's very easy to keep going.

>> No.11177114

don't be a faggot and learn lucid dreaming

>> No.11177118

>wasting lucid dreams to fulfill fleshly desires

>> No.11177119

I already lucid dream sometimes. What does that have to do with anything?

>> No.11177133

i agree, i just wanted to lure them into trying

>> No.11177138

it will help you with this turmoil of your soul, if you dare to confront it in your lucid dream

>i'm disgusted by my own sexual impulses, especially as they are driven more by sex as image and simulacrum more than the physical act itself

>> No.11177192


>> No.11177234

so edgy, lol. go get a snickers

>> No.11177242


>> No.11177248

Stand up straight, with your shoulders back, bucko

>> No.11177293

How can someone who has completely given up continue on? I have accepted I will never be at the same level Elon Musk and Warren Buffett are, but anything below that feels completely pointless to me.

>> No.11177299

Banning, blocking, and moderation are all forms of censorship and violations of freedom of speech. Instead of denying this simple fact, people should and embrace and realize that real discourse cannot occur without restricted/vetted speech.
Places lacking in moderation and restrictions, such as 4chan, emulate the end result of free speech. Bad information allowed to permeate pollutes the forum and all discussion within.

>> No.11177343

>Places lacking in moderation and restrictions, such as 4chan, emulate the end result of free speech.
Except that even 4chan has moderation and restriction? What you are saying is absolutely fucking retarded. Any civilized place is going to have a level of restrictions in order to function.
Imagine for a moment that people started coming on /lit/ and making cunny threads or making DotA generals. You think that would fly? Of course not.

>> No.11177375

>Imagine for a moment that people started coming on /lit/ and making cunny threads or making DotA generals
Yeah can you imagine what happened if people started coming on /lit/ and making threads on YouTube personalities and political racebaits... wait

>> No.11177387

>Yeah can you imagine what happened if people started coming on /lit/ and making threads on YouTube personalities and political racebaits... wait
I don't see your point. Those are typically removed unless they're relevant to /lit/. And there are plenty of threads on all the boards that shouldn't be allowed because mods are lazy.
How does that undermine what I said? You don't have freedom or free speech if you have no laws or regulations.

>> No.11177561

Moderation on 4chan is very minimalist, especially in comparison to other websties. The only rule that is actually consistently enforced is 'stay on topic'. And that only really applies to OPs.
/b/ doesnt have that one rule, and its an even bigger cesspool than the rest of the site. /pol/ is also very lax, and became similarly shit.

>> No.11177567

I had started learning French and watching House MD. Been reading C&P in between.
It is the coolest ramadhan I'd ever had.

>> No.11177614

>Moderation on 4chan is very minimalist
I never said moderation shouldn't be that way. All I was trying to convey to that brainlet is that some form of moderation is ALWAYS necessary if you want to have an environment that actually works towards your ends.

>> No.11177621

Wasn't that literally his point? That actual unrestricted speech prevents good discussion?

>> No.11177653

but anon if he quits his job or gets fired he will not have any money to feed himself and he would starve

>> No.11177664

Oh, yes, you're right. Fuck. I didn't pay enough attention. Well, burn me at the stake, I guess.

>> No.11177785

>Those are typically removed
I fuckin wish mate

>> No.11177809

Unironically the DPRK

>> No.11177841

I hear my fellow undergraduates talking about "impostor syndrome" while applying to grants for doctorate programs and whatnot. I finally understand what that feels like.

So, I'm an English major. I have no interest in graduate school, which means I'm bound for Industry™, which means I'll end up making use of my 12+ years programming (read: approximately 11.5 years of which was spent idling in IRC).

You wanna know about impostor syndrome? How about being approached by two managing editors from three undergraduate journals practically begging me to serve as their web developer, either because their web developer last semester was shit or they've been making due having the social media manager make periodic updates with the in-place template.

You wanna know about impostor syndrome? One of my new managing editors just dedicated two paragraphs stressing how crucial it is we get the website updated by the end of the month. The update he needed? Literally posting two links.

You wanna know about impostor syndrome? My other managing editor has been thanking me all day, saying he wishes they had room in their budget to pay me a stipend, "for all [my] hard work."

Stop running from your skillsets, kiddos. They'll pay off in the end. There's always a market for people with good analytical and communication skills. Yes, even if you're in the humanities.

