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File: 139 KB, 555x414, Theodore_Kaczynski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11166221 No.11166221 [Reply] [Original]

Are you oversocialized?

>> No.11166239

Anyone that responds no,on here,on the internet is full of shit.
Even if you dont talk to anyone IRL we are all still being over-socialized anytime we interact with strangers on the internet and to an extent even witnessing people communicate online with each other is also over-socialization(lurking)

>> No.11166243

I wish

>> No.11166244
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>> No.11166249


>> No.11166279

Unfamiliar with this, quick rundown?

>> No.11166328

Why haven't you destroyed your computer yet?

>> No.11166333

Oversocialized != Interacted with other human beings

>> No.11166370



>> No.11166377

this guy just doesn't understand what oversocialized actually means in this context because he didn't read the manifesto.

That being said, primitivism is retarded.

>> No.11166449

Yes, and I don't even go outside.

>> No.11166451

I'm undersocialised

>> No.11166492

Well since i dont try to kill people with mail bombs i guess so lol

>> No.11166634

Maybe? I'm part of a lot of communities but I'm not really too involved with any of them because then they'll realize I don't actually fit in and ostracize me.

>> No.11166697

Yes, I think so. I feel guilty for doing even the most banal of things.
I feel ashamed for having natural desires, for acting in my own self-interest etc.

I'm not an SJW type, tho. But I can sympathize with a lot of their ideas and intentions even if they aren't particularly effective.

Is there a way out of this brainwashing (other than regressing back to a hunter-gatherer)?

>> No.11166706

If you read what he meant by over-socialization you would shut the fuck up
4chan is literally a place to become de-socialized

>> No.11166723

>tfw too stupid to understand communism

>> No.11166734

Find sometning that you´re passionate about and stick to doing it. Make effort so go to bed at the same time each day. make a ritual out of doing positive things that make you happy Aviod things that upset you unecessarily , like the news. or video games, but be open minded. Eat well. Stop masturbating.
In short, earn your own respect towards yourself and become someone you´re happy being.

>> No.11166930
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>> No.11166951

>At the age of 19 to 20, I had a girlfriend
>Tfw a psychopath had more pussy than half of this board combined

>> No.11166957

I have the opposite problem. Women want me at times but I don't want to waste my energy and time on some random slut. Every time I ejaculate, it feels like I've been lobotomized and my creativity dies for a good day. The only reprieve I get is quitting masturbation and I can keep that up for a number of months. I'm not trading that bliss to be with a woman. Maybe after I complete my graduate studies but not now. Celibacy, actual celibacy, is the true redpill.

>> No.11166966

no wonder he was so angry

>> No.11166977
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>> No.11166987

Those are 5" increments not 1".

>> No.11166993


>> No.11166995

Wait so his head isn't two inches tall?

>> No.11167920

I'm surprised he actually cared. I've never met a woman who was as "unique" as I am, but if I were like him I would've given up altogether

>> No.11167925

Balzac thought that every time he ejaculated he lost an entire novel.

>> No.11167932

Hmm. On days when I do jack off, I do usually feel lazy and unmotivated afterwards.

Should I take the NoFap pill, anons?

>> No.11167939

no i absolutely feel no guilt, no regret and shame

>> No.11167940

>Oversocialized != Interacted with other human beings
nope, read his manifesto

>> No.11168381


>> No.11168411
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I prefer to live as an individual before God.

>> No.11168421

I used to be, back when I was a leftist. It's very hard not to be when you grow up online, and it's even harder to break away from that when the society pushes deinviduation as a good thing.

>> No.11168422



>Adolf Hitler - Youth (Age 0 - 25)

>Adolf Hitler - First World War (Age 25 - 29)

>Adolf Hitler - Rise to Power (Age 29 - 43)

>Joseph Goebbels

>Rudolf Hess

>Ted Kaczynski

>Timothy McVeigh

>Anders Breivik

>H.P. Lovecraft

>William Cottrell

>Adam Lanza

>Christopher Thomas Knight

>Christopher McCandless

>Christopher Harper-Mercer

>Bill Hicks

>Dylann Roof



>Julius Evola - Ride The Tiger


>> No.11168428

>Ballsack lost an entire novels worth of ideas whenever he cumme

>> No.11168471

Haven't read it, but does Kaczynski write anything about linguistics and language as a form of socialization?

>> No.11168473
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>> No.11168495

typo, deindividuation is what I meant. Spellcheck doesn't throw a red flag for "deinviduation" for some reason

>> No.11168565


>> No.11168616

Why stop masturbating though?

