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/lit/ - Literature

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11165848 No.11165848 [Reply] [Original]

>He reads while high

>> No.11165860

No I watch anime and weird eat food while high. I also do these things while I'm not high. I also don't read.

>> No.11165864
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>he doesn't deterritorialize his machinic unconscious before reading

>> No.11165870

read poetry aloud while high is fun. try having fun some time.

>> No.11165878

Based. This is the way to live.

>> No.11165881

/lit/ in a nutshell

>> No.11165885

This but unironically

>> No.11165889

I can't, I just end up constantly making funny comments to myself about what I'm reading and it takes ages to get through a page

>> No.11165898

It's really hard to read with an attention span of ten seconds to be honest.

>> No.11165900

I read Notes from the Underground after ripping bong and then had a terrible time thinking about how despite all the efforts and the apparent progress I made in my life I'm still the same miserable human being full of resentment and gonna end up destroying everything

>> No.11166009

You're being too hard on yourself. When I smoke weed I usually get in a negative head space too.

>> No.11166011
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>He reads Hegel high

>> No.11166230
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I feel more involved in the story while high and tend to write more notes but I don't remember much.

>> No.11166250

God, does anyone else love weed but hate stoners? It’s ironic but I have nothing but complete contempt for this skank who thinks she’s so cool holding a huge bag of weed while her friend takes a picture of her. “Look how much weed we smoke!!! 420 bro!!!! HAHAHA SO MUCH WEED!! Yeah I smoke like an eighth in a sitting with my homies... haha, I wonder why I’m so depressed and apathetic... haha, what do you mean weed causes cognitive impairment and short term memory loss when used excessively over long periods of time?? Haha I’m not any stupider and don’t go into trances and stop paying attention randomly to things, I’m the same person bro lol... pass me that blunt”

>> No.11166291
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stop smoking weed

>> No.11166326

Love this post. Preach it, brother. I don't watch Chinese cartoons, but I do enjoy western cartoons and degenerative YouTube videos while high.

>> No.11166331
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>He reads Hegel

>> No.11166336

They're called normies. They don't respect themselves nor the herb.

>> No.11167102

Honestly ended up not smoking anymore because it was 5:1 odds I was gonna feel like shit at some point

>> No.11167112

How the fuck do you let your broccoli get this moldy?

>> No.11167178

I end up reading the same page over and over and not retaining anything whenever I do this but it's really enjoyable

>> No.11167185

read more!


>> No.11167201
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> she gets high

>> No.11167204
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>He reads

>> No.11167332

I was doing a lot of reading over the winter and early spring and then I got a weed pen and I haven’t read a god damn thing since :(

>> No.11167337

I enjoy taking a hit late at night and reading some poetry before going to bed... Idk if I could "follow a story", though, and philosophy or heavier work is definitely out of the question.

>> No.11167388
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Weed is the most anti-intellectual drug ever conceived.
It inebriates, and dulls the mind. It is like filling up your gas tank with glue. You aren't going to get a race car out of that.
Weed, is an aphrodisiac and in addition to the terrible acute effects of weed, most people pair it with sexual activity, whether masturbation or actual sex. This is a one-two punch to the intellect. It cries out, "God! Please deliver me from this hell!" Soon enough, the prefrontal lobes atrophy, and this inner compass dies, you are a semblance of your former self. You watch richard and morton, smoke weed, and eat cereal. Obesity comes apace. Hating your own habit, you start projecting intensely on others and objectively more innocuous inclinations, such as tobacco "disgusting dude!" or other drugs "dude, those aren't natural!". Soon enough, after a decade of this sort of abuse to the body, the weed user is predisposed to paranoia and all too frequently succumbs to hardcore schizophrenia.
The weed user represents the anti-intellectual. He is indolent, impaired and quite frankly stupid. Heavy cannabis use is associated with IQ loss.

There is not a more pathetic class of drugs on this entire planet than Cannabinoidergics.

>> No.11167391
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Fuck yeah I do. You're missing out, bud. I also read while drinking. Once read on acid. That was also fun.

>> No.11167397

>It inebriates, and dulls the mind.
w-woah... tell me more

>> No.11167403

Weed turns whites into naggers. This isn't news.