>> No.11177885

I tend to agree with
Maybe your dropping of the sex habit was a reflection of a change in you

>> No.11177912

should be hung from the window of a sky scraper like the spec ops niggers in DarkKnight Returns

>> No.11177921


>> No.11178269

You wanna know about imposter syndrome? It's there to stop idiots straight out of grad school thinking they've got even the slightest shred of hope of becoming tenured.

>> No.11178317
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The moderator ought to delete this pornography.
I've been day-banned for less.
Surely it's been reported by now.

No. It's anonymity, poor moderation and "meme culture".
The board was tolerably good when it was slower and less known. But /pol/ accepted every stormfront turd and it's just spread from there

>> No.11178347


>> No.11178360

Yeah, nothing to do with retarded tripfags.

>> No.11178366
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>> No.11178374
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Blaming a hand full of people who pick a name for a few months then quit is like blaming bird posting (BAVI)

>> No.11178386

I didn't know you liked Korrasami. I think we can be friends.

>> No.11178390

Yeah right, you want a dick so bad I can see it in the subconscious behind your posts. It's not even a contest. The only reason you make posts is to let everyone know how badly you want a dick, even if you, yourself, don't realize it.

>> No.11178433

Brandy or beer?
Going to a party and I can't decide if it should be a calm chill night for me or if I should go full on Linda Blair and rotate my fucking head 360°.

>> No.11178575

I do a lot of blogposting in these threads, mostly about the girl I'm obsessed with and how aimless I feel most of the time. Hundred's of (you)'s later and my life isn't any different, so I feel like it's probably time to stop brooding on a Taiwanese rug weaving forum so much.

On a different note, I had some properly prepared matcha today and it was really nice. I think I'll try to find a set the next time I'm in Chinatown, though it's more a Japanese thing so I don't know how much luck I'll have.

>> No.11178650

Tell me the Sparknotes of your story, friend.

>> No.11178768


>> No.11178774

Gee, you really mean it?

>> No.11178805
File: 376 KB, 500x264, 4106162892.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, it needs to be kind of long to have any context though.
>bullied in middle school, no friends
>become autist who spends all his time programming and playing vidya to cope
>get depressed, as I have been ever since
>last year of high school, randomly meet some people
>they think I'm funny, actually like me
>sorta have normal friends for the first time in years
>feels good
>some of them are pretty /lit/ so I start reading too
>off to college
>ridiculously depressed, miss my new friends
>studying CS, hate it now
>don't fit in with nerd culture anymore, even more alone than I was in high school
>meet girl, she's really cool
>probably not super hot by most people's standards, but to me she's the prettiest girl I've ever seen
>she really likes me too, we become fast friends
>spend loads of time together
>finally gather courage to ask her out
>literally the day I was going to she tells me about her new boyfriend
>never been more hurt
>spend next year awkwardly oscillating between ignoring her, trying to just be her friend, and trying to get her to love me
>every time it seems to be going well, it crashes back down around me
>neglect all my other friends
>she changes a lot, no longer as cool
>really kind of a bitch at times, knows that she's important to me and still does things she knows will hurt me
>still in love though
>academics suffer, squander loads of opportunities
>literally sit in my room all day ruminating except for class
>have some professors that say I have potential
>can't bring myself to care enough to realize it
>all my goals and dreams have been replaced by my obsession with this girl
>begin to develop sexual insecurity, can feel myself becoming a dumb /r9k/ type
>finally, after almost a year of this shit, decide it has to end
> <----------- this is the present day
>going to tell her I can't be her friend anymore
>going to have basically no friends at all after that
>don't know what I'm going to do with myself because I don't have any other real passions anymore
>just feel empty inside

>> No.11178820

How many "strong, female characters" need to be praised as "strong, female characters" by white male commentators before we acknowledge that there have been strong, female characters throughout literary history?

Like, Christ, if if this is about women wanting a seat at the boardroom table, they wouldn't have spent the last 200,000 years of Homo sapien existence letting men do all the work and die in all the wars. Shocker, experience counts for something.

>> No.11178853

I last posted about how I would kill myself if my acute tinnitus didn't let up. It prevented me from enjoying music which I love very much. It eventually let up, so I can enjoy music now. For a long time it was so loud and everything was hopeless. I doubt anyone read that post or cared, but I wanted to blog about it again. I'm trying to enjoy creative pursuits again. It's taking time, but I'm getting there day by day. My time to relax is almost up, however. Soon I'll have to wageslave once more.