>> No.11168627

Yes, you need to practice it mentally too. You need to prevent arousal from occurring in the first place.
Don't bother browsing nofap. That place is a cesspool with people who just want to replace the hand with the vagina. You're doing this for the mental benefits, not for some woman.

>> No.11168637

you don´t even deserve to call yourself "I" before god.

>> No.11168638

It's the single most taxing activity you can engage in. Prolactin shoots way up, you associate your limited dopamine pathways to obsess over what it thinks is procreation.
There is no objective benefit to doing it. It's something you don't need or want in your life. The only reason people do it is for instant gratification.

>> No.11168647

>instant gratification.
lol my faps are anything but "instant".

>> No.11168654

Even more a problem then.
Even if it's for hours it still is instant gratification that undermines long term goals.

>> No.11168661


>> No.11168680

this is literally 73 virgins: The Thread

>> No.11168691

I lost what little respect I had for the Unabomber when I found out he is yet another raging incel.

>> No.11168693

>muh dick, the post
You need a brain to post in /lit/.

>> No.11168720

>There is no objective benefit to doing it
It feels good.

>> No.11168737

That's subjective good.
It does nothing to improve your life.

>> No.11168745

It improves my life by making me feel good.
>subjective good
As opposed to?

>> No.11168760

Pleasure does not bring lasting happiness. If it did, we would all be heroin addicts.

>> No.11168774

No such thing as lasting happiness

>> No.11168776

>Pleasure does not bring lasting happiness
And a life without pleasure does? Give me a break.

>> No.11168828

>lasting happiness

>> No.11168850

I feel the same. Being in a relationship or masturbsting is poison to that youthful, high energy creativity.

The wise, compositional sort of creativity is unaffected though.

Please imagine I wrote this less pretentiously.

>> No.11169003


>> No.11169014
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I don't even really talk to people on the internet either. Just shitpost every now and then.

>> No.11169055

>4chan is literally a place to become de-socialized
lol no
This place encourages oversocialization just as much as normal society, if not more. The only difference is that it's a different flavor of oversocialization.

>> No.11169346

He was such a brainlet he didn't even realize that we have evolved to socialize, we literally are meant to take on abstract social customs and cultural norms.

>> No.11169370

You think you know what oversocialization is because you looked at the word and sussed out a meaning but he uses it in a completely different context in the manifesto. He uses it to describe the condition of having too much of society's values in you to where you can literally not even think incorrect thoughts anymore

>> No.11169376

Both these anons are on to it

>> No.11169382

So being spooked then

>> No.11169816

How? They are saying opposite things.

>> No.11169969
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>> No.11169973
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Silly anons, ted meant oversocialized in terms of being moral and virtuous simply because that is what society installs in you throughout your life, thus oversocialized people such as a explained by Ted in the manifesto are likely to lash out in a form of contradictory violence against those who they believe are not upholding societies virtues (Similar to leftists). It doesn't mean actually socialising with people such as one of the first people commenting on this thread said.

>> No.11169993

So... Ted was oversocialized?

>> No.11170039
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Nope, he wanted to start a revolution to stop the industrial society and clearly stated in the manifesto that people will need to kill others during the revolution to achieve it, he himself killed simply to get his manifesto published. I don't see this as following societies virtues and thus he wouldn't be oversocialized in my opinion.

>> No.11170049

Wow, I'm glad I never read ISAIF if that's the type of idea he's passing off as original.

>> No.11170061
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Ted was an assclown with confused, mangled ideas.
"shit is bad, we must revolt and go back to simpler times" has all the intellectual depth of a 3 years old.

It's slightly better than most of the nazi fascistoid shit you see on this board every day, but not by much.

>> No.11170197

>actual celibacy, is the true redpill
This. Staying virgin till marriage is the way.

>> No.11170208

You don't get it

>> No.11170210

>nazi fascistoid
Fascim is based, anarcoprimitivism is a joke.

>> No.11170213

Do you want to be a celibate for life?

>> No.11170217

I don't really want to marry and I'm getting tired of prostitutes so probably

>> No.11170237

Far from it. Unlike Elliott Rodger whos #1 reason was literally because he was an incel, Kaczynski strived for nothing less than pure mathematical truth and explanation. He really didn't care or make it a big part of his character that he didn't get some.

I feel like a fucking abnormality. Everyone talks about jacking off making them feel tired and sluggish for the rest of the day. Whenever I cum, I get a real rush, and it feels like my head is cleared out for a while.

>> No.11170243

This desu.

