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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 2.81 MB, 3456x4608, IMG20180517133717.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11165778 No.11165778 [Reply] [Original]

Show other anons what's currently on your bookshelf currently that you need to read and be judgemental cunts for having books that you think is trash ill start. Also any recommendations on books would be nice going by what you see.

>> No.11166072

What edition of the Gulag Archipelago is that?

>> No.11166090

but roind biggers

>> No.11166095

You're such a basic bitch

>> No.11166104

Is that a print on demand edition of Decline of the West? Why didn't you get the Oxford edition?

>> No.11166129

the harvill press edition

fight me bitch ass

Saw in a second hand book shop for a decent price so i thought i'd pick it up. Wasn't aware of oxford edition, i'll be picking up the 2nd volume with that edition tho.

>> No.11166137
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I need a new bookself, sorry for the bad quality

>> No.11166258


Did you take this picture with a nokia phone from 2004?

It looks like a fucking snuff film.

>> No.11167175

Looks like pop shit. Back to r books with you.

>> No.11167189
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My bookshelf only has the finest of /lit/ memes.

A lot of pop history/current affairs in there. I’d recommend branching out.

>> No.11167210

unironically nice shelf

>> No.11167226

what the fuck is this garbage?

>> No.11167248

That's a stack not a bookshelf

>> No.11167298

Thanks bro. I’ve woeked my way through a lot of it so far, but I’m out of space so now I’ve just got books accumulating on my desk.

>> No.11167345
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>> No.11167349
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tiny shelfs in here desu. u niggaz 20 or something?

>> No.11167390
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>> No.11167791

Well it’s more that my apartment is small, so I don’t really have too much space for large bookshelves.

Yours are fairly nice though, looks like a good collection even though I can’t understand any of it.

>> No.11167820

>tfw my book selves are all full, stacks of books are taking over my apartment and it's starting to look like I'm a crazy person.
I don't even horde books, I donate all the books I don't like

>> No.11167980


lmao at the gaben shit you grognard

Good to see an actual copy of Bottom's Dream in the wild.

>> No.11168062

Lol I have that edition of Mien Kampf

>> No.11168093

>Arno Schmidt
sometime I will try

>> No.11168114

Looks pretty good apart from SPQR, Mary Beard is such an awful fucking historian.
>people liked to do this
>they did it like this
>lol we actually don't know
>maybe they didn't and they did it like this
fucking atrocious

>> No.11168123

No it's a bookshelf just trust me bro

>> No.11168128

Yeah honestly I just bought it along side Plutarch and Suetonius so I could try to have more historical context to the primary sources I was reading. But I just don't really happen to know of any solid Roman historians; and I've actually heard of Mary Beard so I went with that.

Plutarch and Suetonius were much more interesting.

>> No.11168195

I like the books, hate the shelf.

>> No.11168656

That's just a stack OP. What's on your actual bookSHELF?

>> No.11168800
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anyone else desperately clinging onto their childhood reading material due to the nostalgia of an easier time?

>> No.11168805
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>> No.11168835

I'll have episodes where I'll get completely lost in the things I'd do as a kid. I'll emulate vidya that I played, read books that i'd read and so on. Those episodes usually last for a week before I snap myself out of them. Clinging onto your childhood for comfort can be unhealthy.

>> No.11169011

yeah, definetly relate to that. and it honestly just makes it all a whole lot more depressing, because once you snap out of it you realize you cant ever go back . rip

>> No.11169470
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>> No.11169476
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>> No.11169480
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>> No.11169487


>> No.11169556
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>> No.11169579
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>> No.11169596

>Not organizing your shelf by nationality
how embarrassing

>> No.11169653

I'd like to get books but I dislike owning possessions. They keep you tied down.
If you are settled in life, by all means, amass books.
However, if you plan on picking up and moving, then books are nothing but a burden.
The best thing to do is to get a van you can live in.
If you can't fit it in, you really don't need it. The e-reader has changed the dynamics of everything. It is a game changer. The intellectual is no longer chained to his books. He has the sum total of human knowledge in his grasps.

>> No.11169710
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>> No.11169720


>> No.11169767

Would be nice if I could actually read the titles on your shelves. Pictures are too small. You an ant?

>> No.11169987

>organizing your shelf at all
Who possibly has enough books here that would warrant that?

>> No.11169992

Some of us, as you can see, have more than 5 books anon.

>> No.11169997

yeah the insurance and registration and payments on that van sure aren't going to keep you tied down you stupid fucking pseud

>> No.11170001

i know. i just wanted a bookshelf thread

>> No.11170013

Where's the Beard defense force now? They love calling critics pseuds with fedoras

>> No.11170017

How do you get physical mail?

>> No.11170021

Any recommendations fellow anon? Always looking for new writers to explore.

>> No.11170023

I have like 300. I’ve never not been able to find a book I was looking for.

>> No.11170046

The Recognitions was fucking amazing, I’d recommend that any day of the week. It’s been an absolute bitch trying to track down more Gaddis in my area though.

It’s not in that shelf, but I recently read a collection of Mishima’s short stories, if you can get ahold of that it’s called Death in Midsummer.