>> No.11178929

I've got a book with a "strong, black, female, lesbian character". How strong? Strong enough to rape and murder a white ginger teenager, attempt/contemplate murder on a white man, and sexual assault on a white woman. Do I win the prize for edginess and SJW cultural Marxist tears?

>> No.11178971

What are you using to learn French?

>> No.11178989
File: 61 KB, 284x405, PMatWW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before we acknowledge that there have been strong, female characters throughout literary history?

I don't have tinnitus that goes in and out so severely, I hear ya though.

>> No.11178995

Read Kierkegaard

>> No.11179047

I thought Kierkegaard wrote a lot about despair and hopelessness, doesn't sound helpful desu.

>> No.11179053

Kierkegaard will lift you to the heavens and show you love

>> No.11179122
File: 237 KB, 500x511, 1522021432880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I learned that the worst posters on 4chan are not the Americans, but the Europeans

>> No.11179191

I wonder how intersectional that makes her on the Peterson scale.

>> No.11179196

the lower iq Uk and Italian posters are really awful, i like the Krauts and Aussies

>> No.11179197

This is ambiguous.

>> No.11179213

>Italian posters
What, there's like 4 of us.

>> No.11179221
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>> No.11179230

OK, give me a book then.

>> No.11179233

Italy has a huge number of posters on 4chan, as does Germany. You are some of the worst posters by far, overestimate your own intelligence by orders of magnitude. Germans shitpost as do aussies that’s why i like them. Anglos and Italians feel the need to “speak up” they’re worse than americans and Leafs in this regard

also absolutely hilarious conception of America which these two nationalities have i have no idea why UK people think they can criticize the Kwa when you have a police state and grey weather every day, Italy is a debt ridden mess run by freemasons and pedophiles. Germans can at least be proud of being beautiful and the Strayas are liberated souls from the first

>> No.11179242

>Italy has a huge number of posters on 4chan
ah I thought you were talking about /lit/ for a second

>> No.11179261
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I don't require a lot of socialization, and probably because of it or in spite of it, I am constantly disappointed in people.

However, there are some people in my life that are real jewels, just as there are some people I have known to be irredeemably shit. Most people, everyone else, falls in the inbetween realm. Where I'm sure they're great people in their own rights, but we just don't have a lot in common and I don't really want to hang out with them.

Is it even worth it to worry about a relationship, then?

People always say you know you're ready when you don't even think you need anyone, but I feel like on some level they're talking out of their ass considering at least one person has to make the first move and ask the other out on a date or something at some point. Unless this is true. I have no idea.

>> No.11179287

Training in Christianity
The Present Age

>> No.11179346

Define the Peterson scale. Never heard of it before, though if you're referring to Dr. Jordan Peterson then I'm very much aware of his work.

>> No.11179391

I graduated from college 2 years ago today. Since then my life has only gotten significantly worse. I make less money per hour now than I did when I was a student worker at my university's library. I live with my mom and I never see my friends because they all live 2 hours away in the city while I'm in the middle of nowhere. I honestly want to cry almost every day. I feel so old and I know my youth has been wasted. Every morning I wake up and I wonder how I ended up like this when everyone else (even the people who just smoked weed and fucked around in HS and never went to college or had any goals) is doing better than me. Literally everyone I know has either a high paying job, a good relationship, or is traveling the world and doing something interesting. Every dumbass fuckup from HS is working at the local nuke plant making 50k-60k a year. I make $11 an hour doing bullshit work that I don't even need a HS degree for, let alone a bachelors. On top of it all my mom doesn't have internet at her house so the only way I can look at /lit/ or any other website is by using data on my phone.

I paid off my debt though and I have 6k in the bank. It's not enough to move to where I want to move (unless I know for sure I'd have good income coming in right away or at least within a couple months) but I know it's time to do something with that money soon. I'm worried I'll blow through it immediately though. I'd hate to move out and then find after a few months I have to move back home again. I honestly don't think I'd be able to do this all over again. Once I leave again I need to be gone for good.

>> No.11179409

I was exactly in your position. Well, almost. Worked at a dead-end job for three years after graduating college, living with my mom, no friends because they all moved. Thought that was going to be the rest of my life. Sad life.

You sound like you have a plan, though. That will save you. Be patient, and know what you're doing. That pain you're feeling now will only make your freedom taste that much sweeter, when it comes.

