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/lit/ - Literature

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11161289 No.11161289[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.11161291

>high IQ
Do you guys ever stop sucking your own dicks?

>> No.11161292

tv is so boring i threw mine in the trash where it belongs

>> No.11161294
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good job friend

>> No.11161296

>high IQ
Amazing that /lit/ has managed to delude themselves this much.

>> No.11161297

Higher sure, but not by much.

>> No.11161307

/lit/ definitely has a higher IQ then almost any board, have you been to things like /sci/ recently?

>> No.11161308

>you guys
What did he mean by this?

>> No.11161313

It's true though.

/lit/ & /sci/= 130+

/biz/ = 120+

/g/, /fit/, /tg/ = 110+

/tv/ = 99+

/pol/ = 85+

/v/ & /mlp/ = 75+

>> No.11161315

I came to this site because of /lit/ but I always thought I was missing out on something, now I know /lit/ is the peak of 4chan.

>> No.11161320

/lit/ is mostly posturing pseuds who know absolutely nothing about literature but desperately want to seem like they do. It's like walking into a starbucks cafe and seeing all these dudes in turtlenecks sipping lattes reading pomo fiction and thinking you've just stumbled into a MENSA convention.

>> No.11161321

>/sci/= 130+
Not in a millions Years.
The average IQ of /sci/ is below 100.

>> No.11161323

What about /mu/?

>> No.11161327


Yeah but nowhere else do they even talk like you just did.

At least the shitposting is of a higher standard

>> No.11161328

Same as /tv/. They'd be less autistic too if all the kpop fags were gassed.

>> No.11161329

>it's true because it confirms my biases and flatters my ego
What a clown. Anyone who takes a look at the average content of a thread on this board would laugh at the notion that anyone here is above average in intelligence.

>> No.11161330

/lit/ tries hard to discuss topics higher than capeshit but most of the time fails miserably. I can't tell you how many times I've seen anons parroting some surface-level analysis of a book and then pretending they came up with it. /lit/ isn't for smart people, it's for people who want to feel smart.

>> No.11161331

>/lit/ is mostly posturing pseuds who know absolutely nothing about literature but desperately want to seem like they do.
While that may be true, have you checked out the other boards?
/sci/ mostly people who are too dumb to google the question they have, the only Intelligent people you can find are in the math general and they do nothing but post anime pics and tell people that "this isn't math".

>> No.11161334

Reminder if you believe IQ is valid/important, you are not /lit/

>> No.11161335

I post at the same level of diction on every board I visit and frequently see it reciprocated. If you are used to seeing stupidity it's because you surround yourself with stupidity.

>> No.11161338

>it's for people who want to feel smart
Which is a huge improvement over other board, where people live in their self chosen ignorance.

>> No.11161339

>implying a /v/irgin could appreciate 2666 or even Atlas Shrugged

>> No.11161345

>Which is a huge improvement over other board,
Hardly. It's actually far more obnoxious, as pretentious people usually are. Most of the boards I visit do not pretend to be anything other than what they are: a bunch of indolent nerds kicking around in an internet back alley so the grownups can't see them smoking joints and looking at porn.

>> No.11161346

You can say that or you can say that on other boards people don't feel the need to advertise their knowledge or lack thereof

>> No.11161348

>I read the big books that means I'm smart
See this is exactly what I'm talking about. You are like a 9 year old kid's idea of what a smart person is.

>> No.11161351

/mu/ has a good taste in music.

>> No.11161353

>You can say that or you can say that on other boards people don't feel the need to advertise their knowledge or lack thereof
Please go to /sci/.
On /lit/ the people have read the Wikipedia entry and pretend they know everything about the subject, on /sci/ the people didn't read the Wikipedia article and pretend they have a PHD.

>> No.11161359
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cope harder you fucking schleprock

>> No.11161361

/biz/ is far and away one of the dumbest boards on 4chan, like even factoring for /a/ and /v/

>> No.11161363

I've been to /sci/ a couple of times, the main theme was kids who just got a degree in wrench turning announcing they're getting 400k starting salary in imaginary companies.

>> No.11161364
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/tv/ has all the pretty women though

>> No.11161365

Yes I frequently visit other boards. The main difference is /lit/ seems to think they are somehow morally and intellectually superior despite being mostly made up of crossboarders from the other boards they claim to hate. /lit/ is mostly just phonies who crave acceptance and validation from some sort of elite group, this board's culture is dominated by sophists and hypocrites.

