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11169077 No.11169077 [Reply] [Original]

Why is every great author or philosopher racist in some way? Is there truth to the idea that some races are superior and some are inferior?

>Dostoevsky hated Turks and disliked Jews
>Nietzsche disliked blacks
>Camus dislikes blacks and Jews
>Greek classics, all hate blacks

>> No.11169085

>correlation equals causation

>> No.11169090

"philosophy" is the realm of the physically inadequate. it only makes sense that these angsty, involuntarily celibate men would be filled with hate.

>> No.11169093

at least change your racebait script /pol/

>> No.11169098

Camus was a mulatto

>> No.11169102

Philosophers are very intellect-minded, meaning that they over-rationalize reality leaving no room for emotions or empathy.

>> No.11169122

No fortune no 4chan.
You should really only be able to post with a gold pass or above.

>> No.11169166

Girard hated nobody.

>> No.11169175

none of them are great writers tho

>> No.11169197

Pretty sure all of your statements are misinformed.

>> No.11169199

They didn't get out enough.

>> No.11169208

>Greek classics, all hate blacks
I think you may be projecting here.

>> No.11169212

Name some good writers.

>> No.11169222


>> No.11169227

That's a bold statement, isn't it?

>> No.11169253

Everyone hates Turks, that's not racism
Nietzsche was a retarded sperg
You completely made up the last two
Great point though, retard

>> No.11169342

How about you actually read the Greeks instead of posting on pol all day brainlet

>> No.11169379

Everyone dislikes jews turks and blacks though.

>> No.11169479

Socrates was fit and able-bodied.

>> No.11169500

>virginity causes racism
>hurr if they didn't agree with me these men we still talk about hundreds if not thousands of years later were just mad they couldn't get any

are you fuckin child?

>> No.11169576

I assure you, Camus got more pussy in one week than you’ll ever have in your entire life.

>”hurr durr he a racist, must mean he a virgin too lmao”

>> No.11169581
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Hating Jews is not racism. It's common sense.

>> No.11169624

Because being a philosopher requires you to explore your own psyche. Whatever prejudice and hatred that was in the minds of philosophers would be amplified in their works because they must dwell on every aspect of their personality.

>> No.11169628

>>Nietzsche disliked blacks
>>Camus dislikes blacks and Jews

Based, niggers are dumb as shit.

>> No.11169659

t. hasnt read the greeks

>> No.11169685

imagine having this juvenile understanding of philosophical thought

>> No.11169736
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>tfw too dumb for philosophy
Why even live?

>> No.11169748

>unwilling to explore if that is true in this case
bugger off you uninventive booboo

>> No.11169774

And had a fucking wife to boot.

Camus was probably the most socially able out of all four, but Nietzsche and Dosto were also deeply sympathetic to the human condition. Your argument would probably be true in the case of autismos like Kant and Bentham, though.

>> No.11169786

Those that are exposed to a large variety of blacks tend to dislike them after a certain amount of time.

>> No.11169788

>muh dik
This is still a nigger tier argument

>> No.11169792

black people are ugly, let's be honest, and this isn't about skin color but their ugly facial features: wide nose, thick lips, ape-like profile...

>> No.11169804

racism is a fairly modern concept.

>> No.11169926

No it's about perceived behavioral characteristics

>> No.11170405

Explain what you mean by this. Do you believe the OP is claiming that being a great author causes you to be racist? I don't see that at all.

>> No.11170457

greeks fantasised about abyssinian women...

>> No.11170536


>> No.11170541

Genetics is a fairly modern concept. Hating the people from the next city over was here since forever.