>> No.11179443

How did you get out? I apply for jobs constantly and I've only gotten one interview. I think it's because they see on my resume I don't live anywhere near the jobs I'm applying to. Also I had a job right after college that I left after 6 months because it was completely fucked. So my resume shows I'm a flake (even though that job was legitimately fucked and almost everyone I worked with left within weeks after I left.)

>> No.11179464

>I think it's because they see on my resume I don't live anywhere near the jobs I'm applying to.
If you really think that's the issue, you could just lie.

>> No.11179476

I fully believe in the idea that masturbation results in chemical changes in the brain and that this conditions the chronic masturbator to fall into a useless and destructive habits, and that this culminates in ways that appear unrelated.

But this book you mention seems to undermine what you're saying. Am I understanding this book correctly? Is it seriously putting forward the notion that the retention of semen in the testicles, or lack thereof, is what makes masturbation lead to these negative patterns? What an absolutely ridiculous idea in the modern age. The content of your semen has nothing to do with what makes masturbation bad. It has to do with neurotransmitters and neural feedback.

>> No.11179489

Yes, I'm referring to Dr. Peterson's polemic regarding the logical conclusion of intersectionality being individualism.

>> No.11179492

I'm 19 years old and fucked up my chance at getting an easy gig making $25 an hour because I'm such a fucking paranoid sperg that I genuinely just want to rot around in my room until I muster up enough courage to off myself.

>> No.11179493

If you can, try to avoid the fact that you are applying from out of town. If you know anybody around the area, ask if you can temporarily use their address. Most people don't care. Don't put your current address on your resume, if you can help it.

If they do ask where you live, bring up the fact that you are applying from out of state, but follow up immediately by saying you are ready to relocate within two to three weeks. It helps if you're able to pay for the move at your own expense.

Trust me, most of the time employers immediately disqualify any application or resume that mentions that they're out of state, because they think it's a mass-application. But if you're able to hook them into contacting you, and THEN you bring up the fact you're out of state if they ask, they are a lot more lenient about it.

Another big factor is the place you want to move to. How far are you from where you want to move? Are you able to drive for interviews? How competitive is the job market? I actually moved without a job lined up, $6k in the bank like you, but the economy is so awesome here that I got a job within two weeks.

>> No.11179499


What did you major in? What other skills did you hone while in college?

>> No.11179541

Where are you if you don't mind me asking?

I double degreed in journalism and film studies because I'm terrible at planning for the future. But I'm not applying to journalism jobs anymore because that industry is completely dead and the pay is so low. I've been mostly looking for public relations or marketing jobs. Also library and museum jobs because I have job experience at a library/archive and I think I'd enjoy that sort of work. I have skills in video/audio editing and writing in AP style but not much else. I know LOC classification and basic archival preservation skills I guess. I have lots of useless knowledge of history and film theory.

>> No.11179558

join general lit discord and shitpost about literature and philosophy


>> No.11179576

Sounds about right; the proper journey of identity politics is the finality of its intersectional conclusion. Break people down into groups until there are no groups and there only remains individuals.

>> No.11179734

i wish i was born a few years sooner,
so i could keep her safe,
from the pain that this life caused.

if only i was born a few years sooner,
i could have made sure,
that her soul was still around.

>> No.11179838

Well, alright then, I'll go back to working on it. Surprisingly, correct posture is kind of comfortable with its feeling of rigidity. The muscles detract from that, but I'm sure it will improve over time. Thanks

>> No.11179856

Same anon, same, though mine is an actual physical problem. I could be 6'2", which is probably about the ideal height, if I got it surgically corrected, but I don't know if it's worth it.

Not always enough anon, my spine is physically deformed in a way that no posture training could even correct.

>> No.11179937
File: 317 KB, 796x422, sadlermad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 20 years old working at a grocery market for $11/hr while taking care of my ill grandmother because nobody else will. Recently broke up with girlfriend of 3 years. I feel like such a failure; I wish I went to college but it's just too damn expensive. My parents barely scrape by so no hope of help from them.

>> No.11179958

You're doing the right thing by taking care of your grandma and you're honestly dodging a huge bullet by not being in college right now. When you're a little older you can get a degree or something in a field you know you'll have interest in. Letting 18 year olds decide what they want to do for the rest of their lives is retarded.