>> No.11167406
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>inebriates and dulls the mind
Yeah...maybe if youre a dull dimwitted fucker like yourseld but to many creatove and intelligent minda it can be a source of inspiration, creative renewal and simply fun.

You're inebriated right now off your pathetic psuedo argumenrs against weed that have cause a illogical 100 year drug ear over the right of one's own conciousness.

Do the world a favor and take a hit of ol' Mary Jane. You'll probably feel your tight anus loosen up and your abrasive cunt personality turning a little more...easy going.

>> No.11167409

The only thing I can do when I'm high is stress out about what a failure I am and how sad life is.

>> No.11167450
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nice pasta my nigga
All peer-reviewed research I have come across (I have written research papers on this topic) has stated that heavy use during adolescence, not adulthood, results in an IQ drop of about 5 points. Otherwise, the active chemicals in and of themselves do nothing to degenerate the user. Only when paired with a shitty lifestyle and shitty choices does weed become an enabler to degeneracy. Also, it was never "conceived", it's been cultivated in the form of hemp for thousands of years and hashish+other cannabis derivatives were used in tribal societies and early civilizations throughout all of human history.

>> No.11167454

I unironically prefer to read hegel while on opiates. It allows me to calm the ever consumptive black pill inside of me for a few minutes so I can enjoy reading for a second.

>> No.11167462

>he writes on LSD

>> No.11167472

Same, now I just use it to jerk off

>> No.11167485

Weed mostly made me waste my time, the high itself is pretty good, but i usually ended up masturbating for a few hours and eating afterwards. Way too passive of a high for me, i'd rather take something else. Weed's probably not too bad when only used socially though, but i can't resist smoking alone so i threw my bag away.

>> No.11167497
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>hes browsing /lit/ right now while in the middle of an acid trip

>> No.11167501

Thank you, this idea of “respect” for the plant is one so few people have. No, it’s just something to smoke a shitton and always talk about, it’s not as if it can leech on your motivation and attention capacity and lead to mental health issues like increased chance for depression, anxiety, schizophrenia with overuse.

>> No.11167517

what a waste of a trip

>> No.11167534

>smoking le weed

>> No.11167539

Your stylometry and atrocious spelling indicate that you have a very low IQ. The bad spelling can be excused but it tells me that you are seething right right now and just "had to" send this off on your mobile device.
Normally, I wouldn't even reply to you.
>maybe if youre a dull dimwitted fucker like yourseld
Ad hominem
>but to many creatove and intelligent minda it can be a source of inspiration, creative renewal and simply fun.
It's fun to use heroin but nobody is going to do it for fear of addiction. It's fun to do a lot of things but there are consequences to that fun, like STDs, and child support. Fun is not a valid impetus for an action.
The other two are farcical notions, based on your own experience.
Evidence shows that cannabis impairs creative thought, and working memory. No true intellectual would indulge in it.
Lastly, in regards to the last two points, you are confusing it with psychedelic drugs which have some evidence of doing these things.
>You're inebriated right now off your pathetic psuedo argumenrs
Ad hominem.
They were valid arguments rooted in logic and reality. Your arguments appeal to the emotions.
>a illogical 100 year drug ear over the right of one's own conciousness.
I assume you meant "war"?
Weed is not a drug that expands the conscious but kills it. You have the right to ruin your mind, this isn't what this discussion is about. It is shining a light on the fact that cannabis is pharmacological leprosy.
You don't like this so you try to ignore this. "Muh drug war!"
>third line
The rest of your post leads me to believe that you are part of the Australian drug scene and most likely a homosexual.

>> No.11167555

Let me jump in. Abusing weed absolutely dulls your mind and destroys your memory.
But it can be great for experienceing music or allmost all art in a more profound way.
T. Used to smoke weed in collage

>> No.11167580

reading drunk is where its at

>> No.11167584
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>> No.11167585

dude plateaus lmao

>> No.11167592
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>> No.11167618

reading on gray area meth analogues is where it's at

>> No.11167624

I've found kratom to be the best drug to read on.

