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11163686 No.11163686[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>run into a 30 year old boomer on campus
>what are you reading
>"the Stoics!"

>> No.11163704

what s the boomer cut off

im twenty in like a week am i aboomer

>> No.11163709
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The baby boom objectivelly ended at around 1990

>> No.11163714

You're a millennial.

>> No.11163722

Were boomers always like this or did they just start loving the stoics when they turned 30?

>> No.11163732

Stoicism is an old person cope.

>> No.11163737

>soldiers wanting some fuck after the war created a demographic boom that is going to wreck the US entitlement state

>> No.11163768
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>that thirty year old boomer who keeps bringing up Jordan Peterson talking points in tutorials

Literally why are these old folks still in college

>> No.11163786

more like
>run into a 20 year old boomer on campus
>what are you reading
>"my feed!"

>> No.11163787

>the boom stops with the creation of contraceptives
Did the Jews do this?

>> No.11163788

>that 30 year old boomer that still uses dfw image reactions

>> No.11163790

Hilarious grandad, you should forward it to your friends

>> No.11163797

I ran into a 12 year old boomer playing pokemon go today on his cell phone today and whinging about social security

>> No.11163804

i;m thinking about thos (human) beans

>> No.11163807

if you are asking if da joos were responsible for the sexual revolution, then yes.

>> No.11163808

>30 year old boomer
Is this some hot new meme? Am I out of touch?

>> No.11163811

I conceived a boomer last year just so I could abort it

>> No.11163813
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>that 30 year old boomer asking if he's out of touch with memes

>> No.11163814
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its the kids who are wrong

>> No.11163815

t. 20 year old boomers

>> No.11163819

I'm 30 fucking years old and I AM NOT a boomer you fucking tards, boomers are at least 40.

>> No.11163820

>that 30 year old boomer still sharing 20 year old simpsons memes

>> No.11163821

>Did the Jews do this?
If you mean save us all from the infiniboom, then yes.

>> No.11163823

You guys, please slow down and let's analyze this

>> No.11163824

What will the generation of kids born 2015-2025 be like? Super sterilized computer science majors?

>> No.11163825


spot the consevative retards in this thread

>> No.11163828

Thats more like young adults right now

>> No.11163830

>that 30 year old boomer that quotes his thoughts with greentext

>> No.11163835

males: super sterilized autists of various STEM interests
females: super promiscuous neoliberal art hoes who sleep with the top 3% men

>> No.11163836

>its another 30 year old flower child mad the hippy era is over

Groovy dude!

>> No.11163838

I'm 12 fucking years old and I AM NOT a boomer you fucking tards, boomers are at least 15

>> No.11163840

I'm 23 and thats literally my life

>> No.11163841

Brown... and its beatiful!

>> No.11163843

All you need is love, man

>> No.11163846

>that 30 year old boomer that still browses 4chan

>> No.11163847

it's only going to get more standarized as now-toddlers become teens.

>> No.11163848

>being this out of touch with the majority of your culture

>> No.11163858


>> No.11163860

>tfw your a 30 year old boomer getting triggered by this dumb new meme

fuck you guys

>> No.11163915

>30 year old
i'm 32 fucking years old and i don't even consider people 10 years older than be to be boomers
cant we please make this board 18+ to avoid this kind of shit

>> No.11163923

>that 30 year old boomer who wants all the young people off his website

>> No.11163927

Already happening
I should know I'm in the top 3%

>> No.11163933

>Stoicism is an old person cope.
What is a young person cope

>> No.11163934

gen z*

>> No.11163939


>> No.11163944

old cope

>> No.11163945

Adderall and a 4G connection to check Twitter and IG with

>> No.11163952

Twitter and IG are not for COPERS

>> No.11163955

So you mean they're talking with other young people and getting laid. Not exactly coping

>> No.11163974
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Quite frankly, this is the way nature intended it.
Human society has been trying to create some kind of happy-go-lucky bubble over the past handful of centuries, trying to pretend that we all deserve an chance and we're all on an even playing field, because "the lawddddd jeeessssusss" is on our side or some shit like that
Collective consciousness is finally realizing, or at least admitting, that this is grand self-sustaining delusion.
If you aren't among the very small pool of genetic lottery winners, then the genome doesn't require you to reproduce, especially when the planet is already radically overbalanced with our species. It really is as simple as that.
Next time you feel bad, or are made to feel bad about not getting laid or not having children, just remember it's not your fault, and it's not 97% of others' faults either.

>> No.11163977
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85% of them will be mindless, plugged-in drones, incapable of any thought not given to them by YouTube 3000(tm) or Discord memes.

The remaining 15% will be a mixture of radical leftists, radical fascists, anarchists, terrorists, drug cartel ring leaders, neo-Mormons, neo-Puritans, Islamists, occultists, primitivists, sex addicts, clericofascists, survivalists, masochists, neo-millennialists, techno-politicians, demonic musicians, nuclear proliferationists, enlightened gurus, radical cultists, naturalists, zoophiliacs, and so on.

>> No.11163988
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>tfw science fiction was right

>> No.11163992

You know what happens when countless young men are angry and stripped of sexual opportunities?
We're not going to take it sitting down, the Beta uprising is happening

>> No.11163994

>radical leftists, radical fascists, anarchists, terrorists, drug cartel ring leaders, neo-Mormons, neo-Puritans, Islamists, occultists, primitivists, sex addicts, clericofascists, survivalists, masochists, neo-millennialists, techno-politicians, demonic musicians, nuclear proliferationists, enlightened gurus, radical cultists, naturalists, zoophiliacs, and so on.
so like the other 85%

>> No.11163996

>tfw already part of the 15%

>tfw no feel

>> No.11164000

>the virgin millenial vs. the chad boomer
Miss me with that s o y , boy.