A couple other less known guys I have I’d recommend, Farina and Been Down So Long is probably the only beat era novel I’ve ever liked. Hannah Arendt and Origins of Totalitarianism is fascinating if you like that area of European history. If you haven’t read any Woolf I’d highly recommend To the Lightbouse and The Waves as well.

>> No.11170058

I mean, that's very autistic of you and I can relate (but I have ~200) but if someone were to browse your books, they'd have no clue what's going on. I have them organized alphabetically by subject because I like organizing and I like giving away/lending them.

>> No.11170072

I mean I suppose, but usually when people come over it’s more just “haha wow anon you sure are smart XD”.
If people want to borrow stuff they usually just ask for recs.

but honestly it’s probably just laziness that prevents me from organizing them

>> No.11170128

Awesome ill add all of those onto my list. Thanks mate

>> No.11170382

i'm autistic and enjoy organizing books

>> No.11170473

what is top left book. I asked this a few weeks ago

>> No.11171377

Apathy is a great little gem

>> No.11172018

its mostly harry potter fanfic. you wouldnt understand. i uploaded the pics for aesthetic reasons. lits shelfs are fucking ugly

>> No.11172409
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There’s some pleb shit in there.

>> No.11172677

All that Stephen King.

>> No.11172862

Neat album

>> No.11172866

Thanks I love Björk.

>> No.11173050

Cool, art books

>Gaben pictures
>Size fixation.

oh well

>> No.11173116

Oh it's Euclid's elements.
It's mostly there as a reference work desu. I haven't like sat down and read it.

>> No.11173359

Mine are all in the loft getting wrinkly from humidity.

>> No.11173993
File: 3.37 MB, 4032x3024, 20180518_154932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got this stack for 5 dollars.

>> No.11174118

>Bottom's Dream
It's OOP everywhere :(

>> No.11174134
File: 501 KB, 1905x916, 0517181521-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check out my smelly, scuffed up, water damaged, outdated, written in, mismatched "stack" I got for a handful of pubes and a lap dance behind this Arbys dumpster!

>> No.11174254
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>> No.11174259
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2/2, mostly shit

>> No.11174275

bet they haven't read it tho

>> No.11174650


is japanese for busy people a good book for learning japanese? and if you happen to have read Genki, is it comparable in quality?

>> No.11174664

OP what'd you you find state of fear? I love Crichton but that was a slog and a half.

>> No.11174695


*How'd you find

>> No.11175237

>he buys new books
kek nice onions faggot

>> No.11175272

what are some books i can get to put on my bookshelf so i look cool, but never actually read them

>> No.11175713

Maybe a weird question but is that Ai Weiwei Taschen book multilingual? I’ve been wanting to get it but I can only find ones labeled multilingual. Is there an edition that’s just English? Or are they all multi?

>> No.11176340


>> No.11176858

pretty good, but that copy of lotr looks too big and bulky to be readable

>> No.11177044

Is the Oxford Paperbacks edition worth it? I know its slightly abridged but its been such a pain trying to find inexpensive versions of both of the original full books.

>> No.11177768

fuck you, my man

>> No.11177773
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>> No.11177775

your collection looks a lot like mine

>> No.11177776

leatherbound books, to go with your sofa

>> No.11177807


Ugly ostentatious things.

>> No.11177946


wow i feel a genuine hatred for this picture

>> No.11178142
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>> No.11178188

>Star Wars
says it all

>> No.11178482

Any Proclus? You get into mathematics at all?

>> No.11179089
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>> No.11179171

I used a pdf of Genki a while back, I think either will suit you fine

It's a cardboard box, 3 separate books inside. I've got the second copy of one of them because that book in the box is damaged to hell

>> No.11179544

What is that edition of 2666?

>> No.11179662

>Brooklyn Nine-Nine on DVD

>> No.11179683

Who honestly reads

>> No.11179686

Waiting for that one anon with the messy desk

>> No.11179796

Says it all desu

>> No.11179806

clear to boxes from the top and throw them out, then its pretty decend even for a gaymer feget

>> No.11179956
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Thou'st summoned me.

>> No.11180013

I have five thousand. Organization is helpful.

>> No.11180233
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>> No.11180700

This is fucking awful.

>> No.11180723

I love how obnoxious this shelf is

>> No.11181179
File: 69 KB, 736x552, mer jkwer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then this is for you

>> No.11181848

it's a good show

>> No.11181975

What do you do for a living to warrant a set up like this?

>> No.11181995

Download it or get Netflix

>> No.11182882
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The name "picador" is on it, I'm not sure though, I bought it off Thriftbooks

>> No.11183054
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How I do

>> No.11183219

it is multilingual. i dont think there is an english only book.

>> No.11184495

I own most of her stuff. Björk is great.

>> No.11184538

why do you own the Plague and the Myth of Sisyphus but not the Stranger? also the Homer bust is really cool. where would one look if he wishes to buy one as well?

>> No.11184912
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>> No.11184935

patrician but missing the greeks

>> No.11185872

Holy shit. It's a monument to vainglory. You just know this woman bought books entirely for the color of their jackets. I wonder if any of these were even read.