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File: 47 KB, 352x259, donate-unicef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11167455 No.11167455[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about short vs long term policies and stuff?
For example:
- feeding starving 3rd worlders vs leaving them alone
- prioritizing ones own society vs the entire world
- emotional vs rational argumentation
- actual long term political/societal goals (these are often implied by politicians with vague concepts, but rarely made clear)

I'm more interested in older classics, but newer books are OK too, as long as they're decent.

>> No.11167460

Bump for intrest

>> No.11167469

>give me rhetorical tricks to use when I want to advocate being a shit

>> No.11167492

Dambisa Moyo

>> No.11167504

t. a shit using a cheap rhetorical trick

>> No.11168482

Regardless of whether you're trolling or not, that's a pretty good summary of a pervasive ideology.

A bit too specific and recent, but not a bad suggestion.

>> No.11169429

If you want a good laugh Peter Singer

>> No.11169435

this is all of libertarianism and objectivism honestly

>> No.11169457
File: 80 KB, 599x571, JohnRawlsYall_0 (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>feeding starving 3rd worlders vs leaving them alone
>prioritizing ones own society vs the entire world
The Law of the Peoples by John Rawls
>actual long term political/societal goals (these are often implied by politicians with vague concepts, but rarely made clear)
A Theory of Justice by John Rawls
>emotional vs rational argumentation
Attitudes And Persuasion: Classic And Contemporary Approaches by Richard E. Petty

>> No.11169629

John lols

>> No.11169651
File: 8 KB, 462x434, 1522474222635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Charity organizations against third world starvation are a crime against humanity. Yeah, just make them outbreed themselves making their survival completely dependent on foreign aid and making the famine worse with even more African children suffering as a result. What a great fucking idea... if you really hate niggers.

>> No.11169661

Hegel's phenomenology of spirit
Marx's work including the communist manifesto

>> No.11169667

There is nothing wrong with education and proving equipment for them to work with

>> No.11169686

reread the anon’s post and then think about what you said blindly, reactively like an idelogically driven, senescent, venus fly trap

>> No.11169707

Didn't say there was. That's just throwing money down the drain. Anything that makes their survival easier is inherently evil because it allows them to sustain a larger family, meaning more offspring to consume more resources for the next even poorer generation.
If we let the Africans alone for a century they'd return to peaceful tribal life after killing are the whites in their lands and the world would be a better place again.

>> No.11169776

The point is to help them become self sustaining.

>> No.11169803

>- feeding starving 3rd worlders vs leaving them alone
>- prioritizing ones own society vs the entire world
>- emotional vs rational argumentation
That third one is a bit out of place. The first two were dealing with domestic problems vs international problems and then the third is a broad topic of rationality.

>> No.11170417

William Easterly

>> No.11170465

do you think that unicef guys are saints? they just make profit from it.
i don't know how feeding stray dogs can solve anything.

>> No.11170471

>That's just throwing money down the drain.
The problem is: it is we who drain resources from Africa.

>> No.11170495
File: 3.26 MB, 1507x1085, TheEvilsOfColonialism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11170505
File: 42 KB, 498x295, F19F4635-FD6E-4B94-A941-C6344A9063BD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Why we should increase the low IQ population and bring them into Europe by Schlomo Shekelstein.

Muh judeo Christian ethics tho.

>> No.11170509

Mind blown. If white man would just stop stealing black people resources then Wakanda would be real n pyramids be flying into space ayo bixnood.

>> No.11170510

that might be the point but it is not the result
read systemantics

>> No.11170519

>people with the iq of retards can be taught to be self sustaining

While this is being achieved we need to make sure to keep feeding them and giving them medicine etc so their population multiplies. Let’s make sure not to just cull them off forever so the world can move forward...

>> No.11170522

Is it really draining to use resources others are too lazy/stupid to take advantage of?

>> No.11170531
File: 280 KB, 646x595, nervous (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw even the Pope fell for the BBC
There's no escape from this hell, is there lads?

>> No.11170537

Yes, it literally is.

>> No.11170540

damn whityz, we wuz kangz before the whetyz came to africa.
oh time to collect muh money.

>> No.11170543

>feeding starving 3rd worlders vs leaving them alone

Read The Bottom Billion.

>> No.11170545

>something that's not an argument

>> No.11170647

If every adult male in the US suddenly decided to stop working and to act like an impulsive, violent child, the US would be back to huts and cows soon enough. You don’t need to invoke some kind of all-pervading racist conspiracy to explain why nothing runs properly in a country operated mainly by lazy, entitled, disorganized men.

>> No.11170696

Yeah, that's what Peter Singer is alright!

>> No.11170721

This bullshit half telling you what to do, half explaining the situation thing most of the media are using today is really grating on me now

Anyone that tells me what to do or think i immediately start looking for how they are wrong

Go fuck yourself unicef

>> No.11170760

This, not to mention the government on all levels constantly getting cucked by warlords.

>> No.11170766

>self sustaining
It's only been millions of years guys give them a little more time