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11162284 No.11162284[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Does reading a lot actually make you smarter or is it just a pseud claim?

>> No.11162289

Depends on what you take away from reading
Reading alone won't make you smarter

>> No.11162292

It certainly doesn't make you dumber

>> No.11162294
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11162299

>is it just a pseud claim?
it is a humanist claim after they take the invention of printing as their own and see this as a tool to ''''''''''''educate'''''''''''''''' 'the plebs which will make the plebs embrace the human rights and make the plebs happy to pay their taxes to fund the mandatory humanist education that they impose.

>> No.11162301

I know people who read a lot of psychoanalysts and I think it actually makes them dumber because they start seeing retarded relationship between things and their only evidence is confirmation bias.

>> No.11162302

Only applies if you were smart to begin with.

>> No.11162304

Knowledgeable and smart aren't the same thing.

>> No.11162305

it doesn't, it just makes you better at articulating and confirming whatever dumb beliefs you already held

>> No.11162306


>> No.11162309 [DELETED] 

Reading too much can make you intellectually complacent, but not more dumb. Read the schoppy essay.

>> No.11162314

Reading too much can make you intellectually complacent, but not more dumb. Read the schoppy essay.

>> No.11162321

Depends on what you read.

>> No.11162326

It's an intellectual experience, even if it doesn't "make you smarter" on whatever grading, it is important for developing your mind. Though like >>11162289 said, do it with consideration.

>> No.11162329

>taking advice from a balding, coping manlet with Wolverine hair

>> No.11162338

Almost never. You have to learn something you can use like an arm, that is the only take away I could call gained intelligence.

>> No.11162350

Why are women who are into that garbage so insufferable?

>> No.11162359

It exercises already intelligent minds and directs them to higher focuses instead of obsessing over sex or porn. In some regards, this redirection of the mind is much more valuable than any increase in intelligence.
It won't improve baseline intelligence.

>> No.11162363

It's more that smart people read a lot than anything else.

>> No.11162400
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Everyone does this because everything is fragmented and specialized. When all you have is a hammer everything looks like a nail. The death of the polymath and the subsequent reductionism is homologous to the death of the West.

>> No.11162449

I read a lot but I'm a brainlet. I have an insatiable desire to read and to learn about new things, but that's intellectual curiosity, not intelligence. I've known very bright people that don't read at all and consider it a waste of time. Mostly STEM and career orientated types.

>> No.11162457

It has made me better at Trivial Pursuit, but I dont know if that is smarter

>> No.11162483

nobody knows. also your question is dumb since "smart" is such a blackbox of a word

>> No.11162923

Well, dumb implies being the contrary of smart and you say smart can't be defined precisely.

>> No.11162941

Psychoanalysis is quite literally a psyop aimed to shatter the minds of intellectuals.
It's unwholesome.

>> No.11162944


>> No.11162960
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Depends on if you have good cognitive abilities. If not, it'll still make you sound cultured and will score you a lot of pseud points so win win either way.

>> No.11162983

Imagine rocking that Hair, HAHAHAHAHAHAHA