>> No.11170250

You fucking nofappers need to quit comparing cum to heroin. Nofap is not beneficial because your cum is chakra energy or testosterone ore or whatever the hell you freaks tell yourselves, it's beneficial because it allows you to exercise self-discipline in a very direct manner. Anything bad about fapping comes from looking at too much porn, which actually DOES have a lot of hard evidence and proof that it's bad for your mental health, not pseudoscience bullshit.

Re: the prolactin shit, if you don't jack off you're more at risk for prostate cancer, so really, you can't win either way, so might as well not bring up all that biological crap.

I kind of didn't mind nofappers because at first it was kind of like a benevolent ignorance that improved people's discipline, but now you crazy motherfuckers are getting to be like a vegan cult about that shit. Stop it. Noporn, if anything, is the way to go. Jacking off is fine. Apes jack off all the time. Porn is not fine.

>> No.11170264

The human animal is a dog. Quite a grotesque, freak creature. Women’s breasts give men erections and simultaneously give babies nourishment. Women’s vaginas give birth to babies only after they’ve been maimed by a male’s penis. Facts are facts. Nature is a stupid whore. Men and babies compete for vaginas and breasts. Don’t forget the whole cycle of life is unnecessary, children are not needed, and the whole suffering, slavery and death thing is all unnecessary.

>> No.11170370

How the fuck can you become socialized to 4chan? Maybe to meme culture somewhat, but that's secondary to the whole feel of the site. The key denominator across all boards is hating on anything that is perceived to be common consensus. That's not a form in itself, it's just the negative space you get from rejecting everything else. If a form emerges from that negative space it's hated in turn, like in the way /pol hates r/thedonald

>> No.11170384

Naturalistic fallacy, the post.

>> No.11170396

>muh one sentence strawman
kill yourself. This is exactly what pure ideology looks like. Try considering for a moment that improved living conditions (by way of technology) don't always actually mean improved living conditions.

>> No.11170410

No, he's right. I've gone weeks without jacking off, and I've jacked off several times a day. It feels exactly the same. The people who talk about nofap have a. never tried real drugs and b. work themselves into placebo/nocebo effects b/c they are hypochondriacal faggots.

Stop thinking about your health beyond simple things like portion control and regular excersize (not planned exercise , just shit like I need to take a walk or run today), it's the healthiest thing you can do.

>> No.11170413

>The key denominator across all boards is hating on anything that is perceived to be common consensus.
That's still a consensus. 4chan "oversocialization" leads to a lot of bitterness and unnecessary anger that requires repression when interacting with "normal" people. The repressed anger finds its outlet on, where else, 4chan, which in turn amplifies the feeling and the need to repress it in social situations. Shitposting on 4chan is like smoking cigarettes to ease the stress of being addicted to cigarettes.

>> No.11170420

Well fuck, so in that case it's either anger and loneliness or being a faggot non-smoker?

>> No.11170450

They've both understood what oversocialisation means, and begun to think about how it manifests itself in their reality. Their opinion on 4chan is not important.

>> No.11170469

Any action within the body has a physiological cost, much less one meant to propagate life!
Semen is not an inert waste fluid but an ounce is equal to 60 ounces of blood. It is the most nutrient dense fluid in the entire body. It is supposed to remain to be recycled internally through internal secretion of the vesicles.
>The semen is a viscid albuminous fluid, alkaline in reaction, which is very rich in calcium and phosphorus, also in lecithin, cholesterol, albumen, nucleoproteins, iron, vitamin E, etc. In the ejaculation of the normal man, about 226 million spermatozoa are given off; these are rich in phosphorized fats (lecithin), cholesterol (the parent-source of sex hormones), nucleoproteins and iron. An ounce of semen is considered to be equal in value to sixty ounces of blood, of which it constitutes an extract of some of its most valuable of constituents, as far as its vitalizing power is concerned. Dr. Frederick McCann remarks on this point, "From what has been stated it must be admitted that the spermatic fluid does possess potentialities justifying the belief of ancient writers concerning its vital properties.

I was addicted to opioids and cigarettes and quitting these was much easier because ultimately the decision to take them first arises from the higher faculties and implicates planning and predestination. The decision to engage in the sexual urge is instinctual and outside your control.
You also are wrong concerning the placebo effect. People search masturbation and most information says it's good for you, and that abstinence is harmful (muh prostate cancer myth), so if anything, those forgoing it would be subject to the NOCEBO effect.

