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File: 118 KB, 738x1075, lacan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11161780 No.11161780 [Reply] [Original]

How many of his seminars have you read through?

What particular parts did you find fascinating?

How have you applied his works to your day to day life?

What do you think of Joyce's Ulysses viewed through Lacanian thought?

>> No.11161803
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*blocks your path*

>> No.11161803,1 [INTERNAL] 

>the door opens and an impenetrable mass of marajuana smoke spills from the room into the hall
>stumbling through the smoke, two shabby shapes reeking of bongwater emerge
>pic related is held aloft by one of the men as several unshaven hippy french girls, nude save for flimsy veils tied low about their waists and showing mounds of unwashed pubic hair ripe with pthirus pubis, crowd with narcotic idiocy about their ankles and take lazy drags from the remaining roaches
>"we've done it, groovy G!" wheezes the man with the more putrid fingernails as the weed haze languidly disperses
>"*cough cough* we've *hits bong again* saved western philosophy!"
>a gimp-suit wearing, aids-riddled Foucault appears and congratulates the two intrepid french thinkers
>somewhere, Lacan is giving his dick, shriveled by age and impotence, a final and thorough tugging before a crowd of baguette wielding students and communist card carrying intelligentsia who all give an enthusiastic yet appropriately sardonic applause that stretches into a hollow perpetuity, erupting into the final simulacrum of sound the World would ever know before its descent into cosmic schizophrenia

>> No.11161869

OP, have you seen anti-Œdipe? what's your thought on anti-Œdipe?

>> No.11161872


>> No.11161885


>> No.11161891

Why are psychanalists still taken seriously, considering they have very little empirical basis for their statements? Genuine question.
Hasn't psychoanalysis already basically been confirmed as a pseudoscience, borderline witch doctor-tier?
Would very much like you guys interested in this to explain the case

>> No.11161893

Gets shut down in three words; throws gone-off milk in response

>> No.11161925

>Hurr everything in front of my eyes is all there is!
Are you only pretending to be retarded? Because psychotherapy has helped a lot of people deal with a variety of internal problems, the proof is in the pudding. Also a lot of contemporary studies in neuroscience and psychology are finally starting to show that a lot of Freud and lacan's ideas about the mind were actually correct

>> No.11161937


>> No.11161949
File: 619 KB, 1623x2048, Lacna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know who Lacan is? He is applying Hegel to the unconscious mind. Hegel has the best argument for anything ever and Lacan the genius he is applied it to Freud.

>> No.11161955

is reading bruce fink the only way to understand this guy? i read one of fink's books but still didn't seem to make much sense without more psychoanalytic, which i'm not interested enough to actually study

>> No.11161958

>Be psychoanalysis
>Epistemological critiques destroy your legitimacy as a valid form of knowledge
>"Well, it wasn't meant to be a science anyway you goys"
>Years later
>"It was ACTUALLY meant to be a science hahaha we were kidding all along haha here's the empirical proofs you were asking us all along"

>> No.11161962

psychoanalysis has literally never cured anyone though

>> No.11161965
File: 1.63 MB, 498x294, 1527521353215.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Élisabeth Roudinesco
>Roudinesco was born to half-Jewish parents


>> No.11161967
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spoken therapy works though, if it works it empirically works. Psychology is kind of a meme discipline, but inside that meme spoken therapy seems like a sound idea so far, until it gets proven to maybe make things worse in a few years, who knows knowing how things turn out in psychology

the underlying theories of the spoken therapy don't seem to matter much, all spoken therapies seem to give similarly positive results, so using psychoanalysis is as good an idea as anything else so far

>> No.11161970

I never heard of neuroscience approved lacan's idea, it is genuinely good news!
can you give me some example of it? any articles, report, name of related neuroscientist...

>> No.11161974

it was just a metaphor, there aren't any specific papers

>> No.11161978

Still based on Freudian nonsense ultimately. Only mentally unsound philosophers like Zizek cab relate to him.

>> No.11161979
File: 18 KB, 350x183, heidegger_lacan-in-love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to actually understand him first start with the Greeks, read Descartes, Spinoza, de Sade, Kant, Rousseau, Schelling, Schiller, Hegel, Marx, Stirner, Freu, Dostoyevsky, Kojève, Joyce, Nietzsche, Bataille, Heidegger, Zizek and then you can read Lacan

>> No.11161981

t. haven't read one quarter of those

>> No.11161984

Freud is just one of his influences.