>> No.11167645
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don't do drugs kids

>> No.11167680
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>he doesn't smoke weed and read Finnegans Wake out loud

>> No.11167718

she bretty qt tbqhwy desu senpai

>> No.11167759

How heavy a use we talking?

>> No.11167809

Multiple (2 or more) joints every day. Use of 2 or more joints a day is going to make your body enact compensatory mechanisms that will change your normal state of cognition. But, if heavy usage is stopped, you can return to a normal baseline without a permanent loss of IQ or memory capacity in adulthood. The developing brain of a teenager or young adult may have permanent alterations in cognition due to the brain development that occurred under the influence of heavy use.

Carl Hart has done research in this field and also written a couple of books, High Price and Drugs, Society, and Human Behavior that I would suggest. He's not a writer, but the information in those books is very valuable. He's also done 2 Joe Rogan podcasts if you don't care to pick up the books.

>> No.11167834

"look mom i know these greek words that means i win.

>> No.11167847
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>ad hominem
The absolute state of consumers of anti-intellectual drugs.

>> No.11167856

no writing drunk is the best

>> No.11167873
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>> No.11167906

>no true intellectual would indulge in it.
Gerard de Nerval, Charles Baudelaire, Victor Hugo, Honore de Balzac and Honore Victorin Daumier were all documented members of something called the "Hashish-Eaters' Club", and others such as Eugene Delacroix and Alexandre Dumas are rumored to have used hashish as well. Intellectuals, maybe not, but successful artists nonetheless.
>evidence shows cannabis impairs creative thought and working memory
There is evidence both for and against this statement, it might as well be null. My personal experience conflicts this. I know for certain that when I use weed, I make faster and longer associations (such as vividly recalling an obscure, forgotten childhood memory or a niche piece of information in relation to what I am reading). I have written these things down while high and have later confirmed that I would not have made these associations while sober.
>Weed is not a drug that expands the conscious but kills it.
I think this depends on the choices you make while using it. You can choose to think about philosophical or abstract things, or you can sit on your ass and laugh at a stupid cartoon.

>> No.11167924

>he doesn’t want to kill himself and thinks he’s going crazy everytime he smokes weed

>> No.11167970

I dont think Im going crazy but I legit think everyone including my best friends are trying to murder me whenever I smoke

Its why I only smoke alone nowadays

>> No.11167987

no writing without reading

>> No.11167995

Yeah, either that or smoke with nicer people. I myself realized the reason I had so many uncomfortable times with weed was because I was smoking a lot with douchey “friends”.

>> No.11168017

It all depends on your mindset. If you go to smoke with the anxious feeling that it's gonna make you feel like shit it more than likely will. I have the same problem so I only smoke when I'm in a good frame of mind and I try to smoke indica if I can find it, it has less of that anxious mind racing effect.

>> No.11168021

yo this nigga said Cannabinoidergics

>> No.11168024

>goes to debate class once

>> No.11168049

sounds like you hate brainless attention whores, not stoners. The only thing that really annoys me about stoners is that their lives completely revolve around weed. It's fine if youre like in the industry but that's about it. Most of them have no real hobbies unless it's also paired with weed. "dude I watched this movie the other day while I was throwed, dude it was crazy" "dude I went fishing all day and smoked a whole zip, it was so chill"

>> No.11168074

Cannabinoidergics are "things that work on the endocannabinoid neurotransmitters", which includes far more chemical compounds than just the cannabinoids in cannabis. Really makes him look like he knows what he's talking about

>> No.11168089

>try to read a sentence
>it's spinning around the room

>> No.11168102

t. lightweight bitch boy

>> No.11168129

>know for certain that when I use weed, I make faster and longer associations (such as vividly recalling an obscure, forgotten childhood memory or a niche piece of information in relation to what I am reading).
This is the only reason to smoke weed IMO aside from the physical. It helped me appreciate art, science, literature, music, philosophy, everything because I started to connect or notice things in ways I never did when sober.

I have spent some time high looking at the work of the Belgian surrealist Yves Tanguey. Some years later, I emerged from a long swim in the Caribbean and sank exhausted onto a beach formed from the erosion of a nearby coral reef. In idly examining the arcuate pastel-colored coral fragments which made up the beach, I saw before me a vastTanguey painting. PerhapsTanguey visited such a beach in his childhood.
I have been able to hear the separate parts of a three-part harmony and the richness of the counterpoint. I have since discovered that professional musicians can quite easily keep many separate parts going simultaneously in their heads, but this was the first time for me.