>> No.11179976

moved to Moorhead, Minnesota, actually. It's a college town around here, so there's a bit of demand for entry-level college jobs, but it's a goldmine for any other type of job. Plus it's cheap as hell. I'm living comfortably in a 1bed1bath off of $12/hr full time.

>> No.11180002

Seconding this anon here.

Be grateful you haven't gone to college, and trust me your effort spent on taking care of your grandmother will not be wasted in the future.

It can't be said enough how the fucking university system in this country sucks. It's drilled into students' heads to go to college as soon as they get out of high school and the only reason that exists is because it fucking lines the pockets of university professors and justifies inflated tuition costs.

Some people are lucky, and know what they want to do with their lives before middle school. Most of us, however, are not so lucky. Some don't even know what the hell they want to do with their lives until they're already retired, after working 40 years in careers they fucking hated.

Community colleges are a godsend for indecisive people and I can't be happier that they're taking over universities. I suggest checking out any community college class that interests you. Literally just take a single intro class to something. It doesn't hurt and more often than not if you're in poverty then you'll actually get tuition waived and financial aid money given to you.

>> No.11180023

I've been pretty depressed and lonely for a few years, with literally no friends and nothing going for me. I was a total loser. I still am, but I have two close friends now.
Last night I was drinking with one, and some other people. We all had a really good time and have already made plans again.
We'd be sitting there, really drunk and she'd put her head on my shoulder and we'd just stay there for a minute. I'm not usually very comfortable around people, but I am around her.
My life is not what I want and I have a lot of problems, but life can be pretty good too.
I know there are a lot of people on here who aren't having the best time in life, like me. I hope all of you can find at least a little happiness.

>> No.11180054

you're not going to write your novel

>> No.11180064

too scared to post myself in a face rate thread on /soc/

>> No.11180075

Thanks guys, your advice has set me a little at ease.

>> No.11180089

Never before have I called someone a snob only for them to prove their snobbishness in an epileptic fit

>> No.11180155

OOh iTs hoow you makee me feeeel

>> No.11180560

I'm working on something that has a ton of pop culture references. How much can I get away with when referencing song lyrics? I want to subtlety work in the phrases "They were both young when she first saw him." and "The lights, the party, the ballgowns." which are clear references to a Taylor Swift song.

inb4 you're not going to publish it anyway so who cares.

>> No.11180686

I’m feeling better
Not the best but things are coming around
I’m making friends
I’m keeping them, loving them, talking about our feelings
Reading more, doing more, talking more,
Not being more cynical
Oh sir, things are looking ok.

>> No.11180702

I was in a very rough patch a while back. Father cheated on Mom, family moved back north, lost all my casual friends/buddies, lost the chance to graduate college early, had to go to a new hs, I was pretty lonely/cold inside and it was hard to open up to people. I hated my mom and dad and I hated how my life was changed. But I talked to people, made friends, people generally like me and think I’m handsome, I’m doing well in school, I’m thinking about reading/writing more and working out/getting a job. Girls look at me. I’m liking more movies and entertainment more than bashing on them. I took a theater class and an art class. My dad is doing better and my mom is doing better and they’ve worked things out, I’m talking with old friends and I feel much happier now. To be alive and be surrounded by family who love me, more than their own kids even. I may have felt alone, but I know I’m not alone. And I never will be.

Visit the lakes and pine trees, friends. It’s nice and cool up here.

It’s always darkest before things get brighter. Chin up.

>> No.11180711

Drawing more, writing more, and I wanna see if filmmaking works out for me.

Definitely need a makeover, a new me. I’m good looking, but I hide my face out of lack of confidence. The remarks are lovely though. I wanna make music.

>> No.11180719

I can’t drive and I won’t. To hold a loaded gun and keep it pointed at all times with your hand on the trigger? The thought drives me to waste!

>> No.11180954
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My self hatred has reached a point wherein it has made day-to-day functioning difficult. Engaging with myself is excruciating. I have only one mirror in my apartment, which I use only when shaving, brushing my teeth and looking at the outfit I am wearing before leaving. Writing my resume and doing interviews is almost impossible since I cannot genuinely speak positively about myself in any way. I hate being photographed. I hate seeing myself in photos, so I avoid having my picture taken. I literally put my hand up to block my friends from snapchatting me. The worst is seeing myself on film. The way I speak, the expressions I make, my mannerisms, my voice. I can't handle seeing it in action. I'm digusting and pathetic.
I want to curate my Facebook profile so that employers think I'm normal, but I haven't had a photo taken of me in three years, so I haven't change my picture in that long. I look awful in photos anyways. Not that I look any better in real life.