>> No.11170476


>> No.11170614

Which is something that can absolutely result from lurking forums, where each forum is its own society. The most obvious example would be reddit. Everyone begins to internalize a certain way of thinking and a certain way of responding to things, even the syntactic structure of ones typing/writing becomes homogenized. Reading through top posts in a reddit thread really makes you wonder whether these people are thinking for themselves, or if theyre just echoing the general sentiment and values of the platform. The same goes for every other online congregation, but anything with an upvote/downvote system will heavily encourage the adoption of a generalized set of values for that platform.

So in that sense, i think online interaction and forums actually lead to a kind of accelerated form of oversocialization. People now spend more time engaging online than in their physical society, and the sheer volume of those interactions is orders of magnitude higher. I've probably read upwards of 100 opinions before i finished my morning coffee, while id be lucky to speak irl to more than 3 people in any given day. Then, it follows that people will more rapidly adopt the values of their online societies than their physical ones.

>> No.11170782

Read the manifesto, you are talking ideas that are irrelevant to his philosophy

>> No.11170791

Sure, but that doesn't mean that by virtue of using the Internet you are oversocialized.

>> No.11170810

What a shame it is about all that tax payer money being wasted to keep lifers alive. I say it is more humane to put them out of their misery, rather then torturing them for life by keeping them caged and isolated to the point they go insane.

>> No.11170844

If you are with someone it will improve your relationship. That's the main benefit that I've noticed.

>> No.11170882

>an ounce is equal to 60 ounces of blood. It is the most nutrient dense fluid in the entire body.
Can you source this the only info I see is quotes from some old pamphlets rather than studies.

>> No.11171165

They are right and u know it
Still FOMO grabs me everytime

>> No.11171648

Nothing is good in-itself, you mongoloid, read a book.

>> No.11171664

Holy fuck I keep reading this from different anons all over the place and I feel its fucking truth. On /mu/ I've seen people say that several artists are celibate for the purpose of creativity. I also find that when I don't masturbate I feel more clear headed, creative and energized.

I'm beginning to feel that the monk life is the greatest mode of living, just fasting, celibacy, prayer and unceasing work.

>> No.11171674

Material pleasure can be done without, it's a good of sorts but the lowest form of pleasure and if that's all you value about your life you're basically just gonna want to be dead.

>> No.11171679 [DELETED] 
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Unironically are you me? I've been looking for peeps going through this, as on my first two month streak, two weeks in it was like I was being possessed to write shit. I also quit weed which definitely affected my drive. There must be something to keeping unlidded but its a pain to start hearing half-buzzwords like Dopamine thrown around without any detail about the mechanism surrounding celibacy, and its creative up-shoots.

>> No.11171682 [DELETED] 
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Unironically are you all me? I've been looking for peeps going through this, as on my first two month streak, two weeks in it was like I was being possessed to write shit. I also quit weed which definitely affected my drive. There must be something to keeping unlidded but its a pain to start hearing half-buzzwords like Dopamine thrown around without any detail about the mechanism surrounding celibacy, and its creative up-shoots.

>> No.11171685
File: 171 KB, 683x1024, Smugintrigue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically are you all me? I've been looking for peeps going through this, as two weeks into a 2 month streak it was like I was being possessed to write shit. I also quit weed which definitely affected my drive. There must be something to keeping unlidded but its a pain to start hearing half-buzzwords like Dopamine thrown around without any detail about the mechanism surrounding celibacy, and its creative up-shoots. I also feel more clear headed, immediately articulate, and confident within whatever craft turns me on at the time. What's going on?

>> No.11171691

>Apes jack off all the time

Wow if dumbass animals do it then it must be good, we should be like them!
Fapping is insidious because it's always available, it may not be as strong as a real narcotic but the only reason a drug feels good is because its interacting with your pleasure system. If you've really jacked off several times a day and felt no difference then there must be something really wrong with you, id feel like a piece of shit monkey after all that.

>> No.11171698

*keeping lidded

>> No.11171707

I don't know why people are so critical of nofap when the equation seems so simple. You get dopamine from everything that can possibly feel good. If you sate yourself with enough of it through meaningless pleasure seeking you're basically out of action, and all meaningful pleasurable tasks like writing or whatever you like to do would be like trying to eat when you're body is telling you you're full.

>> No.11171728

Because you people are like sxe cultists. Okay, you need to keep hands off your wiener permenantly in order to maintain a sense of discipline, no need to act sanctimonious around anyone who doesn't.

>> No.11171748

I get nofap, but noporn seems just as beneficial, for those that have tried both, have they found a notable difference in benefits? Like energy level, motivation, pleasure from art and creative output?

>> No.11171822

-t futurist.