>> No.11161366

I hope you don't believe this is real

>> No.11161368
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>high IQ version

>> No.11161370

The fact that you even pretend this is valid should be a clue about the real situation

>> No.11161371

i know for a fact it's real because i personally collected the data

>> No.11161372

>Yes I frequently visit other boards
doesn't surprise me
how about you stay there you massive pleb

>> No.11161373

Are you actually dumb enough to think this is real? Where's the sample data? Where's the IQ test they administered? Where's the documentation about how they verified identities? Jesus Christ, /lit/, you're not smarter than the other boards. If the lot of you are like this tool you're actually dumber than the average person.

>> No.11161375

This. Not all board topics need to name drop hegel all the time to be entertaining.

>> No.11161377

>the main theme was kids who just got a degree in wrench turning announcing they're getting 400k starting salary in imaginary companies.
Nowadays the main theme is this:

There is constantly a thread discussing whether 0.999...=1, a question EASILY solved if the person asking would actually know what a real number is, or just read the fucking wikipedia article.

>> No.11161380
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>/sci/= 130+

>> No.11161381
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>the crossboarder thinks everyone is a crossboarder

>> No.11161382

Yes I'm a pleb, despite you knowing nothing about my taste in literature or my educational background, the fact I do not subscribe to your adolescent elitism means I'm a pleb. Could it be any clearer how utterly bogus your claim to status is?

>> No.11161385

>despite beung mostly made up of crossboarders from the other boardss they claim to hate
Because of scum like you. Before this board was populated by /fit/, /pol/ and other shit, it was far more enjoyable.

Retards like
Advertised this board as being smart which lead to what its become now, a place where people come to feel smart and cultured.

>> No.11161387

[coping intensifies]

>> No.11161390

/lit/ is a slow board. Most of its users are not on the board constantly, they are on other 4chan boards or more probably on reddit, given the overall bearing of this board. This is not a hard induction to make.

>> No.11161392

/sci/ is pretty boring and when it comes to a subject that isn't science or math related they are pretty dumb

>> No.11161393

Definitely. A board so dumb that they:

Shilled and memed ETH sub $10

Shilled and memed NEO sub $2

Kek, in fact it was our constant shilling of Bitcoin (sub $50) years back that the board was made. Why don't you check the prices of all three coins today laddy

>> No.11161395

>thinks educational background amounts to intelligence and frees him from being a pleb

>> No.11161396

The average IQ of /sci/ is NOT above 100, if you exclude the people posting in the math general it is certainly below the levels of /pol/.

>> No.11161398

nativism is unbecoming. i don't need to FEEL smart because i know i AM smart. you, on the other hand, seem like a big idiot

>> No.11161399

i'm 100% lit bruh

>> No.11161400

/lit/ was never a fast board, it's always been a small clique of people who mostly post on other 4chan boards. That's who the original posters of /lit/ were. I know, I was one of them. People like you who probably migrated from reddit are outsiders here.

>> No.11161403

Last time I was on /sci/ the most common threads were about how Op never had to study to get his master, while all the asians in his class were studying every minute of the say. Oh and everybody there has apparently a phd in physics

>> No.11161402

At least /sci/ is beyond "IQ"

>> No.11161404

Ah yes who would know better about literary taste than the anti-intellectual uneducated elitist? Do you even see how ridiculous you are?

>> No.11161405

>At least /sci/ is beyond "IQ"
No, it really is not.

>> No.11161411

>Oh and everybody there has apparently a phd in physics
Yes and simultaneously no one knows what a real number is, but people CONSTANTLY discuss it.

>> No.11161412

/biz. is a bunch of fucktards gambling their life savings but they're still not as bad as /x/.

>> No.11161413

This is a nice way of saying "I came here from reddit in the last 4-6 years bruh"

>> No.11161417

I never said anything anti-intellectual. Education is not synonymous with intellect, I know this, I've had retarded teachers and colleagues.

>> No.11161418

sorry no i came from /mu/ u fucking brainlet

>> No.11161420
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>he uses fast boards

>> No.11161456
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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand /lit/.

>> No.11161478

Without a good background in Rupi Kaur and John Green some of the jokes will go over your head.

>> No.11161483

based pynch poster