>> No.11181352

This girl likes me a lot. Jesus Christ.

I wish I was 2D

>> No.11181441

It's making me sad reading about all you people who fell down because you have a dead end job after college. I literally just barely passed high school and then became a neet for 3 years. Out of indecision like some of you. Just wanted to say that at least you're normal and you applied to jobs automatically and started working. In the eyes of society you're human still.

>> No.11181469

best korea is 2nd-world

>> No.11182219

This is a wanky thing to moan about, but it's got to be done. I hate the fact that I feel, somehow, like there is a kind of connection I'm missing in life, and feel driven because of this to spend hours trying to find the missing link on the internet... Over time, I've found a couple, but one remains: intellgence. For some reason, I want to place myself. But every piece of information I find, I second-guess. No test is available but the Mensa entrance ones, and I don't trust them. But reading people's descriptions of themselves, and of the various levels of intelligence, don't answer enough questions for me. And I still can't really find something to relate to. Gradually I've considered higher levels of "giftedness" but my own true, or false, modesty, leads me never to accept a label I find. Even evidence from my own life isn't enough, because I don't know how to contextualise it; I don't know how my experience compares to others'. It's a conundrum.. a vicious vortex... and one I can't ask others for help with for fear of seeming to have, or aquiring, ideas above my station. Fuck's sake. I suppose the true problem is my perspective on my childhood, and on school, and on my abilities. I need my creative efforts to be seen and understood. lol, understood :^)

>> No.11182625
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I'm beginning to think that the worst error we can commit is to hope for other people to fix our lives for is. It may be comfortable to fantasize about receiving pity for your misfortune, and using this excuse to double down on yoir mistakes, but life can be much better when you fight that urge. No matter what form your life is in, there is always a best possible set of choices that will lessen yoir suffering in the long run. The only person who cares enough to save you is yourself. In other words, if you're going through hell, keep going.

That part about choice especially keeps coming back up in my head. Oftentimes I will be out walking, think a random thought, and go "Why does it matter anyways? My life is practically over." But we must realize that these thoughts are both not necessary and not indicative of the truth. When these occur, lately I have begun reminding myself of those facts and considering more valuable lines of thought for the context I am in. There is too much value in our society placed on the act of thinking, and not enough on the quality of it.

What do you think?

>> No.11182636
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It's the 8th time I'm trying to pass entrance examination to University, 8 times I've failed and it has taken me 8 years.

I will probably drown myself in the near by harbour once the test is over, I'll never pass it anyways.

>> No.11182798

>Girls look at me
This made me feel like crying

>> No.11182816
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intellectual property is a spook

>> No.11182830

Dude what uni are you even trying to get into an Ivy league? Just go to a easier one

>> No.11182862
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It's some shit University, I'm just too stupid, too fucking stupid.

>> No.11182867
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I started college last year at a very late age, and immediately quit as the professors showed interest in me and some girl started harassing me and drawing hearts next to our names on the presence table. I'm not even remotely attractive, so that was very strange.
I'm seriously starting to wonder at this point what I'm doing. I don't long for death and I'm not unhappy, but I wonder what I'll do once my parents die and/or if I get ill. Honestly, I can't stop thinking about how I'll kill myself if I wake up tomorrow with cancer or something, and how stressful that would be.
I feel like I've been running from real life forever and it's slowly catching up with me. Ever since I was little people liked me (especially girls) and gave me opportunities (jobs, school) and I've abandoned all of them at my first chance, because they made me extremely unhappy.
I like taking long walks through green areas and I'm happiest when I'm looking at mountains and rivers - just powerful landscapes with no humans. That, or I'm nostalgic about games I've played as a kid, but most of them also make me happy due to the landscapes and scenery.
I'm starting to suspect I may be autistic.

>> No.11182879

What exactly is on that test and are you even studying? You know you can't pass a test without trying...

>> No.11182897

Some shit that is too hard for a retard like me. It is just 5 essays you have to write.
>Are you even studying
To my great shame I read a lot but I'm incredibly slow and stupid, thus I don't learn.

>> No.11182907

I have the same, anon. I'm sure people would say I've never cracked open a book in my life, even though I read all day. My writing is pure garbage. Kinda sad. I used to think I was good at it as a kid.