>> No.11164003
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sick post, and sick trips, old pal

>> No.11164004


>> No.11164006

>that 30 year old boomer that speaks in memes to prove to people that he's hip and trendy

>> No.11164013

>What will the generation of kids born 2015-2025 be like?
it'll be funny to see asian masculinity take off

>> No.11164020
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>> No.11164023

>You know what happens when countless young men are angry and stripped of sexual opportunities?
This site will get more traffic and more people will see disney and marvel movies

>> No.11164024

The guy who drove into a punch of pedestrians in Toronto was an incel, from what I remember.

>> No.11164038

>30 years from now on this website will have a consistent population of people in their fourties
The Horror! The Horror!

>> No.11164426
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>that 30yo boomer who browses 4chan

>> No.11164485

boomer memes

>> No.11164514
File: 109 KB, 500x534, B4131FE7-F48E-4E50-8E03-46492B641E14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>non boomers think they know the world.

>> No.11164520


Yo 19-20 year olds are like that already. When they tell me they're depressed. I'm like nigga why'd you think. Come the fuck on.

>> No.11164534

>tfw 24
>tfw will be 25 year old boomer next year
no job
no friends
no gf
no money

>> No.11164615

Don’t be so hard on yourself

>> No.11164933

now kiss

>> No.11164964

>abbundance of pornography ended the baby boom
pure Marx

>> No.11164968

They're going to be the best generation as they'll grow up reading 'my diary desu' (working title).

>> No.11164995
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/lit/tles don't have enough self-awareness to cope, s/he/they/xer just react to stimulus. Yelling, fighting, or run to Mommie - no discernible forethought.

It makes them an easily targeted market as well as other various highly-uneconomic targets to pin.

>> No.11165028


>> No.11165034
File: 141 KB, 250x250, 100%sweetie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that 23 year old boomer who still posts on /lit/

>> No.11165035

egoism and/or escapism

>> No.11165038

So many odd leaps made in a single post.
Jews did most things.

>> No.11165042


>drinking freaking monster

>> No.11165046

but yeah, if you drink coffee/energy drink you are subhuman trash.

>> No.11165420

the future is going to both suck and be radical at the same time

>> No.11165461

Intelligent, nihilistic, and with a wicked sense of humor.

>> No.11165551

Sounds like the ideal timeline

>> No.11165580

>26 year old with a teen twink body and baby face on a campus full of 6ft 20yo athletic chads

How do i stop feeling like a failed male? Only thing keeping me from dropping out is that i'm 26.

>> No.11165583

>if you drink coffee you are subhuman trash

>> No.11165608

When do you get your degree?

>> No.11165633

at 28

>> No.11165655

are we stuck with what we think is good taste in our 20's (60's/70's counterculture for silent gen, 80's neolib for boomers,alt-lit for millenials, etc.) or can we change as we get older?

Sometimes I think you can and should, but other times it just seems like it would be sort of pathetic, like an old man trying to skateboard to be cool.

>> No.11165662

I'll get mine at 27, 23 at the moment...

>> No.11165673

classic lit is eternal, maaan

>> No.11165678

don't worry, i think that anon is being silly.

>> No.11165679

Boomers had the best music

>> No.11165682

>not being /fitlit/ and knowing about sips

>> No.11165990
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No joke. Coffee is for subhumans.

>> No.11166004

I can't wait until I'm like 70 years old and I'm using memes that are so old it would be like some grandpa using a Leave It To Beaver meme today

>> No.11166006
File: 157 KB, 960x960, LE CENTRIST FACE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coffee in the morning, tea in the evening

feels good being a based centrist

>> No.11166024

>Finding completely different explanations for a phenomenon and then scapegoating it with some absurd conspiracy.

>> No.11166030

Bill Gates confirmed coffee drinker

>> No.11166048

Same age, same situation. At least the professors like me more than the Chads.

>> No.11166054

you could bang a bunch of broads, a lot of them like twinks. Or you could work out and stop being a twink, if you have it in you.

>> No.11166068

Better than all that, just use pseud power like the Allison Mack sex cult guy. If you can't you don't belong on /lit/

>> No.11166170

>work out
it would look terrible with my figure at 5'7 if i lifted out of twink zone, you don't know how bad it is. I just wish I were taller and had a more masculine figure so i could naturally look decently masculine. Even most basedboys people bitch about are more masculine.

>> No.11166190

Better luck next life I guess

>> No.11166224

You can wish in one hand and shit in the other, see which one fills up first
you could be a straight up midget and you'd still look better in shape than as a skinny twink...but anyway with the amount of crying you're doing you probably don't have it in you to improve yourself much anyway

>> No.11166242

Start drinking a lot of s.oy and make the chads fuck you.

>> No.11166264
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this is real radical centrism

>> No.11166274
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>> No.11166350

>tfw when we're entering the boomer and old cope phase of 4chan

Rank the 4chan phases of existence
>Cuck (r/the_d)

>> No.11166354

Is it really possible to be a baby boomer still?

Like is being a part of a generation more of a political statement than a historical group?

>> No.11166358

Like some point in the 1970s before gen x. Late 80s to early 90s is early gen Y.

>> No.11166593

Those are just bull shit marketing labels. Objectively boomers ended around 1990 and millenials is a good word for the generation after since they were born at and after the millenium

>> No.11166598

>that boomer who is "on campus"
just quit while you think you're ahead anon