>> No.11161985
File: 114 KB, 500x478, its-all-so-tiresome-8881488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make it less obvious less time

>> No.11161987
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>it was just a metaphor

>> No.11161993

then why you said lacan's ideas starting to empirically proved by neuroscience and psychology

>> No.11161995

then why you said lacan's ideas starting to empirically proved by neuroscience and psychology

>> No.11161997

as a metaphor for their therapeutic power and philosophical importance

>> No.11161998


>> No.11162002
File: 42 KB, 651x366, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you not heard of the Super Ego?

>> No.11162005
File: 37 KB, 327x499, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.11162014

how even a metaphor works when literal sentence crying out to be empirical use only

>> No.11162022

I read it, that literature released before even lacan's father was born

>> No.11162598

Bro I fucking love the Mars Volta!

>> No.11163691

Are you having a stroke?

>> No.11164016

Its a fun and great way to enjoy art and literature. Makes it much more interesting and fresh. For me at least.

>> No.11164184

i wanna get into lacanian theory (but i will start in september).

this summer i wanna prepare for this. recommend me 10-12 books which i must read before reading lacan(ians)?

>> No.11164229


>"Matheme", for Lacan, was not simply the imitation of science by philosophy, but the ideal of a perfect means for the integral transmission of knowledge. Natural language, with its constant "metonymic slide", fails here, where mathematics succeeds.

Seems like an enlightened chap, not sure why you'd hate on him for being "obscure".

>> No.11164315

I'm the anon you replied to, here's some links/articles that might serve your interests:




>> No.11165517

>Hasn't psychoanalysis already basically been confirmed as a pseudoscience, borderline witch doctor-tier?
oy vey, empiricism is bad !! its all scientism!!1 STEMcucks BTFO

>> No.11165537

Be familiar with Hegel, Heidegger, and Freud for starters.

>> No.11166443

diagrams are the work of the devil

>> No.11167122

Psychotherapy != psychoanalysis retard
Also nice sources.

>> No.11167135

Yes. It's becoming more irrelevant every year and, funnily enough, only survives in literature departments.

>> No.11167149

Lacan makes hacks look good. PBJ is unironically more of a scholar than Lacan is.

>> No.11167377

To understand Lacan you must have a good grasp on the whole Western philosophy, most of its literature, art, psychology, at least some understanding of logic, linguistics, history of sciences.
To "get" Peterson you need to have watched a few pepe memes on the internet and hate SJWS

>> No.11167437

> muh Lacan


Just read Girard.

>> No.11167491

Guys, any ideas what should I start with if I want to get into postmodern philosophy and all that stuff? I guess the best move here is to read a book which goes through all of it, like a beginning. After that read those French books one by one.

>> No.11167513

I think by metaphor he meant lie

>> No.11167528

relatively easy to read books that you could call postmodern are lyotards "postmodern condition", foucault's "discipline and punish". I would suggest Terry Eagletons "what is literature" it is a book on literature theory, but presents well the theoretical backbone of structuralism, post-structuralism and psychoanalysis, without these movements you can not understand postmodern philosophy. I would also suggest to get a good grasp on psychoanalysis, marxism and neeche before dwelving into pomo theory

>> No.11168901

I bet you haven't even read Hegel

>> No.11169495


>> No.11169922

Cite me act 321 of the pheonomology without refering to the book

>> No.11170430
File: 146 KB, 399x384, 1521203404507.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>French Psychoanalysts

Incredible how they are able to say even less meaningful things than Freud an Reich,like they fart from their mouths and suddenly this others pseuds aplaud them for talking gibberish made up by j*ws like they're some kinda of gods who reveal the secrets of the human mind...
Lacan should have been burned into a gigantic bonfire just like every other "psychoanalist", just for the damages this kinds have done to western thought/civilization. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.11170441
File: 3 KB, 446x454, 1515276820599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The father of psychoanalysis is "just" one of his influences, Whoaaah duuude, I think you're into something here...

>> No.11170451

>he doesn't realise psychotherapy is just applied psychoanalysis
Also if you weren't a complete invalid you would've seen my links to sources a couple of posts above >>11164315

>> No.11170485

Lacan doesn't respond sincerely until Debord is escorted out, just sneers paternally and insinuates. The fucking Molyneux of the 60's

>> No.11170491

take any pseudoscience and overanalyse it. Youll manufacture meaning and insight from nothing.

Lacan isnt important, its the analysis of his works that is.

>> No.11170585

Neither of you have even bothered to learn about Lacan