>> No.11168138

>after a decade of this sort of abuse to the body, the weed user is predisposed to paranoia and all too frequently succumbs to hardcore schizophrenia
this is some reefer madness tier nonsense. You'd know that if you actually knew people that have smoked for decades instead of selectively reading shit that you agree with in books.

>> No.11168152

You are just a fool suffering from confirmation bias.
The people I've known who have smoked for decades are either burnt out, or paranoid.

>> No.11168154

just drink american lite beer then, faggot

>> No.11168169

...so, what you are saying is, is that you're suffering from confirmation bias?

>> No.11168173

"friends" that you spend most of your time with just doing drugs aren't actually friends

>> No.11168174


>causes cognitive impairment and short term memory loss

Both only while under the influence of the drug. Alcohol is the drug that permanently alters your brain chemistry.

>> No.11168179

God, true. I didn't even think about it, but yeah I appreciate surrealist literature and art more when high, I just "get" it and enjoy it. It also shifts my perception of music like you said, and I can single out a certain instrument line or layer and think about how it melds into the whole of the piece, or I can sit in nature and listen to a certain bird's song rather than losing it in the fray of the other birds. I love that. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMfaihNQqTE
Songs like this with complex rhythms become so, so entrancing and invigorating.

I'd say it's best used when used as a tool to shift one's perception occasionally rather than a habitual mode of escapism.

>> No.11168180

>Both only while under the influence of the drug

Not entirely true. After prolonged use of weed, you can suffer from short-term memory loss for up to ~3 months. Either you haven't read the relevant studies, or you're really naive.

>> No.11168186

>drinking fizzy estrogen drink
Beer is worse than onions even, as the phytoestrogens in hops are bioactive.
Hence the beer gut.
Hence the fattened faces.
The beer imbiber is the worst of the heavy alcoholics. He says there is nothing wrong, yet proceeds to chug down two 16 oz beers one after another. Need I remind you that the human bladder's maximum capacity averages just 15 ounces? This means, they have this piss-like liquid engorged in their stomach and if they have but a drop more, they are quite literally filled to the brim, with the liquid seeping into their esophagus, causing slight but all the more cumulative damage. This is why heartburn medication is so popular in the US.

>> No.11168189

s o y

>> No.11168204

I have contempt for people who say weed instead of just pot.

>> No.11168209

desu I used to have a lot of anxiety problems (probably exacerbated by weed desu) but I’ve worked through them and my life is much better. I don’t really get paranoid anymore.
Getting 30-60min of daily cardio does wonders for the mind and body, it’s pretty crazy desu. I truly believe it can change the lives of tons of lazy people with “mental health issues” who often instead choose to destroy their brains with pharmaceuticals

>> No.11168216

Kill yourself.

>> No.11168237

>desu desu desu
Considering that human beings evolved in a setting where they almost never sat down at all, we're completely maladjusted for the most common lifestyle, the one divorced from nature and physical activity. Everything that is common in the "modern lifestyle" is utterly alien to the human being. 3rd world niggas have it better than us in that respect. It would only make sense that we become depressed, fat, anxious and otherwise unhealthy. Caged rats become depressed too, we're not unique.

>> No.11168256

I hear weed and bud much more often nowadays. Pot sounds kinda old-fashioned to me. Ganja is objectively the best way to refer to it, however.

>> No.11168271

Yeah, that’s kind of what I was implying kek. That’s why I even put it in quotes like you did.

>> No.11168279

Yeah pretty much. I sympathize because pot’s fun, I admit it. It’s just sad when it’s your whole life. Even stoners I know secretly have some reservations about their use and talk about trying to quit sometimes.

>> No.11168289

Pot sounds like something a Gen X would say, I hear weed/green/trees the most nowadays

>> No.11168296

My sister is slowly becoming like this. Should I just euthanize her?

>> No.11168314

no u

>> No.11168319

dude, wtf, you can't put down your own sister!?