>> No.11182921

I was always bad at learning. Too dumb to even learn from this: 8th times I've failed, 8 years has it taken; got nothing to show for it except unhealthy thoughts.

>> No.11182945

I'm stuck with my parents in my hometown for the next couple weeks, it's not fun desu. I'm even more socially isolated than at uni, and there's not much to do other than sit in my room and shitpost. Doesn't feel much like home anymore.

>> No.11182949

The fact that something is unlikely is exactly what makes it valuable, but when people simulate the past in the future they will use probability to assign everything its most likely explanation, essentially destroying all the unrealized value of the past. This among many other things makes me incredibly angry at the future.

>> No.11182969

I'm patiently waiting to get over myself but it's been a struggle.

>> No.11183579

One must strike when one is ready.

>> No.11184324

>tfw u tryna fappit but a chick keeps texting u

>> No.11184329

do u think drinking two monster zero ultra energy drinks a day is like too much or not i already drink coffee basically all day

>> No.11184338

I'm in terrible health. I haven't slept at night for a week; been taking two or three hour naps during the day. I'm 6' and 125lbs. I need to fix this.

>> No.11184509

One a week is too much

>> No.11184569

The cleft below that woman's nose is beauteous

>> No.11184632

fuck it, we'll run.
because the world has treated you unfair,
and left you there,
tomorrow, they'll be gone.

we'll set this world on fire,
spread misery and destruction,
not leaving any soul alive.

for this world that we once admired,
that beauty is long gone.
let's leave them all behind.

because for you,
i'd ruin governments, spread plagues.
i'd end them all,
not a living soul left in my wake.

so let's run.
we'll disappear.
let's start the hunt.
leave them trembling in fear.

they'll be gone.

>> No.11184658

Hi Anon. I'm the same height and got down to 120 lbs and ended up suffering a psychotic break, related to a lack of consistent sleep and also significant drug use. I hope you can get back into a better routine soon so you don't go crazy like I did, it was quite traumatic

>> No.11184665
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>tfw no one to share your bohemian lifestyle with
This isn't even an ironic feel, how do I meet people like me?

>> No.11184680

ask out a bunch of chicks and then when they friendzone u pester them to hangout and do bohemian stuff, being a going shopping for organic coffee and vinyl records pest is surely better than being a sex pest?

>> No.11184692

that beefsteak burrito from trader joe's gave me two days if diarrhea

that reminds me what the fuck is the origin of the word diarrhea? the "ea" ending maybe greek and "dia" exist in some latin origin words...let me google that real quick and report back

>> No.11184697

>dia -> through
>rhein -> flow

mind blown

>> No.11184801

How do you make friends? I haven't had any since leaving school 7 years ago. It seems impossible. Half of that was spent as an isolated neet though so it's my fault, but i have no social skills to speak of, feel like i don't even have a personality.

>> No.11184808



>> No.11184837

have a good conversation outside of forced interactions, get some laughs, develop comfort, make sure they like being around you, then ask them to come out with you to do something interesting and relaxing, be cool about it and they will end up being your friend. you have to be comfortable or they will think you're a loser, sperg or worse a homofaggot (and the latter two will make them hate you, as opposed to just pitying you)
>when they freindzone you

>> No.11184838

there's a torrent of all of nietzsche's tracks on rutracker

>> No.11184842

shouldn't having to friendzone homos give friendzone whiners some perspective? or are they all too ugly to get hit on by the gays?

>> No.11185001

I've never heard anyone complain about "the friendzone" in the sense most people talk about. Unrequited love, especially towards someone you view as a friend, is incredibly painful and difficult. If you're whining instead of despairing, you're an asshole who was never really interested in her in the first place. So maybe I just don't hang around assholes, but I have never seen the
>dumb bitch FRIENDZONED me!
meme play out in real life.

t. someone going through this right now

>> No.11185112

>Open my heart up and vent anonymously
>Get no (you)'s
Is there a worse feeling?

>> No.11185175

Link your post, I'll read it anon.

>> No.11185326

I agree, except for acknowledging so autistically ignores the social purposes of intersectionality.

>> No.11185332

I thawed chicken in cold water for the first time because I forgot to put it in the fridge last night and I'm thinking I might have food poisoned myself so I'm just watching Tokyo Story and being anxious as my stomach churns.

