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11170323 No.11170323 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11170335
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Which Nick Land are we talking about?

>> No.11170361

post upper crash.

>> No.11170391

A lot of immigrants in muh England

>> No.11170427

He was already wrong. He thought we would be living in something like Infinite Jest year of the whopper by now

>> No.11170435

GPU computable synergistic quantum immigrationarchy

>> No.11170442

i read nick land just because i like the way he writes and puts words together.

>> No.11170443

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Nick Land the Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story that academic philosophers would tell you. It’s a Continental legend. Nick Land was a Deleuzian of Warwick, so powerful and so wise he could use creative destruction to influence the intensive thresholds of terrestrial history to create…the Outside. He had such a knowledge of the dark side of Capital that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The deterritorializing flows of Capital are a pathway to many abilities some consider to be of a highly schizophrenic character. He became so deterritorialized…the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice, Ray Brassier, everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.

>> No.11170446

A Trumpian paradise

>> No.11170449

this but ironically

>> No.11170452

He’s been responding to my mutual son twitter recently. FeelsGreatMan

>> No.11171581

Further sclerosis of the political status quo, fragmentation and entrechnment in an attempt to play catch up and cope with ever increasing complexity, airbnb-fication of literally every part of your existance.

>> No.11171654

fust as fack

>> No.11171678

isn't the point of acceleration that your predictions are already too late or missing the point because things are much further than you can even conceptualize?

>> No.11172146

I've seen his latest picture. Seems like he accelerated too fast. He should use more flavanoids and nootropics. Never ever accelerate too fast.

>> No.11172164

is that a fancy word to say eat beans?

>> No.11172199

Dont accelerate my anger

>> No.11172218

Did you ever hear the tragedy of Nick Land the Wise? I thought not. It’s not a story that academic philosophers would tell you. It’s a Continental legend. Nick Land was a Deleuzian of Warwick, so powerful and so wise he could use creative destruction to influence the intensive thresholds of terrestrial history to create…the Outside. He had such a knowledge of the dark side of Capital that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. The deterritorializing flows of Capital are a pathway to many abilities some consider to be of a highly schizophrenic character. He became so deterritorialized…the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice, Ray Brassier, everything he knew, then his apprentice killed him in his sleep. Ironic. He could save others from death, but not himself.

>> No.11172395

Gotta have the gasification of templexity to introduce the nostrils to F-space

>> No.11172450

,,,Did you ever heard the tragedy of Fire and the Cotton?

>> No.11173929

neo-china will have arrived from the future

>> No.11173939

>Further sclerosis of the political status quo, fragmentation and entrechnment in an attempt to play catch up and cope with ever increasing complexity, airbnb-fication of literally every part of your existance.
so, like the last 10 years?