>> No.11168320

he said drunk, if I drank that I wouldn't be drunk

>> No.11168323

>not calling it mota and dodi

>> No.11168326

you could I don't know... talk to her?

>> No.11168329

>Getting 30-60min of daily cardio does wonders
weed only after working out or cardio is the patrician method

>> No.11168344

Have you ever tried it during a workout? It's actually a bronchodilator, that might have some interesting effects. I haven't thought about that before.

>> No.11168352

>He reads while depressed

>> No.11168365

Thats when its the best

>> No.11168368

I mean is there another way

>> No.11168382


>> No.11168390

Who here stopped smoking because of increased anxiety

>> No.11168414

I’m the guy advocating daily cardio in this thread, do that if you don’t already. Also eat better, sleep better and learn and practice mindfulness meditation. The meditation and lessons truly changed the way I perceive anxiety. When I get high nowadays I still sometimes get that rush feeling that in the last would lead to some sort of anxious episode or perhaps a full blown panic attack. I’ve learned how to handle these situations and confront that anxious feeling—it goes away surprisingly fast once you know how to control it.
My other tips:
-don’t ever identify yourself as an anxious person. Spend as little energy as you can thinking about it
-practice deep, slow, belly breaths
-when you feel anxious, NEVER run or isolate yourself (going and hiding out in the bathroom is a common occurrence)
-face your fears/anxious triggers

>> No.11168417

You see many, many cases of people becoming douchebags the more and more they smoke weed. Ive talked to experts about it, the best experts, and they all agree. I’ve had it happen to friends. Sad!

>> No.11168426

Good post, I've used most of what this anon said to beat my anxiety and smoking is 100x more enjoyable now

>> No.11168431

Eh. I've been trying but she forgets what I tell her after a week. I'm not even opposed to her smoking weed but she's only 15 and everytime we see each other she just talks about how much weed she smoked and she makes me see all the photos of dumb faggots with joints in their hands. I've been a sort of third parent for her and I find this whole situation somewhat depressing because I can't help but think that it's, at least in part, my fault. I'm becoming more and more distant from her.

>> No.11168445
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>he doesn’t read after taking bong rips of 120x extract salvia

>> No.11168451

I stopped because almost all the positive effects faded away. I was constantly stoned and my tolerance was so high even strong edibles barely had any noticable effect. I basically only smoked so I wouldn't have to feel the depression and anxiety on coming back to reality. It literally took me 6 months to pee clean and there's probably still thc in my fat cells.

>> No.11168458
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>> No.11168479

No joke anon you could write a short story about this

>> No.11168517

Make her read IJ

>> No.11168535

Look at all those stems, Jesus. It’s like someone gave her a bag of shake and she can’t tell the difference.

>> No.11168624

If my experience is anything to go by she'll eventually realize how lame and pointless all of that is and will grow out of it. Most people go through a phase like that when they start smoking weed or drinking. Makes them feel mature or cool so they brag about it.

>> No.11168883

Me too

>> No.11168889

I drank like half a fifth of bourbon while reading Notes in one sitting and it was one of the best reading experiences of my life. Fucking top tier book. I love dosto

>> No.11168893

>he doesn't expierience ecstatic religious epiphanies and cry from joy when smoking
you're the real normie here

>> No.11168914


>> No.11168921

>he doesn't experience religious rapture when feeling a breeze

>> No.11168923


>> No.11168964

I did. Terrible anxiety. Shame since I enjoy music, art, and video games more deeply when I’m high.

>> No.11168973

>he can't induce a spiritual altered state of consciousness through the sheer power of breathing and concentration
sure is getting summer in here

>> No.11169042

Abusing drugs is bad and dumb but why are you letting yourself get carried away by anger over it? Don't you realize that it's pointless to get angry over every stupid person?

>> No.11169057

How often is she smoking weed? Smoking too much at that age causes developmental issues.

>> No.11169300

Not being able to remember much on MJ is just a meme

>> No.11169320

God, I hate when people try to act so mature by saying “yeah but why u gotta be so negative bro.” I’m complaining, venting. I don’t actually have that much hatred, I’m not fuming as I write this, I’m just writing it because I think it’s an interesting observation to spur discussion and thought. By your metric, it seems we should never complain about anything or criticize or satirize anyone’s faults, which seems like a very saintly and superhuman ideal.