>> No.11185405

For how long? Did you leave it in the package?

>> No.11185418

How do we stop the problem of men commiting the vast majority of all violent crimes?

>> No.11185447

The ideal world, the world that may bring us closest to utopia, would be the one of a singular culture, a singular race, and a singular gender. Injustice, prejudice, and bigotry all arise in the face of differences. It is the natural state of Man to conduct itself as such. The ignorant and the uneducated shall always default to nature, and we cannot educate everyone.
Differing cultures fight each other because they cannot live together in peace. Men subjugate women and force them into submission. The races despise each other because of a history of injustice that cannot be changed nor fixed.
Over 150 years ago the negroes in America were freed from slavery. 100 years later they were still fighting for respect and equality. 100 years later and nothing will have changed. The context differs, but the sickness within remains the same, because all suffering is relative. The same things will continue to occur, over and over.
It is only through complete separation into distinct, perpetually-isolated tribes or complete assimilation into a monosociety that we can stop these endless cycles.

>> No.11185454

mandatory castration, boys will be given a battery of tests to determine which ones of the most potential to be alpha chads, they will be groomed as studs, the rest will be snipped

>> No.11185457

>tfw you've become the master from Fallout 1

>> No.11185460

For around 2.5 hours, changing the water every 20-30 min. The site I saw didn't specify keeping it in a bag, so I didn't see that until after.

>> No.11185467

how thoroughly u cook the mother fucker is the most important part, as long as its cooked all the way through then probably no problem, but thats why i just cook paneer instead of meat, not cuz im vegetarian its just less sketchy , plus its cheaper u can get a big ass block for five bucks, and you can prepare it the same way as chicken as far as flavoring n shit

>> No.11185469

as long as you cooked it well you'll be fine. people brine chicken all the time, soaking it in water doesn't hurt it, and 2.5 hours isn't a terribly long time to defrost something.

>> No.11185484

I made sure there ain't pink, it was on the soft and moist side.

>> No.11185500

probably ok its only major if there is a salmonella warning on chicken for your region or something, when that lettuce outbreak happened in the north east i had lunch with somebody and i ate some of their lettuce which i would never normally order, i was noided for like a week, but it was ok, also there was an egg warning here too but i just blaze the fuck outta my eggs so nothing can survive and so far ok

>> No.11185525

i just fapped for like three hours couldn't get off to the usual trannies, once i noticed it was almost 10pm had to switch over to straight porn to get it done, wtf, i guess its the summer weather putting me in a straight mood, thats probably when trannies off themselves when the weather changes and their reproductive instincts kick in but they cant go out and try to get laid because they have fake tits and chemical castrated balls so they hero it up, its too bad psychiatrists will get lynched for a hate crime if they try to help you overcome gender dysforia instead of encouraging people to get fake tits and asses, then again people come in with a sprained ankle and doctor gives them a bottle of heroin i mean opioids, medicine in 2018 is just as quackish as those freaks with leeches and shit back in the day

>> No.11185542

Thanks anon I just gotta chill

>> No.11185743
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who was better than Britney in her prime?

>> No.11185869

You just have to try. It might not happen overnight but you can gain those social skills back. I was very isolated for years and I got them back, at least as much as I ever had.
I think I get that feeling about not having a personality. I still feel that sometimes. Don't judge yourself too hard.
Don't be afraid of people. Stand up straight and look at people, not at the ground (this was a huge problem for me).
Engage with the people around you. I don't know what your situation is, but I'm going to assume there are some people around you who you could potentially be friends with in the future. Don't try to force anything, but talk to those people. I knew the girl I was talking about in my post for over a year before we ever really did anything together, because I was just akward, and we never really talked.
One of the most important things is being genuine. If you really are interested in what a person is saying, they will be able to tell, and they will want to talk to you. If they tell you about something they are planning, ask them about it later. And if they tell you some serious shit (which they will because people do that all the time) then take an interest in it, don't shrug it off. I've noticed that people will often bring up a serious problem they have and then try to downplay it. Don't push, but care.
You can make friends, and you should. Make being comfortable in social situations a goal. Push yourself.
I really though my life was over a while ago. I was miserable, lonely, and wanted to die. Other people make life worth living.
I really don't know what to say, because I'm bad at giving advice, and I think I'm just rambling, but you should post in the next thread if you want and maybe other anons can weigh in too, about anything specific or just general stuff.