>> No.11169357
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the sheer intellect in this thread

>> No.11169365

Have you tried sitting her down and cumming inside her mouth

>> No.11169386
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>He DOESN'T read Hegel high

>> No.11169815

I smoked with my ex for the first time last week and I passed out in and around her car for two-three hours while she sat there waiting for me to not be dead. How'd I do?

>> No.11169828

How long would it take for this to become permanent? If I used heavily from ages 19-21, would this IQ drop be permanent?

>> No.11169894

unironically this

>> No.11169932


>> No.11169958

is this ready player one

>> No.11170064

What is with degeneracy shilling lately?

>> No.11170066
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>> No.11170074

I took a good dose during April fools last year when all the board mergers happened. /fitlit/ was the most fun I've had on the internet desu.

>> No.11170100

it is ready player one

>> No.11170514

I once read Calvino's "If on a winter's night..." while high — it was the scene when the boy was packing his room and another boy was about to move into his room, then the narrator-boy found a picture of a girl and the two boys started wrestling... my heart started palpitating and I remember the prose being very physical, the language was almost as confusing as the scene itself. I hate weed, but that was a good read.

>> No.11170528
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Hes unironically talking shit, he triggered my neurosis but the studies he refers to(and every major one I found) conclude that smoking in late adolescence/adulthood doesn't affect IQ long term and there are a bunch of confounding variables. Smoking earlier does look a lot more potentially damaging. Check out the longitudinal twin study.

>> No.11170533

not reading scifi while smoking a blunt. PATHETIC.

>> No.11170546
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>type this up drunk as fuck on your phone
>anon gets rattled and writes paragraph tackling each of your points

>> No.11170550


>> No.11170551
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>> No.11170556

That's also bad

>> No.11170625

its only if you smoke throughout early adolescence. 23 year old with no prexisting predisposition for psychoses will see no side effects besides lowered C and slight short term memory degradation

>> No.11171680

I read large chunks of Inherent Vice while high, but it was not that great of an experience desu. Also started on Naked Lunch while high and it made me so uncomfortable, almost nauseous, that I had to stop. I remember the words being very, very threatening. Couldnt get past the first page. I was probably just in a bad state to begin with.
But most of the time I do nothing when I'm high. I will just lay in bed with my trivial, repetitive fantasies or waste away infront of my computer playing vidya, masturbating and eating low effort food. If I ever get to reading it will be hours after smoking, by then things are not so overwhelming and I've regained my willpower and short-term memory. I do really enjoy reading when I'm coming down, but being so inactive while high is a bit of a bummer.
Thanks for reading my blog post senpai.

>> No.11172818

When I tried to read on acid the words wouldn’t stay still on the pAge and I gave up. It was doable but required too much effort and focus. Would have been a waste of a trip

>> No.11172848

Chillax broski

>> No.11172848,1 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 

About a year ago someone started posting about a "20 y/o" who was kinda flirting with him although she had a BF and was 10 years younger than him. I don't quite get how these threads work or if it's possible that anyone had seen that post in the past, but he seemed insecure about dating this "cute" girl that was perhaps too much for him. However, here I am. Now, the 20 y/o is writing, after we finally ended up together.

So this guy is truly the cutest and we've been in a relationship for about 8 months now, the 8 happiest months of my life. I have come to love him deeply and already told him how I feel. He likes me but hasn't been able to say de "L" word. I'm his first gf and first kiss even though he's 30 y/o. I don't know if maybe I am being too pushy by expecting him to feel the same way. He hasn't had any relationships before so he doesn't know the drill very well yet. Today I read those posts I was talking about, he seemed so open, so sincere and nervous when talking about me. It feels surreal to have someone talk about you as if you were unattainable, when in fact for me it felt the other way around.

It seems odd to me how he was so hopeful about us, how we've been through a lot together, how we understand each other so well and have help each other to improve; yet, he's not able to say I Love you.

I don't know if maybe there's something wrong with me; if he's not that into me after all; if I am being ridiculous about all of these, or what.

Or am I just crazy af?